Why are ultra right-wing idiots consumed with just .06% of the population?

Dogma is never debatable. Your church is the source of immutable truth which may NEVER be questioned. Those who engage in the pursuit of facts are heretics, as you who worship Gaia and the AGW cult never consider any ideas that are not fed to you by your church and your Fuhrer.
Questioning things is prudent, questioning things that are obvious, is frivolous. And questioning things that are ridiculously obvious, indicates a hidden agenda.

Questioning climate change is not man made, is as stupid as questioning gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
Dogma is never debatable. Your church is the source of immutable truth which may NEVER be questioned. Those who engage in the pursuit of facts are heretics, as you who worship Gaia and the AGW cult never consider any ideas that are not fed to you by your church and your Fuhrer.
Questioning things is prudent, questioning things that are obvious, is frivolous. And questioning things that are ridiculously obvious, indicates a hidden agenda.

Questioning climate change is not man made, is as stupid as questioning gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

"Man-made climate change" is not being caused because people use a car to drive back and forth to a job in order to eek out a meager existence on this prison planet. People have been lied to and manipulated into believing that load of bullshit. Technology to get us off of any petroleum based fuels have been around since the days of Tesla. Carburetors that would use 100 percent of the fuel put in it have been around for decades and the patents for them refused. It is being used in accordance with the UN Agenda 21 plan (Now called Agenda 2030) to get the serfs to totally change the way they live their lives......nothing more or less.
Dogma is never debatable. Your church is the source of immutable truth which may NEVER be questioned. Those who engage in the pursuit of facts are heretics, as you who worship Gaia and the AGW cult never consider any ideas that are not fed to you by your church and your Fuhrer.
Questioning things is prudent, questioning things that are obvious, is frivolous. And questioning things that are ridiculously obvious, indicates a hidden agenda.

Questioning climate change is not man made, is as stupid as questioning gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

the global warming hoax is hardly obvious. In fact, there is no hard evidence to support it.
"Man-made climate change" is not being caused because people use a car to drive back and forth to a job in order to eek out a meager existence on this prison planet. People have been lied to and manipulated into believing that load of bullshit. Technology to get us off of any petroleum based fuels have been around since the days of Tesla. Carburetors that would use 100 percent of the fuel put in it have been around for decades and the patents for them refused. It is being used in accordance with the UN Agenda 21 plan (Now called Agenda 2030) to get the serfs to totally change the way they live their lives......nothing more or less.
Since the majority of conservatives get their information from one ideological source, I don't expect you to understand when I say this is not a debatable issue. 90% of the science community around the world are in agreement. There is a mountain of evidence that proves climate change is real. The only ones questioning this are dumbass Americans that are acting as shills for the fossil fuel industry.
Trumpie tweets no more transgenders in the military. Stupid asshat Texas debates public bathroom legislation.
All this bullshit takes time, energy and money. And for fucking what? .06% of the population.

'Pubes constantly talk about what they want to do for the middle class, all the while consuming our time and their time with just .06% of the population.
It's nothing more than another excuse to DO NOTHING, protect the interests of the 1% and then go home on recess.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States
By Andrew R. Flores, Jody L. Herman, Gary J. Gates, and Taylor N. T. Brown
June 2016

Utilizing data from the 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which includes representative state-level surveys, Williams Institute scholars provide up-to-date estimates of the percentage and number of adults who identify as transgender in the United States. Approximately 0.6% of adults in the United States, or 1.4 million individuals, identify as transgender.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States - Williams Institute

Ok, sit down. I need to explain something to you. The group concerned with those 1.4 million people are on the left, possibly only the far left. All the laws that are passed to "protect" those few people are creations of the left. The bathroom debate was started by the left. The rest of us just assumed you went to the bathroom that matched what was in your pants.

Or that they made sure they "passed" enough for us not to notice.
It's the left having meltdowns over .06% of the population.

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say.

Are you saying that because transgender individuals are such a small part of the population, it's ok to discriminate against them?

Kind of like how the military already discriminates against people who can't do a pull up?

True gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, people with mental disorders are not fit for military service.

And if it isn't actually dysphoria but how you feel like acting, then it is a lifestyle choice, and that isn't protected.
Trumpie tweets no more transgenders in the military. Stupid asshat Texas debates public bathroom legislation.
All this bullshit takes time, energy and money. And for fucking what? .06% of the population.

'Pubes constantly talk about what they want to do for the middle class, all the while consuming our time and their time with just .06% of the population.
It's nothing more than another excuse to DO NOTHING, protect the interests of the 1% and then go home on recess.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States
By Andrew R. Flores, Jody L. Herman, Gary J. Gates, and Taylor N. T. Brown
June 2016

Utilizing data from the 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which includes representative state-level surveys, Williams Institute scholars provide up-to-date estimates of the percentage and number of adults who identify as transgender in the United States. Approximately 0.6% of adults in the United States, or 1.4 million individuals, identify as transgender.

How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States - Williams Institute

This is who conservatives are, they target the weakest in the population to force their religious bullshit on because everyone else fights back. And conservatives hate it when you fight back. Just read the snowflake responses here to Anti Fascist rallies that college students have been holding.

Bake that fucking cake, peasant.

And you are calling riots and intimidation "rallies"

You are a fucking haaaaaaaccccckkkk.
"Man-made climate change" is not being caused because people use a car to drive back and forth to a job in order to eek out a meager existence on this prison planet. People have been lied to and manipulated into believing that load of bullshit. Technology to get us off of any petroleum based fuels have been around since the days of Tesla. Carburetors that would use 100 percent of the fuel put in it have been around for decades and the patents for them refused. It is being used in accordance with the UN Agenda 21 plan (Now called Agenda 2030) to get the serfs to totally change the way they live their lives......nothing more or less.
Since the majority of conservatives get their information from one ideological source, I don't expect you to understand when I say this is not a debatable issue. 90% of the science community around the world are in agreement. There is a mountain of evidence that proves climate change is real. The only ones questioning this are dumbass Americans that are acting as shills for the fossil fuel industry.

First off, I think you are a good dude....you make articulate arguments and even if we disagree, I still respect your opinion.
What you lack is the thousands of hours that I have spent learning how all this works and what the end game actually is. So, with that being said? I am going to lay out some points for you to ponder.....

1: Oil is not a fossil fuel. This is a lie that the Rockefeller family came up with back in the late 1800's as an excuse to create artificial scarcities. Oil is the second most prevalent fluid on earth. It's an abiotic fluid that is naturally produced. They have struck oil drilling a mile deep. Old oil fields that were thought to be "tapped out" are refilling. Sorry, I do not believe that dead dinosaurs and vegetation exists a mile underneath the earth.

2:The technology to totally get us off any type of petroleum has been around since the days of Tesla and the elites that run our "government" and all the others with a central bank stole his patents. We have the technology to totally get away from the combustion engine that has been suppressed. The carburetor that would use 100 percent of the fuel instead of the 20 percent used now has also been suppressed. The world's economy runs on petroleum and energy and the elites must control it. Now, they are wanting to double dip by charging a carbon tax for a problem that they themselves have caused.

3: Geo-engineering via the spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates in to the ionosphere has been a disastrous experiment and now they have fucked up the biosphere so badly? They keep doubling down by spraying more and more. They created the very problem that they are whining about and this very salient factor isn't put into the equation.

4: Go to Google and type in "Iron Mountain Report, environment" and let me know what you find. After that, Google "Club Of Rome quotes,Maurice Strong"......

I know of what I speak......I have been doing this for a loooong time.
Have you ever been through the recruiting process? They give waivers for damn near everything. I knew people in boot camp that had heart conditions.


I've been through the recruiting process. If you have a heart issue you're bounced. In fact, if you have some color blindness, you're bounced. The only way someone would get in with a heart condition is if it was very minor and they lied.
Is there widespread evidence of ongoing disruption, problems, and issues seriously affecting the military, cause by the presence of transgenders?

It doesn't have to be widespread, any disruption in the ranks is reason enough to get rid of the disruption.
Who don't need the government to pay for their viagra.....not needed to accomplish their military mission. It's a luxury.

No, it is a medical necessity. Age is not the only reason for ED and insurance companies cover Viagra because it is a medical problem.
Trumpie tweets no more transgenders in the military. Stupid asshat Texas debates public bathroom legislation.
All this bullshit takes time, energy and money. And for fucking what? .06% of the population.

I'm not so convinced on the math, but the error isn't material enough to alter the validity of your central point. I recall reading that there are about 720K transsexuals in the U.S. The U.S. population is about 320M. 720K/320M = .00225 or .22%, not .06%. Both figures are well below one percent.

BTW, the article you cite states .6%, not .06%.
And you're full of shit!

Progressives are the most racist, bigoted segment of people in our political spectrum.

Progressives pigeon hole all groups they consider inferior to themselves, blacks, Hispanics, gays, women, anyone. They then formulate a separate message to be delivered to each of them, pandering to them, convincing that specific group that they are INFERIOR and without the help and handouts the Progressives are eager to give to them, their group would surely fail in this nasty world.

Progressives convince these groups that without their help in demanding quotas, racial quotas that these groups do not have the intelligence to get into colleges without extra help.

Progressives then give extra rewards for bad behavior, free cell phones, they advertise on TV for people to get food stamps, section 8 housing, people just have to ask for free breakfast and lunch for THEIR OWN KIDS in school. Not to worry folks, you just have the kids and WE'LL TAKE OVER FROM THERE!

Conservatives and Republicans, on the other hand don't consider these people to be either inferior or superior to themselves but as just other Americans and to be treated that way.

Democrats had control of the house and senate from 2007, the house, senate and Oval Office since 2009 and the senate and oval office since that time.

What have they done to help ANY of those groups? Aside from making them more and more dependent on government handouts, teaching them they are inferior and desperately need the help of the GOVERNMENT or they would surely starve and die in the streets.

What is the unemployment and poverty figures for young workers, minority workers, and young minority voters?

How is this good for anyone?

It is utterly shameful and immoral behavior.
First off, I think you are a good dude....you make articulate arguments and even if we disagree, I still respect your opinion.
What you lack is the thousands of hours that I have spent learning how all this works and what the end game actually is. So, with that being said? I am going to lay out some points for you to ponder.....

1: Oil is not a fossil fuel. This is a lie that the Rockefeller family came up with back in the late 1800's as an excuse to create artificial scarcities. Oil is the second most prevalent fluid on earth. It's an abiotic fluid that is naturally produced. They have struck oil drilling a mile deep. Old oil fields that were thought to be "tapped out" are refilling. Sorry, I do not believe that dead dinosaurs and vegetation exists a mile underneath the earth.

2:The technology to totally get us off any type of petroleum has been around since the days of Tesla and the elites that run our "government" and all the others with a central bank stole his patents. We have the technology to totally get away from the combustion engine that has been suppressed. The carburetor that would use 100 percent of the fuel instead of the 20 percent used now has also been suppressed. The world's economy runs on petroleum and energy and the elites must control it. Now, they are wanting to double dip by charging a carbon tax for a problem that they themselves have caused.

3: Geo-engineering via the spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates in to the ionosphere has been a disastrous experiment and now they have fucked up the biosphere so badly? They keep doubling down by spraying more and more. They created the very problem that they are whining about and this very salient factor isn't put into the equation.

4: Go to Google and type in "Iron Mountain Report, environment" and let me know what you find. After that, Google "Club Of Rome quotes,Maurice Strong"......

I know of what I speak......I have been doing this for a loooong time.
I wish there were more conservatives like you.

I'll do what you ask and get back to you.
First off, I think you are a good dude....you make articulate arguments and even if we disagree, I still respect your opinion.
What you lack is the thousands of hours that I have spent learning how all this works and what the end game actually is. So, with that being said? I am going to lay out some points for you to ponder.....

1: Oil is not a fossil fuel. This is a lie that the Rockefeller family came up with back in the late 1800's as an excuse to create artificial scarcities. Oil is the second most prevalent fluid on earth. It's an abiotic fluid that is naturally produced. They have struck oil drilling a mile deep. Old oil fields that were thought to be "tapped out" are refilling. Sorry, I do not believe that dead dinosaurs and vegetation exists a mile underneath the earth.

2:The technology to totally get us off any type of petroleum has been around since the days of Tesla and the elites that run our "government" and all the others with a central bank stole his patents. We have the technology to totally get away from the combustion engine that has been suppressed. The carburetor that would use 100 percent of the fuel instead of the 20 percent used now has also been suppressed. The world's economy runs on petroleum and energy and the elites must control it. Now, they are wanting to double dip by charging a carbon tax for a problem that they themselves have caused.

3: Geo-engineering via the spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates in to the ionosphere has been a disastrous experiment and now they have fucked up the biosphere so badly? They keep doubling down by spraying more and more. They created the very problem that they are whining about and this very salient factor isn't put into the equation.

4: Go to Google and type in "Iron Mountain Report, environment" and let me know what you find. After that, Google "Club Of Rome quotes,Maurice Strong"......

I know of what I speak......I have been doing this for a loooong time.
I wish there were more conservatives like you.

I'll do what you ask and get back to you.

Much appreciated and that is all I ask....you come to a different conclusion than I respect the fact that at the very least you took the time to peruse the info I posted....good on ya.
Much appreciated and that is all I ask....you come to a different conclusion than I respect the fact that at the very least you took the time to peruse the info I posted....good on ya.
I Googled those topics and this is what I got...

You're going to have to post the specific articles you were referring to, because I can't determine what you were talking about.
Much appreciated and that is all I ask....you come to a different conclusion than I respect the fact that at the very least you took the time to peruse the info I posted....good on ya.
I Googled those topics and this is what I got...

You're going to have to post the specific articles you were referring to, because I can't determine what you were talking about.

No problem. I will sit down tonight and show you the sites I vetted. Thank you for making the effort and keeping your word. You are a "stand up" guy.

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