Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Are you a Pot now?

I think you should read the report yourself, friendo.

I can turn right around and say that you can't prove that all of the people who died "with" Covid died because of it. If any death statistic has been manipulated, that is the top candidate.
I did read it and all it said was the list of adverse reactions happened within 90 days of a vaccine.

That's all it said.

There were no coroner findings that stated unequivocally that the vaccine was the immediate cause of death.

This is what you are claiming and you still haven't provided any evidence for your assertions.
Are you a Pot now?

I think you should read the report yourself, friendo.

I can turn right around and say that you can't prove that all of the people who died "with" Covid died because of it. If any death statistic has been manipulated, that is the top candidate.
Unlike you I like actual facts

As of August 30, 2021, there have been more than 369 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered in the U.S. During this time, VAERS received 7,218 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine but a causal link to the vaccine has not been established, according to the CDC. "However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS, a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets- which has caused death," according to the CDC website.

The CDC’s website says, ‘Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. This is because the U.S. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after a COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.

Furthermore, a review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines, says the CDC.

Posts are sharing numbers reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as deaths following COVID-19 vaccinations and claiming that it proves the vaccines have killed people. This is false. Anyone can submit a report into the system and the reports do not imply causality.
I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death.
News Flash Mike, according to the CDC, WHO and Fauci, the fully jabbed contract and spread the virus in like numbers to the unjabbed. The mrna inoculations are experimental, not safe and by all indications ineffective at preventing infection or spread.
They are not caused by the vaccine unless you can prove they are.

675000 people in the US alone would have died in that same 90 days you have no clue as to whether or not those 1200 which were probably from more than one country weren't going to die anyway.

So once again if you can't back up your statements with actual facts and not your own biased suppositions then they are meaningless.

They are not caused by the vaccine unless you can prove they are.

675000 people in the US alone would have died in that same 90 days you have no clue as to whether or not those 1200 which were probably from more than one country weren't going to die anyway.

So once again if you can't back up your statements with actual facts and not your own biased suppositions then they are meaningless.

From the 20,000 who died after covid vaccination, the official verdict is about 10,000 were from the vaccines.

No one should be dying from covid.
Covid can't kill anyone, and is easily wiped out by the immune system of anyone.
They deaths are not caused by covid, but by an immune system over reaction, which is easily treatable with a large number of immuno suppressants.

And it is obvious why the vaccines are killing.
They can easily migrate because they are much smaller than a virus, where ever they end up will get attacked by the immune system, and if that is someplace important like the heart or brain, you die. If it is something like the capillaries in the extremities, then amputations become necessary.

These are not good vaccines, do not add permanent immunity, and have not been sufficiently test.

All the people at Johns Hopkins would disagree with you. And all vaccines only temporarily increase immune response.

Animals need rabies vaccine boosters
People need MMR and tetanus boosters

According to Jason C. Gallagher, PharmD, FCCP, FIDP, FIDSA, BCPS, clinical professor at Temple University’s School of Pharmacy and clinical specialist in infectious diseases, boosters are common.

“Most vaccines that are given in the U.S. require several doses to render immunity,” Gallagher tells Verywell. “I like to think of [a COVID-19 vaccine booster] as the third dose of a multi-dose series.”

While boosters are common, whether they’re necessary largely depends on the type of vaccine, Jeffrey Langland, PhD, virologist and professor at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, tells Verywell.

“Most vaccines that do not contain a live, attenuated (weakened) virus, typically require multiple doses or boosters,” Langland says.

One dose of some live vaccines can offer you a lifetime of protection against disease.3 Other live vaccines may require two doses, like the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and chickenpox vaccines. Children typically get their first dose at 12–15 months old and their second (and final) dose between age 4–6.4

But other types, like inactivated vaccines, will need several doses over time to remain effective. Boosters are currently recommended for several vaccines—chances are you’ve likely received one in your lifetime.

No, I know some people at John Hopkins, and no one agrees with the administrative position on these vaccines.
Everyone who actually works with patients dislikes them.

Tetanus, and pertussis are the only vaccines that need boosters, but that is still only after many years for pertussis, and a decade for tetanus.
With rabies, you are wrong and does not need boosters.
{... A long-lasting immunity to the virus develops after a full course of treatment.[6] ...}

A muti dose regimen is NOT boosters.
Boosters are for when efficacy has declined.
Multi dose is just to reduce side effects right after being applied.

No other vaccine has ever rapidly declined in efficacy like the mRNA injections.
The only possible explanation is that these mRNA injections are ONLY stimulating antibody production, and are NOT being stored in long term T-cell memory.

All real vaccines do have a real dead virus, and anything that does not, likely is not really a vaccine.

The MMR vaccine is only given in 2 doses to the very young.
With those over 3 years of age, a single dose is used.
And after the first dose, these is no attenuation of immunity.
Any time you have rapid attenuation of efficacy, like in less than 6 months, it is not a vaccine.
It is not in T-cell immune system memory.
Then it is just a temporary stimulation of antibodies.
Endocarditis risk is higher with a Covid infection than it is with the vaccine.


Endocarditis only happens if the immune system over reacts, macerates lung tissue, sending millions of little blood clots into the vascular system.
That is easily prevented in people who have a covid infection.
It is not covid that causes endocarditis, and these mRNA injections stimulate an immune system over reaction by causing your own cells to start producing spike proteins.
No, they are NOT failing and you have zero evidence they are. I had the vaccine and then caught the Delta variant of COVID months later. Before the vaccine many of my friends and families died. My case of COVID was a non-event. I had a head cold last weekend that was at least 10 times worse than my COVID experience. My wife caught the Delta variant from me and missed one day of work to get her monoclonal antibodies.

My doctors all told me to get the vaccine as quickly as possible because of my health problems, COVID would easily kill me. I was left wondering what the big deal was when it turned out to be so minor because I had the "jab" as morons call it!

Over 99.5% of those who get covid have no problem.
If you had friends and family die from covid, that is extremely unusual.
Of the thousands of people I know, through work, relatives, etc., I only know 1 single person who ever got covid, and it was nothing.

In contrast, I took 2 Moderna shots, and thought the second one was going to kill me.
I was sick for over 3 weeks, and had the worst symptoms of my life.
From the 20,000 who died after covid vaccination, the official verdict is about 10,000 were from the vaccines.

No one should be dying from covid.
Covid can't kill anyone, and is easily wiped out by the immune system of anyone.
They deaths are not caused by covid, but by an immune system over reaction, which is easily treatable with a large number of immuno suppressants.

And it is obvious why the vaccines are killing.
They can easily migrate because they are much smaller than a virus, where ever they end up will get attacked by the immune system, and if that is someplace important like the heart or brain, you die. If it is something like the capillaries in the extremities, then amputations become necessary.

These are not good vaccines, do not add permanent immunity, and have not been sufficiently test.

Endocarditis only happens if the immune system over reacts, macerates lung tissue, sending millions of little blood clots into the vascular system.
That is easily prevented in people who have a covid infection.
It is not covid that causes endocarditis, and these mRNA injections stimulate an immune system over reaction by causing your own cells to start producing spike proteins.
Yes you are wrong

But two recent studies suggest heart damage among those infected may be more widespread. In JAMA Cardiology, an analysis of autopsies done on 39 COVID-19 patients identified infections in the hearts of patients who had not been diagnosed with cardiovascular issues while they were ill.

Another JAMA Cardiology study used cardiac MRIs on 100 people who had recovered from COVID-19 within the past two to three months. Researchers found abnormalities in the hearts of 78% recovered patients and "ongoing myocardial inflammation" in 60%. The same study found high levels of the blood enzyme troponin, an indicator of heart damage, in 76% of patients tested, although heart function appeared to be generally preserved. Most patients in the study had not required hospitalization.

About 20-30% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 show heart problems. These patients tend to have more severe symptoms and worse health outcomes. Their heart issues can be due to direct damage from the virus, resulting in heart inflammation, or the indirect effect of inflammatory proteins (known as cytokines) released in the bloodstream. Heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis) commonly manifests as heart failure or through uneven heartbeat (arrhythmia). Sudden death in COVID-19 patients caused by arrhythmia can be a consequence of these heart problems.

COVID-19 is also associated with the inflammation of the vascular lining and an increased risk for blood clots forming in large blood vessels and small vessels, particularly in the heart and lungs. The inflammation and the blood clots can lead to poor oxygen levels in these critical organs.

Rare heart inflammation cases (around one in 6000) were reported in teenagers after their COVID-19 vaccination. These cases have been mild and self-resolving. However, the chance of developing severe illness and death after a COVID-19 infection is much higher (2-10%). There is a higher risk of myocarditis from COVID itself than there is from the vaccine.
You clearly do not understand how the immune system works.
T-cells are NOT antibodies.
T-cells are the immune system host cells in the bone marrow, that produce antibodies.
Antibodies are not really living cells, but just limited function, organic compounds.

And anyone who does not know mRNA injections quickly loose efficacy over time, is not keeping up with anything.


Real vaccines lose efficacy over decades, not months.

Somewhere along the way I picked up calling them that, so that was my mistake, what isn't a mistake is that MRNA vaccines indeed generate ample tcell memory in anyone vaccinated with them. If you don't believe so, then show the evidence to prove your claim.

The fact the mRNA injection wain in efficacy is well known, documented, and a fact.
The fact immune system T-cell memory does not normally wain in less than decades, is also well known.

The only way to prove if a vaccine is producing T-cell memory or not is to wait.
We do not have time for that, and the 6 months that have passed have already shown the mRNA injections are not lasting.

You're singling out vaccines, but the same efficacy also goes down in people who were naturally infected. Also a well documented fact. Antibodies do not last in the body. There hasn't been a vaccine made that can prevent infection from a coronvirus because it's an upper respiratory virus that goes straight to our lungs first. Any future vaccine will have the same issue, unless it's one in our noses and even those will likely need to be renewed annually, if not bi annually, or sooner. However, what a vaccine will do is keep your out of the hospital and from dying, in the vast majority of the case, and that is precisely what these vaccines are doing.
Over 99.5% of those who get covid have no problem.
If you had friends and family die from covid, that is extremely unusual.
Of the thousands of people I know, through work, relatives, etc., I only know 1 single person who ever got covid, and it was nothing.

In contrast, I took 2 Moderna shots, and thought the second one was going to kill me.
I was sick for over 3 weeks, and had the worst symptoms of my life.
You’ve posted many posts outlining the facts about the phony vaccines. I’ve read much the same information as have a few others on this forum. And yet the establishment continues to push the phony vaccines completely ignoring the facts. The corporate media promotes the vaccines every day without the slightest criticism.

They’re giving the jabs to children now, ignoring the fact that children have zero risk of hospitalization or death.

Many nations are imposing Draconian laws limiting the rights of the unvaxxed. Corporations are doing the same. Kroger being the most recent.

It’s as if we’re living in the Twilight Zone.

Kroger to take away paid Covid benefits, add insurance surcharges for unvaccinated employees
Anybody see this:

mRNA vaccine protection from Covid is far weaker than natural immunity and declines very fast, according to a new study of almost 6 million people in Israel.

During the summer Covid wave, more than 140,000 Israelis who had been vaccinated but not received a booster shot became infected with Covid. Put another way, in just two months, about 1 out of every 20 vaccinated Israelis became infected with Sars-Cov-2.

Natural immunity - the protection following infection and recovery - lasts much longer, the study shows.

In fact, people who had already had Covid once had better protection from the virus more than a year later than people who had been vaccinated only three months before.

The gap was even larger in cases of severe infection.

Vaccinated people were more than five times as likely to develop severe infections than people with natural immunity. Only 25 out of roughly 300,000 Israelis with natural immunity developed severe Covid infections in the summer wave - compared to almost 1,400 vaccinated Israelis.

URGENT: A huge Israeli study shows natural Covid immunity is far superior to the vaccine-generated kind
Somewhere along the way I picked up calling them that, so that was my mistake, what isn't a mistake is that MRNA vaccines indeed generate ample tcell memory in anyone vaccinated with them. If you don't believe so, then show the evidence to prove your claim.

You're singling out vaccines, but the same efficacy also goes down in people who were naturally infected. Also a well documented fact. Antibodies do not last in the body. There hasn't been a vaccine made that can prevent infection from a coronvirus because it's an upper respiratory virus that goes straight to our lungs first. Any future vaccine will have the same issue, unless it's one in our noses and even those will likely need to be renewed annually, if not bi annually, or sooner. However, what a vaccine will do is keep your out of the hospital and from dying, in the vast majority of the case, and that is precisely what these vaccines are doing.

Your parroting the cdc when you say "keep you out of the hospital". There is no empirical evidence for that. The CDC has repeatedly moved the goal posts around. Also, it was known before these mRNA injections were ever created that stopping a coronavirus was impossible. All test subjects, ferrets, rabbits died when introduced with an attenuated virus after being injected with the mRNA shot.
Your parroting the cdc when you say "keep you out of the hospital". There is no empirical evidence for that. The CDC has repeatedly moved the goal posts around. Also, it was known before these mRNA injections were ever created that stopping a coronavirus was impossible. All test subjects, ferrets, rabbits died when introduced with an attenuated virus after being injected with the mRNA shot.

I'd rather parrot scientific data than conspiracy theories. The evidence is all there, you just choose to ignore it because you can't abandon your extremist politics. As for the CDC, they just report what state health departments across the country sends into them, although they conduct their own studies and tests as well, and all the data points to the same exact thing, and that is the unvaccinated make up an enormous portion of all cases, hospitalizations and deaths over the vaccinated. If 100 million ppl got vaccinated, we wouldn't even be having the low amount of breakthroughs we're having because we wouldn't have unvaccinated walking around spreading it to everyone. The same data here mirrors what's going on the UK and other countries. No evidence you say? Maybe if you live in an alternate reality.
As for the CDC . . .
. . . they're being sued by some scientists and their colleagues at seven universities for fraud because not one of the 1500 samples of people who've tested positive for covid had covid. They were all found to have Influenza A and B.
I'd rather parrot scientific data than conspiracy theories.
Is Bruce Jenner a man or is he a woman?
Why would i care? Are you interested? :laugh:

It goes directly to your credibility on any matters relating to science.

Is Bruce Jenner a man, or is he a woman?

Anyone who has any grasp of science, any credibility with anything to do with science, would have no difficulty at all, and no hesitancy, in answering the question and getting it right,

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