Why are we discussing budgeting 25 billion dollars for the wall on the mexico border


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.
Not to mention that the wall will cost countless billions more to man and maintain.

History will look back on us during the Trump era as racists and cowards. Shame on us for allowing this to happen. .
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

Something wrong with getting the wall built sooner and then getting reimbursed via trade taxes over time? I mean, why not wait until we have 400 million people here with 10% of them all illegal foreigners. Besides, what you don't seem to realize is it has already cost us 10X as much NOT having the wall and having a flood of millions of illegals come into this country bringing all of their crime, legal, health, shelter and schooling costs.
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.
lol So you would rather allow a flood of illegal immigrants into the country than risk losing face.
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.
In his first year, President Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office and the barrier he wants to build to keep illegals out will be like the barrier Israel built on its border with Sinai or the eastern Europeans are building to keep the immigrants Germany and Sweden have invited to Europe. Smart barriers like the one Israel built work. Tens of thousands of East Africans flooded into Israel before the barrier was built, but not one since it went up.
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.
In his first year, President Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office and the barrier he wants to build to keep illegals out will be like the barrier Israel built on its border with Sinai or the eastern Europeans are building to keep the immigrants Germany and Sweden have invited to Europe. Smart barriers like the one Israel built work. Tens of thousands of East Africans flooded into Israel before the barrier was built, but not one since it went up.
Give us some links to back that up.

I would take an educated and employed Mexican over uneducated and jobless Republicans anytime. Never heard a Mexican say college is bad for America.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

That's right. It is and should be a given that it will be built and built soon. How and when Mexico foots the bill is not relevant. It will happen.
Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

How fucking stupid are you?
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.
In his first year, President Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office and the barrier he wants to build to keep illegals out will be like the barrier Israel built on its border with Sinai or the eastern Europeans are building to keep the immigrants Germany and Sweden have invited to Europe. Smart barriers like the one Israel built work. Tens of thousands of East Africans flooded into Israel before the barrier was built, but not one since it went up.
Give us some links to back that up.

I would take an educated and employed Mexican over uneducated and jobless Republicans anytime. Never heard a Mexican say college is bad for America.
No one who follows the news would have to ask for a link to Trump's remarkable success in reducing illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3, and no one who had any idea of US immigration law would think educated Mexicans are relevant to this discussion.

"The ‘64 percent reduction’

To get to the 64 percent reduction, Trump isn’t looking at the decrease from February 2017 to March 2017, as he did when he talked about the decrease between January and February.

Instead, he’s looking at the year-over-year reduction (March 2016 vs. March 2017), the White House told us.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection data show that in March 2017 border patrol made 12,193 apprehensions at the southwest border. In March 2016, there were 33,316 apprehensions. That’s a 63.4 percent decrease year-over-year. Add in people who were deemed inadmissable to the country and you reach 64 percent."

Trump changes yardstick in claim about southern border
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Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

Something wrong with getting the wall built sooner and then getting reimbursed via trade taxes over time? I mean, why not wait until we have 400 million people here with 10% of them all illegal foreigners. Besides, what you don't seem to realize is it has already cost us 10X as much NOT having the wall and having a flood of millions of illegals come into this country bringing all of their crime, legal, health, shelter and schooling costs.

The snowflakes will use any excuse to avoid building the wall or delaying it. They wouldn't be doing that if they genuinely believed it won't work. Their frantic attempts to 86 the wall is all the evidence needed to show that they know it will work.
Not to mention that the wall will cost countless billions more to man and maintain.

History will look back on us during the Trump era as racists and cowards. Shame on us for allowing this to happen. .

Bullshit. One of the ccontractors said it will require almost zero maintenance. How much maintenance does prestressed concrete in the middle of the desert require? Almost none. The border will require fewer border gaurds with the wall, not more.
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.
The wall in Germany was there to keep East Berliners from escaping to the West not the other way around. For fucks sake read a history book. There are no Americans with a brain in their heads escaping to Mexico.
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Why are we budgeting 25 billion dollars to build the wall on the mexican border. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.
The USA and Trump will lose face if we have to pay for the wall and Mexico does not.

Just because it pisses you off, snowflake.

Not to mention that the wall will cost countless billions more to man and maintain.

History will look back on us during the Trump era as racists and cowards. Shame on us for allowing this to happen. .

Bullshit. One of the ccontractors said it will require almost zero maintenance. How much maintenance does prestressed concrete in the middle of the desert require? Almost none. The border will require fewer border gaurds with the wall, not more.
Well, he doesn't understand why he opposes the wall, so he just makes things up to justify his opposition to i.
Trump is a liar.

Remember, they had a wall in Berlin. That's what the GOP wants here.
In his first year, President Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office and the barrier he wants to build to keep illegals out will be like the barrier Israel built on its border with Sinai or the eastern Europeans are building to keep the immigrants Germany and Sweden have invited to Europe. Smart barriers like the one Israel built work. Tens of thousands of East Africans flooded into Israel before the barrier was built, but not one since it went up.
Give us some links to back that up.

I would take an educated and employed Mexican over uneducated and jobless Republicans anytime. Never heard a Mexican say college is bad for America.
No Republican has said an education is bad however worthless degrees do not contribute to society.

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