Why are we sending out space signals to aliens

For the last 50 plus years we have been sending off radio signals to all kinds of various clusters of stars in hope aliens find then.

Is this just me ? Or is this both reckless and suicidal

If aliens have the ability to reach us after receiving a signal, they probably could have done with us what they pleased without such an invitation.
Human technology is still very primitive as we still rely on dead things
Good practice to develop technology for future use. Nobody needed the telephone when it was first invented and now we carry one around with us all the time.
Maybe we can find a planet of Jews ?? That is where I would move too
I am going to have to drive over to SETI and disrupt the radio signals
Yes but maybe we’re in the perfect location that they keep missing us !!
Most likely an Alien race would find us too primitive and simple to even care about
Not true. We, for example, are amazed when we find microbes on Mars. If humans are fascinated by insects, then aliens would be fascinated by humans.
For the last 50 plus years we have been sending off radio signals to all kinds of various clusters of stars in hope aliens find them

Is this just me ? Or is this both reckless and suicidal

Yes and yes

Scientists might be science-y but they are not all that wise and often lack common sense

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