Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving.
1). Evolution is not fact. It's a THEORY.

2). You are mistaking adaptation for evolution.
1). Evolution IS considered a fact by biologists.
2). While the word "theory" in normal usage means a guess or a hunch, in science, a "theory" is a belief based upon observable phenomenon that has been generally accepted by scientists as a result of extensive experimentation.

1. Yep.

2. A theory is not a belief and should not be a belief. It is an attempt at explaining and describing a phenomenon and a framework for making predictions. Beliefs have nothing to do with theories. Accepting that a theory is the best explanation at the time of the current available evidence is the most anyone should do.
:lol: Fundamentalists and evangelicals believe in a heretical idolatry of the Bible. A form of modern-day social con Pharisee-ism.
Poor Listening, running back and forth and running into a slammed door on the far right:420:
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?
You don't understand anything about evolution. Let me explain it like this. The automobile evolved from the horse and buggy. But, the horse and buggy is no longer evolving into a car. The reason? The automobile already exists.
Nothing for us naked monkeys with brains developed to survive in the biosphere of an insignificant planet, somewhere in a universe with phantastillions of galaxies, stars and plants.
We just learn since a mere hundred years, that there are invisible (to us), extremely hard detectable (only with technology just starting to develop) hence very difficult to understand underlying sub particle structures which are responsible for our impression to live in a material world.
And it seems that we don't, that it is only a special condition of energy and fields.
That includes time, where the concept of time of a few naked monkeys is absolutely irrelevant for the universe, the beginning of it's existance or before, because without time there is no before.

I am always atonished that religious people who constantly exaggerate the term "eternity" have no means to understand that.

Really? You don't say. It is the religious people who do understand that God is outside of time and space and therefore has existed for eternity past and eternity future simply because time and space limitations as well as gravity and other laws of physics do not apply to Him. God lives in a different dimension than we do. The spiritual world is the reality. God created this dimension for us. Ours is the virtual world, not God's world.

Since space and time are dimensions of the universe in which we live, and your god lives apparently outside of our universe (no evidence is given for this, just your say so), why would you worship something that has no vested interest in our universe, and from all accounts, has tried to destroy it on numerous ocassions?

Those are your conclusions, not mine. Why the need for me to justify your conclusions. Your conclusions are your own responsibility.

Nice dodge. You are the one who (sans evidence) claims that your god is outside of our universe. So try answering the question.

It's your problem not mine. Figure it out. You're the genius of the moment until another one comes along.

I take it you have always lost at dodge ball. You do have my sympathy.
If you were serious about wanting an answer to these questions, you would be sitting in a science classroom asking them, instead of posting on a religion forum. Right, poser?

How can you say that? We are told over and over that you atheists are among the brightest people on the planet. You tell us that yourself over and over again.

How can I say that? Simple I put one word behind the other until I form a chain of words.. They are called sentences. See how smart I am?

Yes. Junk in junk out.

So it is your opinion that education is "junk in junk junk out" is it?

I'm an engineer and you're a clerk at Walmart.

Dick waving aside, engineering is not a prerequisite for anwsering my questions. However, basic science skills are. Got anything like that?
Humans are getting larger because there's more meat in their diet. Go to a country where they still eat mostly corn and beans (Mexico) and you will see how small the people are, especially the Indian women.
I disagree. For thousands of years the eskimos ate almost nothing but meat, but they didn't grow large. We've had lots of people who had all the meat they wanted, like families with large herds of animals. But they didn't grow large.

The reason humans are getting larger is because their meat contains growth hormones.
If you were serious about wanting an answer to these questions, you would be sitting in a science classroom asking them, instead of posting on a religion forum. Right, poser?

How can you say that? We are told over and over that you atheists are among the brightest people on the planet. You tell us that yourself over and over again.

How can I say that? Simple I put one word behind the other until I form a chain of words.. They are called sentences. See how smart I am?

Yes. Junk in junk out.

So it is your opinion that education is "junk in junk junk out" is it?

What has being able to speak in sentences have to do with science. My first grade granddaughter can speak sentences and has had little science as of yet. You are a scientific wonder in your own right. The ability to form sentences. WOW!!

I rest my case.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?
You don't understand anything about evolution. Let me explain it like this. The automobile evolved from the horse and buggy. But, the horse and buggy is no longer evolving into a car. The reason? The automobile already exists.
In that case an ice cream cone evolved from a chickadee. Or a horse and buggy. Take your pick.
I did not ask him anything. He suggested that the universe was created with perfect spheres(balls) already formed. Neither one of you are prepared for this conversation.
Negative. I asked you a question and you didn't answer because you don't know. No one has said how matter was formed and what happened up to the big bang. Everyone starts talking about the big bang and how it created life and flowers and monkeys and evolution.
You expect to know all that God knows????

He didn't give us that much brains!
I don't attempt to know everything but I've run into a few here who are brilliantly in love with their own intelligence. So smart they can't think or speak in laymans terms.

You must not be an atheist then. Atheists would kill one another off if put into a group setting fighting over which one is the most intelligent.

It is clear you have a problem with people who reason with less effort than you. There are many kinds of mental abilities one can measure that can be considered "intelligent".

OOPS!!! Gatta go ...game's on! Later...

OK back to the point/s I was working on...

Some people have a remarkable ability to remember what they see and read that far exceeds the average. This gift helps in quantifying a higher IQ as much of the content of those tests asks for rote responses without consideration of the ability to reason. My mom was one of those. She received high marks in school. She graduated at the U of W age 19.

Some people can read all of the religious scriptures and recite that knowledge word for word. Is THAT intelligence? Myself? When the whole thing is based on the unbelievable what difference does it make if you can recite the whole pile of nonsense word for word.. That won't make it sensible.

Some intelligence is shown by people that can connect dots into rational strings of information...even more difficult is the rationale of strings with missing dots that by quick trial and error can be reasoned into what makes sense. Those to me are the real geniuses.

I hope I haven't put you to sleep. THAT is a whole nother type of knowledge.. :lol:
Nope, gator puss, you don't speak for all Christians.

Evolution is a non-salvation issue.

The great majority of Christians world wide believe in both.

See, they're able to multitask. Too bad you atheists gave up your own ability.
There is actually no such thing as multitasking. The human brain is incapable of focusing on more than one thing at a time. That's Neuroscience.
LOL... have you never stopped for a moment to consider your own origins when what eventually became you was just one of millions of swimming sperm with a tail in a pool of slimy semen that somehow found itself in another warm and slimy place where it burrowed into a waiting egg to develop peacefully until eventually you crawled out screaming like some sort of primitive life form filling your diapers with your very own slime pool......

Sounds like some far fetched bullshit to me, but here you are, the product of scum.


Your opinion, not mine.

Right, your birth into this world was not the direct result of ejaculate.

Because you are lacking honesty and integrity you have not evolved above the level of scum and although you have the form and shape of a human being your intelligence remains just slightly above that of a monkey .

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