Why are ultra right-wing idiots consumed with just .06% of the population?

It's a mistake to think Republicans are consumed with just a tiny portion of the United States. They hate entire groups of people.

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

The hate the GOP has for millions and millions of Americans is astounding. Why do you think they are desperate for voter suppression?

You ever going to fix your cut and paste list to reflect that women's rights aren't people?
Are you saying that women aren't people?

You seriously cannot be this dense
Trumpie tweets no more transgenders in the military. Stupid asshat Texas debates public bathroom legislation.
All this bullshit takes time, energy and money. And for fucking what? .06% of the population.

'Pubes constantly talk about what they want to do for the middle class, all the while consuming our time and their time with just .06% of the population.
It's nothing more than another excuse to DO NOTHING, protect the interests of the 1% and then go home on recess.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States
By Andrew R. Flores, Jody L. Herman, Gary J. Gates, and Taylor N. T. Brown
June 2016

Utilizing data from the 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which includes representative state-level surveys, Williams Institute scholars provide up-to-date estimates of the percentage and number of adults who identify as transgender in the United States. Approximately 0.6% of adults in the United States, or 1.4 million individuals, identify as transgender.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States - Williams Institute
Close military training and the demands of order and discipline required in the armed forces is incompatible with the problems and issues associated with gender confused individuals.
Life in the military is too intense and too important to be involved with left wing social engineering.
if they want that, they should go to college.

Is there widespread evidence of ongoing disruption, problems, and issues seriously affecting the military, cause by the presence of transgenders?

Big difference between a medical condition and a sex change.
Hormone shots and new vagina's should not be paid for by tax dollars.

Military personnel earn their medical care as part their compensation for their service.

Yes they do and taxes pay for all government employees.
The point is taxes also pay for V.A. services.
Personal medical sex changes is an individuals decision and should be their own responsibility like everyone else does.
You want Botox shots while in the military you should pay for it. You want hormone shots to remain more female you should pay for it.
Not everyone's taxes.
Why are ultra right-wing idiots consumed with just .06% of the population?
You conflate obsession with disgust and contempt...

Okay, why the rightwing disgust and contempt for transgenders?
Sexual deviancy and perversion - a.k.a. homosexuality, and its myriad offshoot aberrant behaviors, such as transgendering - are inherently worthy of disgust and contempt.

Three thousand years of Judeo-Christian religious standards and teachings, and custom-and-usage, and human nature make it so.

What Gay Advocates do not appreciate and have been deluding themselves about, is that recent legal victories were vulnerable and not likely to last.

A 5-4 SCOTUS will aid in the demolition of such aberrant legal advances.

Over time, as Ginsberg or some other exits the scene, a 6-3 SCOTUS will lock that down.

America has seen the Gay Mafia shove their way into youth programs such as Scouting, and set the legal stage so that AquaLung can self-identify, choose his bathroom, and engage in "...eyeing little girls with bad intent."... America at-large has had enough of these perverts and their militancy - twisting Law in ways it was never meant to be twisted.

It is an equal-and-opposite Reaction to years of Liberal-supported Gay Mafia social engineering via Liberal judicial activism.

It is an equal-and-opposite Reaction to years of Liberals making it politically incorrect and the basis for public humiliation, to oppose the Gay Agenda.

What you see beginning to unfold is long-overdue "payback" for that social engineering at (metaphorical) gunpoint, and the foolhardy arrogance that accompanied it.

Yielding a state of affairs where much of America looks at this and says: "Good. Undo all this filthy bull$hit. Look at the little perverts and wankers howl. Great fun. Payback Time."

We can expect America at-large to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to this Gay Agenda Demolition Derby, and vast numbers will actually be applauding and laughing over it.

"Elections have consequences." - President Barach Obama, to GOP House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009, Washington, DC.
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It's a mistake to think Republicans are consumed with just a tiny portion of the United States. They hate entire groups of people.

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

The hate the GOP has for millions and millions of Americans is astounding. Why do you think they are desperate for voter suppression?

I've seen plenty of hatred for Jews coming from both sides ... more frequently from the left recently however.


the picture clearly shows pro-israel, anti-CNN protesters.
Trumpie tweets no more transgenders in the military. Stupid asshat Texas debates public bathroom legislation.
All this bullshit takes time, energy and money. And for fucking what? .06% of the population.

'Pubes constantly talk about what they want to do for the middle class, all the while consuming our time and their time with just .06% of the population.
It's nothing more than another excuse to DO NOTHING, protect the interests of the 1% and then go home on recess.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States
By Andrew R. Flores, Jody L. Herman, Gary J. Gates, and Taylor N. T. Brown
June 2016

Utilizing data from the 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which includes representative state-level surveys, Williams Institute scholars provide up-to-date estimates of the percentage and number of adults who identify as transgender in the United States. Approximately 0.6% of adults in the United States, or 1.4 million individuals, identify as transgender.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States - Williams Institute
Senators (or Representatives--unsure which) cut a deal with the Pres. about the pending budget. They said they'd give the Pres his Wall funding if they didn't have to pay for transgender surgery in the military. Trying to eliminate funding for transgender surgery is real iffy, (one pol already tried making it illegal someplace and it was shot down) so Trump simplified the problem. No trannies, no surgery. Voila.

Big difference between a medical condition and a sex change.
Hormone shots and new vagina's should not be paid for by tax dollars.
There have been a couple of transgender former soldiers on the news, who did their transformation after leaving the military. That makes sense to me, if anyone is looking for a compromise. They are still going to be getting V.A. insurance, so it's going to be on our dime, but not on the front lines. Would that work?
Trumpie tweets no more transgenders in the military. Stupid asshat Texas debates public bathroom legislation.
All this bullshit takes time, energy and money. And for fucking what? .06% of the population.

'Pubes constantly talk about what they want to do for the middle class, all the while consuming our time and their time with just .06% of the population.
It's nothing more than another excuse to DO NOTHING, protect the interests of the 1% and then go home on recess.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States
By Andrew R. Flores, Jody L. Herman, Gary J. Gates, and Taylor N. T. Brown
June 2016

Utilizing data from the 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which includes representative state-level surveys, Williams Institute scholars provide up-to-date estimates of the percentage and number of adults who identify as transgender in the United States. Approximately 0.6% of adults in the United States, or 1.4 million individuals, identify as transgender.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States - Williams Institute

Ok, sit down. I need to explain something to you. The group concerned with those 1.4 million people are on the left, possibly only the far left. All the laws that are passed to "protect" those few people are creations of the left. The bathroom debate was started by the left. The rest of us just assumed you went to the bathroom that matched what was in your pants.

or you made sure you passed enough that the rest of us didn't notice.
Trumpie tweets no more transgenders in the military. Stupid asshat Texas debates public bathroom legislation.
All this bullshit takes time, energy and money. And for fucking what? .06% of the population.

'Pubes constantly talk about what they want to do for the middle class, all the while consuming our time and their time with just .06% of the population.
It's nothing more than another excuse to DO NOTHING, protect the interests of the 1% and then go home on recess.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States
By Andrew R. Flores, Jody L. Herman, Gary J. Gates, and Taylor N. T. Brown
June 2016

Utilizing data from the 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which includes representative state-level surveys, Williams Institute scholars provide up-to-date estimates of the percentage and number of adults who identify as transgender in the United States. Approximately 0.6% of adults in the United States, or 1.4 million individuals, identify as transgender.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States - Williams Institute

it's just the latest step in the Lefts desire to force acceptance, not tolerance of lifestyles and concepts that the rest of us might be willing to tolerate, but refuse to accept if forced to.

As an example, if you want me to call a he a she or a she a he or a xie, zir, zhat or whatever, ask nicely, and don't expect me to know automatically.

if you want to make a fit about it, or force me to do it via peer pressure of god forbid government sanction, then kindly go fuck xirself.

Big difference between a medical condition and a sex change.
Hormone shots and new vagina's should not be paid for by tax dollars.
The majority of "dysphoria" associated with transgenderism is the individual's discomfort with their own sexual skin and the blowback and social ostracism and negative judgment that comes with it. To say it is "cosmetic" will probably not fly. We can only work on #2, that isn't so easy to take to court and change.

Big difference between a medical condition and a sex change.
Hormone shots and new vagina's should not be paid for by tax dollars.
There have been a couple of transgender former soldiers on the news, who did their transformation after leaving the military. That makes sense to me, if anyone is looking for a compromise. They are still going to be getting V.A. insurance, so it's going to be on our dime, but not on the front lines. Would that work?

i'm fine with that.

Big difference between a medical condition and a sex change.
Hormone shots and new vagina's should not be paid for by tax dollars.
The majority of "dysphoria" associated with transgenderism is the individual's discomfort with their own sexual skin and the blowback and social ostracism and negative judgment that comes with it. To say it is "cosmetic" will probably not fly. We can only work on #2, that isn't so easy to take to court and change.

My main concern is that by making the whole issue of gender dysphoria a rallying point with the chattering classes is that people will ignore the fact that the best treatment is to get the person to accept their biological gender. This isn't like homosexuality in any way or sort, it just gets lumped with it because it relates to sex and something out of the bioligical mainstream.

Being gay doesn't require you to undergo major surgery and take hormones that alter your body chemistry, changing gender cosmetically does. You are not being changed from a man to a woman or vice versa, you are being given the trappings of the gender you want in the hopes of fixing your dysphoria.

That being said therapy to help you accept your biological gender is probably the best choice.

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