Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

Which Hollie? The atheist Hollie will say he is crazy. I think (I am not sure) the fundamentalist Hollie might like him. The GreatIam will say he is a satanist. Others on the young earth side will be split, I think. To me, he is a hoaxster.
Indeed it is fact. That's why there are so many theories about it. LOL!! This is one of the silliest posts I've seen.
The Theory of Evolution has withstood the rigors of the scientific method and peer review. Of course, it's also withstood the shrill whining of religious zealots. So yes, it's provable and not in question among the relevant scientific community.

If you know otherwise, you may wish to email your work to the journal Nature for example.

If you are so certain that you have the data refuting "Darwinism", put your work before peer review and let's see how you do. Remember that peer review will require your work is testable and falsifiable. So be certain that your "pwoofs" for magic and supernatural realms meet those requirements for testing and falsifiable peer review.

You'd first have to tell me which particular theory you think I should send to NATURE. Has your broom run out of petrol?
Well gee whiz, Bunky. If your claims are no more demonstrable than "because I say so", you should probably not make claims to absolute authority of magical, supernatural realms lest you be dismissed as just another crank.

Evolution is not my bag. It is yours. Which version is yours though I haven't the foggiest. I assume it is your own theory of tornado evolution though.

You see we Christians have the ability to multitask, Atheists have denied God and have adopted the religion of evolution. Christians can embrace their belief in God while appreciating proven science. You atheist have only your religion of evolution to contend with. You made that choice. It now appears that you must preach your religion unto all the world and try to convert the Christian community into believing the lie you embrace. I suppose that is just the atheists way of justifying their own choice.
Atheists have certainly rejected the existence of your gawds as they gave rejected the gawds of others. You name the mistake that's common among religious zealots in that you insist the gawds you were indoctrinated with are the only gawds.

In that sense, you are as much an atheist (lacking belief in the gawds of others), as those you hurl that slur at.

Otherwise, reading your saliva slinging tirade above, how sad that your religion teaches such hate and derision.

Are you totally insane? Don't answer that, we both know you are. Atheists even hate one another. All of you think you are gods that need be worship for your sheer intelligence.
Which Hollie? The atheist Hollie will say he is crazy. I think (I am not sure) the fundamentalist Hollie might like him. The GreatIam will say he is a satanist. Others on the young earth side will be split, I think. To me, he is a hoaxster.

To clarify for you, I am a Conservative Republican a Florida Gator fan and a New England Patriots fan. I also believe in Universal Reconciliation, so I am hardly a fundie.
Which Hollie? The atheist Hollie will say he is crazy. I think (I am not sure) the fundamentalist Hollie might like him. The GreatIam will say he is a satanist. Others on the young earth side will be split, I think. To me, he is a hoaxster.

Your opinion is somehow in youyr own mind supposed to matter to me? LOL!!
You asked a question. Since you are follow of my friend Carlton, I understand you now. So, yes, you are interested in my answers. Best luck to you.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.
1). Evolution IS considered a fact by biologists.
2). While the word "theory" in normal usage means a guess or a hunch, in science, a "theory" is a belief based upon observable phenomenon that has been generally accepted by scientists as a result of extensive experimentation.
Joseph Smith of the Latter-day Saints had a very early form of Universal Reconciliation based on Jesus' grace and mercy.

He did posit a three-fold sense of a superior heaven to middle heaven to lower heaven.

Carlton Pearson has read heavily in LDS materials. I don't think he is a secret Mormon, though.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.
1). Evolution IS considered a fact by biologists.
2). While the word "theory" in normal usage means a guess or a hunch, in science, a "theory" is a belief based upon observable phenomenon that has been generally accepted by scientists as a result of extensive experimentation.

See? I told you all. Here comes another one.
Who ever said monkeys aren't evolving? They won't evolve into man......they are a different branch
Joseph Smith of the Latter-day Saints had a very early form of Universal Reconciliation because of Jesus' grace and mercy.

He did posit a three-fold sense of a superior heaven to middle heaven to lower heaven.

Carlton Pearson has read heavily in LDS materials. I don't think he is a secret Mormon, though.

Never heard of him. I am neither Latter Day Saints or a follower of the JW's or Mormonism. I do embrace Universal Reconciliation because both Paul and John as well as Isaiah spoke of it.
The far social con young earth conspiracists are the latest monkeys to evolve, just behind the others.

Could you post the number of the post(s) made on this thread where anyone at all spoke of a young earth? You are one dishonest dude.

Not so much dishonest....as stupid.

That is a compliment from you, one of the five stupidest posters on the Board.

I rest my case.
The far social con young earth conspiracists are the latest monkeys to evolve, just behind the others.

Could you post the number of the post(s) made on this thread where anyone at all spoke of a young earth? You are one dishonest dude.

Not so much dishonest....as stupid.

That is a compliment from you, one of the five stupidest posters on the Board.

I rest my case.

The Court rules in your favor. It was slam-dunk anyways.
The far social con young earth conspiracists are the latest monkeys to evolve, just behind the others.

Could you post the number of the post(s) made on this thread where anyone at all spoke of a young earth? You are one dishonest dude.

Not so much dishonest....as stupid.

That is a compliment from you, one of the five stupidest posters on the Board.

I rest my case.

The Court rules in your favor. It was slam-dunk anyways.

I feel kinda bad......NOT.

Fakey is an example of devolution.

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