Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Science marches on without you

The use of mRNA has several beneficial features over subunit, killed and live attenuated virus, as well as DNA-based vaccines. First, safety: as mRNA is a non-infectious, non-integrating platform, there is no potential risk of infection or insertional mutagenesis. Additionally, mRNA is degraded by normal cellular processes, and its in vivo half-life can be regulated through the use of various modifications and delivery methods912
And now you brag on I'm gonna play with your DNA vaccines. lmao

Yes they are out there. They got away with this shit why not continue. lmao
We just had a world wide one. Now the vaccine is fully approved by the FDA

Just like any other vaccine.

Which, of course, is bullshit.

Under normal procedures, it takes years, for any new drug to gain full FDA approval.

It's only been about a year, at most, that they've been pushing this mRNA shit. There's no way that it could have been adequately tested in such a short time, to the degree that is normally required for FDA approval.

No matter what games the bureaucraps play, these are still very much experimental drugs, and we have no way of knowing what adverse long-term effects they might cause.
Which, of course, is bullshit.

Under normal procedures, it takes years, for any new drug to gain full FDA approval.

It's only been about a year, at most, that they've been pushing this mRNA shit. There's no way that it could have been adequately tested in such a short time, to the degree that is normally required for FDA approval.

No matter what games the bureaucraps play, these are still very much experimental drugs, and we have no way of knowing what adverse long-term effects they might cause.

The FDA has been expediting approvals for several drug categories

Expedited approval of anticancer and biologics is seen as recent trend in drug development.

Vaccines are biologics.

Seems like the FDA knows something you don't.
Josef Mengele probably said something very similar, defending almost exactly the same crimes he was committing, as what you are now defending.
Here we go again with the ignorant claims of Nazism. If you had any real idea of the actual horrors committed by the Nazis you would not be comparing anything they did to the approval of a vaccine.
Lets put your statement to a test.

Left claim is that more intelligent people support democrats
I stopped reading the sandbox tangent there.

3 out of 4 unvaccinated are Republicans, thats the statistics.
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Trials did not include the immature immune systems of children.

What we had was beginning of the trials.

Normally, there would be three stages, before anything gets approved.

However, what we get is this...

Nobody dies in first month... those are very promising results.
In the second month, nobody dies... and those with side effects were removed from trials and their data eliminated, while claiming 95-99% efficacy rate....
In third month, the only immunity provided was to pharmaceutical companies from suing them for damages caused by their "vaccines".

Year later, covid "vaccines" are so safe and effective that they still require EUA to protect them from class action lawsuits.
Pg 14-16 show the pharmacokinetics of the mRNA shots--all the places it went that you wouldn't want it to go. Brain, eyes, heart, kidney. How long it stays there and in what quantities.
How can you tell that from the numbers on the pages?

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