Why are the Repubs only talking about a women's responsibility with the Egg

Another neglected topic is fathers rights when a woman is pregnant. What if the father wants his child? Suddenly a woman's right to choose to end her pregnancy is more important than the father's rights to have his child born whole and healthy?

Who wins? The child and the father or the woman?
Another neglected topic is fathers rights when a woman is pregnant. What if the father wants his child? Suddenly a woman's right to choose to end her pregnancy is more important than the father's rights to have his child born whole and healthy?

Who wins? The child and the father or the woman?

None of the above unless you keep score the way the Rs do ...

All that really matters is money.

Did anyone notice that not even one rw has ever said they are against Joe Walsh's desertion of his children?

Shame on the lot of you.
Another neglected topic is fathers rights when a woman is pregnant. What if the father wants his child? Suddenly a woman's right to choose to end her pregnancy is more important than the father's rights to have his child born whole and healthy?

Who wins? The child and the father or the woman?

Good luck getting an answer to that. My suggestion is one that neither side of the debate likes. I believe that a woman, by virtue of being the living incubator, should have complete control over her reproduction. She should have access to birth control that she can afford and first trimester abortion should be legal. However, because the woman has the power to decide whether a child will be born or not, outside of legal marriage, she should be 100% responsible for the resulting child. If the woman were to have to assume all the responsibility of the child born out of wedlock, you can guarantee that the illegitimate birthrate would plummet. A woman receiving government welfare should be required to be on birth control during whatever time period that she seeks public support.

See? I told you neither side would like it.
Another neglected topic is fathers rights when a woman is pregnant. What if the father wants his child? Suddenly a woman's right to choose to end her pregnancy is more important than the father's rights to have his child born whole and healthy?

Who wins? The child and the father or the woman?

I said on the 1st page, I think a man should be able to opt out. The woman should be required to serve the father with papers within her 1st trimester, and he can either agree to become a parent or sign away all rights. If he chooses not to participate, it will be within the time frame that a woman can have an abortion if she doesn't want to or can't afford to raise a child alone.
Why are the Repubs only talking about a women's responsibility with the Egg

Because republicans have no solutions to address our economic issues.

Consequently, they attack women with regard to privacy rights in an effort to fire-up the Old Bush Base.
Another neglected topic is fathers rights when a woman is pregnant. What if the father wants his child? Suddenly a woman's right to choose to end her pregnancy is more important than the father's rights to have his child born whole and healthy?

Who wins? The child and the father or the woman?

I said on the 1st page, I think a man should be able to opt out. The woman should be required to serve the father with papers within her 1st trimester, and he can either agree to become a parent or sign away all rights. If he chooses not to participate, it will be within the time frame that a woman can have an abortion if she doesn't want to or can't afford to raise a child alone.

Why because the act of rape and impregnating the women should just be ignored or get out in jail after a few months, most likely he Will do it again, shouldn't he be punished in a way where he is unable to do it . While the woman has the rest of her life raising her child.
So a woman should be celibate , but there is no mention of the mans responsibly what so ever.

Rape is a crime of power, penis or not men will use another tool.

Where in the hell do you think I said it should be ignored?

I believe rapists, pedophiles and murderers should get the death penalty.

Where did I say women should be celibate?

You jump to so many conclusions without evidence or facts, get a grip.

Sorry if you took it as I was talking to you, just after thought comments that didn't apply to what you said.
I am glad to read that you feel as strongly as you do, I feel just as strong.

What are you talking about my ignorance of the crime of rape?

Rape is a crime of power, whether the guy has or uses a penis or not, is not the issue, take the penis away and he will find another item to control and humiliate. That is why the death penalty is the only solution.
Why are the Repubs only talking about a women's responsibility with the Egg

Because republicans have no solutions to address our economic issues.

Consequently, they attack women with regard to privacy rights in an effort to fire-up the Old Bush Base.

We know that isnt true.

You guys are just pissed you cant make someone else pay the bills.

I still recall the DNC conference call of any cut is EXTREME.
Rape is a crime of power, penis or not men will use another tool.

Where in the hell do you think I said it should be ignored?

I believe rapists, pedophiles and murderers should get the death penalty.

Where did I say women should be celibate?

You jump to so many conclusions without evidence or facts, get a grip.

Sorry if you took it as I was talking to you, just after thought comments that didn't apply to what you said.
I am glad to read that you feel as strongly as you do, I feel just as strong.

What are you talking about my ignorance of the crime of rape?

Rape is a crime of power, whether the guy has or uses a penis or not, is not the issue, take the penis away and he will find another item to control and humiliate. That is why the death penalty is the only solution.

Well your right about the power thing, same reason people abuse another.

These people get out and do it again, the endorphin high is too hard to resist, just like addiction.
Anyway I brought up rape because I am only hearing about the victims instead of
the perpetrators lately in politics.
Why are the Repubs only talking about a women's responsibility with the Egg

Because republicans have no solutions to address our economic issues.

Consequently, they attack women with regard to privacy rights in an effort to fire-up the Old Bush Base.

We know that isnt true.

You guys are just pissed you cant make someone else pay the bills.

I still recall the DNC conference call of any cut is EXTREME.

Really???:lol: I haven't heard any plans, just rehearsed spiel...
Why are we not hearing about what would happen if a man runs out on the woman after The 2 of them have sex and become pregnant? Do what it takes to go after him to raise that baby Right now as it is, there is a huge epidemic of women being left alone, raising their child in poverty.

Why are we not hearing that if a woman is forced to carry a child after being raped, the man still gets to keep his penis to rape more

Would rubbers be banned then, not just birth control? Or is it just Not ok for Women to have sex, and have to take full responsibility of raising the baby without any help?

Shouldn't a man's penis be probed to make sure he was in fact the father .

I do not see any responsibility coming from the sperms or penises of the republican's

Then you aren't paying any attention.
Why are the Repubs only talking about a women's responsibility with the Egg

Because republicans have no solutions to address our economic issues.

Consequently, they attack women with regard to privacy rights in an effort to fire-up the Old Bush Base.

Another person not paying attention

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