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Why arent inner cities utopias?

That's because the land in Oakland is cheaper.

Cheap land is just part of it. At least recently. Back when S.F. could have started containerized cargo work, the land was cheap.

Oakland is business friendly, and San Francisco isn't. Do you understand that the Mayor, the city counsel, supervisors....etc. in S.F. are so anti-capitalist....it's incredible. They're just business friendly for photo-ops.

S.F. would rather shoot themselves in their collective feet than be business friendly. Just about every person elected to City offices in that town are closet socialists or Marxists.........

The Sierra Club, and numerous wacko environmentalists groups control that city with a noose-knot.
How many cities would you hear of that had a famous Yale University group beat to pulp for singing Christmas songs at a private gathering. The party was crashed by a bunch of San Franciscoites of ill repute who summarily beat up these Yale students at a high-end residence in S.F.. The S.F. police are still in the midst of the investigation. Only in San Francisco. Unions control the city to such an extent, you'd be amazed. I'm a union man myself, but they take "union" to a much greater extent, and an extent that will and is bankrupting the city.
The whole Pier district where S.F.'s fisherman's wharf is located used to be a bustling port for merchant freighters coming and going out of the numerous/extensive docks. When I was a kid, my dad used to take me to the docks just to let me look at the freighters from all over the world. My father built merchant freighters during WW2 just South of S.F. near Candle Stick Park, or Brisbane and the the SFO airport. San Francisco was a thriving port city, for commerce from all over the world. Oakland was not, but Oakland did start going into the containerized cargo to get a piece of the upcoming big pie. Did S.F.? No. Could they have? Yes. Was their land too expensive back then? No!. S.F. , going into the 60's and later had empty port slots after port slots. When we would drive by all the piers which were designated with numbers.....i.e. pier 19, 20.etc. there were no more freighters off-loading. S.F. never set up even a minute little containerized facility. Port buildings by each dock slot were ghost houses. Sadly, private businesses have been encouraged to take these port off-loading buildings and turn them into small enterprises, many which have absolutely nothing to do with ocean/sea/freight moving, not unlike Monterey's famous Cannery row to the South. The only difference is that Cannery Row couldn't be rejuvenated as the famous sardine industry collapsed because the Sardines became over fished, and in some ways mysteriously never came back in big numbers. Not, so for S.F.. The Port still could become a viable place of ocean business commerce again as Oakland had done.

So back in the 90's there was a little upsurge for S.F. when the major Cruise lines started using S.F. for Alaska Cruises, Hawaii, and even Mexico Riviera trips. Well, that's dwindling down to "zilch" now. I understand the city is charging inflated port fees to the lines, and they just plain don't get it.

When My dad was a young man in S.F., the city actually looked the other way, and allowed Sally Rand to run a major house of prostitution in the City. My Dad actually delivered groceries to Sally Rand's place and on one occassion saw a high ranking police official there as a customer. The guy didn't even have to go there out-of-uniform! The city like all cities winked at a lot of corruption. S.F. was tough like Chicago in those days. Now it's tough in another way. It's tough on anything that can and will rejuvenate the city. It has a very self-destructive mentality. It's a magnification of the microcosm that's infecting even our Federal government and many of our other cities.

Just remember that S.F. is the only city in the United States that wanted to be a prosecution-free zone for anyone that wanted to avoid the military draft, and most recently anyone desiring to partake of illegal substances deemed illegally by the U.S. government.

S.F.'s entire government heirarchy is anti-everything except anti-authority. They are like a country within the state of California. In fact they give a black eye to Californians. I think you could probably throw-in Santa Barbara and Berkeley into the mix with S.F. too. We have within our border, a nice little alliance on the order of WW2 Germany/Italy/Japan, only it's S.F./Berkelely, and Santa Barbara.

Remember its these folks with this type of mentality, that stop munitions trains on their way to Iraq, and Afganistan, yet they say they support the troops. How? By denying them the munitions to stay alive?

I really believe Michael Savage is correct in assessing this liberal, extreme left leaning logic, as a sign of a serious mental disorder. In know that Savage can get pretty worked-up, but he's no "brown nose" to any party. He definitely is a free-thinker...and to top it off, he is a Berkeley grad in botany.

San Francisco is run, politically by a bunch of "brain" damaged folks........Sadly, once S.F. was a beautiful place to visit........it's multi-culture was a thing of beauty and fun for the visitor as well as the resident. Now, like so many other failed Utopian experiments, it's filled with government graft, and stupid, "pie in the sky" programs that are just city coffer robbing boon-doggles.

One of the few major cities in the U.S. that started something good and grand.....was NYC's Mayor Rudy's project of getting the homeless out there and employed......and it was based on work and eat, or don't work and don't eat. Of course the trully mentally messed-up were not forced into these programs. Boy, did Rudy get flak from the "left", but the program was working.
another thing that backs up eightball's view of SFO.....

City of San Francisco Turns Down Retired War Ship

August 20, 2005 10:00 p.m. EST

Douglas Maher - All Headline News Staff Reporter
San Francisco, California (AHN) - In a sign of the times the city of San Francisco voted 8-3 not to have the retired warship USS Iowa remain docked in the bay.
The USS Iowa fought in battles from World War II to Korea to the Persian Gulf War and is recognized has having suffered one of the most horrific accidents in Navy history.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif, also a former mayor of the city, locked up $3 million for the ship to remain a tourist attraction in the city. But with the war on terror, the military policy on gays and the war in Iraq facing so much opposition, the city supervisors voted the measure down.
"If I was going to commit any kind of money in recognition of war, then it should be toward peace, given what our war is in Iraq right now," Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi tells AP.
"This isn't the San Francisco that I've known and loved and grew up in and was born in," says Sen.Feinstein. "This is a very petty decision."
The ship will be retired and become a major tourist attraction for the city of Stockton,CA now. Which is music to the ears of local politicians.
"We have offered a dock on the river, a 90,000-square-foot waterfront building and a parking area, and hope to attract at least 125,000 annual visitors," says Douglass Wilhoit, head of Stockton's Chamber of Commerce.
"San Francisco's rejection of such a storied battleship is a slap in the nation's face. We're lucky our men and women have sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom. Wherever you stand on the war in Iraq you shouldn't make a decision based on philosophy."
I also proved you're a wuss.
Certainly in your estimation. But despite all that you have proved, you still have not proven your statement about students in DC to be true. I suspect the numerous attempts at topic change result from your inability to do so. I forgive you.
Certainly in your estimation. But despite all that you have proved, you still have not proven your statement about students in DC to be true. I suspect the numerous attempts at topic change result from your inability to do so. I forgive you.

The State of District Schools. Per pupil spending in Washington's public schools is among the highest in the nation $8,290 in the 1994-95 school year compared to a nationwide average of $5,528, according to the National Center for Education Statistics [see Figure I]. Yet student performance is among the worst.



another thing that backs up eightball's view of SFO.....

City of San Francisco Turns Down Retired War Ship

August 20, 2005 10:00 p.m. EST

Douglas Maher - All Headline News Staff Reporter
San Francisco, California (AHN) - In a sign of the times the city of San Francisco voted 8-3 not to have the retired warship USS Iowa remain docked in the bay.
The USS Iowa fought in battles from World War II to Korea to the Persian Gulf War and is recognized has having suffered one of the most horrific accidents in Navy history.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif, also a former mayor of the city, locked up $3 million for the ship to remain a tourist attraction in the city. But with the war on terror, the military policy on gays and the war in Iraq facing so much opposition, the city supervisors voted the measure down.
"If I was going to commit any kind of money in recognition of war, then it should be toward peace, given what our war is in Iraq right now," Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi tells AP.
"This isn't the San Francisco that I've known and loved and grew up in and was born in," says Sen.Feinstein. "This is a very petty decision."
The ship will be retired and become a major tourist attraction for the city of Stockton,CA now. Which is music to the ears of local politicians.
"We have offered a dock on the river, a 90,000-square-foot waterfront building and a parking area, and hope to attract at least 125,000 annual visitors," says Douglass Wilhoit, head of Stockton's Chamber of Commerce.
"San Francisco's rejection of such a storied battleship is a slap in the nation's face. We're lucky our men and women have sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom. Wherever you stand on the war in Iraq you shouldn't make a decision based on philosophy."

Kudo's to Stockton, California!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap2:



Were those predictions for your future performance?

I realize your source is cool, being 10 years old and all, but try reading something a little more recent...


But better funding doesn't always buy better schools, said Mary Conk of the American Association of School Administrators.

"You've got to look at what money gets you and where you're spending it," she said.

Construction and living costs, for instance, can drive up spending in urban areas, with schools essentially spending more to get the same goods and services that rural ones get.

"Clearly it's going to be more expensive to build a school and staff it (in New York) than it would in Kansas," Shreve said.


But the Census figures show that the struggling Washington, D.C., school system spends virtually the same per pupil as New York and New Jersey, while its students lag behind many others in several areas, including skill levels and graduation rates.

"D.C. being on there points out that you can make foolish investment decisions with big resources and the kids don't benefit," said Amy Wilkins of the Education Trust, a Washington group that advocates for urban and minority students.

In 1996-97, Washington, D.C., had the largest per-pupil expenditures and smallest teacher student ratios in the nation at $9,123 and 14 to 1 respectively.[4] Despite this, 12% of D.C. public classrooms did not have textbooks at the beginning of the 1996-97 school year. [5] When the city pumped $63 million into roof repairs in the early 1990s, the system spent only 7% of the money on roofs.[6]

Seems to me that the money, or at least how it was being invested, was, in fact, the problem.


The 175-page report by the Council of the Great City Schools, a Washington-based nonprofit group that advocates for big-city school districts, said the average number of students per building is 459 in the D.C. school system, compared with 682 in the 45 other systems that were studied.

That difference contributed to higher costs, the report said. The D.C. system had to budget $1,083 per student for maintenance and facilities costs in 2004-05, compared with $603 per student in the other urban districts; $525 per student for energy and utility costs, compared with $191 in the other systems; and $714 per student for school administrative personnel, compared with $582 in the other cities.

Only 32 percent of the District's per-pupil spending went toward classroom instruction, compared with an average of 42.7 percent in the other systems, the study found.
Shall I keep going?
Shall I keep going?

Why, you’ve already proved my point. From your links, DC still has the highest per student spending and is one of the worst performing school districts.

I obviously hit a nerve here. I see the Capital Building behind you and your little ricer in your profile picture. Based on this and the quality of your posts methinks that you were mis-educated in DC. ‘Splains a lot. :rofl:
I don't understand the question, aren't they utopias for the party in charge?

I think MtnBiker hit the nail on the head.

These inner cities are Utopias for Democrats. Just about every policy of liberalism is designed to keep the poor and minorities where they are. Socialist policies are meant to keep a population dependant on the government, leaving the elite few in power. The easiest and best way to keep people down like this is to attack the family unit and to create broken homes with liberal ideas like pro-homosexuality, not promoting responsibility(such as taking care of your own children) by promoting abortion-on-demand, and promoting free drug use. This will lead to a population trapped a cycle very hard to break...born into single parent families, poor, uneducated, and into a culture that embraces drug use and crime. This is the true liberal utpoia. They will always use their smoke and mirrors to make it sound like they want to help people out of these situations, but every policy they pass does the opposite.
Why, you’ve already proved my point.
From your links, DC still has the highest per student spending
and is one of the worst performing school districts.
I obviously hit a nerve here.
I see the Capital Building behind you
and your little ricer
in your profile picture.
Based on this and the quality of your posts methinks that you were mis-educated in DC.
‘Splains a lot. :rofl:

3 for 8... please see me after class.

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