Why Are The Records For A Political Servant of the US People 'SEALED' Until 2 Years After He Officially 'Retires'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. Why are the records for a US Senator and former Vice President SEALED?

2. Why are the records for a US Senator and former Vice President SEALED...UNTIL HE DECLARES HE IS 'OFFICIALLY' RETIRED?
-- It means Biden has no intention of allowing anyone to have access to those files until after he is DEAD.

3. How can the University of Delaware SEAL Joe Biden's records from the American people he served?
-- How can a University assume control of official government records regarding the service of a 36-year United States Senator, refusing to release them if served with a request under the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Act?

4. WHY even have the FOIA and FRA at all if Democrats are just going to refuse to submit official documents for archival, attempt to destroy them if found to be in their personal possession, and / or lock them away in a federally funded University that refuses to release them .... until 2 years after that public servant's death?


Biden's team keep claiming Biden never sexually assaulted Reade.....but refuses to release documents / records
Biden is hiding in his bunker and refuses to talk about it...
The media refuses to mention it....
The DNC, Dems, and media are covering for him and his refusal to release his records....which is US citizen property since he worked for us / the US govt for those 36 years.....

Confessed Extortion
Sexual Assault
Hiding Records
New footage of him railing against Illegals and wanting a wall built


Joe is self-destructing....

"I'm calling for the release of the documents being held by the University of Delaware that contain Biden's staff personnel records because I believe it will have my complaint form, as well as my separation letter and other documents. Maybe if other staffers that have tried to file complaints would come to light -- why are they under seal? And why won't they be released to the public?"
-- Tara Reade

He's the perfect throwaway candidate for the marxist Dims. He's dripping in criminal filth and batshit incoherent. The only thing he can do to make it more laughable is get goaded into picking that neanderthal from GA for a running mate. It's not often you see this much humor in an election year. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
For #3, see Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

It's the same reason I cannot see your educational records (or lack thereof).

For me its all about his 'Congressional Records'.

I understand Joe wanting to hide the fact that, like his sin, he was a mediocre Law Student / Lawyer....and that when he challenged the guy weeks ago to compare IQs it was a bluff, that the guy was probably smarter than Joe... Who Cares?!

The records of his public service as a US Senator for 36 years is VERY much our business and should be subject to compliance with the FOIA and FRA.
For #3, see Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

It's the same reason I cannot see your educational records (or lack thereof).

For me its all about his 'Congressional Records'.

I understand Joe wanting to hide the fact that, like his sin, he was a mediocre Law Student / Lawyer....and that when he challenged the guy weeks ago to compare IQs it was a bluff, that the guy was probably smarter than Joe... Who Cares?!

The records of his public service as a US Senator for 36 years is VERY much our business and should be subject to compliance with the FOIA and FRA.

What do you think you will find?

The answer is "not a damned thing".
He's the perfect throwaway candidate for the marxist Dims. He's dripping in criminal filth and batshit incoherent. The only thing he can do to make it more laughable is get goaded into picking that neanderthal from GA for a running mate. It's not often you see this much humor in an election year. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I'm sorry you must be mistaken because Biden isn't planning on picking Governor Kemp.
He's the perfect throwaway candidate for the marxist Dims. He's dripping in criminal filth and batshit incoherent. The only thing he can do to make it more laughable is get goaded into picking that neanderthal from GA for a running mate. It's not often you see this much humor in an election year. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
He is a throwaway for the POTUS, but he is a BIG help for them down ballot, which is all they are trying to preserve. They KNOW they ain't taking the white house. The Dems will most certainly lose the house.

This is all 4-5 Senate seats the Dems want to take so they can stop any an all future SCOTUS nominations until they can get back to appointing their IT'S ALIVE*** communist shits to the Court who will "interpret" the constitution to mean the exact opposite of the text, as long as it meets their commie agenda to confiscate all guns and kill free speach/religion/press/assembly.

***(It's Alive):

He's the perfect throwaway candidate for the marxist Dims. He's dripping in criminal filth and batshit incoherent. The only thing he can do to make it more laughable is get goaded into picking that neanderthal from GA for a running mate. It's not often you see this much humor in an election year. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
The female Fridge! What's her name? They gave her like 15 free minutes on MTP Sunday.
I think that's who they want.
He's the perfect throwaway candidate for the marxist Dims. He's dripping in criminal filth and batshit incoherent. The only thing he can do to make it more laughable is get goaded into picking that neanderthal from GA for a running mate. It's not often you see this much humor in an election year. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
He is a throwaway for the POTUS, but he is a BIG help for them down ballot, which is all they are trying to preserve. They KNOW they ain't taking the white house. The Dems will most certainly lose the house.

This is all 4-5 Senate seats the Dems want to take so they can stop any an all future SCOTUS nominations until they can get back to appointing their IT'S ALIVE*** communist shits to the Court who will "interpret" the constitution to mean the exact opposite of the text, as long as it meets their commie agenda to confiscate all guns and kill free speach/religion/press/assembly.

***(It's Alive):

Freedom of religion and assembly certainly are taking a beating with this Covid-19 thing.
Biden's team keep claiming Biden never sexually assaulted Reade.....but refuses to release documents / records


Funny Trump keeps claiming he is completely above board with his taxes and his business's but refuses to release his tax returns or records.
I don't remember you having any problem with that.

Why are Trump's- a nominal 'servant of the people' records sealed now while he is in office?

Why does Trump refuse to release records on how much money from the U.S. is going directly to Trump business's?
Biden's team keep claiming Biden never sexually assaulted Reade.....but refuses to release documents / records


Funny Trump keeps claiming he is completely above board with his taxes and his business's but refuses to release his tax returns or records.
I don't remember you having any problem with that.

Why are Trump's- a nominal 'servant of the people' records sealed now while he is in office?

Why does Trump refuse to release records on how much money from the U.S. is going directly to Trump business's?

B....b....b...BUT WHAT ABOUT...

FAIL! :p

1. Why are the records for a US Senator and former Vice President SEALED?

2. Why are the records for a US Senator and former Vice President SEALED...UNTIL HE DECLARES HE IS 'OFFICIALLY' RETIRED?
-- It means Biden has no intention of allowing anyone to have access to those files until after he is DEAD.

3. How can the University of Delaware SEAL Joe Biden's records from the American people he served?
-- How can a University assume control of official government records regarding the service of a 36-year United States Senator, refusing to release them if served with a request under the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Act?

4. WHY even have the FOIA and FRA at all if Democrats are just going to refuse to submit official documents for archival, attempt to destroy them if found to be in their personal possession, and / or lock them away in a federally funded University that refuses to release them .... until 2 years after that public servant's death?


Biden's team keep claiming Biden never sexually assaulted Reade.....but refuses to release documents / records
Biden is hiding in his bunker and refuses to talk about it...
The media refuses to mention it....
The DNC, Dems, and media are covering for him and his refusal to release his records....which is US citizen property since he worked for us / the US govt for those 36 years.....

Confessed Extortion
Sexual Assault
Hiding Records
New footage of him railing against Illegals and wanting a wall built


Joe is self-destructing....

"I'm calling for the release of the documents being held by the University of Delaware that contain Biden's staff personnel records because I believe it will have my complaint form, as well as my separation letter and other documents. Maybe if other staffers that have tried to file complaints would come to light -- why are they under seal? And why won't they be released to the public?"
-- Tara Reade


Has Tara Reid filed a police report? Officially requested an investigation?
Biden's team keep claiming Biden never sexually assaulted Reade.....but refuses to release documents / records


Funny Trump keeps claiming he is completely above board with his taxes and his business's but refuses to release his tax returns or records.
I don't remember you having any problem with that.

Why are Trump's- a nominal 'servant of the people' records sealed now while he is in office?

Why does Trump refuse to release records on how much money from the U.S. is going directly to Trump business's?
Biden's team keep claiming Biden never sexually assaulted Reade.....but refuses to release documents / records


Funny Trump keeps claiming he is completely above board with his taxes and his business's but refuses to release his tax returns or records.
I don't remember you having any problem with that.

Why are Trump's- a nominal 'servant of the people' records sealed now while he is in office?

Why does Trump refuse to release records on how much money from the U.S. is going directly to Trump business's?

B....b....b...BUT WHAT ABOUT...

FAIL! :p


Actually it brings your hypocrisy into sharp focus.
Has Tara Reid filed a police report? Officially requested an investigation?

Ford never filed a police report.
Ford never asked for an investigation.
Ford asked Democrats NOT to expose her or start one up.
....and Dems and the MSM threw her under the bus, savaged the Judge and his family, and 'dumped Ford along the side of the road' when their political hit on Kavanaugh failed.

DNC President Tom Perez vocally, publicly declared just having such an allegation made against someone requires them to step down.

What a shocker that all the Dems 'seeking Justice' for Ford, who screamed 'ALL women MUST be believed', Perez and YOU are hypocritically demanding and demonstrating an entirely opposite set of rules be applied for DEMOCRATS.

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