Why are we worried about oil prices?

That would be the intelligent, logical, far-thinking, American thing to do.
More likely, kick back with a six-pack 'n rev up th' ol' v8 will be the response.
Anything that varies from the image of the present for the future seems a non-starter. Advancing in a new direction is too adventurous.

Markets and stable supply lines do not like uncertainty.
No, wind and solar are not cheaper than fossil fuels yet.
Fossil fuels just have a big tax hit that wind and solar are exempt from.
Fossil fuels also have a big tax boost and subsidy from government. The truth is in the details, that haven't been established here. Secondary to the debate but perhaps becoming the primary deciding factor.
And even then, wind and solar still cost more because there is so much inefficiency from converting wind and solar to electricity, transmitting it, converting it back to kinetic energy, and the storage loses.
I doubt you're speaking from an engineering POV. There is energy conversion to factor in with fossil fuels, as well as several other factors that don't apply to solar/wind. There is loss to consider with converting solar/wind to electrical energy. Computing 'loss' for fossil as compared to solar/wind hasn't even been addressed by you. You referring to converting electric through solar/wind, back to kinetic energy is fictional and irrelevant in this conversation. That's an example of you trying to talk below my pay grade. When the power gets to the meter there's no distinction!

So consider this if you're serious about the discussion: Compute the 'loss' for all three energy sources, starting with in the ground for all three and report back with facts. Otherwise, you're blowing smoke.
{yes, I mean 'in the ground' for solar and wind too) Solar panels and wind generators aren't free.
It is just inevitable that wind and solar eventually will be cheaper, as fossil fuel production simply starts to run out.
I could agree with caution. But that's taking it to a whole new level above the computations I've challenged you to produce, because you're making assumptions on supply and demand.

One thing we can agree upon is the fact that solar/wind can't yet replace fossile fuel energy. If there's anything else we can agree upon, you can let me know. But you're going to have to stop making uneducated assumptions on the costs of energy conversions factors.
I care more about the environment than a Republican like you ever will.
Republicans like you care about money, power and control and little else.
If I were a Republican, you'd have a point, I dislike them as much as I dislike Democrats, they are both corrupt. The rest of your post is so clueless and moronic, I'll just ignore your massive stupidity and just laugh at it.
Lost in all the heated debates about Russia and its oil is the fact that solar and wind power are now cheaper than fossil fuels (oil and coal) Maybe it's time for the USA to drag itself into the 21st century, build its energy needs around clean, renewable solar and wind power and tell Russia, the Saudi's, oil companies, and the coal Barrons to go F-- themselves! :)

OK... then will Sunshine and Wind do this?
Take away fuels for transportation and electricity ok... That makes the rest of these higher price. You ok with that?
More than 6,000 everyday products get their start from oil, including dishwashing liquid, solar panels, food preservatives, eyeglasses, DVDs, children's toys, tires and heart valves. Here are some of the common petroleum products that are an important part of our modern lifestyle.

Gasoline is the most consumed petroleum product in the United States. In 2020, consumption of finished motor gasoline averaged about 8.03 million b/d (337 million gallons per day), which was equal to about 44% of total U.S. petroleum consumption.

So if 54% of oil is used for making products... what will the oil companies do to make up the loss of gas revenue?
Lost in all the heated debates about Russia and its oil is the fact that solar and wind power are now cheaper than fossil fuels (oil and coal) Maybe it's time for the USA to drag itself into the 21st century, build its energy needs around clean, renewable solar and wind power and tell Russia, the Saudi's, oil companies, and the coal Barrons to go F-- themselves! :)

If the oil prices stay high, the economy will slow and the Democrats will lose more seats in the House and Senate. It is the economy that decides elections, not alternative energy.
I am all for wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, etc., but they are NOT cheaper in general.
Wind and solar only slightly aid in electricity production, and would require expensive, dirty, and huge batteries in order to be of any significance.
You have to be able to constantly meet peak requirements, and wind and solar are terrible at that.
a qualified 'right' in part.
You would have to build 4 times as much as you normally need.
With fossil fuel electrical generation, you just kick up the throttle when necessary.
You really just don't understand what you're talking about. The issue you're trying to address on wind/solar as compared to fossil fuels, has absolutely nothing to do with batteries. And before you go off again, I'll point out the difference between car batteries and 'possible' need for storage batteries.

Stop blowing smoke and get back to the calculations necessary if you want to make comparisons on energy conversion 'loss'!
Fossil fuels also have a big tax boost and subsidy from government. The truth is in the details, that haven't been established here.
I believe Texas gives the same type tax breaks to all energy producers in the state. We lead in Fossil fuel and Wind energy.
I believe Texas gives the same type tax breaks to all energy producers in the state. We lead in Fossil fuel and Wind energy.
Thanks for the contribution to the discussion!

Except it doesn't mean much to a Canadian for a couple of reasons:

First, there's no dollar figure.
Then there's no total expenditure figure and how that has to relate to a percentage in tax breaks.
And then too, it could be referring to an equal dollar figure.

Even so, you're made a good start!
I think you're the only one so far who hasn't been wrong on at least everything they've said!

whatta bunch of fkun bozos!
DID YOU JUST WAKE UP? You think fuel is all we need oil for? About 2,000 common, essential everyday products we all need are made from oil, and high prices affects the cost of ALL that stuff!

Agree and goes without saying.
Piss-poor education in the U.S. has caught up to us!
So what should be obvious, needs to be constantly repeated. It's a drag.
Thanks for the contribution to the discussion!

Except it doesn't mean much to a Canadian for a couple of reasons:

First, there's no dollar figure.
Then there's no total expenditure figure and how that has to relate to a percentage in tax breaks.
And then too, it could be referring to an equal dollar figure.

Even so, you're made a good start!
I think you're the only one so far who hasn't been wrong on at least everything they've said!

whatta bunch of fkun bozos!
Everyone is wrong but you. Lmao
Thanks for the contribution to the discussion!

Except it doesn't mean much to a Canadian for a couple of reasons:

First, there's no dollar figure.
Then there's no total expenditure figure and how that has to relate to a percentage in tax breaks.
And then too, it could be referring to an equal dollar figure.

Even so, you're made a good start!
I think you're the only one so far who hasn't been wrong on at least everything they've said!

whatta bunch of fkun bozos!

Well good thing I'm not here to enhance Canadians understanding of Texas energy tax policy.

In terms of success, Texas generates twice as much electricity from wind power as it does from burning coal. But half as much as it does from burning natural gas.

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