Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

And on top of that, the evidence is becoming increasingly clear and indisputable that none of these new dangerous experimental drugs do anything at all to reduce anyone's chances of being infected with this virus or of spreading it to others. At most, they may reduce the severity of the symptoms in one who is infected with earlier variants on this virus. If anything, this would result in an increased risk of spreading the disease, as those who have reduced or absent symptoms are less likely to be aware that they might be contagious, and to take appropriate efforts to reduce infecting others.
yup They are the super spreaders as the variants dance around their BS vaccine.
Yes a lot of s*** with the unvaccinated. Resentment may turn into anger soon and action.

You should worry about that happening in the other direction.

Many of us have very legitimate concerns about being injected with dangerous experimental drugs. How long do you think we are going to put up with modern-day Josef Mengele wannabes such as yourself who demand that we submit to this risky shit? How long do you think we are going to be put up with being harassed, marginalized, discriminated against, and generally treated as second-class citizens for refusing to participate in your dangerous medical experiments?

Those of you who are at risk of being perceived as being complicit in this bullshit, you have very good reason to be worried about your safety. Keep pushing us this way, and there will be some very serious pushback.
I am repelled by the vaxx nazis....they make me nauseous! :47:

And on top of that, the evidence is becoming increasingly clear and indisputable that none of these new dangerous experimental drugs do anything at all to reduce anyone's chances of being infected with this virus or of spreading it to others. At most, they may reduce the severity of the symptoms in one who is infected with earlier variants on this virus. If anything, this would result in an increased risk of spreading the disease, as those who have reduced or absent symptoms are less likely to be aware that they might be contagious, and to take appropriate efforts to reduce infecting others.
Keep kidding yourself, keep the delusion going no matter what; until you end up in the hospital really sick and or dying on your deathbed and you say, " I wish I got the darn shot. " It's too late goodbye ! We've seen this fool's act over and over since the pandemic began. 800,000 of them and counting. There's no hurry to get that shot, there's still plenty of room in the cemeteries.
You should worry about that happening in the other direction.

Many of us have very legitimate concerns about being injected with dangerous experimental drugs. How long do you think we are going to put up with modern-day Josef Mengele wannabes such as yourself who demand that we submit to this risky shit? How long do you think we are going to be put up with being harassed, marginalized, discriminated against, and generally treated as second-class citizens for refusing to participate in your dangerous medical experiments?

Those of you who are at risk of being perceived as being complicit in this bullshit, you have very good reason to be worried about your safety. Keep pushing us this way, and there will be some very serious pushback.
I'm not pushing anything I'm just sick of seeing all this crap on TV caused by the unvaccinated. Enough is enough already.
Keep kidding yourself, keep the delusion going no matter what; until you end up in the hospital really sick and or dying on your deathbed and you say, " I wish I got the darn shot. " It's too late goodbye ! We've seen this fool's act over and over since the pandemic began. 800,000 of them and counting. There's no hurry to get that shot, there's still plenty of room in the cemeteries.

Keep pushing this bullshit at your own peril. People are waking up. When enough of us are awake, and aware of what filth such as you have been trying to do to us, there will be serious repercussions.

Mengele spent the rest of his life, after WWII, as a fugitive, in hiding. Many of his colleagues who were caught, tried, and sentenced, served their sentences at the end of ropes. May the same fate await you and your kind.
I'm not pushing anything I'm just sick of seeing all this crap on TV caused by the unvaccinated. Enough is enough already.

It is not “the unvaccinated” who are causing any of this. It is you and your kind, and you will be held to account for it one day.
I watch TV I have a friend who watches TV with me on occasion especially the news she knows body language. For right now the doctors and nurses and specialists are all disgruntled that's a good word for it at this time but I think it's going to get worse. If the numbers keep growing there will be a reaction to the on vaccinated that's unheard of in America.

We were watching the local news on television we could see the frustration in the peoples faces. This carnage is totally unnecessary.

Do you imagine that when you are finally held to account for what you have been doing, that you will be allowed to get away with it by pleading that you were ignorant, because you stupidly trusted your TV tell tell you what was what?

That's not going to fly.
Keep pushing this bullshit at your own peril. People are waking up. When enough of us are awake, and aware of what filth such as you have been trying to do to us, there will be serious repercussions.

Mengele spent the rest of his life, after WWII, as a fugitive, in hiding. Many of his colleagues who were caught, tried, and sentenced, served their sentences at the end of ropes. May the same fate await you and your kind.
You're threatening me you're a very sick man.
Do you imagine that when you are finally held to account for what you have been doing, that you will be allowed to get away with it by pleading that you were ignorant, because you stupidly trusted your TV tell tell you what was what?

That's not going to fly.
A threatening moron that's unbelievable. What a sick combination you are.
It is not “the unvaccinated” who are causing any of this. It is you and your kind, and you will be held to account for it one day.
You're an idiot and it's useless talking to you. The vast majority of covid patients in the hospital are 80 / 90% unvaccinated people. You really want to argue with facts. That's all the proof of sensible person would need. The 10% or so of vaccinated people who are in the hospital are very old and close to death anyway. They give reports here in Nebraska every day on the news, for example saying eight people died in Omaha one was vaccinated and she was in her 80s, the other seven were all unvaccinated, 3 we're in their 60's, 2 we're in their 50's, 1 was in his 40's and 1 was in his 30's. They do get the vaccinated but it's the elderly and frail. The unvaccinated that are dying are much younger and in much greater numbers.
You're threatening me you're a very sick man.

I'm quite healthy, actually, and I prefer to remain this way. A major reason why I do not want to take these dangerous experimental drugs that you want to force on me.

In any event, I stand by my words. Continue to push this bullshit at your own peril. At some point, there will be severe pushback against you and your fellow Mengele-wannabes. If you are fortunate, perhaps you'll be able to follow your idol's footsteps, and escape to some obscure place in South America where you can live out the rest of your life in hiding, and never be brought to justice. But I wouldn't count on it.
Keep kidding yourself, keep the delusion going no matter what; until you end up in the hospital really sick and or dying on your deathbed and you say, " I wish I got the darn shot. " It's too late goodbye ! We've seen this fool's act over and over since the pandemic began. 800,000 of them and counting. There's no hurry to get that shot, there's still plenty of room in the cemeteries.
More Fear Porn. Enjoy being the lab rat.

Do you imagine that when you are finally held to account for what you have been doing, that you will be allowed to get away with it by pleading that you were ignorant, because you stupidly trusted your TV tell tell you what was what?

That's not going to fly.
Held to account for what, exactly? You’ve already lost credibility trying to make a comparison to Mengele.
Held to account for what, exactly? You’ve already lost credibility trying to make a comparison to Mengele.

Mengele was most notorious for the crime of performing risky medical experiments on non consenting human subjects—exactly the same crime which I am taking Stann to task for advocating and defending and even demanding. Had Mengele been caught, he would have been put to death for these crimes, a many of his colleagues were, and as his modern-day counterparts fully deserve.

I wouldn't expect you to understand, but that is not my problem. Your superhuman stupidity is your own issue, not mine.

In any event, you are not anyone in a position to ever speak of “credibility”.
Mengele was most notorious for the crime of performing risky medical experiments on non consenting human subjects—exactly the same crime which I am taking Stann to task for advocating and defending and even demanding. Had Mengele been caught, he would have been put to death for these crimes, a many of his colleagues were, and as his modern-day counterparts fully deserve.

I wouldn't expect you to understand, but that is not my problem. Your superhuman stupidity is your own issue, not mine.
Wrong. Mengele was NOT known for performing “risky experiments”. He was known for experimenting on human beings who’s lives were less than a rats. Some of the experiments were completely frivolous, and incredibly cruel. Most of the children died.

I wouldn’t expect you to understand.
Wrong. Mengele was NOT known for performing “risky experiments”. He was known for experimenting on human beings who’s lives were less than a rats. Some of the experiments were completely frivolous, and incredibly cruel.

The same is exactly true of the use of these dangerous experimental drugs that efforts are now being made to coerce or even outright force people to take today.

It is exactly the same crime, and deserves exactly the same consequences.

By denying this obvious fact, you only show everyone what a lying piece of shit you truly are. Not that everyone doesn't already know this who has ever paid any attention to you.
I'm quite healthy, actually, and I prefer to remain this way. A major reason why I do not want to take these dangerous experimental drugs that you want to force on me.

In any event, I stand by my words. Continue to push this bullshit at your own peril. At some point, there will be severe pushback against you and your fellow Mengele-wannabes. If you are fortunate, perhaps you'll be able to follow your idol's footsteps, and escape to some obscure place in South America where you can live out the rest of your life in hiding, and never be brought to justice. But I wouldn't count on it.
This time you just called me some kind of f****** criminal you are insane.
This time you just called me some kind of f****** criminal you are insane.

If you're going to openly advocate severe human rights abuses, then you really have no cause to get upset when people call you out for what you openly are.

You openly advocate the forced use of nonconsenting human subjects for dangerous medical experiments. This makes you undeniably the moral and ethical equivalent of Josef Mengele.

None of your bullshit excuses change anything at all about what this says about you.
If you're going to openly advocate severe human rights abuses, then you really have no cause to get upset when people call you out for what you openly are.

You openly advocate the forced use of nonconsenting human subjects for dangerous medical experiments. This makes you undeniably the moral and ethical equivalent of Josef Mengele.

None of your bullshit excuses change anything at all about what this says about you.
I am not advocating anything you a******it I guess you can't comprehend what I said. I just stated the facts what's going on. Everyone has a right not to get vaccinated, but if you're not vaccinated you are more like the to get sick and die it's that simple not a threat a fact.

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