Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

But another coronavirus from pigs links influenza and polio. PHEV’s spike protein is identical to yak coronavirus spike protein. Can someone from Salk Institute please explain this for us: why does the pig virus, PHEV cause encephalomyelitis as in polio? Why did these Canadians first think that PHEV was pig polio in 1962?
The pandemic was predicated on the number of cases; the number of cases was predicated on the results of the PCR-test; the PCR-test did not include clinical observation; the PCR-test does not distinguish between Covid and influenza or other pathogens; the PCR-test does not tell you whether a virus is dead or alive. Thus, the PCR-test was the worst choice among the available alternatives.

From the CDC:

“Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention.

“…you can find almost anything in anybody…it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you…” — Dr. Kary Mullis, PhD (Nobel Peace Prize Winner inventor of the PCR test).

Perhaps that would explain why this test was not approved for the purpose assigned to it (Covid detection), and had to be given Emergency Use Authorization. What it does not explain is why the highest medical authorities in the land said nothing when an unapproved test that does not distinquish between Covid and Influenza or other pathogens was used to determine the nature of the spread when there were many approved alternative tests that actually work.

Also from the CDC:

Audience: Individuals Performing COVID-19 Testing

Level: Laboratory Alert

After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

So, not only did the CDC allow for the WRONG test to be used, they were also aware of the existence of many APPROVED alternatives. I am showing you that those in authority watched quietly as labs around the world used the PCR-test despite being fully aware of its misapplication. To add insult to injury, they also said nothing when labs used a cycle threshold of 40+, despite every medical authority (including the CDC and Mr. Fauci himself) clearly stating that a cycle threshold of anything over 35 will produce meaningless results.

From Fauci:

“…If you get [perform the PCR test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-confident [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…

Can it be that some people actually believe that that was the last time these organization heads and tony would try to deceive them? Or is it more a case of not ready to acknowledge that first deception?
None exist! The Fear Porn campaign in social media and by the anti-vaxxers on this forum is the only place it exists.
Really. It's all BS. Tell that to the guy who knew one that died from it. An elderly lady. Got the vaccine and her arm was swollen. They said she should go to the hospital. She said if it's still bad that night she'd go to the doctor in the morning. She died that night.

VAERs is hardly known by the public. Most of the entries are by DOCTORS. Most of the information and listings.......you have to google to understand them. But you disregard it all.........why?
It's called reading studies. Talking to people who are in the know.

How many cycles was normal before this BS started? And then how many were used during it?
I have about 10 doctors, from cardiologists , endocrinologists, gastroenterologist, hematologists, surgeons and oncologists, that would tell you that you are full of shit!
From Fauci:

“…If you get [perform the PCR test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-confident [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…

Can it be that some people actually believe that that was the last time these organization heads and tony would try to deceive us?
It's was 32 cycles before this BS. That was when Fa Chi said it for 35. Yet he SAID NOTHING for over a year nor changed CDC policy to stop 40 cycle tests.

And he does this for a living. pffft.
I have about 10 doctors, from cardiologists , endocrinologists, gastroenterologist, hematologists, surgeons and oncologists, that would tell you that you are full of shit!
BS. Ask them. The last post was Fauci saying anything over 35 cycles is BS.

Go ASK THEM. Then tell me why they did the test too damned high for over a year. The 32 was from a Doctor that testified in Mississippi.

Tell them to tell him he is full of shit.

Your blasting everyone in here. Go do your dang homework first.
Really. It's all BS. Tell that to the guy who knew one that died from it. An elderly lady. Got the vaccine and her arm was swollen. They said she should go to the hospital. She said if it's still bad that night she'd go to the doctor in the morning. She died that night.

VAERs is hardly known by the public. Most of the entries are by DOCTORS. Most of the information and listings.......you have to google to understand them. But you disregard it all.........why?
More BS you got from social media is more likely. I just read a study on myocarditis that said that almost every person who developed the infection was a male in their late teens or early twenties and that none, zero, nada died from it. Yet, everyone of you anti-vaxxers has digested the Fear Porn that the vaccine will kill you.
More BS you got from social media is more likely. I just read a study on myocarditis that said that almost every person who developed the infection was a male in their late teens or early twenties and that none, zero, nada died from it. Yet, everyone of you anti-vaxxers has digested the Fear Porn that the vaccine will kill you.
You acting all big and bad doesn't mean a thing to me. I've read more on this than I ever cared to read.

I don't give a shit if you agree with me or not. I'll keep posting my findings. You don't like it. I really don't care.

The cycles are BS and they allowed too many cycles for over a year. Florida called them on it and issued a executive order over it to record at what cycle they found the positive. Desantis called them out on it and HIS TEAM OF MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS.

It created many false positives in the first year. These are Facts. I don't care if you like them.

Guy at work knew the person who died. So.........let me see........believe you because you have a bitching attitude or him..........YOU LOSE.
It's was 32 cycles before this BS. That was when Fa Chi said it for 35. Yet he SAID NOTHING for over a year nor changed CDC policy to stop 40 cycle tests.

And he does this for a living. pffft.
It's was 32 cycles before this BS. That was when Fa Chi said it for 35. Yet he SAID NOTHING for over a year nor changed CDC policy to stop 40 cycle tests.

And he does this for a living. pffft.
It's kind of saddening to find that lots of people here believe that they need a degree in order to understand what "set too high" means. I guess it was the lifelong, seamless transition from one authority figure to the next that conditioned them to bow down to even insanity IF it comes from the approved mouth.

All of which is background for an intriguing decision made by Florida’s Department of Health (and signed off on by Florida’s Republican Governor Ron deSantis).

For the first time in the history of the pandemic, a state will require that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform.

All positive, negative and indeterminate COVID-19 laboratory results must be reported to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately. This includes all COVID-19 test types – polymerase chain reaction (PCR), other RNA, antigen and antibody results.
Cycle threshold (CT) values and their reference ranges, as applicable, must be reported by laboratories to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately.

Read the articles saying it's BS Admiral. All of them are BS too. Whole state and their EXPERT medical personnel need to call you and you tell them how to do their job.
It's kind of saddening to find that lots of people here believe that they need a degree in order to understand what "set too high" means. I guess it was the lifelong, seamless transition from one authority figure to the next that conditioned them to bow down to even insanity IF it comes from the approved mouth.
FA Chi allowed this crap to go on for over a year. He knew what he was doing. He does this for a living. They wanted higher case counts. Spread the fear. How many people were sent home from work with false positives?
BS. Ask them. The last post was Fauci saying anything over 35 cycles is BS.

Go ASK THEM. Then tell me why they did the test too damned high for over a year. The 32 was from a Doctor that testified in Mississippi.

Tell them to tell him he is full of shit.

Your blasting everyone in here. Go do your dang homework first.
You don't even understand the fucking homework, you dumbass. My doctors told me to get vaccinated as soon as it was available, and I have to get a booster in the next few weeks because they told me to wait three months after I had COVID. You assholes would argue with a brick wall you are so ignorantly, but apparently your over-inflated ego won't let you.

They were in 100% agreement on my taking the vaccine and they all work at the largest teaching hospital in my state. at the largest university in the state.

All of which is background for an intriguing decision made by Florida’s Department of Health (and signed off on by Florida’s Republican Governor Ron deSantis).

For the first time in the history of the pandemic, a state will require that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform.

Read the articles saying it's BS Admiral. All of them are BS too. Whole state and their EXPERT medical personnel need to call you and you tell them how to do their job.

OK. asswipe. My information comes from real doctors that I sit in the examination room with. You have reports you do not possibly understand.

What is your education level? High school dropout, GED holder? What is it? BA degree in basket weaving?

I have a daughter that has degree that would allow her to decipher those reports for you and I guarantee her assessment would be different that your amateur opinions based on reports you could not even begin to understand.
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You don't even understand the fucking homework, you dumbass. My doctors told me to get vaccinated as soon as it was available, and I have to get a booster in the next few weeks because they told me to wait three months after I had COVID. You assholes would argue with a brick wall you are so ignorantly, but apparently your over-inflated ego won't let you.

They were in 100% agreement on my taking the vaccine and they all work at the largest teaching hospital in my state. at the largest university in the state.
And where have I told you to do anything. If that is your choice and their advice then do it. Our main beef earlier was on pcr tests. YOU WERE WRONG.

On the vaccine. That is your choice. And it is mine as well. I consider it an experimental vaccine and will not use it.

Tell me. Did they offer you a traditional vaccine with a whole virus antigen?
OK. asswipe. My information comes from real doctors that I sit in the examination room with. You have reports you do not possibly understand.

Florida doesn't have real doctors then on pcr tests. lmao

Even Fauci admitted it. Guess that information just goes right by you. YOU ARE WRONG on PCR tests.
One is fake and the other is not. One gives very limited memory the other gives longer memory. T Cell memory. One is TRADITIONAl and one is EXPERIMENTAL.

Covaxin from India is the ONLY TRADITIONAL VACCINE OUT THERE. It is a vector based vaccine.

So. tell me about how the mRNA vaccine is supposed to stay in the injection site. And is it good if it travels through the body????????????????

Another example of your ignorance? Vaccines don't work in just your left arm or right arm. Judging by your level of knowledge, you would prefer the shot between the cheeks of your ass.
Another example of your ignorance? Vaccines don't work in just your left arm or right arm. Judging by your level of knowledge, you would prefer the shot between the cheeks of your ass.
Again. I don't give a shit about your twisted fantasies.

YOU ARE WRONG ON PCR TESTS. PERIOD. I've read and looked at EXPERTS SAYING THIS. Even the freaking asshole Fauci admitted it. They were too high in cycles for over a year and did NOTHING ABOUT IT.

Who has the vaccine that is a whole virus antigen?
And where have I told you to do anything. If that is your choice and their advice then do it. Our main beef earlier was on pcr tests. YOU WERE WRONG.

On the vaccine. That is your choice. And it is mine as well. I consider it an experimental vaccine and will not use it.

Tell me. Did they offer you a traditional vaccine with a whole virus antigen?
I don't give a shit what you consider it. All you have displayed is an unbelievable level of ignorance on this topic.

What vaccine is a whole virus antigen? None, is the correct answer, dumbass!
I'm not . They have ties to the dang Pharma and the CDC. They make money off their decisions for Companies. 4 months IS NOT ENOUGH.

And in the report from Japan it showed that the protein didn't stay in the injection site. Ended up in other organs.

That is BS.
Why would it stay in the injection site? Are you worried that your arm will develop COVID?
I don't give a shit what you consider it. All you have displayed is an unbelievable level of ignorance on this topic.

What vaccine is a whole virus antigen? None, is the correct answer, dumbass!

This means that if a person gets a “positive” PCR test result at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher (as applied in most US labs and many European labs), the chance that the person is infectious is less than 3%. The chance that the person received a “false positive” result is 97% or higher.

Covaxin COVID-19 Vaccine (BBV152) Description​

Bharat Biotech's Covaxin (BBV152) is an inactivated COVID-19 vaccine that uses adjuvant Alhydroxiquim-II to boost immune response longer-lasting immunity. The Indian Council of Medical Research created the Covaxin (BBV152) vaccine.

COVAXIN (BBV152) contains six µg of whole-virion inactivated SARS-CoV-2 antigen (Strain: NIV-2020-770), and the other inactive ingredients such as aluminum hydroxide gel (250 µg), TLR 7/8 agonist (imidazoquinolinone) 15 µg, 2-phenoxyethanol 2.5 mg, and phosphate ® buffer saline up to 0.5 ml. The components of the Covaxin vaccine include BBV152A, BBV152B, and BBV152C. The virus strain is soaked in beta-propiolactone, an organic compound that deactivates them by binding to their genes, says the Company. The SARS-CoV-2 betacoronavirus strain was isolated from an asymptomatic COVID-19 patient at India's National Institute of Virology.

Only one in the world and it is from India. vector based whole inactivated SARS-Cov-2 antigen

But of course traditional vaccines aren't offered here. Nor the treatments they use there.


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