Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

It goes directly to your credibility on any matters relating to science.

Is Bruce Jenner a man, or is he a woman?

Anyone who has any grasp of science, any credibility with anything to do with science, would have no difficulty at all, and no hesitancy, in answering the question and getting it right,

Whether Jenner or anyone else considers himself a woman has zero to do with science. Now i have a question for you, how often do you wonder what Bruce Jenner looks like naked and does this give you a tingly feeling every time? lol
Whether Jenner or anyone else considers himself a woman has zero to do with science. Now i have a question for you, how often do you wonder what Bruce Jenner looks like naked and does this give you a tingly feeling every time? lol

I guess we know, then, how much credibility to assign to you regarding anything to do with genuine science: None at all.

And based on the sort of bizarre shit you're trying to project on me, it seems we have good reason to have serious doubts about your mental health and moral character.

I have no other questions for you. I think you've repealed enough about yourself for us to know how to look at anything you may have to say on any subject.
I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

I'm beginning to notice on my local news the doctors and nurses are so sick and tired of taking cares of people that are I'll and dying from Covid. As the hospitals here in Nebraska keep filling up with these unvaccinated people. The hospitals are close to capacity I think when they finally reach that point. They're just going to say they're not going to treat Covid cases anymore you're on your own you had your chance to get back to me you made your bed now lie in it. The cancelling needed transplant surgeries. I think this anger towards the unvaccinated is going to increase and eventually drastic action will have to be taken. It is a pandemic and it's not getting better because of the unvaccinated. Something's going to give sooner or later.
I guess we know, then, how much credibility to assign to you regarding anything to do with genuine science: None at all.

And based on the sort of bizarre shit you're trying to project on me, it seems we have good reason to have serious doubts about your mental health and moral character.

I have no other questions for you. I think you've repealed enough about yourself for us to know how to look at anything you may have to say on any subject.
You brought it up you idiot ! A crazy comparison, and a questionable one at that !
Marek's disease mRNA vaccine is leaky, just like the Covid one, and

"Over the past fifty years, Marek’s disease—an illness of fowl—has become fouler. Marek’s is caused by a highly contagious virus, related to those that cause herpes in humans. It spreads through the dust of contaminated chicken coops, and caused both paralysis and cancer. In the 1970s, new vaccines brought the disease the under control. But Marek’s didn’t go gently into that good night. Within ten years, it started evolving into more virulent strains, which now trigger more severe cancers and afflict chickens at earlier ages.

Andrew Read from Pennsylvania State University thinks that the vaccines were responsible. The Marek’s vaccine is “imperfect” or “leaky.” That is, it protects chickens from developing disease, but doesn’t stop them from becoming infected or from spreading the virus. Inadvertently, this made it easier for the most virulent strains to survive. Such strains would normally kill their hosts so quickly that they’d die out. But in an immunised flock, they can persist because their lethal nature has been neutered. That’s not a problem for vaccinated individuals. But unvaccinated birds are now in serious trouble."

So an illness that only affects birds.

IOW completely irrelevant to humans.

How about a documentation of all those HUMAN deaths directly attributed to the vaccine?

You're so shallow. Why do you think he's talking about Marek's? If you didn't made that connection from his post, you're also a retard.

Immune responses to pathogens involve many cells and proteins of the immune system. Early during an infection, these responses are non-specific, meaning that although they are directed at the pathogen, they are not specific to it. This is called innate immunity, and this is the response you get to the mRNA stimulated spike proteins.

Within a few days, adaptive immunity takes over; this immunity is specific to the invading pathogen. mRNA shots do not provide or create adaptive immunity, because it is not the whole virus, just the spike protein of the virus.

Adaptive immune responses include antibodies. A major goal of antibodies is to bind to the pathogen and prevent it from infecting, or entering, a cell. Antibodies that prevent entry into cells are called neutralizing antibodies. Many vaccines work by inducing neutralizing antibodies. However, not all antibody responses are created equal. Sometimes antibodies do not prevent cell entry (like the mRNA doesn't) and, on rare occasions, they may actually increase the ability of a virus to enter cells and cause a worsening of disease through a mechanism called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.

If you still don't see the connection between Marek's and COVID, there is something really wrong with you and you should be sterilized.
You're so shallow. Why do you think he's talking about Marek's? If you didn't made that connection from his post, you're also a retard.

Immune responses to pathogens involve many cells and proteins of the immune system. Early during an infection, these responses are non-specific, meaning that although they are directed at the pathogen, they are not specific to it. This is called innate immunity, and this is the response you get to the mRNA stimulated spike proteins.

Within a few days, adaptive immunity takes over; this immunity is specific to the invading pathogen. mRNA shots do not provide or create adaptive immunity, because it is not the whole virus, just the spike protein of the virus.

Adaptive immune responses include antibodies. A major goal of antibodies is to bind to the pathogen and prevent it from infecting, or entering, a cell. Antibodies that prevent entry into cells are called neutralizing antibodies. Many vaccines work by inducing neutralizing antibodies. However, not all antibody responses are created equal. Sometimes antibodies do not prevent cell entry (like the mRNA doesn't) and, on rare occasions, they may actually increase the ability of a virus to enter cells and cause a worsening of disease through a mechanism called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.

If you still don't see the connection between Marek's and COVID, there is something really wrong with you and you should be sterilized.
How ironic you should mention this. It's already been dismissed. In fact if you don't get the Covid vaccination and you get Covid there is a chance you could become sterile. Infertility is one of the rare side effects of Covid.
How ironic you should mention this. It's already been dismissed. In fact if you don't get the Covid vaccination and you get Covid there is a chance you could become sterile. Infertility is one of the rare side effects of Covid.
Ain’t nothing wrong with sterile conservatives.
How ironic you should mention this. It's already been dismissed. In fact if you don't get the Covid vaccination and you get Covid there is a chance you could become sterile. Infertility is one of the rare side effects of Covid.

And where did you get that from?

I better run to get my clot shot, and boosters too. So, please explain, what part of my post was incorrect or wrong? Be precise.
I'd rather parrot scientific data than conspiracy theories. The evidence is all there, you just choose to ignore it because you can't abandon your extremist politics. As for the CDC, they just report what state health departments across the country sends into them, although they conduct their own studies and tests as well, and all the data points to the same exact thing, and that is the unvaccinated make up an enormous portion of all cases, hospitalizations and deaths over the vaccinated. If 100 million ppl got vaccinated, we wouldn't even be having the low amount of breakthroughs we're having because we wouldn't have unvaccinated walking around spreading it to everyone. The same data here mirrors what's going on the UK and other countries. No evidence you say? Maybe if you live in an alternate reality.
Since when do the unvaccinated become covid typhoid Mary's?

One can not spread covid if they haven't been exposed to the virus........whether or not one is vaxed or unvaxed.

What a crock of shit.
Since when do the unvaccinated become covid typhoid Mary's?

One can not spread covid if they haven't been exposed to the virus........whether or not one is vaxed or unvaxed.

What a crock of shit.
Yes a lot of s*** with the unvaccinated. Resentment may turn into anger soon and action. Doctors and nurses are so tired of all this. I honestly believe very soon this they say if you're on vaccinated you did this to yourself and they're not going to treat you they're going to let you f****** die. Hospitals are at capacity and turning away people that need transplants to laying other things that are caused problems for people in the future all because of the on vaccinated of course there's going to be resentment I just hope it doesn't go any further than that but I'm afraid it will it's at the breaking point.
Yes a lot of s*** with the unvaccinated. Resentment may turn into anger soon and action. Doctors and nurses are so tired of all this. I honestly believe very soon this they say if you're on vaccinated you did this to yourself and they're not going to treat you they're going to let you f****** die. Hospitals are at capacity and turning away people that need transplants to laying other things that are caused problems for people in the future all because of the on vaccinated of course there's going to be resentment I just hope it doesn't go any further than that but I'm afraid it will it's at the breaking point.
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I watch TV I have a friend who watches TV with me on occasion especially the news she knows body language. For right now the doctors and nurses and specialists are all disgruntled that's a good word for it at this time but I think it's going to get worse. If the numbers keep growing there will be a reaction to the on vaccinated that's unheard of in America.
Yes a lot of s*** with the unvaccinated. Resentment may turn into anger soon and action. Doctors and nurses are so tired of all this. I honestly believe very soon this they say if you're on vaccinated you did this to yourself and they're not going to treat you they're going to let you f****** die. Hospitals are at capacity and turning away people that need transplants to laying other things that are caused problems for people in the future all because of the on vaccinated of course there's going to be resentment I just hope it doesn't go any further than that but I'm afraid it will it's at the breaking point.
Hospitals run close to capacity all the time. Don't let MSM feed your head. Ever seen one with a vacancy sign?

You aware, it's being reported, that these 'life saving vaccines', from Pfizer have a 75 year liability exclusion?

An unvaxed person is no more or less a risk of exposure than a vaxed person.
The vaxx Nazis are actually the most anti vaxx people. They actually admit that vaxxs suck lol.

True North
· 18h
Ontario's top doctor advises against seeing your triple vaccinated grandparent if you're double vaccinated.
Yes a lot of s*** with the unvaccinated. Resentment may turn into anger soon and action. Doctors and nurses are so tired of all this. I honestly believe very soon this they say if you're on vaccinated you did this to yourself and they're not going to treat you they're going to let you f****** die. Hospitals are at capacity and turning away people that need transplants to laying other things that are caused problems for people in the future all because of the on vaccinated of course there's going to be resentment I just hope it doesn't go any further than that but I'm afraid it will it's at the breaking point.

Rapidly waning vaccine efficacy and COVID-19 surges in countries and regions with high vaccination rates – including Israel, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and now Europe, as well as high-vaccination U.S. states like Vermont – are evidence that vaccinated individuals can spread COVID-19 at rates comparable to the unvaccinated. Multiple studies have shown that viral load in vaccinated individuals with COVID-19 is the same as in the unvaccinated.
Forcing People Into COVID Vaccines Ignores Important Scientific Data
Hospitals run close to capacity all the time. Don't let MSM feed your head. Ever seen one with a vacancy sign?

You aware, it's being reported, that these 'life saving vaccines', from Pfizer have a 75 year liability exclusion?

An unvaxed person is no more or less a risk of exposure than a vaxed person.
We were watching the local news on television we could see the frustration in the peoples faces. This carnage is totally unnecessary.
I'm beginning to notice on my local news the doctors and nurses are so sick and tired of taking cares of people that are I'll and dying from Covid. As the hospitals here in Nebraska keep filling up with these unvaccinated people. The hospitals are close to capacity I think when they finally reach that point. They're just going to say they're not going to treat Covid cases anymore you're on your own you had your chance to get back to me you made your bed now lie in it. The cancelling needed transplant surgeries. I think this anger towards the unvaccinated is going to increase and eventually drastic action will have to be taken. It is a pandemic and it's not getting better because of the unvaccinated. Something's going to give sooner or later.
Supposedly high IQ, why don't Medical professionals publically protest communist Chinese lack of transparency regarding their invading virus? Has Fau Chi's vaccine cartel told them that that's dangerous to do, not worthwhile to do? It would be interesting to videotape any medical psychopath trying to explain away the theolgical-style esoterica, now that American prisoners have been forced to deal with (two [italics]) protection-racket psychopaths of the Catholic mafia, one of them installed and controlled by the CIA.
Supposedly high IQ, why don't Medical professionals publically protest communist Chinese lack of transparency regarding their invading virus? Has Fau Chi's vaccine cartel told them that that's dangerous to do, not worthwhile to do? It would be interesting to videotape any medical psychopath trying to explain away the theolgical-style esoterica, now that American prisoners have been forced to deal with (two [italics]) protection-racket psychopaths of the Catholic mafia, one of them installed and controlled by the CIA.
I don't think they have time to waste on conspiracy theories.
Since when do the unvaccinated become covid typhoid Mary's?

One can not spread covid if they haven't been exposed to the virus........whether or not one is vaxed or unvaxed.

What a crock of shit.

And on top of that, the evidence is becoming increasingly clear and indisputable that none of these new dangerous experimental drugs do anything at all to reduce anyone's chances of being infected with this virus or of spreading it to others. At most, they may reduce the severity of the symptoms in one who is infected with earlier variants on this virus. If anything, this would result in an increased risk of spreading the disease, as those who have reduced or absent symptoms are less likely to be aware that they might be contagious, and to take appropriate efforts to reduce infecting others.

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