Zone1 Why are there so many "religious" threads on this board?

Everyone has their own way of coping with the inevitability of death and they like to talk about it.
Everyone has their own way of coping with the inevitability of death and they like to talk about it.
Perhaps, but it would seem to me living well is it's own reward.....Doing nothing about your shortcomings in this life and hoping it will all come out in the wash in some kind of afterlife seems more like wishful thinking to me.
Flailing about for life's answers or something? I don't get it. :dunno:

Full disclosure.....Agnostic (at best) here.
This is a political forum, and as such, it relates to religion

For you see, both religion and politics preaches how people should live their lives. It just so happens that Left wing ideology has become the most successful religion of this era, and as such, is sometimes at conflict with other religions, such as Christianity.

So for the Left, they must either then crush Christianity, or subvert it so that Jesus bows his knee to their authority as you see self professed Christians like Warnock and Biden doing.

Really, this is their last obstacle for a total take over of society and the world.
Perhaps, but it would seem to me living well is it's own reward.....Doing nothing about your shortcomings in this life and hoping it will all come out in the wash in some kind of afterlife seems more like wishful thinking to me.
Some people cannot deal with the possibility that their dead loved ones are truly dead. Sometimes I envy this. The death of people close to me hits so hard because I know they no longer exist in any meaningful way while my christian friends just move on.
Some people cannot deal with the possibility that their dead loved ones are truly dead. Sometimes I envy this. The death of people close to me hits so hard because I know they no longer exist in any meaningful way while my christian friends just move on.
When I occasionally visit my dad's grave and other family members who have passed-on I have never given a thought of their "afterlife".....Just wired different in that regard I guess.

I visit out of respect for the ones who passed-on the things that have made my life better before their passing.....The others I could care less about.

It's like visiting Arlington National Cemetery, you visit out of respect for the sacrifice they made to make our lives better.
This is a political forum, and as such, it relates to religion

For you see, both religion and politics preaches how people should live their lives. It just so happens that Left wing ideology has become the most successful religion of this era, and as such, is sometimes at conflict with other religions, such as Christianity.

So for the Left, they must either then crush Christianity, or subvert it so that Jesus bows his knee to their authority as you see self professed Christians like Warnock and Biden doing.

Really, this is their last obstacle for a total take over of society and the world.
Well if there is such a thing as "Gawd" he's doing a piss-poor job.
When I occasionally visit my dad's grave and other family members who have passed-on I have never given a thought of their "afterlife".....Just wired different in that regard I guess.

I visit out of respect for the ones who passed-on the things that have made my life better before their passing.....The others I could care less about.

It's like visiting Arlington National Cemetery, you visit out of respect for the sacrifice they made to make our lives better.
There's a grave yard in N Alabama where most of the people I have ever loved are buried. I visit every time I go home. The sense of loss is almost overwhelming. I'll not be buried in such a dead place. My ashes will go into the Gulf of Mexico where people come to feel good.
OK, I just noticed a heck of a lot of them of late.

Why they toss Ethics in there I don't have a clue either.

Seems to me religion and ethics are often at loggerheads with each other. ;)
They love to troll Christians

And many take the bait in the belief that we must try to save godless souls

But not me

Maybe God will punish me for this but I really dont care if heathens burn in Hell or not
They love to troll Christians

And many take the bait in the belief that we must try to save godless souls

But not me

Maybe God will punish me for this but I really dont care if heathens burn in Hell or not
Oh sure, ha-ha, it's all fun-n-games till:

Flailing about for life's answers or something? I don't get it. :dunno:

Full disclosure.....Agnostic (at best) here.

Why are there so many "religious" threads on this board?​

For a growing number of individuals, our traditional way of life is coming to an end as a free people. It feels as though we are in quicksand and we are grabbing for anything we feel might prevent that. Others are searching for a way home in perpetuity. Choices are being made, perhaps one of our last expressions representing freedom of choice. It is a dire time as we the people realize we no longer have control of our destiny based on individual effort. We are pawns in a global scheme to control us according to the dictates of nefarious people who need to feel important by making us feel irrelevant and there is a sense among many that it is working.
Christian Nationalism is definitely a voting block....pretending otherwise is foolishness.
Also whether you are atheist or agnostic you are still in the minority because the majority of America is still religious in some fashion.

And since most people gain some sense of morality from their religious beliefs (even if they aren't consistent or follow those ideals consistently) they do have an effect upon voting habits.

And lastly,
America was created by Christians and for Christians. The Declaration of Independence is a very carefully crafted letter of intent that declared that this colony of Christians were going to separate from England and King George based upon religious ideals. Now where those word definitions today are read with modern intent....Black's Law Dictionary can clarify the express religious beliefs that were the guiding principles for this declaration.
Every signatory to the document might not have been a lawyer but every signatory was indeed a graduate of Seminary school. Every signatory, had as part of their education, translated their own personal English translation of the scriptures from Latin.

"A more perfect union" is a direct reference to the heart of their religious ideas and ideals they wholeheartedly believed.

To claim that some other reason was the foundation of our nation is sheer stupidity.

so many "religious" threads on this board?​

Typical when Normies start to get anxious , stressed and hysterical.

Behaviour becomes more and more emotional and irrational .

The Gullibles already panic that there will be nuclear war and now will be a push over to also believe in some sort of Alien invasion IF that is the next chunk of Fake Garbage to be thrown our way .
Flailing about for life's answers or something? I don't get it. :dunno:

Full disclosure.....Agnostic (at best) here.
Religion of one sort or another has been and important part of civilization since the beginning of civilized man. It has provided laws both codified, as well as truths to live by in order to do well among your fellow man, raise your children and not make an ass of them or yourself. Whether divinely written, divinely inspired or as some atheists say, made up whole cloth, seeking answer and explanation of the unknown at the time, it is part of our culture.

Deal with it, or bypass to what the most recent nut-ball Right Wing or Left Wing elected loudmouth or their supporters want to spout and unarguable truth.

Why are there so many "religious" threads on this board?​

For a growing number of individuals, our traditional way of life is coming to an end as a free people. It feels as though we are in quicksand and we are grabbing for anything we feel might prevent that. Others are searching for a way home in perpetuity. Choices are being made, perhaps one of our last expressions representing freedom of choice. It is a dire time as we the people realize we no longer have control of our destiny based on individual effort. We are pawns in a global scheme to control us according to the dictates of nefarious people who need to feel important by making us feel irrelevant and there is a sense among many that it is working.

Careful, you'll be labeled as a nut. You are however correct, there is a definite shift or upheaval in the spiritual realm occurring and it is not for the better.
Religion of one sort or another has been and important part of civilization since the beginning of civilized man.
Except that is most definitely not necessarily the case once you start to examine oral traditions across the planet and then add in other evidence , and principally from paintings and writings .

Scholars and historians might suggest that our species has simply travelled a path of manipulation and control which has always come from a very small minority who have found ways to control others and made promises which get believed but are never even put to the test .

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