Why are ultra right-wing idiots consumed with just .06% of the population?

Because mental illness should not be given the legitimacy of normality.

Why not. If mental illness can win the presidency why can't mental illness serve?

You are confused, Hillary lost. And after she lost, she fucking lost it. How many Russian bribes do you think it took to cover the damage she did to the hotel room in her drunken rage?
It's the left having meltdowns over .06% of the population.

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say.

Are you saying that because transgender individuals are such a small part of the population, it's ok to discriminate against them?

Are you saying that mental illness is just as good as sanity? That delusion is equally valid to reality?

I'm not a medical doctor, but unlike you, I legitimately hold the title of doctor. In my opinion, the lobotomy failed and you require prolonged electroshock treatment for your severe case of nutzofascistleftisis.

There is zero chance you Nazis believe the idiocy you spew, you're just trying to do as much damage as you can before you get caught.
The OP is a very angry person. He's looking for issues, then projects his idiocy on the right.

Way to go Trump. Nice to see we have a POUS with the brains and bronze to undue the contrary thought built under the Obama admin.
You gotta ask yourself why left wingers are so consumed with protecting freakazoid men who want to powder their noses in the ladies room that they would try to ruin the economy of states who decided to protect women from intrusion into their privacy and protect the mental health of girls would have been forced to share their locker room privacy with confused boys. Is the DNC and the MSM run by dykes on bikes and/or sissie left wing homos these days?
They're consumed with it because they are told it's more important than any of the many issues that the Republicans are screwing up on a massive scale. Those issues impact 100% of us but the GOP hopes they don't notice they're being had.

Same with other non-issues like gay marriage and abortion.

If they can keep Americans at each other's throats, most won't notice the rich getting richer at their expense.

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Great question, if gays are such a tiny minority, how did they get so much political cache? Are we so easily bought out easily manipulated by PACs? Like Tobacco industry NEVER co-oped the health industry. Let's ignore common sense.

Evangelicals making a stink about things that are none of their business. The only thing gays have said they want are the right that are guaranteed them under the Constitution. But that's also what the fundie religions don't want them to have, and they're willing to make a big stink about. It.

Most Americans mind they're own business but some don't.

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Because mental illness should not be given the legitimacy of normality.

AND they sure as hell don't need to be in the military nor should we bear the cost of accommodating them.

There's no cost that's any different from any other military. There has always been gays in the military and there always will be. Most military persons just don't care.

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Great question, if gays are such a tiny minority, how did they get so much political cache? Are we so easily bought out easily manipulated by PACs? Like Tobacco industry NEVER co-oped the health industry. Let's ignore common sense.

Evangelicals making a stink about things that are none of their business. The only thing gays have said they want are the right that are guaranteed them under the Constitution. But that's also what the fundie religions don't want them to have, and they're willing to make a big stink about. It.

Most Americans mind they're own business but some don't.

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Could you please show us where homos get special rights under the constitution?
I never said that it was all the same message. I read and watch a variety of viewpoints (including the cold hard facts, if it involves public gov docs or something). It's not that voter fraud only occurs .006% of the time, it's that it's only CAUGHT .006% of the time.
If it occurred more, there would be more convictions. Think about it. Who would risk serious prison time just to go vote as someone else? And who would pay to have it done when there is so little guarantee on a return for that investment. Voter registration fraud is more prevalent.

Arguing against climate change ALARMISM isn't a waste of time. The climate has been changing for millions of years. It fluctuates. Sometimes we get a little warmer, sometimes a little cooler (like we're starting a cooling phase right now). It's not catastrophic.
Climate change is serious and not a debatable issue. Saying its not man-made, is just fossil fuel bullshit.

Undocumented workers ARE HERE ILLEGALLY. They take away jobs that are for Americans. If they want to work here, they should get a permit. Then they leave when their permit is up and they reapply.
They take low wage jobs and put money back into the economy. Compared to other problems this country is facing, this issue is not even the top 20.

BTW, corporate oligarchies take away jobs.

The ACA is problematic because it forces millions of Americans who previously either couldn't afford or didn't want health insurance to get it. If they still don't want it or still can't afford it, then they have to pay a tax not to have it.
The ACA needs to be fixed, not repealed.

This whole healthcare bill the republicans are working on is just a ruse. This is a tax bill for the rich.

It's not just about medical care. A male is held to certain and different standards than females. Males must meet those requirements and guidelines, they cannot just pretend to be a girl and then be allowed to meet the standards of females. They are also much more likely to be mentally unfit for to handle weapons, be in positions of power, or hold security clearance. It's about national security and safety of other military and personnel, not just medical costs and the feelings of cross-dressing queers.
Great question, if gays are such a tiny minority, how did they get so much political cache? Are we so easily bought out easily manipulated by PACs? Like Tobacco industry NEVER co-oped the health industry. Let's ignore common sense.

Evangelicals making a stink about things that are none of their business. The only thing gays have said they want are the right that are guaranteed them under the Constitution. But that's also what the fundie religions don't want them to have, and they're willing to make a big stink about. It.

Most Americans mind they're own business but some don't.

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The Bill of Rights does not include the right to be served. It does protect your right to practice your faith. So your claim is bogus on its face.
Why are cities run by liberals obsessed with providing sanctuary from federal immigration for illegals, and at the same time those same liberals cities housing rates drive people out of their homes. And these same liberal intellectuals allow giving low wage jobs to illegals and further disenfranchise American poor and drive them into a hell of hopelessness ? And ironically enough, liberal cities have become havens for the homeless. Is this the brave new world liberals promise?
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Climate change is serious and not a debatable issue. Saying its not man-made, is just fossil fuel bullshit.

Dogma is never debatable. Your church is the source of immutable truth which may NEVER be questioned. Those who engage in the pursuit of facts are heretics, as you who worship Gaia and the AGW cult never consider any ideas that are not fed to you by your church and your Fuhrer.
They're consumed with it because they are told it's more important than any of the many issues that the Republicans are screwing up on a massive scale. Those issues impact 100% of us but the GOP hopes they don't notice they're being had.

Same with other non-issues like gay marriage and abortion.

If they can keep Americans at each other's throats, most won't notice the rich getting richer at their expense.

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Who is talking about gay marriage and abortion, Brown Shirt? No one but you fascists.
Because mental illness should not be given the legitimacy of normality.

Why not. If mental illness can win the presidency why can't mental illness serve?

You are confused, Hillary lost. And after she lost, she fucking lost it. How many Russian bribes do you think it took to cover the damage she did to the hotel room in her drunken rage?
"the damage she did to her hotel room"....making stuff up? Or do you have some kind of evidence that really happened beside in a trumpanzee wet dream?
Because mental illness should not be given the legitimacy of normality.

AND they sure as hell don't need to be in the military nor should we bear the cost of accommodating them.

There's no cost that's any different from any other military. There has always been gays in the military and there always will be. Most military persons just don't care.

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But homos were never accepted in the military. When they were found out, they were kicked out on a general discharge usually.
Who don't need the government to pay for their viagra.....not needed to accomplish their military mission. It's a luxury.
Then it also doesn't need to pay for abortions or birth control, right?

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