Zone1 Why are there so many "religious" threads on this board?

Careful, you'll be labeled as a nut. You are however correct, there is a definite shift or upheaval in the spiritual realm occurring and it is not for the better.
It's the pendulum swing of morality that has been going on since the beginning of time....

However, this pendulum swing is unique in that the whole world is connected to it like never before.
Usually the pendulum swings have been isolated and kept apart from the rest of the world concerning worship of God and Godly morality....not so much lately though.
Except that is most definitely not necessarily the case once you start to examine oral traditions across the planet and then add in other evidence , and principally from paintings and writings .

Scholars and historians might suggest that our species has simply travelled a path of manipulation and control which has always come from a very small minority who have found ways to control others and made promises which get believed but are never even put to the test .
I suspect that's closer to the truth than anything I've seen in this thread thus far.

That said the basic "rules" (10 Commandments) are reasonable enough though it seems to me that those that want to maintain control over others from a Christian standpoint sure do bend them to suit their purposes while expecting you to follow them to the letter.

To add insult to injury throughout history they killed in wholesale lots and claimed it's "Gawd's Will" or other such nonsense that absolves you of your sins and redeems you.....As long as you do what they wanted.

Reminds me of.....That might get you square with the Lord but the state of Mississippi is a bit more hard-nosed. ;)

Blah.....I guess that's why I prefer to remain unaffiliated.
This is a political forum, and as such, it relates to religion

For you see, both religion and politics preaches how people should live their lives. It just so happens that Left wing ideology has become the most successful religion of this era, and as such, is sometimes at conflict with other religions, such as Christianity.

So for the Left, they must either then crush Christianity, or subvert it so that Jesus bows his knee to their authority as you see self professed Christians like Warnock and Biden doing.

Really, this is their last obstacle for a total take over of society and the world.
Or it may be seen as the Left taking back society from religion.
Or it may be seen as the Left taking back society from religion.
I never understood why peeps think the right-leaning are overly religious. Nary a one of the right-leaning folks I hang with go to church nor ever even mention religion.

Seems most dem politicians claim to be either Catholics or Jewish. Chew on that one a bit given how they act.
I never understood why peeps think the right-leaning are overly religious. Nary a one of the right-leaning folks I hang with go to church nor ever even mention religion.

Seems most dem politicians claim to be either Catholics or Jewish. Chew on that one a bit given how they act.
Is it fair to say most 'overly religious' are right-leaning?
Flailing about for life's answers or something? I don't get it. :dunno:

Full disclosure.....Agnostic (at best) here.
I guess the question would be relative to what? How many threads are too many? Or too few? What's the ideal number of threads and what would that be based upon?

It's a religious forum on a discussion board. Most of the threads are dumb. And most people argue with the same people they always argue with about the same subjects they always argue with.

You should be happy to be agnostic!!!!! No one is throwing rocks at you. :)
Is it fair to say most 'overly religious' are right-leaning?
You have never been to a Catholic church, have you? We're split pretty even and I like that.

Evangelicals do have a left leaning element as well but that is mostly by denomination. Most are as you describe but I wouldn't characterize them as "overly" religious. I happen to think you are equating overly religious to far right evangelicals and fundamentalists.

Whereas atheists are predominantly communists. :)

As for your assertion that it correlates with being "overly" religious... that's nonsense. There are "overly" religious of every stripe. Even commies too.
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Or it may be seen as the Left taking back society from religion.
Sugar coat it anyway you want, it still equates to militant atheism. Which not coincidentally was done by every single communist regime that ever existed, and you can't get more left than that.
Overly Christian, perhaps...
Nope. By predominantly far right evangelicals and fundamentalists. And the far left are just as bad if not worse.

But putting that aside I know some right leaning Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims too.
Flailing about for life's answers or something? I don't get it. :dunno:

Full disclosure.....Agnostic (at best) here.
Why would you even bother to click on the forum if you aren't religious? We get it, you aren't into God. Why concern yourself with those of us who are?
Why would you even bother to click on the forum if you aren't religious? We get it, you aren't into God. Why concern yourself with those of us who are?
Meh, I don't care one way or the other as you might have surmised. Just wondering why all of a sudden it seems to be a bunch of such threads.....Sign of the end-times?

But yeah, I mostly don't bother participating in them as they are usually a zero sum game.....One poster might gain a "advantage" only to lose it to the next poster ad nauseam.....Gets old quick.

Makes me wonder why they bother as it's not like any poster can prove anything one way or the other as it's all just conjecture on every poster's part even if they refer to it as their belief.
Meh, I don't care one way or the other as you might have surmised. Just wondering why all of a sudden it seems to be a bunch of such threads.....Sign of the end-times?

But yeah, I mostly don't bother participating in them as they are usually a zero sum game.....One poster might gain a "advantage" only to lose it to the next poster ad nauseam.....Gets old quick.

Makes me wonder why they bother as it's not like any poster can prove anything one way or the other as it's all just conjecture on every poster's part even if they refer to it as their belief.
There are a few different reasons. As it turns out, people are really comfortable and like that argument with Atheism v a creator. The responses are almost automatic. They don't really like moving beyond the safety of those arguments.

Perhaps you could spice it up. BlackSand, strollingbones luiza FJB Penelope miketx or you could post on egregores and harnessing energy through groups or "parties". Man of Ethics ? Here is a good one--the ethics of doing tarot readings or any readings on other people without their consent. The ethics of lying about readings to other people to control events? Pretending to be someone to get a reading on them. Another good one is death magick. Don't forget to include demonolatry. How about the ethics of black magick?

These conversations would be hella fascinating. Don't you think?
Perhaps you could spice it up. @BlackSand

I am not Evangelical ... By request from a Higher Power than me ... :auiqs.jpg:

I may help People find something in their own Faith ... But I am not "preaching".
It's not my place to define what God wants from others ... They can work that out with Him if they so desire.

You have never been to a Catholic church, have you? We're split pretty even and I like that.
That true for abortion too? BTW, I was raised in a Catholic neighborhood so I'm familiar. I didn't even know there were other types of Christians for a long time.

Evangelicals do have a left leaning element as well but that is mostly by denomination. Most are as you describe but I wouldn't characterize them as "overly" religious. I happen to think you are equating overly religious to far right evangelicals and fundamentalists.
The 'overly' came from the OP. I quoted it because I didn't know what it meant and wouldn't have used it otherwise.

Whereas atheists are predominantly communists. :)
I don't know who you hang with but none of the many atheists and non-religious folk I know, including me, are communists.

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