Why Are The Mormons Having A War On Masturbation?

Who is suggesting you should feel fear or shame? ...

Presumably anyone who buys into the relevant dictates laid out unambiguously by some of the so-called 'prophets', apostles, and Bishops of your Faith.

...BTW if you are experiencing guilt about something, that's usually an indication that you did something wrong.

Either that, or it's an indication that on some level you've bought into the bullshit that labelled what you did as wrong, despite the perfectly natural and healthy nature of the activity in question.

violence is natural too. Being natural doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy or you shouldn't feel bad about doing something.

besides gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can overcome the natural man and become something more. A new creature in Christ.

Nice try. Violence is illegal. I can't believe you would use that comparison.

legality is irrelevant.
Who is suggesting you should feel fear or shame? ...

Presumably anyone who buys into the relevant dictates laid out unambiguously by some of the so-called 'prophets', apostles, and Bishops of your Faith.

...BTW if you are experiencing guilt about something, that's usually an indication that you did something wrong.

Either that, or it's an indication that on some level you've bought into the bullshit that labelled what you did as wrong, despite the perfectly natural and healthy nature of the activity in question.

violence is natural too. Being natural doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy or you shouldn't feel bad about doing something.

besides gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can overcome the natural man and become something more. A new creature in Christ.

Nice try. Violence is illegal. I can't believe you would use that comparison.

you can't believe I would compare two natural activities to point out the flaw in the "everything that is natural is good and beautiful" argument?

I would think that using logic would be a very natural and expected response.

so why do you think some natural behavior is illegal and some is not? Could it be because even though some self natural, it can be negative and destructive? And does society excuse violence simply because it is natural? No we create laws and expect people to exercise self control.

and yet you think it unreasonable to do the same with other natural behavior. Why is it good to control violent behavior which is natural and not sexual nature because it's natural?
This video is just creepy! I want to put on some army fatigues and go rescue him. He can stay at aunt Carla's. And why are they spying on him with binoculars? What young boy doesn't masturbate? It's healthy, and it's a part of life. It's safe...no STD's, or unplanned pregnancies. Who is it hurting, and why is it any of their business? And why would it be any of their business that he's watching porn?

Why would anyone think this is anything but more shit put out by you hate filled leftists to slander your enemies?

Most of your claims turn out to be frauds, I would bet this video is a fraud created by the left to attack the Mormons.
It has a voice over.


But this video is about porn addiction, not masturbation, which is not even mentioned. The video does not “compare masturbators to wounded soldiers,” though it does refer to porn addicts in that way. So why is the piece going viral as a “war on masturbation”?

And why is something that was created for students at one notably conservative Mormon-owned university being regarded as representing the religion as a whole?

There are many problems with the messages in this video, including these three:

  1. Students should turn roommates in to their bishops if they so much as suspect someone they’re living with has a problem with porn. That’s hardly the main point of the president’s message, which is about helping friends who have a porn addiction, but it’s a disturbing undercurrent.
  2. “Addiction” seems to be defined here as “any guy who looked at porn EVER while in college.” Conflating experimentation with addiction is hardly helpful to people who actually do suffer from addiction.
  3. There’s no indication that women might ever have problems with porn—that’s all manly guy soldier stuff, of course.

    The Mormon war on masturbation video Flunking Sainthood

I was waiting for this.

As soon as I read the OP I figured Carla was lying.

She usually is.
This video is just creepy! I want to put on some army fatigues and go rescue him. He can stay at aunt Carla's. And why are they spying on him with binoculars? What young boy doesn't masturbate? It's healthy, and it's a part of life. It's safe...no STD's, or unplanned pregnancies. Who is it hurting, and why is it any of their business? And why would it be any of their business that he's watching porn?

Why would anyone think this is anything but more shit put out by you hate filled leftists to slander your enemies?

Most of your claims turn out to be frauds, I would bet this video is a fraud created by the left to attack the Mormons.

Is that the story you're sticking to?
It has a voice over.


But this video is about porn addiction, not masturbation, which is not even mentioned. The video does not “compare masturbators to wounded soldiers,” though it does refer to porn addicts in that way. So why is the piece going viral as a “war on masturbation”?

And why is something that was created for students at one notably conservative Mormon-owned university being regarded as representing the religion as a whole?

There are many problems with the messages in this video, including these three:

  1. Students should turn roommates in to their bishops if they so much as suspect someone they’re living with has a problem with porn. That’s hardly the main point of the president’s message, which is about helping friends who have a porn addiction, but it’s a disturbing undercurrent.
  2. “Addiction” seems to be defined here as “any guy who looked at porn EVER while in college.” Conflating experimentation with addiction is hardly helpful to people who actually do suffer from addiction.
  3. There’s no indication that women might ever have problems with porn—that’s all manly guy soldier stuff, of course.

    The Mormon war on masturbation video Flunking Sainthood

I was waiting for this.

As soon as I read the OP I figured Carla was lying.

She usually is.

Maybe you should read the thread, then come back.
Who is suggesting you should feel fear or shame? ...

Presumably anyone who buys into the relevant dictates laid out unambiguously by some of the so-called 'prophets', apostles, and Bishops of your Faith.

...BTW if you are experiencing guilt about something, that's usually an indication that you did something wrong.

Either that, or it's an indication that on some level you've bought into the bullshit that labelled what you did as wrong, despite the perfectly natural and healthy nature of the activity in question.

violence is natural too. Being natural doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy or you shouldn't feel bad about doing something.

besides gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can overcome the natural man and become something more. A new creature in Christ.

Nice try. Violence is illegal. I can't believe you would use that comparison.

legality is irrelevant.
Who is suggesting you should feel fear or shame? ...

Presumably anyone who buys into the relevant dictates laid out unambiguously by some of the so-called 'prophets', apostles, and Bishops of your Faith.

...BTW if you are experiencing guilt about something, that's usually an indication that you did something wrong.

Either that, or it's an indication that on some level you've bought into the bullshit that labelled what you did as wrong, despite the perfectly natural and healthy nature of the activity in question.

violence is natural too. Being natural doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy or you shouldn't feel bad about doing something.

besides gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can overcome the natural man and become something more. A new creature in Christ.

Nice try. Violence is illegal. I can't believe you would use that comparison.

you can't believe I would compare two natural activities to point out the flaw in the "everything that is natural is good and beautiful" argument?

I would think that using logic would be a very natural and expected response.

so why do you think some natural behavior is illegal and some is not? Could it be because even though some self natural, it can be negative and destructive? And does society excuse violence simply because it is natural? No we create laws and expect people to exercise self control.

and yet you think it unreasonable to do the same with other natural behavior. Why is it good to control violent behavior which is natural and not sexual nature because it's natural?

If you think masturbation is equal to violence, then I would suggest you go get some therapy, and possibly attend a sex ed class yourself.

This video is just creepy! I want to put on some army fatigues and go rescue him. He can stay at aunt Carla's. And why are they spying on him with binoculars? What young boy doesn't masturbate? It's healthy, and it's a part of life. It's safe...no STD's, or unplanned pregnancies. Who is it hurting, and why is it any of their business? And why would it be any of their business that he's watching porn?

Why would anyone think this is anything but more shit put out by you hate filled leftists to slander your enemies?

Most of your claims turn out to be frauds, I would bet this video is a fraud created by the left to attack the Mormons.

Is that the story you're sticking to?

I was late to the party - you were already busted.

As I figured would be the case.
I'm waiting for her to substantiate your claim that intervening in the porn addictions of young men results in the creation of serial rapists.

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.
Who is suggesting you should feel fear or shame? ...

Presumably anyone who buys into the relevant dictates laid out unambiguously by some of the so-called 'prophets', apostles, and Bishops of your Faith.

...BTW if you are experiencing guilt about something, that's usually an indication that you did something wrong.

Either that, or it's an indication that on some level you've bought into the bullshit that labelled what you did as wrong, despite the perfectly natural and healthy nature of the activity in question.

violence is natural too. Being natural doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy or you shouldn't feel bad about doing something.

besides gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can overcome the natural man and become something more. A new creature in Christ.

Nice try. Violence is illegal. I can't believe you would use that comparison.

legality is irrelevant.
Who is suggesting you should feel fear or shame? ...

Presumably anyone who buys into the relevant dictates laid out unambiguously by some of the so-called 'prophets', apostles, and Bishops of your Faith.

...BTW if you are experiencing guilt about something, that's usually an indication that you did something wrong.

Either that, or it's an indication that on some level you've bought into the bullshit that labelled what you did as wrong, despite the perfectly natural and healthy nature of the activity in question.

violence is natural too. Being natural doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy or you shouldn't feel bad about doing something.

besides gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can overcome the natural man and become something more. A new creature in Christ.

Nice try. Violence is illegal. I can't believe you would use that comparison.

you can't believe I would compare two natural activities to point out the flaw in the "everything that is natural is good and beautiful" argument?

I would think that using logic would be a very natural and expected response.

so why do you think some natural behavior is illegal and some is not? Could it be because even though some self natural, it can be negative and destructive? And does society excuse violence simply because it is natural? No we create laws and expect people to exercise self control.

and yet you think it unreasonable to do the same with other natural behavior. Why is it good to control violent behavior which is natural and not sexual nature because it's natural?

If you think masturbation is equal to violence, then I would suggest you go get some therapy, and possibly attend a sex ed class yourself.


We have already established that the OP is a lie, and the video isn't about masturbation, but porn addiction.

Please stop pretending that the discussion was ever about masturbation. Progressive yahoos are the only people in existence who can't tell the difference.
Yes, because *safe* sex isn't very safe.

A lot of us tell our children to stick to that goal. It's a good goal. Reduces the likelihood of pregnancy and STD transmission.

I know. Amazing.

Safe sex is very safe, not 100%, but it's very safe. And it's more realistic than preaching abstinence. You should go look at the stats for abstinence.

id love to see the stats for how many people caught an std by not having sex. Or how many pregnancies between people who did not have sex. This should be enlightening

ll, you should google it. Abstinence isn't realistic or effective.

in other words you have nothing. Not surprising. Because it's 100% effective when it's used.

When used....

Now go look at those stats.

the ones you haven't produced.

btw you can't compare abstinence when it's not used to "safe sex" when it is. It's a false comparison.

comparing abstinence and safe sex when they aren't used would be the same rate because it's the same measurement

when comparing when they are used self control is %100 and safe sex is less than %100.

so the question I have is if your position is correct, why do you need to fabricate a comparison to prove it?
Who is suggesting you should feel fear or shame? ...

Presumably anyone who buys into the relevant dictates laid out unambiguously by some of the so-called 'prophets', apostles, and Bishops of your Faith.

...BTW if you are experiencing guilt about something, that's usually an indication that you did something wrong.

Either that, or it's an indication that on some level you've bought into the bullshit that labelled what you did as wrong, despite the perfectly natural and healthy nature of the activity in question.

violence is natural too. Being natural doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy or you shouldn't feel bad about doing something.

besides gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can overcome the natural man and become something more. A new creature in Christ.

Nice try. Violence is illegal. I can't believe you would use that comparison.

legality is irrelevant.
Who is suggesting you should feel fear or shame? ...

Presumably anyone who buys into the relevant dictates laid out unambiguously by some of the so-called 'prophets', apostles, and Bishops of your Faith.

...BTW if you are experiencing guilt about something, that's usually an indication that you did something wrong.

Either that, or it's an indication that on some level you've bought into the bullshit that labelled what you did as wrong, despite the perfectly natural and healthy nature of the activity in question.

violence is natural too. Being natural doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy or you shouldn't feel bad about doing something.

besides gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can overcome the natural man and become something more. A new creature in Christ.

Nice try. Violence is illegal. I can't believe you would use that comparison.

you can't believe I would compare two natural activities to point out the flaw in the "everything that is natural is good and beautiful" argument?

I would think that using logic would be a very natural and expected response.

so why do you think some natural behavior is illegal and some is not? Could it be because even though some self natural, it can be negative and destructive? And does society excuse violence simply because it is natural? No we create laws and expect people to exercise self control.

and yet you think it unreasonable to do the same with other natural behavior. Why is it good to control violent behavior which is natural and not sexual nature because it's natural?

If you think masturbation is equal to violence, then I would suggest you go get some therapy, and possibly attend a sex ed class yourself.


you aren't going to answer any of my questions. Why should we expect people to act with self control in regards to one natural behavior, being violent, but state that people cannot control themselves with another natural behavior, namely any sexual behavior?

after all both include matters of life and death. Yet you seem to think it's impossible to control oneself sexually but violence can be controlled.

yet you won't even attempt a discussion. If your position is correct why wouldn't you?
Were masturbation outlawed the regime would never develop a single strategy. So, HANDS OFF!
Safe sex is very safe, not 100%, but it's very safe. And it's more realistic than preaching abstinence. You should go look at the stats for abstinence.

id love to see the stats for how many people caught an std by not having sex. Or how many pregnancies between people who did not have sex. This should be enlightening

ll, you should google it. Abstinence isn't realistic or effective.

in other words you have nothing. Not surprising. Because it's 100% effective when it's used.

When used....

Now go look at those stats.

the ones you haven't produced.

btw you can't compare abstinence when it's not used to "safe sex" when it is. It's a false comparison.

comparing abstinence and safe sex when they aren't used would be the same rate because it's the same measurement

when comparing when they are used self control is %100 and safe sex is less than %100.

so the question I have is if your position is correct, why do you need to fabricate a comparison to prove it?

Exactly..puts me in mind of the argument that atheists are more *charitable* than Christians...based on calculations that exclude Christian charity.
And did you even watch the video? Why won't you admit the truth that it's about porn addiction and not masturbation? Why won't you admit it wasn't produced by the church? And why do you feel the need to misrepresent the truth to make your point?

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