Why are we worried about oil prices?

Lost in all the heated debates about Russia and its oil is the fact that solar and wind power are now cheaper than fossil fuels (oil and coal) Maybe it's time for the USA to drag itself into the 21st century, build its energy needs around clean, renewable solar and wind power and tell Russia, the Saudi's, oil companies, and the coal Barrons to go F-- themselves! :)

Yes, wind and solar are now cheaper than fossil fuels.
Wind and Solar capacities can't yet replace fossil fuels.

It might be worth trying to get a discussion going, but now you've learned that isn't possible on this board because it will only be spammed.
Was your attempt honest or did you expect the result you've gotten?

I would suggest a spam free zone but that would require an understanding of what makes spamming. There are differing opinions on that.
Lost in all the heated debates about Russia and its oil is the fact that solar and wind power are now cheaper than fossil fuels (oil and coal) Maybe it's time for the USA to drag itself into the 21st century, build its energy needs around clean, renewable solar and wind power and tell Russia, the Saudi's, oil companies, and the coal Barrons to go F-- themselves! :)

I am all for wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, etc., but they are NOT cheaper in general.
Wind and solar only slightly aid in electricity production, and would require expensive, dirty, and huge batteries in order to be of any significance.
You have to be able to constantly meet peak requirements, and wind and solar are terrible at that.
You would have to build 4 times as much as you normally need.
With fossil fuel electrical generation, you just kick up the throttle when necessary.
I heard something interesting on the radio last night:

Norway has more electric vehicles, per capita, than any other country on the planet. Some 65% of all new car sales are electric vehicles.

Once a very popular option, no one wants to use public transportation because of Covid, so more people are venturing out in their own vehicles. More cars on the road are having an adverse impact on the infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc). The Norwegian government wants to try to mitigate these adverse effects, in part, by getting people back into public transportation.

The problem is that people would rather buy an electric car than take the bus. So, what is the government doing? They're giving incentives to dealers to raise the prices on the cars so that they become less affordable.

As if a Tesla isn't expensive enough as it is...

Electric cars use the equivalent of fossil energy as a car getting 29 mpg.
So electric cars do NOT pollute less, but more than all the cars like VW and Honda, that get closer to 40 mpg.

Not using mass transit over covid was stupid.
Since covid has a mortality risk as low as flu, we should actually have wanted it to spread quickly so we could have achieved herd immunity in the first month, and save 700.000 lives that we deliberately killed by making it last for years instead.

What they should do, is just make mass transit free by making every one subsidize it in their taxes.
Yes, wind and solar are now cheaper than fossil fuels.
Wind and Solar capacities can't yet replace fossil fuels.

It might be worth trying to get a discussion going, but now you've learned that isn't possible on this board because it will only be spammed.
Was your attempt honest or did you expect the result you've gotten?

I would suggest a spam free zone but that would require an understanding of what makes spamming. There are differing opinions on that.

No, wind and solar are not cheaper than fossil fuels yet.
Fossil fuels just have a big tax hit that wind and solar are exempt from.
And even then, wind and solar still cost more because there is so much inefficiency from converting wind and solar to electricity, transmitting it, converting it back to kinetic energy, and the storage loses.

It is just inevitable that wind and solar eventually will be cheaper, as fossil fuel production simply starts to run out.
Texas gets about a quarter of it's electricity from wind.

It's our love of the ICE that drives our need for oil.

But Texas did not save any money doing that.
First of all, Texas as the big Escarpment that is perfect for wind generation, and most of the time the wind turbines are stationary. They also have about only a 10 year blade life.
Of not for the main electricity generation being fossil fuel, you would need to invest $ billions in batteries and over 10 times the wind and solar they have now, in order to handle the max peaks.

ICE uses less fossil fuel than electricity.
EVs only get about 29 mpg max, while ICE easily can get 40 mpg.
And most electricity is and will always be from fossil fuels.
EVs do not reduce fossil fuel dependence at all, but increase it instead.
Solar and wind are supplemental at best. The materials that are excavated to make solar panels and batteries are extremely toxic to the environment. Alt energies are backed by conventional energies, oil, natural gas, coal, etc.
Not to mention its killing the hell out of the ones mining it.
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Since covid has a mortality risk as low as flu, we should actually have wanted it to spread quickly so we could have achieved herd immunity in the first month, and save 700.000 lives that we deliberately killed by making it last for years instead.

Stupid or not, it's apparently what happened...
If only it was that simple.
Finding, supporting new energy & existing energy Yes But its a process & WE KEEP FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER OVER IT. Oil & coal are not going away any time soon.

Oil may only have about 50 years worth, but coal has more like 500 years.
So nuclear seems better all the time?
Lost in all the heated debates about Russia and its oil is the fact that solar and wind power are now cheaper than fossil fuels (oil and coal) Maybe it's time for the USA to drag itself into the 21st century, build its energy needs around clean, renewable solar and wind power and tell Russia, the Saudi's, oil companies, and the coal Barrons to go F-- themselves! :)

That would be the intelligent, logical, far-thinking, American thing to do.
More likely, kick back with a six-pack 'n rev up th' ol' v8 will be the response.
Anything that varies from the image of the present for the future seems a non-starter. Advancing in a new direction is too adventurous.
But Texas did not save any money doing that.
First of all, Texas as the big Escarpment that is perfect for wind generation, and most of the time the wind turbines are stationary. They also have about only a 10 year blade life.
Of not for the main electricity generation being fossil fuel, you would need to invest $ billions in batteries and over 10 times the wind and solar they have now, in order to handle the max peaks.

ICE uses less fossil fuel than electricity.
EVs only get about 29 mpg max, while ICE easily can get 40 mpg.
And most electricity is and will always be from fossil fuels.
EVs do not reduce fossil fuel dependence at all, but increase it instead.

Energy companies make money by doing it.

Fossil fuel will always be with us.

I confess I love driving around with my ICE.

That would be the intelligent, logical, far-thinking, American thing to do.
More likely, kick back with a six-pack 'n rev up th' ol' v8 will be the response.
Anything that varies from the image of the present for the future seems a non-starter. Advancing in a new direction is too adventurous.
You Dimmers are comical.....thinking stupid comments through before writing them isnt in your Polly Parrot Propaganda squawking ability.
Lost in all the heated debates about Russia and its oil is the fact that solar and wind power are now cheaper than fossil fuels (oil and coal) Maybe it's time for the USA to drag itself into the 21st century, build its energy needs around clean, renewable solar and wind power and tell Russia, the Saudi's, oil companies, and the coal Barrons to go F-- themselves! :)


Nuclear Power is the Most Reliable Energy Source and It's Not Even Close ...

This basically means nuclear power plants are producing maximum power more than 93% of the time during the year. That's about 1.5 to 2 times more as natural gas and coal units, and 2.5 to 3.5 times more reliable than wind and solar plants. Why Are Nuclear Power Plants More Reliable?

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