Zone1 Why are there so many "religious" threads on this board?

Sugar coat it anyway you want, it still equates to militant atheism. Which not coincidentally was done by every single communist regime that ever existed, and you can't get more left than that.
It can't be any worse than militant theism, the history of which is long and sordid and goes on to this day.

I am not Evangelical ... By request from a Higher Power than me ... :auiqs.jpg:

I may help People find something in their own Faith ... But I am not "preaching".
It's not my place to define what God wants from others ... They can work that out with Him if they so desire.

At no point did I even say that you were Evangelical. Are you somehow absolved from it?
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At no point, did I even say that you were Evangelical. Are you somehow absolved from it?

I didn't say you were accusing me of being Evangelical ... It was a statement of my own volition ... And to my intents.
You called ... I answered ... There is nothing I need to be absolved of ... That anyone here can absolve me of ... :auiqs.jpg:


Hey, I didn't want to leave you out. You have anything to add? How about a quick run down on technomagick?

I didn't say you were accusing me of being Evangelical ... It was a statement of my own volition ... And to my intents.
You called ... I answered ... There is nothing I need to be absolved of ... That anyone here can absolve me of ... :auiqs.jpg:

Isn't it fascinating when people throw rocks and hide their hands? It's a wee bit cowardly, don't you think?
There are a few different reasons. As it turns out, people are really comfortable and like that argument with Atheism v a creator. The responses are almost automatic. They don't really like moving beyond the safety of those arguments.

Perhaps you could spice it up. BlackSand, strollingbones luiza FJB Penelope miketx or you could post on egregores and harnessing energy through groups or "parties". Man of Ethics ? Here is a good one--the ethics of doing tarot readings or any readings on other people without their consent. The ethics of lying about readings to other people to control events? Pretending to be someone to get a reading on them. Another good one is death magick. Don't forget to include demonolatry. How about the ethics of black magick?

These conversations would be hella fascinating. Don't you think?
What do you want from me>?
Isn't it fascinating when people throw rocks and hide their hands? It's a wee bit cowardly, don't you think?

You know ... If they had any sense ... Put the rocks down and stopped trying to throw them ...
It's possible they might have something worth listening to ... I'm optimistic ... To a fault sometimes ... :auiqs.jpg:


You know ... If they had any sense ... Put the rocks down and stopped trying to throw them ...
It's possible they might have something worth listening to ... I'm optimistic ... To a fault sometimes ... :auiqs.jpg:


Except they don't. Not anymore. They had the opportunity to operate with integrity but they didn't. What that tells me is that a few of these people have significant mental health issues. Nonetheless, I don't care what mental health status people have because they are well enough to target people and they know and you know that it's shit.

If you people think that I will keep my mouth closed about the shit that is being pulled, I promise you I will not.
There are a few different reasons. As it turns out, people are really comfortable and like that argument with Atheism v a creator. The responses are almost automatic. They don't really like moving beyond the safety of those arguments.

Perhaps you could spice it up. BlackSand, strollingbones luiza FJB Penelope miketx or you could post on egregores and harnessing energy through groups or "parties". Man of Ethics ? Here is a good one--the ethics of doing tarot readings or any readings on other people without their consent. The ethics of lying about readings to other people to control events? Pretending to be someone to get a reading on them. Another good one is death magick. Don't forget to include demonolatry. How about the ethics of black magick?

These conversations would be hella fascinating. Don't you think?
Why don't you start those topics if they would fascinate you?
Everyone throws rocks at this board. I mean everyone. Everyone has a bias too. I don't think anyone will change their mind on what they believe based on someone's post on a message board. It would take much more than that IMO. So I don't waste time on it if I am not feeling it.
If you people think that I will keep my mouth closed about the shit that is being pulled, I promise you I will not.

Well ... We are at a Discussion Board ... So keeping one's mouth shut wouldn't be very productive.

Through sharing ideas ... We expand our horizons ... Offer opportunities and insights.
In doing so ... None that requires Compliance ... And how well we manage our Expectations and what we do with our Opportunities ...
Will determine the amount of success we can all enjoy.

Of course ... I say that with the understanding that if People just want to play "smack a fool" ...
Batter Up ... I Am No "Saint" ... :auiqs.jpg:

That true for abortion too? BTW, I was raised in a Catholic neighborhood so I'm familiar. I didn't even know there were other types of Christians for a long time.
Probably. And I suspect the same would apply to contraception too. Regardless of your childhood memories, your adult perception is skewed by evangelicals and fundamentalists.
Same path to hell?
Is it ethical for anyone to continuously do tarot readings or use any other form of divination on someone without their consent? You are the witch here or at least the most vocal one here. You must have come to some ethical conclusion regarding it.

Is it ethical to do a divination reading and then lie to the person getting the reading?

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