Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.
You asked, I answered.
I asked for specific things that were not being done. Have you come up with anything yet?
I just did.

Never mind. You win. Don't do a thing.
I think he is saying that what you said is already being done....

They just don't have a PR campaign to inform you about it......but they exist...

and isn't Candace Owen, Jesse Lee Peterson, Larry Elders, Thomas Sewell -- aren't they black leaders?? Aren't they saying what you want to be said to black folks??

Jesse Lee Peterson even has an actual organization supposedly dedicated to doing what you said -- but for some reason -- I never hear you folks from the "someone needs to tell those blacks how to act" camp mention these organizations.....

Its almost like you folks just say this shit as a platitude response
Theres not one thing you mentioned that Blacks have not already done.
Black individuals have done that. Not black organizations that I am aware of... Feel free to share if I'm wrong on that.
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

To quickly address your views on a high level.

1. Separate themselves from white liberals and take the lead.

And run to white conservatives who are openly hostile in word and deed to the black community?

Blacks have taken the lead. Please explain how you view them as not?

2. Let's have black on leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problem they are facing today: black on black crime.

There's so much wrong here, I almost don't know where to begin.
Who are the white leaders in politics and popular culture?
Blacks are, and have been, holding their own accountable for generations in this country. You even had President Barack Obama chastise a group of graduating students with a "pull your pants up" speech, which was very offensive, not to mention unnecessary. These were the brothers already doing the right thing. Let's not forget Bill Cosby version of "pull your pants up", another offensive and unnecessary thing to do. Look up "respectability politics" and come back with your findings. Lastly, what's the percentage of "Black on black crime?" I've been living in predominantly all black communities for all my life and I haven't experienced the carnage you and your ilk seem to believe is a reality. There's crime in the world, it will always be there. Crime tends to be more prevalent in poor communities. Due to America's racist history blacks have been relegated to those poor communities, I'd start by addressing poverty first more than anything. And "Black leaders", of all stripes, have been SCREAMING that for generations.

3. Shame [the right] by showing them how it's done.

Are you fletching kidding me?!?!?? Blacks have been doing this for generations. It has no affect on them as they have no shame. They simply double down on their offense. As you can see clearly demonstrated in this thread and hundreds others right here on USMB.

Can you recognize how your "suggestions" and/or viewpoint can be seen as offensive?
Last edited:
by the way.....so people don't forget.....these are the founders of Black Lives Matter....
View attachment 356764
Should the FBI arrest them?

Yeah because I think one of them recently was on a pod cast admitting that it's not about black lives at all, but a Marxist ideological revolution.
Tell me a Marxist policy they wish to implement?

Doing away with qualified immunity, no-knock warrants?

Oh let me guess, they wanna go full Stalin and expand Medicare so all people can have it? Yea, that is scary.....

Far scarier than trying to take away healthcare during a pandemic with ZERO REPLACEMENT

There is a reason why you morons have to resort to fear mongering -- because when it comes to policies....the majority of the country is AGAINST YOU -- you have no place else to go but to fearmonger and "otherize" any person of color who doesn't buckdance for your approval...

Ask the co founder of BLM what Marxist policies she wants to implement. She was the one saying she supports a Marxist revolution..not me.
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.
You asked, I answered.
I asked for specific things that were not being done. Have you come up with anything yet?
I just did.

Never mind. You win. Don't do a thing.
I think he is saying that what you said is already being done....

They just don't have a PR campaign to inform you about it......but they exist...

and isn't Candace Owen, Jesse Lee Peterson, Larry Elders, Thomas Sewell -- aren't they black leaders?? Aren't they saying what you want to be said to black folks??

Jesse Lee Peterson even has an actual organization supposedly dedicated to doing what you said -- but for some reason -- I never hear you folks from the "someone needs to tell those blacks how to act" camp mention these organizations.....

Its almost like you folks just say this shit as a platitude response
Umm... Are they not conservatives? I don't know... I recognize half those names. I don't seem them as "black leaders" but as individuals telling their... Truth I guess.

Editf: I guess I would ask What you think about those people you just mentioned... Do you think they are right in their philosophy's?
Theres not one thing you mentioned that Blacks have not already done.
Black individuals have done that. Not black organizations that I am aware of... Feel free to share if I'm wrong on that.
If youre not aware of something how hard is it to simply google it? Took me less than a second to see this.

They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Whats not to hate about a violent group of racists who never do anything positive? All they do is destroy cities, yell dumb shit into megaphones, and block traffic.
Has BLM said that whites are inferior? That's what racism actually is.

Please provide a link. Thanks in advance.
Why would they need to say that? They say plenty of other equally offensive things.
Well, you called them racist, not me. I just asked for an example.
They call the cops racist. When has a police department ever said blacks are inferior?

How many examples would you need?
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
..so fighting against injustice is wrong???!!
BLM wants to KILL white people
etc many links

Yes, there definitely some radicals in that group.

BLM is promoting the lies and promoting HATE against whites and cops---
..so hating people of other races is ok with you???!!!
Why do white people protest along side BLM protestors?

Oh.....them's the stupid sissy boy whites. They are all fags!
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.
You asked, I answered.
I asked for specific things that were not being done. Have you come up with anything yet?
I just did.

Never mind. You win. Don't do a thing.
I think he is saying that what you said is already being done....

They just don't have a PR campaign to inform you about it......but they exist...

and isn't Candace Owen, Jesse Lee Peterson, Larry Elders, Thomas Sewell -- aren't they black leaders?? Aren't they saying what you want to be said to black folks??

Jesse Lee Peterson even has an actual organization supposedly dedicated to doing what you said -- but for some reason -- I never hear you folks from the "someone needs to tell those blacks how to act" camp mention these organizations.....

Its almost like you folks just say this shit as a platitude response
"You folks"?

I was asked a question, I provided an answer, that's it.

Maybe it would be better if I joined the club and just laced all my comments with personal insults, name calling and hyperbole.
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

To quickly address your views on a high level.

1. Separate themselves from white liberals and take the lead.
And run to white conservatives who are openly hostile in word and deed to the black community?

Blacks have taken the lead. Please explain how you view them as not?

2. Let's have black on leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problem they are facing today: black on black crime.

There's so much wrong here, I almost don't know where to begin.
Who are the white leaders in politics and popular culture?
Blacks are, and have been, holding their own accountable for generations in this country. You even had President Barack Obama chastise a group of graduating students with a "pull your pants up" speech, which was very offensive, not to mention unnecessary. These were the brothers already doing the right thing. Let's not forget Bill Cosby version of "pull your pants up", another offensive and unnecessary thing to do. Look up "respectability politics" and come back with your findings. Lastly, what's the percentage of "Black on black crime?" I've been living in predominantly all black communities for all my life and I haven't experienced the carnage you and your ilk seem to believe is a reality. There's crime in the world, it will always be there. Crime tends to be more prevalent in poor communities. Due to America's racist history blacks have been relegated to those poor communities, I'd start by addressing poverty first more than anything. And "Black leaders", of all stripes, have been SCREAMING that for generations.

3. Shame [the right] by showing them how it's done.

Are you fletching kidding me?!?!?? Blacks have been doing this for generations. It has no affect on them as they have no shame. They simply double down on their offense. As you can see clearly demonstrated in this thread and hundreds others right here on USMB.

Can you recognize how your "suggestions" and/or viewpoint can be seen as offensive?
I have never seen you vilify black on black crime here but you do request reparations frequently.
Theres not one thing you mentioned that Blacks have not already done.
Black individuals have done that. Not black organizations that I am aware of... Feel free to share if I'm wrong on that.
If youre not aware of something how hard is it to simply google it? Took me less than a second to see this.

Yeah, they get zero dollars and a bah fongula from me.
by the way.....so people don't forget.....these are the founders of Black Lives Matter....
View attachment 356764
Should the FBI arrest them?

Yeah because I think one of them recently was on a pod cast admitting that it's not about black lives at all, but a Marxist ideological revolution.
Tell me a Marxist policy they wish to implement?

Doing away with qualified immunity, no-knock warrants?

Oh let me guess, they wanna go full Stalin and expand Medicare so all people can have it? Yea, that is scary.....

Far scarier than trying to take away healthcare during a pandemic with ZERO REPLACEMENT

There is a reason why you morons have to resort to fear mongering -- because when it comes to policies....the majority of the country is AGAINST YOU -- you have no place else to go but to fearmonger and "otherize" any person of color who doesn't buckdance for your approval...

Ask the co founder of BLM what Marxist policies she wants to implement. She was the one saying she supports a Marxist revolution..not me.
You don't know what they are but you are afraid anyway.....cool.....

So you should also be against the way we calculate production value right? You know, the value of a product equals the means of production plus the time of labor....that's Marxism....

So again...what Marxist policies is BLM supporting? Can you name one?
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

To quickly address your views on a high level.

1. Separate themselves from white liberals and take the lead.
And run to white conservatives who are openly hostile in word and deed to the black community?

Blacks have taken the lead. Please explain how you view them as not?

2. Let's have black on leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problem they are facing today: black on black crime.

There's so much wrong here, I almost don't know where to begin.
Who are the white leaders in politics and popular culture?
Blacks are, and have been, holding their own accountable for generations in this country. You even had President Barack Obama chastise a group of graduating students with a "pull your pants up" speech, which was very offensive, not to mention unnecessary. These were the brothers already doing the right thing. Let's not forget Bill Cosby version of "pull your pants up", another offensive and unnecessary thing to do. Look up "respectability politics" and come back with your findings. Lastly, what's the percentage of "Black on black crime?" I've been living in predominantly all black communities for all my life and I haven't experienced the carnage you and your ilk seem to believe is a reality. There's crime in the world, it will always be there. Crime tends to be more prevalent in poor communities. Due to America's racist history blacks have been relegated to those poor communities, I'd start by addressing poverty first more than anything. And "Black leaders", of all stripes, have been SCREAMING that for generations.

3. Shame [the right] by showing them how it's done.

Are you fletching kidding me?!?!?? Blacks have been doing this for generations. It has no affect on them as they have no shame. They simply double down on their offense. As you can see clearly demonstrated in this thread and hundreds others right here on USMB.

Can you recognize how your "suggestions" and/or viewpoint can be seen as offensive?
Sure, anyone can be offended by anything.

I'll say it again: I was asked a question, and I answered it.

I sure as hell don't expect any of it to actually happen.
by the way.....so people don't forget.....these are the founders of Black Lives Matter....
View attachment 356764
Should the FBI arrest them?

Yeah because I think one of them recently was on a pod cast admitting that it's not about black lives at all, but a Marxist ideological revolution.
Tell me a Marxist policy they wish to implement?

Doing away with qualified immunity, no-knock warrants?

Oh let me guess, they wanna go full Stalin and expand Medicare so all people can have it? Yea, that is scary.....

Far scarier than trying to take away healthcare during a pandemic with ZERO REPLACEMENT

There is a reason why you morons have to resort to fear mongering -- because when it comes to policies....the majority of the country is AGAINST YOU -- you have no place else to go but to fearmonger and "otherize" any person of color who doesn't buckdance for your approval...

Ask the co founder of BLM what Marxist policies she wants to implement. She was the one saying she supports a Marxist revolution..not me.
You don't know what they are but you are afraid anyway.....cool.....

So you should also be against the way we calculate production value right? You know, the value of a product equals the means of production plus the time of labor....that's Marxism....

So again...what Marxist policies is BLM supporting? Can you name one?
Wtf ever, Excess Labor Value theory dumbass. (You are a Marxist)
Newsflash: The real world does not work like that.

Can you recognize how your "suggestions" and/or viewpoint can be seen as offensive?
I still find it odd that people think being offended by something as some sort of reason as to not to say your own opinion. Truth if you will.
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

To quickly address your views on a high level.

1. Separate themselves from white liberals and take the lead.
And run to white conservatives who are openly hostile in word and deed to the black community?

Blacks have taken the lead. Please explain how you view them as not?

2. Let's have black on leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problem they are facing today: black on black crime.

There's so much wrong here, I almost don't know where to begin.
Who are the white leaders in politics and popular culture?
Blacks are, and have been, holding their own accountable for generations in this country. You even had President Barack Obama chastise a group of graduating students with a "pull your pants up" speech, which was very offensive, not to mention unnecessary. These were the brothers already doing the right thing. Let's not forget Bill Cosby version of "pull your pants up", another offensive and unnecessary thing to do. Look up "respectability politics" and come back with your findings. Lastly, what's the percentage of "Black on black crime?" I've been living in predominantly all black communities for all my life and I haven't experienced the carnage you and your ilk seem to believe is a reality. There's crime in the world, it will always be there. Crime tends to be more prevalent in poor communities. Due to America's racist history blacks have been relegated to those poor communities, I'd start by addressing poverty first more than anything. And "Black leaders", of all stripes, have been SCREAMING that for generations.

3. Shame [the right] by showing them how it's done.

Are you fletching kidding me?!?!?? Blacks have been doing this for generations. It has no affect on them as they have no shame. They simply double down on their offense. As you can see clearly demonstrated in this thread and hundreds others right here on USMB.

Can you recognize how your "suggestions" and/or viewpoint can be seen as offensive?
I have never seen you vilify black on black crime here but you do request reparations frequently.
how do you vilify black on black crime?? isn't crime in and of itself vilified? or do you feel black on black crime should be counted as extra extra crime?
by the way.....so people don't forget.....these are the founders of Black Lives Matter....
View attachment 356764
Should the FBI arrest them?

Yeah because I think one of them recently was on a pod cast admitting that it's not about black lives at all, but a Marxist ideological revolution.
Tell me a Marxist policy they wish to implement?

Doing away with qualified immunity, no-knock warrants?

Oh let me guess, they wanna go full Stalin and expand Medicare so all people can have it? Yea, that is scary.....

Far scarier than trying to take away healthcare during a pandemic with ZERO REPLACEMENT

There is a reason why you morons have to resort to fear mongering -- because when it comes to policies....the majority of the country is AGAINST YOU -- you have no place else to go but to fearmonger and "otherize" any person of color who doesn't buckdance for your approval...

Ask the co founder of BLM what Marxist policies she wants to implement. She was the one saying she supports a Marxist revolution..not me.
You don't know what they are but you are afraid anyway.....cool.....

So you should also be against the way we calculate production value right? You know, the value of a product equals the means of production plus the time of labor....that's Marxism....

So again...what Marxist policies is BLM supporting? Can you name one?
Wtf ever, Excess Labor Value theory dumbass. (You are a Marxist)
So you are another person who can't name a single policy....got it
Sure, anyone can be offended by anything.

I'll say it again: I was asked a question, and I answered it.

I sure as hell don't expect any of it to actually happen.
I'd like you to address the rest of my response.
by the way.....so people don't forget.....these are the founders of Black Lives Matter....
View attachment 356764
Should the FBI arrest them?

Yeah because I think one of them recently was on a pod cast admitting that it's not about black lives at all, but a Marxist ideological revolution.
Tell me a Marxist policy they wish to implement?

Doing away with qualified immunity, no-knock warrants?

Oh let me guess, they wanna go full Stalin and expand Medicare so all people can have it? Yea, that is scary.....

Far scarier than trying to take away healthcare during a pandemic with ZERO REPLACEMENT

There is a reason why you morons have to resort to fear mongering -- because when it comes to policies....the majority of the country is AGAINST YOU -- you have no place else to go but to fearmonger and "otherize" any person of color who doesn't buckdance for your approval...

Ask the co founder of BLM what Marxist policies she wants to implement. She was the one saying she supports a Marxist revolution..not me.
You don't know what they are but you are afraid anyway.....cool.....

So you should also be against the way we calculate production value right? You know, the value of a product equals the means of production plus the time of labor....that's Marxism....

So again...what Marxist policies is BLM supporting? Can you name one?
Wtf ever, Excess Labor Value theory dumbass. (You are a Marxist)
So you are another person who can't name a single policy....got it
You have nothing, and you never will until you get your ass to work.
Having the majority of the country made up of criminal minorities is the problem. When white people are the minority, they wont suddenly have sky rocketing crime statistics. The crime will come from the new majority, aka blacks and hispanics, just like now, but worse because there will be more of you, in theory

Caucasians won't become a minority in our lifetime. This is a baseless fear contrived by winger fantasy. In addition, your silly theory is that even if Caucasians become a minority, they won't commit crime. Huh. That's some Cult45 logic right there! :113:

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