WHY are the "terrorist" attacks in the US and Europe more important than

Can you English?

When did I ever say that there were no civilian deaths?

Someone has been shitting on the Palestinians and Muslims since, circa, 1925.

In 1949 , in order to be elected President , Truman stabbed 1.5 Muslims in the back in order to obtain the support of the American Jewish Lobby.

How are those victims supposed to retaliate, they don't have a gazillion dollars military budget, no F16's. no fancy military equipment.

All they know is that the civilians in the US, France and the UK know, or should know, that their governments are perpetrating a tremendous injustice.

And they want to avenge the injustice the best way they can.

The Coalition of the Fucktards is well financed ; the insurgents are not.

Okay, you say this...how does that justify attacking civilian rather than military targets? If these guys were retaliating, or fighting for their freedom, the answer is simple...kill the people that are killing you. Killing the people that aren't doing anything that has to deal with you, and, likely, aren't even thinking about you or have ever thought about you in their entire lives...is almost the definition of being counter productive and lacking basic common sense. These guys aren't going after military bases, political figures, or the like...they are going after large gatherings of civilians in non-military areas. There is no rationale behind that beyond just some sort of sick, twisted blind hatred. It isn't like these guys are targeting military targets and missing, killing many civilians (which we actually do A LOT). These guys are targeting civilians, killing civilians, and considering their "missions" a success when they do. It is toxic. It is skewed. It is an ideology that needs to be eliminated in our modern era.


How do the Palestinians RETALIATE against the zionuts?

Do you believe that they are allowed to be near Bibi, the knesset or a military base?

They get NO military aid from the US, the zionuts on the other hand get a 12 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars military package.

Of course their hatred is blind, place yourself in their shoes and analyze the situation.

.1.5 Million Palestinians lost their Country in 1949 when Truman Recognized the Jewish state and they became foreigners in their own land. Is that a reason for blind hatred.
You strike me as somebody who doesn't have a clue about war. Let me be frank, war is horrible. The LAST thing you generally want you or your family to be in is a situation where your home is sitting in the middle of a warzone. Even worse, war tends to create a justifiable cycle of hatred where both sides go for blood due to the blood that has been lost. I understand, far more than your theoretical mind can possibly fathom without having experienced it, what the cost of fighting and war is. It is because I understand that, that I understand why they do hate. For that, I don't begrudge them for killing the "bad guy" that happens to be lined up against them. I do begrudge them for trying to bring their war elsewhere. Many of these guys live in it. They know the costs. They should also know that once you are put in that cycle...it is pretty hard to escape it. So, it is evil and stupid on two fronts. Evil because they are going out of their way to target people largely ignorant to their very existence, and, likely, not involved in the slightest. Stupid because, in doing so, they have immediately created more enemies and more suffering for themselves.

Who are you by the way? Are you seriously sitting here and advocating for more terrorism? You do realize you are defending terrorist acts right? What sort of world do you live in, where this is acceptable?

You strike me as somebody who doesn't have a clue about human rights.

You come here and encourage the US, France the UK and Israel to continue sticking it to the Muslims, and from your standpoint that is proper. And you don't see that as advocating state sponsored terrorism

But when the Muslims RETALIATE then ,, somehow, it becomes terrorism.

Can you English?

When have I encouraged any country to "stick it to the Muslims"? Please, quote me.

I actually went out of my way to say that I don't mind when foreign forces are killed by Muslims...in a war that is what you do...you tend to try and kill the other side. What I did say was that targeting civilians...with no military or political reason...is abhorrent, and should not be tolerated. This isn't a "retaliation" when they target civilians...as the civilians did ZERO to Muslims...a retaliation would be taking out an important political figure or military base / force. This is blatant, unjustified, terrorism...the killing of innocents which, laughably enough, actually ends up being counter productive to their goals (as it rallies support against them when there may have been no support to begin with).

Again, who are you? Are you seriously sitting here and advocating for more terrorism? You do realize you are defending terrorist acts right? What sort of world do you live in, where this is acceptable?
Someone has been shitting on the Palestinians and Muslims since, circa, 1925.

In 1949 , in order to be elected President , Truman stabbed 1.5 Muslims in the back in order to obtain the support of the American Jewish Lobby.

How are those victims supposed to retaliate, they don't have a gazillion dollars military budget, no F16's. no fancy military equipment.

All they know is that the civilians in the US, France and the UK know, or should know, that their governments are perpetrating a tremendous injustice.

And they want to avenge the injustice the best way they can.

The Coalition of the Fucktards is well financed ; the insurgents are not.

Okay, you say this...how does that justify attacking civilian rather than military targets? If these guys were retaliating, or fighting for their freedom, the answer is simple...kill the people that are killing you. Killing the people that aren't doing anything that has to deal with you, and, likely, aren't even thinking about you or have ever thought about you in their entire lives...is almost the definition of being counter productive and lacking basic common sense. These guys aren't going after military bases, political figures, or the like...they are going after large gatherings of civilians in non-military areas. There is no rationale behind that beyond just some sort of sick, twisted blind hatred. It isn't like these guys are targeting military targets and missing, killing many civilians (which we actually do A LOT). These guys are targeting civilians, killing civilians, and considering their "missions" a success when they do. It is toxic. It is skewed. It is an ideology that needs to be eliminated in our modern era.


How do the Palestinians RETALIATE against the zionuts?

Do you believe that they are allowed to be near Bibi, the knesset or a military base?

They get NO military aid from the US, the zionuts on the other hand get a 12 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars military package.

Of course their hatred is blind, place yourself in their shoes and analyze the situation.

.1.5 Million Palestinians lost their Country in 1949 when Truman Recognized the Jewish state and they became foreigners in their own land. Is that a reason for blind hatred.
You strike me as somebody who doesn't have a clue about war. Let me be frank, war is horrible. The LAST thing you generally want you or your family to be in is a situation where your home is sitting in the middle of a warzone. Even worse, war tends to create a justifiable cycle of hatred where both sides go for blood due to the blood that has been lost. I understand, far more than your theoretical mind can possibly fathom without having experienced it, what the cost of fighting and war is. It is because I understand that, that I understand why they do hate. For that, I don't begrudge them for killing the "bad guy" that happens to be lined up against them. I do begrudge them for trying to bring their war elsewhere. Many of these guys live in it. They know the costs. They should also know that once you are put in that cycle...it is pretty hard to escape it. So, it is evil and stupid on two fronts. Evil because they are going out of their way to target people largely ignorant to their very existence, and, likely, not involved in the slightest. Stupid because, in doing so, they have immediately created more enemies and more suffering for themselves.

Who are you by the way? Are you seriously sitting here and advocating for more terrorism? You do realize you are defending terrorist acts right? What sort of world do you live in, where this is acceptable?

You strike me as somebody who doesn't have a clue about human rights.

You come here and encourage the US, France the UK and Israel to continue sticking it to the Muslims, and from your standpoint that is proper. And you don't see that as advocating state sponsored terrorism

But when the Muslims RETALIATE then ,, somehow, it becomes terrorism.

Can you English?

When have I encouraged any country to "stick it to the Muslims"? Please, quote me.

I actually went out of my way to say that I don't mind when foreign forces are killed by Muslims...in a war that is what you do...you tend to try and kill the other side. What I did say was that targeting civilians...with no military or political reason...is abhorrent, and should not be tolerated. This isn't a "retaliation" when they target civilians...as the civilians did ZERO to Muslims...a retaliation would be taking out an important political figure or military base / force. This is blatant, unjustified, terrorism...the killing of innocents which, laughably enough, actually ends up being counter productive to their goals (as it rallies support against them when there may have been no support to begin with).

Again, who are you? Are you seriously sitting here and advocating for more terrorism? You do realize you are defending terrorist acts right? What sort of world do you live in, where this is acceptable?

That's bullshit

How many people follow Trump because of his anti-Muslim stand?

Now Cruz want to create a stasi state in Muslim neighborhoods.

So why do you support more terrorism?

Okay, you say this...how does that justify attacking civilian rather than military targets? If these guys were retaliating, or fighting for their freedom, the answer is simple...kill the people that are killing you. Killing the people that aren't doing anything that has to deal with you, and, likely, aren't even thinking about you or have ever thought about you in their entire lives...is almost the definition of being counter productive and lacking basic common sense. These guys aren't going after military bases, political figures, or the like...they are going after large gatherings of civilians in non-military areas. There is no rationale behind that beyond just some sort of sick, twisted blind hatred. It isn't like these guys are targeting military targets and missing, killing many civilians (which we actually do A LOT). These guys are targeting civilians, killing civilians, and considering their "missions" a success when they do. It is toxic. It is skewed. It is an ideology that needs to be eliminated in our modern era.


How do the Palestinians RETALIATE against the zionuts?

Do you believe that they are allowed to be near Bibi, the knesset or a military base?

They get NO military aid from the US, the zionuts on the other hand get a 12 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars military package.

Of course their hatred is blind, place yourself in their shoes and analyze the situation.

.1.5 Million Palestinians lost their Country in 1949 when Truman Recognized the Jewish state and they became foreigners in their own land. Is that a reason for blind hatred.
You strike me as somebody who doesn't have a clue about war. Let me be frank, war is horrible. The LAST thing you generally want you or your family to be in is a situation where your home is sitting in the middle of a warzone. Even worse, war tends to create a justifiable cycle of hatred where both sides go for blood due to the blood that has been lost. I understand, far more than your theoretical mind can possibly fathom without having experienced it, what the cost of fighting and war is. It is because I understand that, that I understand why they do hate. For that, I don't begrudge them for killing the "bad guy" that happens to be lined up against them. I do begrudge them for trying to bring their war elsewhere. Many of these guys live in it. They know the costs. They should also know that once you are put in that cycle...it is pretty hard to escape it. So, it is evil and stupid on two fronts. Evil because they are going out of their way to target people largely ignorant to their very existence, and, likely, not involved in the slightest. Stupid because, in doing so, they have immediately created more enemies and more suffering for themselves.

Who are you by the way? Are you seriously sitting here and advocating for more terrorism? You do realize you are defending terrorist acts right? What sort of world do you live in, where this is acceptable?

You strike me as somebody who doesn't have a clue about human rights.

You come here and encourage the US, France the UK and Israel to continue sticking it to the Muslims, and from your standpoint that is proper. And you don't see that as advocating state sponsored terrorism

But when the Muslims RETALIATE then ,, somehow, it becomes terrorism.

Can you English?

When have I encouraged any country to "stick it to the Muslims"? Please, quote me.

I actually went out of my way to say that I don't mind when foreign forces are killed by Muslims...in a war that is what you do...you tend to try and kill the other side. What I did say was that targeting civilians...with no military or political reason...is abhorrent, and should not be tolerated. This isn't a "retaliation" when they target civilians...as the civilians did ZERO to Muslims...a retaliation would be taking out an important political figure or military base / force. This is blatant, unjustified, terrorism...the killing of innocents which, laughably enough, actually ends up being counter productive to their goals (as it rallies support against them when there may have been no support to begin with).

Again, who are you? Are you seriously sitting here and advocating for more terrorism? You do realize you are defending terrorist acts right? What sort of world do you live in, where this is acceptable?

That's bullshit

How many people follow Trump because of his anti-Muslim stand?

Now Cruz want to create a stasi state in Muslim neighborhoods.

So why do you support more terrorism?

I support neither Trump nor Cruz? Where, please quote me, have I ever said that?

If anything the examples you posted are actual reasons why Muslim extremist terrorism is effective in garnering actions AGAINST themselves. You really think Americans would give two shits about ISIS if they stayed contained in their countries rather than attacking Western countries? Let me state this in more historical terms:

Somalia 1993. The Mogadishu raid. Here we had American forces that got themselves in a bad situation and got shit on. They killed our guys and put the dead bodies on display for the world to see. Americans, at home, were horrified at this. This led to a lot of political movement in which American forces largely pulled out of the region. Contrast that to 9/11, where Muslim extremists (al-Quaeda) killed thousands of Americans and destroyed landmark buildings (I realize that they also attacked the Pentagon, but most people really only think of the twin towers and relate to the CIVILIAN, non-military target). We literally had boots on deck in Afghanistan within a month. Not only that, but we have had a large presence in that country for over a decade now with still over 5,000 troops fighting with Afghan forces against al-Quaeda.

Now, which of these were more effective? Killing American troops that were fighting against you (Somalia)...which led to our forces temporarily evacuating the region and we have NEVER had a large presence there. Or conducting terrorist attacks which has led to a LARGE coalition of troops that has fought in your country, against your organization, for almost 15 years? Again, terrorist attacks are not only evil, but stupid.

How do the Palestinians RETALIATE against the zionuts?

Do you believe that they are allowed to be near Bibi, the knesset or a military base?

They get NO military aid from the US, the zionuts on the other hand get a 12 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars military package.

Of course their hatred is blind, place yourself in their shoes and analyze the situation.

.1.5 Million Palestinians lost their Country in 1949 when Truman Recognized the Jewish state and they became foreigners in their own land. Is that a reason for blind hatred.
You strike me as somebody who doesn't have a clue about war. Let me be frank, war is horrible. The LAST thing you generally want you or your family to be in is a situation where your home is sitting in the middle of a warzone. Even worse, war tends to create a justifiable cycle of hatred where both sides go for blood due to the blood that has been lost. I understand, far more than your theoretical mind can possibly fathom without having experienced it, what the cost of fighting and war is. It is because I understand that, that I understand why they do hate. For that, I don't begrudge them for killing the "bad guy" that happens to be lined up against them. I do begrudge them for trying to bring their war elsewhere. Many of these guys live in it. They know the costs. They should also know that once you are put in that cycle...it is pretty hard to escape it. So, it is evil and stupid on two fronts. Evil because they are going out of their way to target people largely ignorant to their very existence, and, likely, not involved in the slightest. Stupid because, in doing so, they have immediately created more enemies and more suffering for themselves.

Who are you by the way? Are you seriously sitting here and advocating for more terrorism? You do realize you are defending terrorist acts right? What sort of world do you live in, where this is acceptable?

You strike me as somebody who doesn't have a clue about human rights.

You come here and encourage the US, France the UK and Israel to continue sticking it to the Muslims, and from your standpoint that is proper. And you don't see that as advocating state sponsored terrorism

But when the Muslims RETALIATE then ,, somehow, it becomes terrorism.

Can you English?

When have I encouraged any country to "stick it to the Muslims"? Please, quote me.

I actually went out of my way to say that I don't mind when foreign forces are killed by Muslims...in a war that is what you do...you tend to try and kill the other side. What I did say was that targeting civilians...with no military or political reason...is abhorrent, and should not be tolerated. This isn't a "retaliation" when they target civilians...as the civilians did ZERO to Muslims...a retaliation would be taking out an important political figure or military base / force. This is blatant, unjustified, terrorism...the killing of innocents which, laughably enough, actually ends up being counter productive to their goals (as it rallies support against them when there may have been no support to begin with).

Again, who are you? Are you seriously sitting here and advocating for more terrorism? You do realize you are defending terrorist acts right? What sort of world do you live in, where this is acceptable?

That's bullshit

How many people follow Trump because of his anti-Muslim stand?

Now Cruz want to create a stasi state in Muslim neighborhoods.

So why do you support more terrorism?

I support neither Trump nor Cruz? Where, please quote me, have I ever said that?

If anything the examples you posted are actual reasons why Muslim extremist terrorism is effective in garnering actions AGAINST themselves. You really think Americans would give two shits about ISIS if they stayed contained in their countries rather than attacking Western countries? Let me state this in more historical terms:

Somalia 1993. The Mogadishu raid. Here we had American forces that got themselves in a bad situation and got shit on. They killed our guys and put the dead bodies on display for the world to see. Americans, at home, were horrified at this. This led to a lot of political movement in which American forces largely pulled out of the region. Contrast that to 9/11, where Muslim extremists (al-Quaeda) killed thousands of Americans and destroyed landmark buildings (I realize that they also attacked the Pentagon, but most people really only think of the twin towers and relate to the CIVILIAN, non-military target). We literally had boots on deck in Afghanistan within a month. Not only that, but we have had a large presence in that country for over a decade now with still over 5,000 troops fighting with Afghan forces against al-Quaeda.

Now, which of these were more effective? Killing American troops that were fighting against you (Somalia)...which led to our forces temporarily evacuating the region and we have NEVER had a large presence there. Or conducting terrorist attacks which has led to a LARGE coalition of troops that has fought in your country, against your organization, for almost 15 years? Again, terrorist attacks are not only evil, but stupid.

Can you English?

The US is the #1 sponsor of state terrorism

1- In 1949 Harry S Truman threw 1.5 million Muslims under the bus in order to be electable and defeat Dewey - he recognized the Jewish State even though FDR had warned that such recognition was going to require the US to PERMANENTLY defend the Zionuts.

2- In 1990 the US invaded Iraq, remained there for 18 years decimating millions of Iraqis in the process

3- The US has completely destroyed Syria causing its people to become international refugees

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