Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

My understanding that in serious cases where lung size expands and O2 levels in blood are well below normal, the immune system is overreacts and often leads to death.

The immune system storm (cytokine) is a very serious problem but it typically comes not in the earliest stages but in the latter stages of the disease. If someone is peddling a cure, then they are surely charlatans
My understanding is that it is a disease of the endothelium - lining of organs - and can cause damage to the lining of organs even if hospitalization isn't required.
No, they are not vaccines. The CDC changed the definition of vaccines so that these mRNA treatments could be considered "vaccines". They are an experiment, and they are failing.
No, they are NOT failing and you have zero evidence they are. I had the vaccine and then caught the Delta variant of COVID months later. Before the vaccine many of my friends and families died. My case of COVID was a non-event. I had a head cold last weekend that was at least 10 times worse than my COVID experience. My wife caught the Delta variant from me and missed one day of work to get her monoclonal antibodies.

My doctors all told me to get the vaccine as quickly as possible because of my health problems, COVID would easily kill me. I was left wondering what the big deal was when it turned out to be so minor because I had the "jab" as morons call it!

Teens recover quickly from rare post-vaccine heart inflammation, study says

Rare blood clots more likely after COVID-19 infection than from vaccine, report finds

Nevada teen suffers seizures, extremely rare brain clots after Johnson & Johnson vaccine

DoD Confirms: Rare Heart Inflammation Cases Linked to COVID-19 Vaccines

Comirnaty and Spikevax: possible link to very rare cases of myocarditis and pericarditis.

View attachment 575620

You're trying to sound like you know what you're talking about, but in reality you're just parroting media lies.

So many articles about something that suppose to be so rare, that normally you wouldn't even care about. Media and government are downplaying it to something that you shouldn't worry about, that if happens you can fully recover, again depending what they mean by that. I believe the full recovery is considered if the patient has no further advancement of the illness and can get off the prescription. Of course, they don't mean that.

Myocarditis and myopericarditis are a serious problems and will ruin your heart in under a decade. Your heart doesn't just "recover", it scars. When caught early, the inflammation will not cause big damage when treated, you could be as good as new. If you have some damage to the heart, you will have to live on prescription made by the same vaccine makers, possible for the rest of your life, and not just that... You have to alter every aspect of your life. Physical exertion is gone when troponin levels are high. A heart attack becomes a real threat and heart failure almost inevitable. How long you can live like that... 5, 10, 20 years. Tell that to teenager, and ask the same teenager, or anyone who took the shot, is that what you signed for when you agreed to take it?

The heart is like a well balanced machine, the left and right side operate in harmony. When one side is damaged, the other side must work harder to pick up the slack which will result in early failure. Now imagine a helicopter, it runs perfectly well and the propellers are functioning as intended. But if you remove the dynamic balancing mechanisms that keep vibrations from growing strong enough to make the blades flail widely, if you get it out of balance, you can expect a failure in seconds. Myocarditis in kids was something almost unheard of, and now is common due to the mRNA "vaccines".

For anyone interested in more, read it here.
Remind me again, where did you go to medical school?
No, they are NOT failing and you have zero evidence they are. I had the vaccine and then caught the Delta variant of COVID months later. Before the vaccine many of my friends and families died. My case of COVID was a non-event. I had a head cold last weekend that was at least 10 times worse than my COVID experience. My wife caught the Delta variant from me and missed one day of work to get her monoclonal antibodies.

My doctors all told me to get the vaccine as quickly as possible because of my health problems, COVID would easily kill me. I was left wondering what the big deal was when it turned out to be so minor because I had the "jab" as morons call it!

Bully for you. If you want the Vaxx you can get Vaxxed for life. Do you get a prize for your 100th booster?

Those of us who do not wish to be Lab Rats for Big Pharma should not be forced to get the Vaxx. The effects of the leaky vaccine are appearing in deaths of young athletes, resurgence of cancer in victims who were in remission and so on.

I just found out that my next door neighbor "unexpectedly" has stage 4 Prostate Cancer. He's Vaxxed and now dying.

The evidence of the dangers of the Vaxxes is growing and the Government-Big Pharma-Media partnership is doing everything it can to spread the propaganda that the Vaxxes are safe. It's a lie.
Omigoodness! What do you think is happening right now? The Vaxx is a giant clinical trial sponsored by the government. The Pharmas have been given complete immunity for any damage the vaxxes cause. And note, the NIH is part owner of the Moderna Vaxx.
What government agency owns stock in a company? You are full of shit!
Bully for you. If you want the Vaxx you can get Vaxxed for life. Do you get a prize for your 100th booster?

Those of us who do not wish to be Lab Rats for Big Pharma should not be forced to get the Vaxx. The effects of the leaky vaccine are appearing in deaths of young athletes, resurgence of cancer in victims who were in remission and so on.

I just found out that my next door neighbor "unexpectedly" has stage 4 Prostate Cancer. He's Vaxxed and now dying.

The evidence of the dangers of the Vaxxes is growing and the Government-Big Pharma-Media partnership is doing everything it can to spread the propaganda that the Vaxxes are safe. It's a lie.
Are you so stupid to realize that this "unexpected" stage 4 prostate cancer is not unexpected?

The vaccines are safe because you can't document any proof his prostate cancer was caused by the vaccine and never will. Correlation is NOT causation.

BTW, vaxx and vaxxes are not words, you lazy dumbass!
Are you so stupid to realize that this "unexpected" stage 4 prostate cancer is not unexpected?

The vaccines are safe because you can't document any proof his prostate cancer was caused by the vaccine and never will. Correlation is NOT causation.

BTW, vaxx and vaxxes are not words, you lazy dumbass!

It was for my neighbor. He went from being healthy to stage 4 in a very short period of time - with proper annual check-ups etc.

VAXX is a word in the common venacular. You know exactly what I mean.
It was for my neighbor. He went from being healthy to stage 4 in a very short period of time - with proper annual check-ups etc.

VAXX is a word in the common venacular. You know exactly what I mean.
I had a close friend from church who had the same annual checkups and was healthy as a horse. On his last checkup, they found an enlarged prostate and discovered cancer. He began treatment immediately and died within months as the cancer spread to his other organs. You are simply talking out of your ass!

Vaxx is not a word in the common vernacular as you are the only one who seems to use it.
Hey shit for brains, you said the NIH owned Moderna. Your article is talking about a patent. Catch a fucking clue! The issue hasn't even been resolved.

You sad little man. I said that the NIH owned part of the Moderna Vaxx/Patent. They are going to get royalties. Which means that the government is profiting from the Vaxx they are mandating.

Your vulgarity is an admission that you have lost the debate. Thank you for the concession and enjoy your lifelong Immunity-As-A-Service Boosters for Life lifestyle.
Pfizer has reported over 1,200 vaxx deaths to FDA for the first 90 days of use.

Up until now, vaccines with 50 deaths have been pulled from the market.

This is the biggest Human Rights Abuse in history.
I am sure you have a link for that ridiculous claim that you can provide..

Please spell out "vaccine" as it only gives away the fact that you are a moron and conspiracy theory nut job. It's only three letters. Surely you are not that incompetent or lazy.
I had a close friend from church who had the same annual checkups and was healthy as a horse. On his last checkup, they found an enlarged prostate and discovered cancer. He began treatment immediately and died within months as the cancer spread to his other organs. You are simply talking out of your ass!

Vaxx is not a word in the common vernacular as you are the only one who seems to use it.

It's a word, bub:

I am sure you have a link for that ridiculous claim that you can provide..

Please spell out "vaccine" as it only gives away the fact that you are a moron and conspiracy theory nut job. It's only three letters. Surely you are not that incompetent or lazy.

Here's a little story about that: No.

Vaxx is a perfectly appropriate word for a fake vaccine that is an experimental mRNA treatment that is quickly losing its effectiveness

Here's what you are going to find out: the VAXX causes your body to produce spike proteins for 15 months, but loses its protective properties within 6 months. Your stacking over boosters will damage your immune system to the point where you are much more at risk for cancers and heart disease. There is no cure for the Vaxx at this point, so good luck - you're going to need it.
You sad little man. I said that the NIH owned part of the Moderna Vaxx/Patent. They are going to get royalties. Which means that the government is profiting from the Vaxx they are mandating.

Your vulgarity is an admission that you have lost the debate. Thank you for the concession and enjoy your lifelong Immunity-As-A-Service Boosters for Life lifestyle.
I don't speak vulgarities unless they are richly deserved. So you are now a patent judge too? You know they will be getting royalties? From your link, it was self-evident that you tried to pass off a bullshit claim that NIH owned Moderna's vaccine patent. They don't yet, as the issue is still up in the air. Details you neglected to mention or lie about.

Since when are you REQUIRED to get the Moderna vaccine? You aren't!

This is typical dumbass behavior by a know it all, with at best a high school diploma from a shitty school.
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It's a word, bub:

It is slang, which is used by uneducated morons like journalists and you.
Here's a little story about that: No.

Vaxx is a perfectly appropriate word for a fake vaccine that is an experimental mRNA treatment that is quickly losing its effectiveness

Here's what you are going to find out: the VAXX causes your body to produce spike proteins for 15 months, but loses its protective properties within 6 months. Your stacking over boosters will damage your immune system to the point where you are much more at risk for cancers and heart disease. There is no cure for the Vaxx at this point, so good luck - you're going to need it.
So you admit your claims are total bullshit? Thank you!
Although breakthrough cases can spread the virus, the viral load that is transmitted is likely to be very small compared to unvaccinated who become ill with the virus. The viral load you receive is a very important factor in determining how your body respond to it.

That is not what I read.
I read that most transmissions happen early on, before there are significant symptoms or much of a total viral load in your body.
The vaccinated feel better, so go out more, and therefore spread the virus more than the unvaccinated.
My understanding that in serious cases where lung size expands and O2 levels in blood are well below normal, the immune system is overreacts and often leads to death.

The immune system storm (cytokine) is a very serious problem but it typically comes not in the earliest stages but in the latter stages of the disease. If someone is peddling a cure, then they are surely charlatans

Except that the damage done by the immune system over reaction, the cytokine storm, is easily stopped with "cures".
Fighting a virus is hard, but controlling the immune system over reaction is very easy.

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