Why are we worried about oil prices?

This is how all pathogen epidemic though out hundreds of millions of years of evolution, have come and gone with minimal effect.
What Fauci did, flattening the curve, was to prevent herd immunity and thus amplify the number of dead by at least a factor of 10. And in fact Fauci is now talking about there being a need for annual covid-19 shots.

The under 40 year old's all wanted to get infected deliberately.
That is why they wanted to go out and party, and the police had to use force in order to prevent them.

Read up on how General Washington prevented a Smallpox outbreak in 1777.
What he did was deliberate infection of the entirely Continental Army.
In February 1777, Washington told Continental Congress president John Hancock that he saw no other way to prevent the spread of the disease than to inoculate the whole army. By the end of the year, variolation had been performed on about 40,000 soldiers, and infection rates plummeted from 20 percent to a measly 1 percent.
Vaccines had not been invented yet, for another 20 years or so, and variolation means deliberate infection with Smallpox.
The under 40 crowd went out & partied because they were reckless & stupid, not because they wanted to become infected.a

Blood letting was also a common practice during the time G.W. was around.
The under 40 crowd went out & partied because they were reckless & stupid, not because they wanted to become infected.a

Blood letting was also a common practice during the time G.W. was around.

The under 40 crowd wanted to get infected because they knew that it was safer to get immunity while younger.
They also knew it would save more than half a million lives.
Everyone knows that "flattening the curve" should NEVER be done, as speed is always of the essence with epidemics.
And when you "flatten the curve", you make it last forever instead of ending it quickly.

Blood letting was an old practice left over from when they did not know better, but variolation was a new procedure that was based on science and clearly works.
The under 40 crowd wanted to get infected because they knew that it was safer to get immunity while younger.
They also knew it would save more than half a million lives.
Everyone knows that "flattening the curve" should NEVER be done, as speed is always of the essence with epidemics.
And when you "flatten the curve", you make it last forever instead of ending it quickly.

Blood letting was an old practice left over from when they did not know better, but variolation was a new procedure that was based on science and clearly works.

The under 40 crowd went out & partied because that's what they did before Covid & they wanted to continue to go out & party no matter what. And they thought they were invincible.

Plenty of them found out otherwise & died from the infection. Your claim that the under 40 crowd knew how to slow the pandemic is preposterous. After a night of partying they were lucky if they knew what day it was.

Gimme a break with this nonsense.

The under 40 crowd went out & partied because that's what they did before Covid & they wanted to continue to go out & party no matter what. And they thought they were invincible.

Plenty of them found out otherwise & died from the infection. Your claim that the under 40 crowd knew how to slow the pandemic is preposterous. After a night of partying they were lucky if they knew what day it was.

Gimme a break with this nonsense.

Everyone knows how to end an epidemic.
It is how epidemics have been ending for hundreds of millions of years.
After enough people get it, it runs out of easy hosts, so disappears.

And it is NOT "how to slow the pandemic".
The point is to NEVER "slow" any pandemic.
You want to SPEED IT UP, so it ends as quickly as possible, and that results in the fewest deaths.

And very few people under 40 died from covid.
The vast majority who died were over 70.
You are wrong.
Your link is to a propaganda piece in my opinion, and it is falsely claiming tax write offs are subsidies.
{...That includes measures like special tax deductions and direct cash transfers that governments provide to fossil fuel companies. ...}
Those "special tax deductions" are essential to any oil company, because they pay for all the millions spent looking for oil, when the results are negative. That is NOT a subsidy, but a normal write off for the cost of doing business.
And the government does NOT give any oil company any "direct cash transfer".
What happens is actually the other way around, in that the oil companies give the government cash for leasing oil land, and the subsidy is the reduction in how much the oil company is forced to pay.
I'm wrong?? Surely you're not trying to have me accept that big oil isn't receiving a windfall in subsidies and tax deductions?
The rationale for including these direct transfers and other subsidy mechanisms is that, even though they may reduce GHG intensity or other environmental impacts in some cases (for example, funding for efficiency), they are still ultimately fiscal supports for the oil and gas industry provided through public revenues.

But of course direct transfers are irrelevant anyway because the oil companies' balance sheet doesn't know the difference. And neither does the working class tax payer!
And "once it is at the meter" has absolutely NOTHING at all to do with anything.
Agreed. I wanted to establish that point
The POINT is that ICE is over 3 times more efficient and about 30% cleaner than EV.
You can't just pull '3 times' out of the air without substantiating it. And you will know, as an engineer that you can't talk 'efficiency' in this case of comparing 'wind and solar' with fossil fuels.
If you're referring to 'cost efficiency' that's an entirely different thing, and I would be into a discussion on that too.
Electric is NOT at all efficient or good, for almost anything.
And that my friend tells me without a doubt that you're not an professional engineer!
Fossil fuel is the way to go whenever possible.
For example, do NOT heat your home, heat your water, or run your stove on electricity.
That is incredibly wasteful.
I just proved to you that my heat pump heats my home more efficiently than any other source of energy. Considering 'efficiency' and 'cost efficiency.

Under ideal conditions, a heat pump can transfer 300 percent more energy than it consumes. In contrast, a high-efficiency gas furnace is about 95 percent efficient. Heat pumps are powered by electricity, so you can save substantially on fuel consumption.

Please send me a box of Corn Flakes so I can have an engineering diploma too.
Burning fossil fuel is half the price, more efficient, and cleaner than using electricity.
You are never going to see electric planes, trains, ships, or even large trucks, because electric is just so incredibly inefficient.
I've already told you that cost to the consumer is irrelevant. Cost is determined by supply and demand. I don't see any reason why I should go to the trouble of explaining 'cost' efficiency to you.
Heatpumps are good, but require a source of heat and cooling that is not supplied by electricity.
You're incredibly uninformed on heat pumps. Requiring a source of heat and cooling?? Not supplied by electricity?? You've got a lot of nerve posing as an engineer!
So they do not always work everywhere, are expensive, and are much more complex to install.
Grasping at straws and outrageous ignorance!
They work best when near a body of water.
Good grief. You're even ignorant of the fact that most residential and commmercial heat pumps are air exchange units and and as efficient as you've just been told?
Heat pumps do not use electricity for the heating and cooling energy.
They just use electricity to move the existing heat around.
What the fk are you talking about? You claim to be an engineer but you don't even understand how a heat pump works! Ask your wife or your dad how a refrigerator works!
And you totally have it wrong.
If you can use hydro to provide enough electricity when wind and solar do not work, then there is ZERO point in bothering with solar or wind.
You would have been a lot better off not even trying to comment.

The only point in doing solar and wind if you have fossil fuel electrical production, then you can save a little bit on fuel costs. You still need enough fossil fuel electrical production for the worst case scenario, which is no wind, at night.
It's the sun that doesn't shine at night. That's because god makes it go around to the other side of the earth.
So you can not decommission any fossil fuel power plants because of solar or wind.
Well said! You would be right if there were no other alternatives that can and will take the place of fossil fuels.
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