Why Are US Churches Tax Exempt?

I ask for examples of churches losing their tax exempt status and you respond with a link to an IRS publication. How stupid are you? Should I have written it in crayon so you would understand it better?

I gave you something better than examples, I gave you an explanation of how the rules apply from the very agency that enforces them - so there would be no ambiguity. And for that you insult me.

Are you drunk, or are you always a jackass?
I ask for examples of churches losing their tax exempt status and you respond with a link to an IRS publication. How stupid are you? Should I have written it in crayon so you would understand it better?

I gave you something better than examples, I gave you an explanation of how the rules apply from the very agency that enforces them - so there would be no ambiguity. And for that you insult me.

Are you drunk, or are you always a jackass?
I am neither drunk, nor a jackass. You could not answer the question. I asked for examples of churches losing their tax exempt status. You made an epic failure in your attempt.

As my church's Treasurer, I am well familiar with the rules regarding tax exemption. You, on the other hand, apparently have a learning disability. Inability to follow simple directions is a indication of intellect. My dog is better at that than you!
I ask for examples of churches losing their tax exempt status and you respond with a link to an IRS publication. How stupid are you? Should I have written it in crayon so you would understand it better?

I gave you something better than examples, I gave you an explanation of how the rules apply from the very agency that enforces them - so there would be no ambiguity. And for that you insult me.

Are you drunk, or are you always a jackass?
I am neither drunk, nor a jackass. You could not answer the question. I asked for examples of churches losing their tax exempt status. You made an epic failure in your attempt.

As my church's Treasurer, I am well familiar with the rules regarding tax exemption. You, on the other hand, apparently have a learning disability. Inability to follow simple directions is a indication of intellect. My dog is better at that than you!
Well, I'm not here to "follow simple directions", from a jackass or otherwise. So, you know, if can't have a civil conversation - go fuck yourself.
9/11 and the wars (called "Crusades" by GW) with Arab countries that came after that. Want to bet me that I can name more?
Just because Bush used the word Crusade doesn't mean our intervention into the middle east was about religion. Anyone with two working brain cells knows it was about oil.
Gen. Eisenhower gave a speech to the troops right before D-Day and told them they were embarking on a Great Crusade against Germany.
Again, not about religion. ... :cool:
9/11 was done because of our support of Israel, Osama bin Laden says so in a video online. So yes, it's about religion. So was fighting the military arm of ISIS. And the Taliban as well.
WWII was partly about wiping out the Jews. So yes, it has a tinge of religiosity in it. Why do you deny the Holocaust? I would have thought that Muslims were all for that?
9/11 was done because Osama did not want US troops in Saudi Arabia or other Middle Eastern countries. You are confused.
That too. Not just the Israel thing. Thanks.
Churches in America are tax exempt due to their humanitarian and altruistic efforts.

Most everyone has a food pantry program, unwed mothers program, homeless program, drug and alcohol abuse program, marital counseling, daycares, youth sports programs and etc.

Most every single one of these programs are provided free or low, income-based cost to the communities. Paid and provided by gifts to the church by the members of the church.
These programs are often done by volunteers...so the execution might be flawed but they are intended to be helpful.

And now someone wants to tax charity?
Churches in America are tax exempt due to their humanitarian and altruistic efforts.

Most everyone has a food pantry program, unwed mothers program, homeless program, drug and alcohol abuse program, marital counseling, daycares, youth sports programs and etc.

Most every single one of these programs are provided free or low, income-based cost to the communities. Paid and provided by gifts to the church by the members of the church.
These programs are often done by volunteers...so the execution might be flawed but they are intended to be helpful.

And now someone wants to tax charity?
Daycares are not tax exempt. Neither is anything else that church receives compensation.
Churches in America are tax exempt due to their humanitarian and altruistic efforts.

Most everyone has a food pantry program, unwed mothers program, homeless program, drug and alcohol abuse program, marital counseling, daycares, youth sports programs and etc.

Most every single one of these programs are provided free or low, income-based cost to the communities. Paid and provided by gifts to the church by the members of the church.
These programs are often done by volunteers...so the execution might be flawed but they are intended to be helpful.

And now someone wants to tax charity?
Daycares are not tax exempt. Neither is anything else that church receives compensation.
It depends on how it's run and how they charge fees. It's usually not compensation or a contractual agreement and therefore doesn't get taxed.

Some daycares are "for profit" but run in church buildings...they pay taxes. Church itself doesn't.
The First Amendment.
Tax exemption for churches is a direct violation of the First Amendment, which states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ...". That's exactly what the tax exemption is.
Agreed – and however sound that reasoning is, the Supreme Court does not agree.

In Walz v. Tax Commission of City of New York (1970) the Court held that tax exemptions of religious organizations do not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment – that they neither promote nor advocate for a given religious belief.

The courts have even held that for-profit religious-themed amusement parks are entitled to tax exemptions.
Churches in America are tax exempt due to their humanitarian and altruistic efforts.

Most everyone has a food pantry program, unwed mothers program, homeless program, drug and alcohol abuse program, marital counseling, daycares, youth sports programs and etc.

Most every single one of these programs are provided free or low, income-based cost to the communities. Paid and provided by gifts to the church by the members of the church.
These programs are often done by volunteers...so the execution might be flawed but they are intended to be helpful.

And now someone wants to tax charity?
Daycares are not tax exempt. Neither is anything else that church receives compensation.
It depends on how it's run and how they charge fees. It's usually not compensation or a contractual agreement and therefore doesn't get taxed.

Some daycares are "for profit" but run in church buildings...they pay taxes. Church itself doesn't.
Exactly. However, the church is the day care and pays taxes on those funds. As an employer of our pastor, we also pay the required taxes such as Medicare and Social Security. This would also apply to any other employees, although my church has no other paid employees. Your blanket statement was incorrect.

I was my church's Treasurer for many years before I became ill and could not attend services. I know of what I speak.
Churches in America are tax exempt due to their humanitarian and altruistic efforts.

Most everyone has a food pantry program, unwed mothers program, homeless program, drug and alcohol abuse program, marital counseling, daycares, youth sports programs and etc.

Most every single one of these programs are provided free or low, income-based cost to the communities. Paid and provided by gifts to the church by the members of the church.
These programs are often done by volunteers...so the execution might be flawed but they are intended to be helpful.

And now someone wants to tax charity?
Daycares are not tax exempt. Neither is anything else that church receives compensation.
It depends on how it's run and how they charge fees. It's usually not compensation or a contractual agreement and therefore doesn't get taxed.

Some daycares are "for profit" but run in church buildings...they pay taxes. Church itself doesn't.
Exactly. However, the church is the day care and pays taxes on those funds. As an employer of our pastor, we also pay the required taxes such as Medicare and Social Security. This would also apply to any other employees, although my church has no other paid employees. Your blanket statement was incorrect.

I was my church's Treasurer for many years before I became ill and could not attend services. I know of what I speak.
There's a variety of set ups...and I don't have CPA credentials. I know generally speaking that if a church sets up a day care it is because it is often needed in a community for people to hold jobs. (On both sides)

Daycares don't make a lot of money (no matter who runs them)...very low profit margin vs risk.

You were a "Judas".... you should know.

What would the government want to levy a church tax on?

Excise tax on holy water and communion wine?
Should the IRS get a share of the poor box proceeds?
Tax stamps for votive candles?

There really isn't any money there, the libs are insisting on it for the money, just to punish religious leaders who have objections to their ideas like gay marriage and abortion.
Churches in America are tax exempt due to their humanitarian and altruistic efforts.

Most everyone has a food pantry program, unwed mothers program, homeless program, drug and alcohol abuse program, marital counseling, daycares, youth sports programs and etc.

Most every single one of these programs are provided free or low, income-based cost to the communities. Paid and provided by gifts to the church by the members of the church.
These programs are often done by volunteers...so the execution might be flawed but they are intended to be helpful.

And now someone wants to tax charity?
Daycares are not tax exempt. Neither is anything else that church receives compensation.
It depends on how it's run and how they charge fees. It's usually not compensation or a contractual agreement and therefore doesn't get taxed.

Some daycares are "for profit" but run in church buildings...they pay taxes. Church itself doesn't.
Exactly. However, the church is the day care and pays taxes on those funds. As an employer of our pastor, we also pay the required taxes such as Medicare and Social Security. This would also apply to any other employees, although my church has no other paid employees. Your blanket statement was incorrect.

I was my church's Treasurer for many years before I became ill and could not attend services. I know of what I speak.
There's a variety of set ups...and I don't have CPA credentials. I know generally speaking that if a church sets up a day care it is because it is often needed in a community for people to hold jobs. (On both sides)

Daycares don't make a lot of money (no matter who runs them)...very low profit margin vs risk.

You were a "Judas".... you should know.
Excuse me? We are talking facts there! That has nothing to do with taxes, but you knew that didn't you, rookie?

Your Judas comment was uncalled for. Who whizzed in your cornflakes this morning? I recommend an apology.
The First Amendment.
Tax exemption for churches is a direct violation of the First Amendment, which states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ...". That's exactly what the tax exemption is.
Agreed – and however sound that reasoning is, the Supreme Court does not agree.

In Walz v. Tax Commission of City of New York (1970) the Court held that tax exemptions of religious organizations do not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment – that they neither promote nor advocate for a given religious belief.

The courts have even held that for-profit religious-themed amusement parks are entitled to tax exemptions.

One of their more egregious errors, in my view. And it's not just a technicality. The religious tax exemption goes against the spirit of the First. It gives government power over religions and requires that the state authorize certain religions as legitimate, and others as not. There's no Constitutional justification for limiting a religion's right to be involved in politics, but that's effectively what this rule does.

I think one reason so few people see it as a threat is because of the whole "perk" psychology. All tax incentives rely on this, and people mostly fall for them. They see them as harmless bonuses offered for doing "good" things. But, as Justice Roberts highlighted in the ACA decision re: the individual mandate, every tax incentive can also be viewed as a tax penalty (for those who don't comply with whatever the incentive is supposed to promote), and vice versa. Discriminatory taxation radically expands the power of Congress, beyond what the Constitution authorizes. It allows them to compel behavior in ways that we would instantly recognize as an abuse of power if they were formulated as straightforward laws. Robert's didn't have the courage to strike down the mandate on these grounds because it would have undermined every tax incentive on the books (there are thousands) and revoked a large chunk of the power that Congress wields. But it's power they should have never been allowed in the first place.
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Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.
Now you are just making shit up.
Numerous ministers/priest have been jailed for child fucking.
You are of course referring to the Catholic church.
That is different. Because in all of those cases the church got the victims and their parents to not turn the priest in. So law enforcement was not aware of it. There were rumors abound, but no proof until the famous spotlight expose that uncovered years of abuse by numerous priest and - you bet - the church protected.
But you can't go after molesters where the victim won't cooperate.
For this, you need to hold the Catholic church, in it's entirety, responsible for it. Beginning with denouncing it, admitting it and dissolve a practice that leads to it.

That is the result of the Chuch being tolerant of faggots, same with the Scouts. Faggots should never ever be allowed around children; they're mentally ill and have many pedophiles for such a small demographic, which is also why they have such gangs as NAMBLA as prominent groups and Pedophiles like Harry Hay in founding their 'Rights' movement.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.
Now you are just making shit up.
Numerous ministers/priest have been jailed for child fucking.
You are of course referring to the Catholic church.
That is different. Because in all of those cases the church got the victims and their parents to not turn the priest in. So law enforcement was not aware of it. There were rumors abound, but no proof until the famous spotlight expose that uncovered years of abuse by numerous priest and - you bet - the church protected.
But you can't go after molesters where the victim won't cooperate.
For this, you need to hold the Catholic church, in it's entirety, responsible for it. Beginning with denouncing it, admitting it and dissolve a practice that leads to it.

That is the result of the Chuch being tolerant of faggots, same with the Scouts. Faggots should never ever be allowed around children; they're mentally ill and have many pedophiles for such a small demographic, which is also why they have such gangs as NAMBLA as prominent groups and Pedophiles like Harry Hay in founding their 'Rights' movement.
You're confused. Regular homos have nothing to do with pedophilia. Those are called pedophiles.
Churches are tax exempt and exempt from child rape charges. The government of the people lets them do that.
Now you are just making shit up.
Numerous ministers/priest have been jailed for child fucking.
You are of course referring to the Catholic church.
That is different. Because in all of those cases the church got the victims and their parents to not turn the priest in. So law enforcement was not aware of it. There were rumors abound, but no proof until the famous spotlight expose that uncovered years of abuse by numerous priest and - you bet - the church protected.
But you can't go after molesters where the victim won't cooperate.
For this, you need to hold the Catholic church, in it's entirety, responsible for it. Beginning with denouncing it, admitting it and dissolve a practice that leads to it.

That is the result of the Chuch being tolerant of faggots, same with the Scouts. Faggots should never ever be allowed around children; they're mentally ill and have many pedophiles for such a small demographic, which is also why they have such gangs as NAMBLA as prominent groups and Pedophiles like Harry Hay in founding their 'Rights' movement.
You're confused. Regular homos have nothing to do with pedophilia. Those are called pedophiles.

Rubbish. You're the confused one, obviously reading the fake science propoganda put out by activists as a counter to Jesse Helm's raising a stink about NAMBLA's founding role and membership in the ILGA back in the '90's, forcing Bill Clinton to deny granting the deviants UN NGO status. Faggots are around 2% of the population, yet they commit 35% to over 50% of all kiddie rapes, far out of proportion to their demographics, and we also know from the last major FBI investigation that the faggot kiddie rapists will also rape little girls if no little boys are handy.
Tax-exempt status for churches and religious organizations serves a continuing social benefit to American society and is consistent with our country’s commitment to keep the government from unnecessary entanglements with religion.

but that only happens one way......

I ask for examples of churches losing their tax exempt status and you respond with a link to an IRS publication. How stupid are you? Should I have written it in crayon so you would understand it better?

I gave you something better than examples, I gave you an explanation of how the rules apply from the very agency that enforces them - so there would be no ambiguity. And for that you insult me.

Are you drunk, or are you always a jackass?
I am neither drunk, nor a jackass. You could not answer the question. I asked for examples of churches losing their tax exempt status. You made an epic failure in your attempt.

As my church's Treasurer, I am well familiar with the rules regarding tax exemption. You, on the other hand, apparently have a learning disability. Inability to follow simple directions is a indication of intellect. My dog is better at that than you!

For some reason people can't just go to the IRS site and actually read the guidelines for themselves, and still insist on believing pastors and ministers don't pay taxes on their incomes and get big mansions for free and exempt as well. The fact is the majority of pastors and ministers in the U.S. actually get paid as self-employed contractors and have to pay all their own Social Security and withholding taxes, i.e. they're taxed at higher rates than regular wage earners.
Tax-exempt status for churches and religious organizations serves a continuing social benefit to American society and is consistent with our country’s commitment to keep the government from unnecessary entanglements with religion.

As long as they stay in their place.
Tax-exempt status for churches and religious organizations serves a continuing social benefit to American society and is consistent with our country’s commitment to keep the government from unnecessary entanglements with religion.

but that only happens one way......


The 1st A merely keeps the Federal govt. out of sponsoring a national sect. The individual states themselves were never barred from doing so; Massachusetts didn't dis-establish its favored state sect Congregationalists until 1834, and that was because of the demographic changes from mass immigration over the previous two decades. A couple of other states had them as well, Connecticut, and Jefferson's battle with the govt. of Virginia over setting up a secular university is well known as well.

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