Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

It Was the CDC not the FDA.
After covid-19 vaccines were introduced, and it was discovered that they do not necessarily "prevent disease" or "provide immunity", the CDC altered the definition of vaccines again to say that they simply "produce protection"." The Covid vaccines, flu vaccines, Tetanus and in fact most vaccine do not make you immune to the disease at some point you need another vaccination. The immune system memory in the B and T cells does not last a lifetime for all diseases. Covid-19 and Flu shots will provide protection falling to about 40% to 50% after 6 months. The MMR vaccine is very effective at protecting people against measles, mumps, and rubella and it lasts a lifetime.

Scientist don't know why our immune system memory dulls after 6 months for the flu or Covid and last a life time for other pathogen.

Immune system memory can NOT "dull after 6 months".
That is not possible.
My understanding is that T-cells actually add the immunity information to their own DNA, so that it is passed on when they reproduce.

When immunity does quickly dull, that means it never got put into T-cell memory.
That means the mRNA injections are just temporarily stimulating antibody production, and NOT adding to T-cell memory.

And by the way, flu vaccine immunity does NOT dull either.
The lack of last year's flu vaccine is due to this year there being a completely different species we collectively call flu.
It is not due to any change in immunity to the old flu the vaccine was made for.

Tetanus does wain, but only after a decade or so.
Pertussis is the shortest immunity, but that is still good for about 5 years.
Study after study has shown that tcell immunity is both present in naturally infected and vaccinated individuals equally. There is no difference between the amount or the antibodies themselves, according to the evidence. This is a another silly junk science lie debunked by real science, and facts. Furthermore, tcell immunity against a coronavirus is next to useless for protection against infection anyway, especially when coronaviruses attack humans in our upper respiratory tracts. You will get infected, you just won't get seriously ill and die because your tcell antibodies will come to the rescue eventually.

It's as if everyone, including the world's leading scientists, virologists, vaccinologists are ALL WRONG, except you! You should be leading the fight against covid19! Please head straight to the cdc now and make them see reason!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Malone is a ivermectin pushing crack whore, who's now a regular on every wacked out anti vax podcast you can find. I wouldnt be surprised to see him on Alex Jones, so it's no wonder the woefully ignorant would continue to champion him as their leading "expert" on all things covid. How much do you want to bet he's gotten one of the mrna vaccines. Yet no one who follows him religiously would give a shit. This pandemic has given him the notoriety he's always wanted, but in a different way, but hey, fame is fame amirite? However, what you quoted from Malone is correct, vaccinated individuals do have less symptoms. That's because by day 3, the virus is already being slaughtered and viral load is dropping preciptuosly during the course of the next few days. Meanwhile in unvaxxed individuals covid is replicating exponentially, in the absense of a single antibody. Gee, i wonder who's a lot more likely to spread the virus.

The amount of antibodies does NOT at all indicate whether they are directly stimulated or from T-cell memory.
And we currently have absolutely NO WAY to tell anything about T-cell memory except that is the production of antibody response wains, then likely there was no immunity info put into T-cell memory.

Dr. Malone is the one considered the inventor of all mRNA techniques.
So your slurs only demean you, not anyone else.

Any doctor will tell you that recovery immunity is always stronger than vaccine immunity, and I have never read about a single doctor who thinks these mRNA injections are proven or even a good idea.
All doctors are very skeptical of these mRNA injections, because our own exosomes have to use the exact same spike proteins we are trying to get our immune system to attack.
Study after study has shown that tcell immunity is both present in naturally infected and vaccinated individuals equally. There is no difference between the amount or the antibodies themselves, according to the evidence. This is a another silly junk science lie debunked by real science, and facts. Furthermore, tcell immunity against a coronavirus is next to useless for protection against infection anyway, especially when coronaviruses attack humans in our upper respiratory tracts. You will get infected, you just won't get seriously ill and die because your tcell antibodies will come to the rescue eventually.

It's as if everyone, including the world's leading scientists, virologists, vaccinologists are ALL WRONG, except you! You should be leading the fight against covid19! Please head straight to the cdc now and make them see reason!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Malone is a ivermectin pushing crack whore, who's now a regular on every wacked out anti vax podcast you can find. I wouldnt be surprised to see him on Alex Jones, so it's no wonder the woefully ignorant would continue to champion him as their leading "expert" on all things covid. How much do you want to bet he's gotten one of the mrna vaccines. Yet no one who follows him religiously would give a shit. This pandemic has given him the notoriety he's always wanted, but in a different way, but hey, fame is fame amirite? However, what you quoted from Malone is correct, vaccinated individuals do have less symptoms. That's because by day 3, the virus is already being slaughtered and viral load is dropping preciptuosly during the course of the next few days. Meanwhile in unvaxxed individuals covid is replicating exponentially, in the absense of a single antibody. Gee, i wonder who's a lot more likely to spread the virus.
Baloney. I shown tons of data and yall can kiss my ass. It has worked all over the world. There is no money in it here, which is why it isnt used here
Research is not the same as safe and effective vaccines.

Companies such as Moderna have been trying to find a way to profit from mRNA. This is all about money and power, not public health.
Moderna made no profit til this. No drugs to show. Bill Gates was waitinf around for this. Only real human trials before this was Ebola. Very limited. So there had never been sufficient trials in mRNA
I don't think that's whats happening. Early evidence is showing very strong tcell memory. I think the first problem we're dealing with is that the vaccine was made specifically against the alpha strain. It's not unusual to see more infections and breakthroughs as a result of this, although i would say it's still incredibly effective. The second problem is, we have 100 million ppl walking around refusing to be vaccinated. If we were experiencing a smallpox outbreak on the same scale as covid, we would be seeing tons of ppl getting smallpox even in vaccinated populations, they simply wouldn't get severe forms of the disease or die from it, much like what is happening now with those who are vaccinated but had breakthroughs. The last and most important problem is, this is a coronavirus, this is a disease that attacks us through our lungs and science has never discovered a means to provide a vaccine that protects us in the same way it does with other viruses. I think the recent drive to develop nasal spray vaccines and nasal spray treatments as a means of prevention may be the key as that actually keeps the virus out of our lungs. Putin has already got himself one.

Obviously all the mRNA injections are made ONLY for the spike protein that opens the ACE2 receptors.
So they can NOT be variant specific.
So anyone claiming the mRNA injection efficacy drop is due to variants, has to be deliberately LYING!
The ACE2 receptors have not changes, so for any variant of covid to succeed in entering ACE2 receptors, they have to have and use the same spike protein.

And no, with all other REAL vaccines, you do NOT see breakthrough cases like with these mRNA injections.

And by the way, the common cold is also a corona virus.
Although the common cold is usually caused by rhinoviruses,[93] in about 15% of cases the cause is a coronavirus.[94] The human coronaviruses HCoV-OC43, HCoV-HKU1, HCoV-229E, and HCoV-NL63 continually circulate in the human population in adults and children worldwide and produce the generally mild symptoms of the common cold.[87] The four mild coronaviruses have a seasonal incidence occurring in the winter months in temperate climates.[95][96] There is no preponderance in any season in tropical climates.[97]
Remind me again, where did you go to medical school?
If you read the whole thread I posted, you would know. Unlike me, all your postings here are based on parroting the MSM.

And yes the new shots are vaccines and every scientist, virologist and doctor will tell you the same thing

No, I have never found a single doctor who believes these mRNA injections are real vaccines.
The reason being that all they do is stimulate our own body to produce a specific spike protein.
But since our own exosomes use and have to use this same spike protein for the same purpose, ACE2 receptor access, then long term immune system T-cell memory can not possibly use that spike protein as future trigger.
It can not be emphasized enough, that a spike protein used to trigger ACE2 receptors, can NOT possibly be used to trigger the immune system response.

So that means all these mRNA injections are doing is temporarily stimulating antibody production.
They are not a vaccine, in any way.
OK where is your scientific proof that an mRNA vaccine causes cancer or autoimmune diseases?

And the RARE cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis are acute cases and will heal themselves. And a COVID infection carries a far greater risk of myocarditis than does the vaccine.

And fyi the risk of heart inflammation is about .017%

Sure the risk of heart inflammation from the mRNA injection is low, but so is any covid complication.

But it is obvious why these mRNA injections are far more dangerous than any previous vaccine.
Look at what they do and how they operate.
They do not contain a harmless or dead virus.
Instead, what they do is invade and attack your own cells, converting them into spike protein producers.
Since all the covid deaths are essentially coming from an allergic reaction to spike proteins, the fact the risk then is huge, is obvious.

From these mRNA injections, there have not only been the usual anaphylactic shock, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and other common vaccine causes of death, but the fact these injections are so small that they can and do migrate to the heart, brain, or other fatal areas. They also lead to amputations when they migrate to the capillaries in the extremities.
This is what you call passing along misinformation. Where are the studies that show this. Post your evidence that the mrna vaccines don't produce any tcell antibodies. I'll wait.

You clearly do not understand how the immune system works.
T-cells are NOT antibodies.
T-cells are the immune system host cells in the bone marrow, that produce antibodies.
Antibodies are not really living cells, but just limited function, organic compounds.

And anyone who does not know mRNA injections quickly loose efficacy over time, is not keeping up with anything.


Real vaccines lose efficacy over decades, not months.
This is what you call passing along misinformation. Where are the studies that show this. Post your evidence that the mrna vaccines don't produce any tcell antibodies. I'll wait.

The fact the mRNA injection wain in efficacy is well known, documented, and a fact.
The fact immune system T-cell memory does not normally wain in less than decades, is also well known.

The only way to prove if a vaccine is producing T-cell memory or not is to wait.
We do not have time for that, and the 6 months that have passed have already shown the mRNA injections are not lasting.
Moderna made no profit til this. No drugs to show. Bill Gates was waitinf around for this. Only real human trials before this was Ebola. Very limited. So there had never been sufficient trials in mRNA

Moderna's stock price has gone through the roof, so insiders have made bank. That's really the point and the NIH folks want their cut.
So you admit your claims are total bullshit? Thank you!

No, Boediccia is correct,
No real vaccine loses efficacy in less than years or decades.
So these mRNA injections can not be real vaccines.

And your own intuitive suspicions should tell you that, since these injections do not contain an actual dead virus like historic vaccines do.
All they do is force your own cells to start making spike proteins, which not only is incredibly dangerous in itself, but can not be used by T-cell memory, since our own exosomes have to also use these same spike proteins.
Oh puhleeze. This is Pfizer reporting results to the FDA from the use of the vaccine. The FATALS are deaths caused by the vaccine.

Haven't you wondered why they want to hide the records for 75 years?
They are not caused by the vaccine unless you can prove they are.

675000 people in the US alone would have died in that same 90 days you have no clue as to whether or not those 1200 which were probably from more than one country weren't going to die anyway.

So once again if you can't back up your statements with actual facts and not your own biased suppositions then they are meaningless.
No, I have never found a single doctor who believes these mRNA injections are real vaccines.
The reason being that all they do is stimulate our own body to produce a specific spike protein.
But since our own exosomes use and have to use this same spike protein for the same purpose, ACE2 receptor access, then long term immune system T-cell memory can not possibly use that spike protein as future trigger.
It can not be emphasized enough, that a spike protein used to trigger ACE2 receptors, can NOT possibly be used to trigger the immune system response.

So that means all these mRNA injections are doing is temporarily stimulating antibody production.
They are not a vaccine, in any way.

All the people at Johns Hopkins would disagree with you. And all vaccines only temporarily increase immune response.

Animals need rabies vaccine boosters
People need MMR and tetanus boosters

According to Jason C. Gallagher, PharmD, FCCP, FIDP, FIDSA, BCPS, clinical professor at Temple University’s School of Pharmacy and clinical specialist in infectious diseases, boosters are common.

“Most vaccines that are given in the U.S. require several doses to render immunity,” Gallagher tells Verywell. “I like to think of [a COVID-19 vaccine booster] as the third dose of a multi-dose series.”

While boosters are common, whether they’re necessary largely depends on the type of vaccine, Jeffrey Langland, PhD, virologist and professor at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, tells Verywell.

“Most vaccines that do not contain a live, attenuated (weakened) virus, typically require multiple doses or boosters,” Langland says.

One dose of some live vaccines can offer you a lifetime of protection against disease.3 Other live vaccines may require two doses, like the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and chickenpox vaccines. Children typically get their first dose at 12–15 months old and their second (and final) dose between age 4–6.4

But other types, like inactivated vaccines, will need several doses over time to remain effective. Boosters are currently recommended for several vaccines—chances are you’ve likely received one in your lifetime.
Sure the risk of heart inflammation from the mRNA injection is low, but so is any covid complication.

But it is obvious why these mRNA injections are far more dangerous than any previous vaccine.
Look at what they do and how they operate.
They do not contain a harmless or dead virus.
Instead, what they do is invade and attack your own cells, converting them into spike protein producers.
Since all the covid deaths are essentially coming from an allergic reaction to spike proteins, the fact the risk then is huge, is obvious.

From these mRNA injections, there have not only been the usual anaphylactic shock, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and other common vaccine causes of death, but the fact these injections are so small that they can and do migrate to the heart, brain, or other fatal areas. They also lead to amputations when they migrate to the capillaries in the extremities.
Endocarditis risk is higher with a Covid infection than it is with the vaccine.
Clearly, you are sorely lacking in reading comprehension and retention abilities.
Why did you quote me when you are obviously talking to yourself? You have shown absolutely zero evidence that you understand the first word of the articles you link. You just think they agree with your conspiracy theory, but you really don't understand what they are saying. You are merely a Google parrot!
They are not caused by the vaccine unless you can prove they are.

675000 people in the US alone would have died in that same 90 days you have no clue as to whether or not those 1200 which were probably from more than one country weren't going to die anyway.

So once again if you can't back up your statements with actual facts and not your own biased suppositions then they are meaningless.

Are you a Pot now?

I think you should read the report yourself, friendo.

I can turn right around and say that you can't prove that all of the people who died "with" Covid died because of it. If any death statistic has been manipulated, that is the top candidate.

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