Zone1 Why are there so many "religious" threads on this board?


Well ... We are at a Discussion Board ... So keeping one's mouth shut wouldn't be very productive.

Through sharing ideas ... We expand our horizons ... Offer opportunities and insights.
In doing so ... None that requires Compliance ... And how well we manage our Expectations and what we do with our Opportunities ...
Will determine the amount of success we can all enjoy.

Of course ... I say that with the understanding that if People just want to play "smack a fool" ...
Batter Up ... I Am No "Saint" ... :auiqs.jpg:

That isn't what this is about.
Proper readings require the person cut the want a Wiccan which I am not
This has nothing to do with being a Wiccan. There are all kinds of readers. How about other forms of divination? Is it ever ok to try to stand in somones energy to obtain a reading without their consent? How about attempting to access their akashic records? Skrying, etc?
Given that the atrocities occurred in the past 100 years, I'd have to say militant atheism is much worse.
I think you're confusing authoritarianism with atheism. Authoritarians see the power of religion as a threat, atheists don't care what others do. Neither Stalin nor Mao committed their atrocities in the name of atheism.

You want to set some rules ... You can do that in the Structured Debate Sub-Forum ...
USMB offers all kinds of Opportunities ... :auiqs.jpg:

You already know that I don't engage in black magick. Those rules don't change.
You already know that I don't engage in black magick. Those rules don't change.

I know a little about you ... Not a lot ... Wouldn't have ever considered you being a purveyor of "black magick" ...
Or whatever it is you are trying to talk about ... Not really sure what you mean by that ...
But with no intent to stop you from saying whatever you want ... :auiqs.jpg:


I know a little about you ... Not a lot ... Wouldn't have ever considered you being a purveyor of "black magick" ...
Or whatever it is you are trying to talk about ... Not really sure what you mean by that ...
But with no intent to stop you from saying whatever you want ... :auiqs.jpg:

Well, demonolatry is more your thing. You are just happy to pass that information on.

Don't get all shy now. It would ruin this perfectly good conversation.
I think you're confusing authoritarianism with atheism. Authoritarians see the power of religion as a threat, atheists don't care what others do. Neither Stalin nor Mao committed their atrocities in the name of atheism.
No. I think you are blind to reality. Communism is naturalized humanism which is why every Communist state was a militant atheist state.
Well, demonolatry is more your thing. You are just happy to pass that information on.

Don't get all shy now. It would ruin this perfectly good conversation.

You obviously don't know much about me ... Thanks for sharing your misconceptions though.

And if for some stupid reason you have a problem with my Faith in God ...
You might as well that conversation or argue with Him about it ... Because I am damn sure not going to ... :auiqs.jpg:


You obviously don't know much about me ... Thanks for sharing your misconceptions though.

And if for some stupid reason you have a problem with my Faith in God ...
You might as well that conversation or argue with Him about it ... Because I am damn sure not going to ... :auiqs.jpg:

Mmmhmmm. I hear you.

You're just happy to pass on the information, right? Not evangelical.
Mmmhmmm. I hear you.

You're just happy to pass on the information, right? Not evangelical.

No ... If someone asks for help ... I respond to their request through their understanding ...
And at times reference their Faith ... Even though it is not mine.

And yes ... I will try to help someone struggling ... And I will try to understand what they believe in doing so.
Doesn't require rocks ... Wisdom can sometimes work better.

You have a hard time hearing a lot of things ... And even more often ...
You hear what you want to hear.

No. I think you are blind to reality. Communism is naturalized humanism which is why every Communist state was a militant atheist state.
I think you are blind to reality. Every communist state was created by a revolution involving a small group of utopian ideologues. Like every ideologue, political, religious, or whatever, they knew what was best for others and were happy to impose their utopia on everyone. When religious ideologues come to power they operate the same way, just ask the Iranians or Afghans.
Flailing about for life's answers or something? I don't get it. :dunno:

Full disclosure.....Agnostic (at best) here.
A rabbi once said that the Bible could be summed up with, Love God and Love your fellow man. Everything else is just commentary.

Judaism: Those who love God's Laws, learn to love God.
Christianity: Those who love God, learn to love His Laws.

I love Jesus' teachings because he doesn't talk about "World" Peace, he talks about bringing peace into one's own life and into the lives of those we connect with. He taught how to embrace and live the ideal, and Judaism does much the same thing.

Getting to know and love God is an adventure in itself. I get a lot out of the Bible because it gives accounts of God in our midst.

As far as why there are so many threads? There are many interesting perspectives and many talking points.
Just a quick comment. If anyone thinks that the theist vs atheist threads or Christianity-related threads take up too much of this section, then by all means, please start the types of threads you want to see more of, within the category of Religion and Ethics. The more the merrier. :)

As for the OP, I agree with what Merriweather just said. There are different perspectives, and there are always going to be differing views on religion, God, spirituality.... so people simply want to talk about it. :dunno: If anyone doesn't want to read them... well, they don't have to. I mean, is seeing the titles in "What's New" or Latest Activity a problem? Or was it just something that sparked a sincere question? If so, I hope your question was answered.
Just a quick comment. If anyone thinks that the theist vs atheist threads or Christianity-related threads take up too much of this section, then by all means, please start the types of threads you want to see more of, within the category of Religion and Ethics. The more the merrier. :)

As for the OP, I agree with what Merriweather just said. There are different perspectives, and there are always going to be differing views on religion, God, spirituality.... so people simply want to talk about it. :dunno: If anyone doesn't want to read them... well, they don't have to. I mean, is seeing the titles in "What's New" or Latest Activity a problem? Or was it just something that sparked a sincere question? If so, I hope your question was answered.
Not really but carry on.....Not my monkeys, not my circus. There was just so many I thought that maybe the rapture was upon us and I didn't want to miss it. ;)

No ... If someone asks for help ... I respond to their request through their understanding ...
And at times reference their Faith ... Even though it is not mine.

And yes ... I will try to help someone struggling ... And I will try to understand what they believe in doing so.
Doesn't require rocks ... Wisdom can sometimes work better.

You have a hard time hearing a lot of things ... And even more often ...
You hear what you want to hear.

That right there is called gaslighting.

I want to hear you very loud and clear. Take the shot.
Is it ever ok to do any type of reading such as tarot readings or divination on someone without their consent? How about lying about what is seen in the reading to control the outcome? How about recording someone on their electronic devices? How about monitoring via electronic devices past the point of harassment and without consent? Where do you personally put that line with invasion of privacy? Is there a line drawn in the use of tactics such as domination spells, death spells, confusion spells? Vodou dolls? Egregores? Where is the line, if any for your personally?

How about theft? Is it ever appropriate? Gang stalking? Cyber stalking? How about targeting someone that you suspect has a mental illness? Falsifying documents? Fraud? Insurance fraud?

Do Luciferians believe in the concept of karma? Is there any karma attached to the additional people that have been dragged into egregores or other things based on a lies? How does that work exactly?

See the thing with accountability is that it is about holding yourself accountable.

Take the shot.

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