Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

The same is exactly true of the use of these dangerous experimental drugs that efforts are now being made to coerce or even outright force people to take today.

It is exactly the same crime, and deserves exactly the same consequences.

By denying this obvious fact, you only show everyone what a lying piece of shit you truly are. Not that everyone doesn't already know this who has ever paid any attention to you.
Ya, you just keep believing it is comparable. Your ignorance borders on arrogance.

I'm quite healthy, actually, and I prefer to remain this way. A major reason why I do not want to take these dangerous experimental drugs that you want to force on me.

In any event, I stand by my words. Continue to push this bullshit at your own peril. At some point, there will be severe pushback against you and your fellow Mengele-wannabes. If you are fortunate, perhaps you'll be able to follow your idol's footsteps, and escape to some obscure place in South America where you can live out the rest of your life in hiding, and never be brought to justice. But I wouldn't count on it.
I hope you have good health insurance and a lot of money in savings. Covid stays in the hospital are long and expensive. Running on average $22, 000 to $320,000
Real long stays involving ICU care and respirators can be in the millions.
I hope you have good health insurance and a lot of money in savings. Covid stays in the hospital are long and expensive. Running on average $22, 000 to $320,000
Real long stays involving ICU care and respirators can be in the millions.
More Fear Porn. More nonsense from the lab Rats.
I hope you have good health insurance and a lot of money in savings. Covid stays in the hospital are long and expensive. Running on average $22, 000 to $320,000
Real long stays involving ICU care and respirators can be in the millions.

I am much more likely to be killed or seriously harmed in an automobile accident or a work-related mishap than I am to suffer serious effects from the COVID-1984 virus.

On the scale of things that may adversely impact my health or safety, this stupid virus doesn't belong on the radar at all.

But nobody is trying to frighten me into submitting to serious losses of my freedom and prosperity, or into participating in dangerous medical experiments, over dangers of automobile or work-related accidents. And if anyone did try that shit on me, I'd respond not much more favorably than to the idiots such as yourself who are using hyped-up fear of an exaggerated cold/flu bug to try to pull this shit on me.
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More Fear Porn. More nonsense from the lab Rats.

Most of them are probably sincerely brainwashed and deceived, but you have to wonder how many of them know that they've been had, and think that they can make themselves feel better of they help to deceive and brainwash others the way that they've come to realize has been done to them—that perhaps they won't have to feel so stupid for being had, the more that they can help cause others smarter than them to fall for the same bullshit that they have fallen for.
More Fear Porn. More nonsense from the lab Rats.
Fear is a poor reaction to commonly available information. Maybe you have money to burn, I don't. Just thought you'd want to start making a list of pros and cons or you can keep playing Russian roulette. Hope it's at least exciting for you. Good night.
Okay of course, if you had 100% of the population vaccinated, any Covid cases in the hospital would be vaccinated. But you would not expect hospitals to be overrun with Covid patients If these were good vaccines. Put another way. Are hospitals overrun with polio patients? Mumps? German measles? No, and not 100% of the population is vaxxed for those. But the vaccines are better. This is also simple to understand.
The hospitals are NOT overwhelmed. There are plenty of beds--the problem is self-inflicted by the medical industry as they sent staff home because they would not vax. This dempanic is a scamdemic.
Fear is a poor reaction to commonly available information. Maybe you have money to burn, I don't. Just thought you'd want to start making a list of pros and cons or you can keep playing Russian roulette. Hope it's at least exciting for you. Good night.
You shovel shit for 'Fear. Nothing more. You are their Lab Rat for an experimental vaccine that is in bed with the NIH and Fauchi's big gov't.

Enjoy being the rat. don't worry .....Might take a while for the clots waiting in your blood stream to get you. I suggest taking daily aspirin. lol
So you are willing to wait for walking skeletons before you oppose government overreach? Is that it? A bit of a naive outlook I'd say.

It should be kept in mind that even the grand Nazi Holocaust started on a modest scale. They didn't start building huge concentration/extermination camps such as Auschwitz from the beginning. The started much smaller, separating and distinguishing groups to be designated as untermenschen to be selectively mistreated and denied basic rights that were afforded other Germans. Much of what was happening then, we can clearly see happening now. Not very far past the point that we are seeing today, they developed the Sonderwagen, basically a bus with the passenger compartment isolated from the driver's position, and with valves set up so that exhaust from the engine could be routed into the passenger compartment. It was a very convenient way to transport inmates from one facility to another, and be spared the burden of having to care for them at the destination facility. The mass extermination camps came much later.
And on top of that, the evidence is becoming increasingly clear and indisputable that none of these new dangerous experimental drugs do anything at all to reduce anyone's chances of being infected with this virus or of spreading it to others. At most, they may reduce the severity of the symptoms in one who is infected with earlier variants on this virus. If anything, this would result in an increased risk of spreading the disease, as those who have reduced or absent symptoms are less likely to be aware that they might be contagious, and to take appropriate efforts to reduce infecting others.

They reduce the severity of symptoms because your body is actively destroying the virus from the antibodies and t and b cells created when you got the vaccine. This defense doesn't exist in a person who hasn't been vaccinated. If the vaccine creates an increased risk of spreading the virus, why are cases way down this year compared to this exact same time last year? Currently the dominant strain is delta, which is way more infectious than alpha every was. Nothing of what you say has come to pass. The vast majority of cases by a wide margin are unvaccinated, many of which are also asymptomatic carriers except they have no defense against the virus, their viral loads on average are higher, they carry the virus for much longer than a vaccinated person, and therefore spread it, for longer periods. What we are currently seeing is that the unvaccinated spread it amongs themselves and then spread it into the vaccinated communities, which is why we have breakthrough infections. If everyone got the vaccine the amount of cases, hospitalizations and deaths would drop dramatically. Instead the unvaccinated whine and cry all day and post memes.
So you are willing to wait for walking skeletons before you oppose government overreach? Is that it? A bit of a naive outlook I'd say.
Another person with absolutely no historical knowledge. If you are really that concerned about overreach, keep the government out of the uterus.
It should be kept in mind that even the grand Nazi Holocaust started on a modest scale. They didn't start building huge concentration/extermination camps such as Auschwitz from the beginning. The started much smaller, separating and distinguishing groups to be designated as untermenschen to be selectively mistreated and denied basic rights that were afforded other Germans. Much of what was happening then, we can clearly see happening now. Not very far past the point that we are seeing today, they developed the Sonderwagen, basically a bus with the passenger compartment isolated from the driver's position, and with valves set up so that exhaust from the engine could be routed into the passenger compartment. It was a very convenient way to transport inmates from one facility to another, and be spared the burden of having to care for them at the destination facility. The mass extermination camps came much later.
Again, there is absolutely no historical comparison to be made between that era and this, It is a slap in the face to those who survived when you pretend you are comparable.
You shovel shit for 'Fear. Nothing more. You are their Lab Rat for an experimental vaccine that is in bed with the NIH and Fauchi's big gov't.

Enjoy being the rat. don't worry .....Might take a while for the clots waiting in your blood stream to get you. I suggest taking daily aspirin. lol
I’ve been vaccinated for almost a year now. No clots. No effects. I don’t even glow in the dark. I feel cheated :(
Again, there is absolutely no historical comparison to be made between that era and this, It is a slap in the face to those who survived when you pretend you are comparable.

You make me think of the cliché about those who refuse to study history being doomed to repeat it. Surely you represent a more extreme version of that, not merely refusing to study history, but actively denying history; and denying the obvious similarity to things that are clearly happening now, and what we know to have happened in the past. From there, there also seems to be a connection to another cliché that defines insanity as doing what has been done before and expecting a different result.

It cannot be honest or rationally denied that much of what you defend and support being done now, in our time, is the same as what we saw being done in the past and we saw that it led to some very bad results.
You make me think of the cliché about those who refuse to study history being doomed to repeat it. Surely you represent a more extreme version of that, not merely refusing to study history, but actively denying history; and denying the obvious similarity to things that are clearly happening now, and what we know to have happened in the past. From there, there also seems to be a connection to another cliché that defines insanity as doing what has been done before and expecting a different result.

It cannot be honest or rationally denied that much of what you defend and support being done now, in our time, is the same as what we saw being done in the past and we saw that it led to some very bad results.
If you had studied history, you wouldn’t be stuck on false moral equivalencies.
Another person with absolutely no historical knowledge. If you are really that concerned about overreach, keep the government out of the uterus.
Madison and Jefferson are laughing in their graves over your comments. As they were for preventing the gov't from getting too big. And ALLOWING STATES TO RULE THEMSELVES.

Of course HAMILTON who hated them wanted more FED. But hell he'd be laughing at you too now.

Hamilton was so hated he died in a duel over that with Burr. A little history of Federalist versus Anti Federalist which in essence created a 2 party system.
I am much more likely to be killed or seriously harmed in an automobile accident or a work-related mishap than I am to suffer serious effects from the COVID-1984 virus.
Both car crashes and COVID often have severe long-term effects, so we'll call that a wash and just concentrate on deaths.

Car crash deaths in the USA are about 38,000/year.

COVID deaths in 2021 will be around 450,000.

You probably don't drive drunk or impaired, making your odds of being in a car crash much lower.

And COVID deaths are concentrated among the unvaccinated minority, making the odds of death for that group much higher.

So, an unvaccinated person is far more likely to die of COVID than a car crash.

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