Why Are The Mormons Having A War On Masturbation?

And did you even watch the video? Why won't you admit the truth that it's about porn addiction and not masturbation? Why won't you admit it wasn't produced by the church? And why do you feel the need to misrepresent the truth to make your point?

Sure, I watched the video. It was absolutely about porn and masturbation. The link dingy provided is an opinion piece from a biased organization, and the video was produced by the BYU, which clearly shows the President of the BYU in the video. And no, it is not a voice-over.

What do you suppose the young man is doing while watching porn?

Here's another crazy video concerning masturbation, from the Mormon Church.

Nope, it wasn't about masturbation.

It was about porn addiction.

We already established this. Over and over again.
I know, because I know that it can't be supported.

There is no evidence and never has been any evidence that watching porn reduces the chance of turning into a serial rapist.
Nope, it wasn't about masturbation.

It was about porn addiction.

We already established this. Over and over again.

We have established nothing of the kind. You provided an opinion piece from a blog. What do you suppose the young man was doing while watching porn? What was he doing in the woods without his computer?....playing bingo? Since you're too lazy to read the links I've provided, my free link giving days are over. The next link is going to cost you $$$.
why exactly do you think a completely different church and organization has any influence on Mormons? ...

While the implied argument might apply to the Jeffs case, Mitchell was in part a product of his upbringing in a mainstream Mormon family in and around Salt Lake City. Paraphrasing an expert witness during his trial (a BYU Professor, no less), the 'revelations' (or psychotic delusions) that eventually led to his excommunication from the LDS Church in June of 2002 (coincidentally the same month in which he kidnapped Elizabeth Smart) were rooted in scriptural language with numerous references both to mainstream and fundamentalist LDS beliefs. Granted, the guy was (and is) a nut, but he fell from the mainstream walnut tree in the shadow of The Temple.

Regarding Jeffs and the fundy/mainstream dichotomy, in light of studies like the one mentioned here, it's not exactly clear how the Church itself differentiates between the "fundamentalists" it accepts and those it rejects, although Warren's group certainly stands among the latter. ;)

That's like saying Lutheran divorce rates affect catholic divorce rates. They are completely unrelated groups

Well, unfortunately for you, census numbers aren't as nuanced as the Church's feelings on the matter as to which beliefs qualify as "Mormon"; and correct me if I'm wrong, but since the Huffpo article alluded to by Carla cited data from the 2010 US census, your argument falls flat straight out of the gate. :)

violence is natural too. Being natural doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy or you shouldn't feel bad about doing something.

Exactly where did I suggest otherwise? :dunno:

The fact that I mentioned both the natural and healthy aspects of masturbation in a single sentence was NOT to suggest that either aspect was contingent on the other, ...so you can shove your silly little strawman where the Sun doesn't shine.

...besides gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can overcome the natural man and become something more. A new creature in Christ.

Right, a "new creature" with little or no use for the unseemly urges of human biology ...which, of course, our Creator has (at best) allowed to persist as a means of weeding out the weaklings from the chosen. :rolleyes:
I know, because I know that it can't be supported.

There is no evidence and never has been any evidence that watching porn reduces the chance of turning into a serial rapist.

What in the world are you talking about? I never once said that watching porn reduced the chance of one turning into a serial rapist. What kind of drugs are you taking? I was talking about sexual repression and the Church not allowing masturbation.
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Again, if you are not a member of the church, why is it a problem?

What an individual chooses to do with his or her own body is no one else's business.

What a church decides to teach it's members is also of no concern to anyone else.

I understand not liking the decision, however, if you are not practicing that religion then noir deal.

Carla seems to think it is okay to teach her kids what she believes however other do not have the same right? Sounds high handed.
Again, if you are not a member of the church, why is it a problem? ...

Historically speaking, the Church's obsession with all things sexual has routinely spilled over into other facets of society, usually by means of political affiliations that have actively pursued oppressive legislation with bearing on citizens outside of the Church as well. This has been true at the local, state, and federal levels of government, and continues today in the anti-gay, anti-abortion, and anti-contraception agendas of the party most commonly associated with religious people of all stripes. The Mormon onslaught on porn and masturbation (which, let's face it, are inextricably linked together, no matter what Avatar and K-girl would have us believe ...:doubt:) is merely the latest in a long line of attempts to legislate morality in a manner consistent with the precepts of the Church.

...What an individual chooses to do with his or her own body is no one else's business.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

...What a church decides to teach it's members is also of no concern to anyone else.


Teachings detrimental to societal evolution have rightfully been targeted by revolutionaries and heretics since long before the era of the Inquisition. Here in the United States, with scriptural support, devout Christians of the past have been slave-holders, racial segregationists, stout proponents of gender subjugation, and worse. The fact that other Christians (usually a minority) were involved in rectifying some of those social injustices is a separate implicit condemnation of the religious mindset in its own right. After all, if such teachings were never really condoned in the scriptures, what business did they have in being widely promoted by various large denominations for hundreds if not thousands of years? So, the natural compunction of many non-religious people to balk at the notion of continued religious incursions into inappropriate areas that could effect the religious and non-religious alike has long been justified by the actions and tactics of the Church.
The people against masturbation are usually the ones whacking off the most. Like mormons. :D
koshergrl said: ↑

I know, because I know that it can't be supported.

There is no evidence and never has been any evidence that watching porn reduces the chance of turning into a serial rapist.

Well, minus the 'serial' part that's not entirely true. In countries which used to forbid pornography, sex crimes dropped significantly when they legalized porn. As they rose when porn was made illegal elsewhere.

Legalizing pornography Lower sex crime rates Study carried out in Czech Republic shows results similar to those in Japan and Denmark -- ScienceDaily
Legalizing child pornography is linked to lower rates of child sex abuse
Again, if you are not a member of the church, why is it a problem?

What an individual chooses to do with his or her own body is no one else's business.

What a church decides to teach it's members is also of no concern to anyone else.

I understand not liking the decision, however, if you are not practicing that religion then noir deal.

Carla seems to think it is okay to teach her kids what she believes however other do not have the same right? Sounds high handed.

I'm find the topic interesting, and this is a discussion forum.

You just hit the nail on the head, didn't you? "What an individual chooses to do with his or her own body is no one else's business." Why is it the Church's business? And, why does the Church care that these college students are masturbating and watching porn? It's the safest sex there is, 100%.

The Church released this video, and it's certainly open for debate, even criticism.

The problem I have with the video, and the teachings of the Mormon Church, is that it is very manipulative, and used to shame young men and women. Do you think it's a good idea to teach children to feel icky about their bodies? The Church starts this process at an early age, and they are obsessed with it. The guy in the last video I posted made some good points. He said that if you can make them feel guilty enough, and harness their sexuality, it's much easier to control other aspects of their lives. The younger you start this process, the better.

To shame children in this way is abuse. When a Church is abusing children, it's everybody's business.

The average college student is not going to be addicted to porn, and you certainly can't get addicted the first time you watch it. Porn is not like smoking crack cocaine, although you wouldn't know that after viewing the video in the OP. And sure, in extreme cases, there are people who become addicted to sex and porn. But that's not who we're talking about, we are discussing the average college student.
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I can kinda see why religious groups Mormons or whoever else would be gaainst masturbation. Being religious, and big about family and marriage, if you can gratify yourself, the incentive to get married and make little Mormons will be less.
koshergrl said: ↑

I know, because I know that it can't be supported.

There is no evidence and never has been any evidence that watching porn reduces the chance of turning into a serial rapist.

Well, minus the 'serial' part that's not entirely true. In countries which used to forbid pornography, sex crimes dropped significantly when they legalized porn. As they rose when porn was made illegal elsewhere.

Legalizing pornography Lower sex crime rates Study carried out in Czech Republic shows results similar to those in Japan and Denmark -- ScienceDaily
Legalizing child pornography is linked to lower rates of child sex abuse

Kosher can't follow a conversation. I never said that by watching porn, will reduce the amount of serial rapists. I was talking about sexual repression. And yes, there is evidence that sexual repression can lead to sexual abuse. All we have to do is look at the Catholic Church as evidence.
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I can kinda see why religious groups Mormons or whoever else would be gaainst masturbation. Being religious, and big about family and marriage, if you can gratify yourself, the incentive to get married and make little Mormons will be less.

I disagree. When has masturbating ever slowed down the marriage rate? This is all about manipulation and control.

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