Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

t and b cells created when you got the vaccine
Those with natural or acquired immunity have t cells which actually last longer than the jab provides.
If the vaccine creates an increased risk of spreading the virus, why are cases way down this year compared to this exact same time last year?
Infections are higher this year than last.
Currently the dominant strain is delta,
Nope, Omicron, please keep up
they carry the virus for much longer than a vaccinated person,
then spread it into the vaccinated communities,
HaHaHa, according to the CDC, vaxxed contract and spread it as well. BTW, why do you have the vax if you can contract it or spread it? Also, how do you know you are not getting it from a vaxxed person? You are grasping at straws.
Instead the unvaccinated whine and cry all day
I believe I just responded to a vaxxed whiner--this thread seems to be full of them.
Another person with absolutely no historical knowledge. If you are really that concerned about overreach, keep the government out of the uterus.
How is my questioning of when you feel it is appropriate to oppose government overreach "no knowledge of history?" Secondly, I believe that what I am advocating is exactly "keeping the government out of the uterus." I believe that the government ensuring that what happens in the uterus naturally actually happens and keeps murderers out of the uterus. Which is irrelevant to this thread anyhow, ms. moderator. Please stay on topic.
Better to put your faith in science, er, I mean windmill profits and get all three jabs and catch the 'Rona.

Ever stop and think Big Pharma puts out a jab, knowing quite well what the true infection and contagion rate is

and it ends up you were no better off in the first place with or without a jab?

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Yep, they are fully aware now, most likely many already were a year back, while filling their corruptive pockets and counting on future profits.

“THE REPRESENTATIVES OF the biopharmaceutical companies behind the Covid-19 vaccines made undisclosed donations to Democratic and Republican campaign organizations last year.”

I was infected almost a year ago and I also have no clots, no effects and I don't glow in the dark. I also don't have an experimental substance in my body.
I would add to that list “I sleep soundly at night”. My husband got the jab 9 months ago and has recently woke up during the night (more than once) with his heart racing. No previous health problems known. Hard to know but it seems likely to me what’s causing it. I’m worried about related heart event beyond temporarily racing.
Neither do I, so all is good :)
I believe you are being disingenuous. You said in your previous post--I’ve been vaccinated for almost a year now. Since you admit to being injected with a mrna vaccine, you have, indeed, allowed an experimental substance in your body. I guess credibility isn't a requirement for mods.
Omigoodness! What do you think is happening right now? The Vaxx is a giant clinical trial sponsored by the government. The Pharmas have been given complete immunity for any damage the vaxxes cause. And note, the NIH is part owner of the Moderna Vaxx.
NIH is really up in arms about not being listed on Moderna’s patent. They left off the 3 research scientists who were affiliated with NIH. It should be an interesting court case ALL in the name of money of course and nothing about public health! It’s actually funny because NIH funded Moderna’s product- what a slap in the face!

The stakes are high. Moderna, which is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has projected that it will make up to US$18 billion on its COVID-19 vaccine this year. Inventor status could enable the NIH to collect royalties — potentially recouping some of its investment of taxpayer money — and to license the patent as it sees fit, including to competing vaccine makers in low- and middle-income countries, where vaccines are still painfully scarce.” Let’s recap: 18 billion in one year, so each additional year…. Unacceptable motive!
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NIH is really up in arms about not being listed on Moderna’s patent. They left off the 3 research scientists who were affiliated with NIH. It should be an interesting court case ALL in the name of money of course and nothing about public health! It’s actually funny because NIH funded Moderna’s product- what a slap in the face!

The stakes are high. Moderna, which is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has projected that it will make up to US$18 billion on its COVID-19 vaccine this year. Inventor status could enable the NIH to collect royalties — potentially recouping some of its investment of taxpayer money — and to license the patent as it sees fit, including to competing vaccine makers in low- and middle-income countries, where vaccines are still painfully scarce.” Let’s recap: 18 billion in one year, so each additional year…. Unacceptable motive!
Thanks for the update Eagle-I’d missed it. Wow, interesting that Moderna has now decided to delay the patent at the moment. The stakes are indeed at play. The article mentioned that their concoction should be referred to as NIH/Moderna and I guess that wasn’t exactly Moderna’s s plan lol

It is interesting to consider whether or not it’s a good thing that the US government have increased say so to determine which drug companies can do what. No thanks to that! I don’t like any type of government control that tells people what to do, including companies. In that respect I am glad they left off NIH. I hope it stands for precedent alone as I certainly have no trust in Moderna. Consumers have the power to manipulate pharmaceuticals, we just all need to act in unison if and when it comes to that. I’m ready here in the midwest!
Thanks for the update Eagle-I’d missed it. Wow, interesting that Moderna has now decided to delay the patent at the moment. The stakes are indeed at play. The article mentioned that their concoction should be referred to as NIH/Moderna and I guess that wasn’t exactly Moderna’s s plan lol

It is interesting to consider whether or not it’s a good thing that the US government have increases power to determine which companies can do what. No thanks to that! I don’t like any type of government control that tells people what to do, including companies. In that respect I am glad they left off NIH. I hope it stands for precedent alone as I certainly have no trust in Moderna.
I have no trust in either of them. Cheap drugs would have ended this in the 1st 6 months of the plannedemic.
I hope you have good health insurance and a lot of money in savings. Covid stays in the hospital are long and expensive. Running on average $22, 000 to $320,000
Real long stays involving ICU care and respirators can be in the millions.

They don't run into the millions, not even for 2 month stays on a ventilator, but it's expensive. Although I doubt you'd live long enough to worry about the bill even if you recover. Covid damages lungs permanently. If you have to be on a ventilator for an extended period of time you are likely to develop severe lung fibrosis, which for many ppl is a death sentence either way. All this just to own the libs.

Those with natural or acquired immunity have t cells which actually last longer than the jab provides.

Infections are higher this year than last.

Nope, Omicron, please keep up


HaHaHa, according to the CDC, vaxxed contract and spread it as well. BTW, why do you have the vax if you can contract it or spread it? Also, how do you know you are not getting it from a vaxxed person? You are grasping at straws.

I believe I just responded to a vaxxed whiner--this thread seems to be full of them.

Nope. Many ppl who acquire natural immunity don't even have any antibodies based on the severity of their infection and for those that do, the amount of antibodies varies from the low hundreds into the hundreds of thousands. People who are vaccinated have a 100% immune response. This was measured by the CDC in their studies.

Nope. This time last year we were 2-3x the number of cases we are at now. We reached 300,000 cases at one point in Nov or Dec. of 2020. In contrast, yesterday we had 72k new cases. Last year, it was 193k new cases on the same exact day. Considering the delta variant is the dominant strain, which is so much more infectious than alpha, that's an accomplishment in of itself. You can thank the vaccine for the lower cases.

Nope. Omicron makes up 3% of US cases as of a few days ago. How can it be the dominant strain? Please keep up. Seriously. Maybe read something that's not a meme.

Viral activity will always last longer on average in the unvaccinated because they have no prior antibodies to immediately fight the virus off. This is just basic common sense.

A study out of NSW found that two vaccinated ppl are 200x less likely to infect each other over two unvaccinated individuals. An unvaccinated person was 10x less likely to be infected by a vaccinated person. An oxford study found that a vaccinated person infected with delta was 65% less likely to pass the virus onto another person if they got the pfizer vaccine.

I don't whine about wearing masks, I don't whine about mandates, I don't whine about indoor restrictions, I don't whine about getting vaccinated. It is you and your crowd that does this all day every day.
They don't run into the millions, not even for 2 month stays on a ventilator, but it's expensive. Although I doubt you'd live long enough to worry about the bill even if you recover. Covid damages lungs permanently. If you have to be on a ventilator for an extended period of time you are likely to develop severe lung fibrosis, which for many ppl is a death sentence either way. All this just to own the libs.

Nope. Many ppl who acquire natural immunity don't even have any antibodies based on the severity of their infection and for those that do, the amount of antibodies varies from the low hundreds into the hundreds of thousands. People who are vaccinated have a 100% immune response. This was measured by the CDC in their studies.

Nope. This time last year we were 2-3x the number of cases we are at now. We reached 300,000 cases at one point in Nov or Dec. of 2020. In contrast, yesterday we had 72k new cases. Last year, it was 193k new cases on the same exact day. Considering the delta variant is the dominant strain, which is so much more infectious than alpha, that's an accomplishment in of itself. You can thank the vaccine for the lower cases.

Nope. Omicron makes up 3% of US cases as of a few days ago. How can it be the dominant strain? Please keep up. Seriously. Maybe read something that's not a meme.

Viral activity will always last longer on average in the unvaccinated because they have no prior antibodies to immediately fight the virus off. This is just basic common sense.

A study out of NSW found that two vaccinated ppl are 200x less likely to infect each other over two unvaccinated individuals. An unvaccinated person was 10x less likely to be infected by a vaccinated person. An oxford study found that a vaccinated person infected with delta was 65% less likely to pass the virus onto another person if they got the pfizer vaccine.

I don't whine about wearing masks, I don't whine about mandates, I don't whine about indoor restrictions, I don't whine about getting vaccinated. It is you and your crowd that does this all day every day.
Natural immunity teaches the T cells B cells to produce antibodies when it sees Covid. It teaches the whole virus and not just the spike protein. It is Far better than the experimental mRNA jab. Studies have shown that SARS 1 eurvivors had t cell memory 17 years later.

Natural us far better than mRNA vaccines. Lasts Much longer. Had the vaccine comoanies made trafitiinal whole antigen vaccines then they would have lasted much longer.

Not to mentiin cheap drugs that WORK if taken early. This has been a Clusterfuck of epic proportions.
I don't whine about wearing masks, I don't whine about mandates, I don't whine about indoor restrictions, I don't whine about getting vaccinated. It is you and your crowd that does this all day every day.
Whining is exactly what you are doing. The title of the OP makes that abundantly clear. I don't whine about anything you've listed because I disregard every bit of it. I dismiss it as completely out of hand. I have a singular request. Please stay out of my life with all of this hype. You do you and leave me alone.
I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

There are those who had the Virus already and resent he is not even addressing National Immunity. There are SOME Medical Conditions that defy Vaccine Mandate. One is Myasthenia Gravis . There are others
It’s my understanding the Vaccine was developed through Fetal tissue. Don’t know if that’s true but if it is there are those who object for Religious Reasons
You can still spread the Virus if you get it and you are Vaccinated
Don’t mean to sound cold but if some choose to “ take a chance” it should be their decision
Natural immunity teaches the T cells B cells to produce antibodies when it sees Covid. It teaches the whole virus and not just the spike protein. It is Far better than the experimental mRNA jab. Studies have shown that SARS 1 eurvivors had t cell memory 17 years later.

Natural us far better than mRNA vaccines. Lasts Much longer. Had the vaccine comoanies made trafitiinal whole antigen vaccines then they would have lasted much longer.

Not to mentiin cheap drugs that WORK if taken early. This has been a Clusterfuck of epic proportions.

Where are the studies showing that natural infection produces longer last immunity? Show them to me.

There are those who had the Virus already and resent he is not even addressing National Immunity. There are SOME Medical Conditions that defy Vaccine Mandate. One is Myasthenia Gravis . There are others
It’s my understanding the Vaccine was developed through Fetal tissue. Don’t know if that’s true but if it is there are those who object for Religious Reasons
You can still spread the Virus if you get it and you are Vaccinated
Don’t mean to sound cold but if some choose to “ take a chance” it should be their decision

The vaccines were not developed using fetal tissue, lol. This is dumb antivax propaganda. You can spread the virus even if vaccinated but it is 200x less likely between vaxxed individuals and 10x less likely from vaxxed to unvaxxed.
Whining is exactly what you are doing. The title of the OP makes that abundantly clear. I don't whine about anything you've listed because I disregard every bit of it. I dismiss it as completely out of hand. I have a singular request. Please stay out of my life with all of this hype. You do you and leave me alone.

Nope, you are a definite whiner.
Where are the studies showing that natural infection produces longer last immunity? Show them to me.

The vaccines were not developed using fetal tissue, lol. This is dumb antivax propaganda. You can spread the virus even if vaccinated but it is 200x less likely between vaxxed individuals and 10x less likely from vaxxed to unvaxxed.
Wrong, they were used for the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine
Yep, they are fully aware now, most likely many already were a year back, while filling their corruptive pockets and counting on future profits.

“THE REPRESENTATIVES OF the biopharmaceutical companies behind the Covid-19 vaccines made undisclosed donations to Democratic and Republican campaign organizations last year.”

But the "windfall" occurred after the deliberate killing of the cheaper alternatives that work: hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. This fact should prompt lasting boycott akin to lasting boycott of marxist blm.
Wrong, they were used for the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine
Intelligent people should not be prompted to take the bait and call Johnson and Johnson's a "vaccine," because it begins its arrogance by using a different virus than SARS-CoV-2.

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