Why are you here at USMB?

France is very beautiful each region has its way of talking and its food is different too. I prefer by far Normandy . :)
My grandad took an 88 she'll to his half track while trying to save the French from the Nazi's. Had fragments in his head that couldn't be removed. My other granddad liberated one of the Nazi concentration camps. I have memorabilia from both, including pictures from the camp. Bodies were stacked like cord would, and the stench he said was indescribable.
We could said thank you to both your grandad because like for the DDay in Normandy June 6 the French did not join in the were only a few hundred participating the French were doing more of Resistance in France.
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I live close to Lyon but it is more countryside . un petit village.
Still if i'm been here for 4 years i still can't respond just like that , i have to catch the mentality of the post , i mean sometime it could be humor or not ? and some member seem to speak in code :laugh:
Yes, I understand. It's not easy. Englishmen can be rude, Americans aggressive, and the French ridicule. :uhoh3:
A part of Vienne , France and every mentality are different French people are sometime hard to follow ( we don't always make sense here ( très contrariants ).
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They need to raise it to reflect real inflation; the personal deduction needs to be the amount minimum wage working full time would be for a year, i.e. MW should be around $18 based on conservative estimates, at least $37, 440; if you like the gold standard as a measure then it would be around $30 or so an hour, or $62,400 a year. I lot of people think they're 'middle class' when they aren't even close to it.

I don't think that's the metric for deciding standard deduction ...

I didn't say it was the metric; I said it should be.
I'm here because it's better to watch and read some debates than to listen to the lies I hear and see on TV. Though there are hardcore-stick-their-own-truth peeps here, it's still way better than to listen to Politician who tries their best to smell like Rihanna in the public eye.
Some member don't come too much either in winter Lucy Hamilton did not come too much this winter , i miss her.
Wet Lucy was a good enrichment for the forum, until she started to praise that zero over and over again.

until she started to praise that zero over and over again.

She praised kamikazi pilots?
She's mentally unbalanced or has an alcohol or substance abuse problem.
She wants to get drunk and get fracked. Something she might miss in her club of super intelligent nerds.
You are talking about Lucy Hamilton ?
Indeed. She wrote a lot of stuff of getting drunk and hustle around. She also plans on hiring a toy boy in old age.
Some member don't come too much either in winter Lucy Hamilton did not come too much this winter , i miss her.
Wet Lucy was a good enrichment for the forum, until she started to praise that zero over and over again.

until she started to praise that zero over and over again.

She praised kamikazi pilots?
She's mentally unbalanced or has an alcohol or substance abuse problem.
She wants to get drunk and get fracked. Something she might miss in her club of super intelligent nerds.
You are talking about Lucy Hamilton ?
Indeed. She wrote a lot of stuff of getting drunk and hustle around. She also plans on hiring a toy boy in old age.
It’s not like every time she post she as a drink in her hand and for her desire it’s none of our business.
Some member don't come too much either in winter Lucy Hamilton did not come too much this winter , i miss her.
Wet Lucy was a good enrichment for the forum, until she started to praise that zero over and over again.

until she started to praise that zero over and over again.

She praised kamikazi pilots?
She's mentally unbalanced or has an alcohol or substance abuse problem.
She wants to get drunk and get fracked. Something she might miss in her club of super intelligent nerds.
You are talking about Lucy Hamilton ?
Indeed. She wrote a lot of stuff of getting drunk and hustle around. She also plans on hiring a toy boy in old age.
It’s not like every time she post she as a drink in her hand and for her desire it’s none of our business.
Unless she makes an extra thread for it...
I don´t see a problem, anyway.
I’m here cuz I stumbled upon it while looking for another domain. Just was researching. well, I’ve got an acct now. Maybe I’ll learn the INs and Outs. Possibly stay, we will SEE.
I’m here cuz I stumbled upon it while looking for another domain. Just was researching. well, I’ve got an acct now. Maybe I’ll learn the INs and Outs. Possibly stay, we will SEE.
I enjoy jumping over FRench drainage troughs and swEDish manhole COVERS.
I didn't say it was the metric; I said it should be.

Why? ... honest curiosity ... folks are already paying SS taxes on this money at 7.65% ... why not shimmy the brackets instead ...

people ,making the bottom wage should be tax exempt; they're already getting banged for other payroll taxes along with sales taxes and now they even tax utility bills.I also agree that SS should be cut back with the MW raise, to somewhere near 2.5-3% per contributor, or 5-6% total. The deficits can be made up from the projects it was raise for, like a road tax and taxes on fuel and batteries etc., and put back into a SS fund, an in turn the payouts also raised to reflect real inflation.

Also, some labor categories should be allow to draw it in full early, like construction laborers, truck drivers, and others prone to early injury. Somebody who sat on their asses in careers can wait a couple more years to start drawing it, while raising the cutoff levels of wages that pay in.
I didn't say it was the metric; I said it should be.

Why? ... honest curiosity ... folks are already paying SS taxes on this money at 7.65% ... why not shimmy the brackets instead ...

people ,making the bottom wage should be tax exempt; they're already getting banged for other payroll taxes along with sales taxes and now they even tax utility bills.I also agree that SS should be cut back with the MW raise, to somewhere near 2.5-3% per contributor, or 5-6% total. The deficits can be made up from the projects it was raise for, like a road tax and taxes on fuel and batteries etc., and put back into a SS fund, an in turn the payouts also raised to reflect real inflation.

Also, some labor categories should be allow to draw it in full early, like construction laborers, truck drivers, and others prone to early injury. Somebody who sat on their asses in careers can wait a couple more years to start drawing it, while raising the cutoff levels of wages that pay in.
I agree that the bottom wage should be tax-exempt. As far as SS goes, my pension is pretty low but I have two pensions and the one I get from the U.S. is good enough for groceries so I'm not complaining.

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