Why are SWASTIKA's allowed on this site for avatars?

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Name on potus that referred to a Russian president as a genius.
When did democrats work for the soviets?
I know you can't. You are a brain dead liar.
Why leave yourself open like that then get the shits when I pick you off?
Youre not real good at this learning thing.
:auiqs.jpg: Even when the pool's empty, you're in over your head, boy.
Youre beaten. Can't answer the questions. Youre big ignorant mouth has failed you again.
Go say some prayers boy.
Swishy Swasticker

Reminds me of Dear Adolf's limp-wristed wave in "Triumph of the Will." Before one of his rich clients got him into what would become the Nazi Party, Hitler was a male prostitute in Vienna.

His right-hand man, until he selfishly had him murdered, was the openly Gayist Ernst Rohm, the leader of the Butt-faucing Brownshirts.

Yes. Another great contribution to the world by faggots, Nazis. Quite a large percentage of them are into Nazi fashion as well; the news media won't show them in their 'Pride' Parade coverage, though, same as they censor anything 'negative' about their pet deviant factions and violent racists.
So, all the right wing loons have protected YOUR FREE SPEECH, but leftists posters want to ban/limit the speech of righties. Got it.

It's because they have the attitude of do as I say and not as I do. As soon as Easter's over I'm going back to this bad boy because the more they whine and complain about it the more I want to trigger them even more. (Thanks to OhPleaseJustQuit for the use of it. :D)

purple avatar.png
What kind of place is this? It is bad enough that one BrokeLoser poster has a CONFEDERATE FLAG as his avatar, but why do y'all allow SWASTIKAS for people's avatar?

This is extremely offensive to me as a human being and also as a liberal.


The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah,The Holocaust - Wikipedia was the genocide of European Jews during World War II.[3] Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe,[a] around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.[c] The murders were carried out in pogroms and mass shootings; by a policy of extermination through labor in concentration camps; and in gas chambers and gas vans in German extermination camps, chiefly Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bełżec, Chełmno, Majdanek, Sobibór, and Treblinka in occupied Poland.[5]

YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY!? You sick bastards!?!?
So call the cops, asshole.
Anyone else think it's strange when we've gotten to the point that our fellow Americans on the Right are defending swastikas and NAZIs over BLM?
I'm not in favor of restricting anyones speech here, even if it is offensive. We have a poster on here that has a Holocaust denial link in his signature. Obviously, I don't agree with that clown, but it is his right to believe what he wants.
No place online should ALLOW this type of poster to be a member, if that poster thinks a SWASTIKA is okay or if the Holocaust IS A JOKE.

So, how far did you get when you reported us all to your favorite mod?

The Holocaust wasn't a joke. You, on the other hand.....................

Every Jewish person I know appreciates the message of my avatar.

Suck it.
People see swastikas in everything.
This was a picture of the inflatable roof of the Metrodome in Mpls before it was demolished for the new stadium...
View attachment 626636
Idiots actually thought it was put there purposely

I enjoy the mathematical balance of Islamic art, where it also occurs frequently. I guess OP needs to go find a Muslim or two and start a real fight.
I can name a sub-cretin who doesn't know that Trump was being sarcastic when he said that.
You'd better tell him then because its on the public record as him saying it twice.
Why are you protecting Trump? I know you feel guilty about following him in supporting communists but you can absolve all your sins by denouncing Trump. I know you won't because you've go no guts and yourbpeers are watching you. Youd rather be a traitor to your country and party. What a squalid opportunists you are. Stick with your filthy bible.
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