Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

You have no "evidence" that isn't tainted and cooked by technocratic authoritarian political hacks.

You GTFO, hack.
No you go fuck yourself nutbag.

You don't like the data, so you reject the data, even though it is consistanly shown by ALL polling.

Republicans are vaccinated at singnificantly lower rates. Thats a fact and it's too bad you can't sanely deal with it.
FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.


Heh heh. I was gonna share that, but saw that you already did.

It's almost as humorous as it is disturbing that your post just got skipped right over like it was irrelevant, isn't it?

Gosh. So much for 'the science' huh?
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What is most disheartening is that a health emergency that should have drawn us together became a political issue.
It would take an alien invasion to unite Earthlings. That old adage that enemies unite when faced with a stronger adversity comes into play frequently, with daily use of divide and conquer tactics. If and when humankind faces a true threat of extinction, it will be too late to unite or basically futile to suddenly try. If there ever is another evolved life form that decides to visit, they will be disappointed with their findings of billions of advanced primates led by other advanced primates who lack ethical decision making skills.

Anyway. Nobody ever asks if one has immunity. Which is the correct question. That's the actual science based query. But they're not interested in that. That's not what this is about. It never has been.

They always seem to prefer to control the terms of controvertsy by simply asking if one is 'vaccinated.' Which really only equates to asking people if they have consumed the products that the government has provided these special interest companies a captive market for.

But fascists gonna be fascists. So long as the mandates continue to go unchallenged, and so long as governments continue to provide a captive market for them through mandates, the pharmaceutical companies will continue to lobby government for more of them.

Really, what we're experiencing here is a live exercise to acquire the power they never had, power they have always wanted very badly, which is to mandate all of your medical decisions. They can't do it alone. Government and these special interest industries have to work in synergy. That's what fascism is.

In the past, people incorrectly referenced Obamacare as socialist. This was never the case. It was always fascist.
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First of all, it is NOT a vaccine, it is a treatment. It does not prevent you from getting the virus, it simply tries to minimize the damage once you do get the virus. The reason they call it a vaccine is because other vaccines that prevent an illness are already mandated, so they muddy the waters to make it appear as if all is status quo with the jab.

Secondly, the mandate is NOT across the board. You don't see illegals pouring across the border by the millions being made to get the jab, and you don't see those on welfare being made to get the jab, all of which on average are not vaccinated. This is because they are the base of the democrat party and they are distrustful of the government even though they suck off it's teat to survive.

And lastly, is it Constitutional? I put this last because the Constitution always gets put last. Currently the mandates are being slapped down by the courts because they don't seem to be Constitutional, or do you even care? Does it even matter anymore?
These are the precise facts that escape the minds of the pro-fake-vaccine crowd. This pro-fake-vaccine crowd includes unscrupulous investors who went “all in” on one of the 3 amateur vaccine creators. Other deviants in the mix are ego-driven
scientists (excluding all ethical research scientists) who are hanging on to promoting the “need” for more vaccines. Those jabs out in US public circulation are not effective because they only target a section of Spike when they should’ve targeted T cells all along, known as an effective clean up crew for most. They know that now. That’s the reason for the need to repeat and rinse, over and over, at best giving a person a couple of months of increased antibodies, but not always a given. The risks are not worth it for many. There are only a few specific groups that should even consider these jab risks to hope for at best 4-5 months of antibody activity. No thanks I have a healthy immune system like most people, and not in a high risk group.
yeah Natural one

seems to be all the anti-vax crowd needs......

The anti freedom of choice / pro-force quislings certainly have it out for the naturally immune pure bloods. At this point I think many of them are just really upset that not everyone is as foolish as they were and that a lot of the vitriol toward natural immunity and those who prefer it comes as a reaction to the realization that they did all of this to themselves.

In other words, some are perfectly content to stand on their hands in three feet of sht, so long as they aren't doing so by themselves. They're not mad because they're standing on their hands in three feet of sht, per se.

I'm really hoping that Baal Gates and company have rigged these potions up in such a way that they can't reproduce.

The fact that these companies who have directly benefitted ( I think it's been calculated to $1,000 per second) as a consequence of governments providing them a captive market through mandates are lobbying federal courts for the actual science to be suppressed until after this current generation is all dead is very revealing. It should be anyway. To the thinking person.
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I...just am not going to invest teh time to read up on the issue enough to discuss it. Sorry. I know that much be frustrating for you.
Frustrating? Not at all.

Whether or not you have time to acknowledge the study that came from the Salk Institute which showed for the first time that the spike-protein on its own causes damage to the body doesn't change the fact that the spike-protein on its own causes damage to the body. And it doesn't change the fact that the experimental injection contains those spike-proteins.
These are the precise facts that escape the minds of the pro-fake-vaccine crowd. This pro-fake-vaccine crowd includes unscrupulous investors who went “all in” on one of the 3 amateur vaccine creators. Other deviants in the mix are ego-driven
scientists (excluding all ethical research scientists) who are hanging on to promoting the “need” for more vaccines. Those jabs out in US public circulation are not effective because they only target a section of Spike when they should’ve targeted T cells all along, known as an effective clean up crew for most. They know that now. That’s the reason for the need to repeat and rinse, over and over, at best giving a person a couple of months of increased antibodies, but not always a given. The risks are not worth it for many. There are only a few specific groups that should even consider these jab risks to hope for at best 4-5 months of antibody activity. No thanks I have a healthy immune system like most people, and not in a high risk group.
What did spike do to be targeted? You post is based on BS, plain and simple.
Frustrating? Not at all.

Whether or not you have time to acknowledge the study that came from the Salk Institute which showed for the first time that the spike-protein on its own causes damage to the body doesn't change the fact that the spike-protein on its own causes damage to the body. And it doesn't change the fact that the experimental injection contains those spike-proteins.
But another coronavirus from pigs links influenza and polio. PHEV’s spike protein is identical to yak coronavirus spike protein. Can someone from Salk Institute please explain this for us: why does the pig virus, PHEV cause encephalomyelitis as in polio? Why did these Canadians first think that PHEV was pig polio in 1962?
Poliovirus also has a spike. It’s 17 Angstroms in height from the viral surface. The above should read: ‘PHEV’s spike protein is identical to yak coronavirus spike protein in some places.’
So if you DO NOT get vaccinated, you might get covid, and maybe myocarditis from it. But if you get vaccinated, you might get myocarditis from the vaccine, and then you will probably ALSO get covid...and get myocarditis from that.

Gosh. Which one do I choose?

Ever heard "the cure cannot be worse than the disease"?
Myocarditis is relatively easy to treat. Also no one has died of myocarditis as a result of the vaccines. You are reacting to Fear Porn!
What did spike do to be targeted? You post is based on BS, plain and simple.
It appears you’re behind the curve.

It appears you’re behind the curve.

No offense, but you have no idea what those links tell you. You see what you want to see.
No offense, but you have no idea what those links tell you. You see what you want to see.
You’ve absolutely proven you’re just a blowhard without substance. Just now scrolling this particular thread you attempted to slam other posters but you only succeed in looking a bit desperate. Good military personnel have an honorable way of presenting themselves. You fall short by about 5’.

I gave you three medical journal links supporting my post to recent studies and you did not read one of them. I have no further interest to post to you. I like to choose how my time is spent without wasting it.

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