Why aren't you a Democrat?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I can't speak for anyone else, but it comes down to because the arguments in this video are absurd.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnpBFxvLxJE"]Mom, Dad.... I'm a Democrat.... - YouTube[/ame]

  1. If you want to really help the less fortunate why not work hard and then give money to them directly, like this guy did? Las Vegas families split $1 million gift from casino owner - News - ReviewJournal.com
  2. If you don't want to pay high interest on your student loans don't take them out in the first place.
  3. How does putting thousands of people out of work help? Does doing it in the name of education make it better? If doing bad things in the name of something good is acceptable why don't we start a holy war and go kill people?
  4. Everyone in this country already has equal rights and equal opportunity under the law, what Democrats want is equal results in the name of fairness. See number 3 for my response to that idea.
  5. People should be able to keep their homes even if they loose their jobs? What about all the people that earn their living off of building those homes, are we supposed to pretend that people not paying for a home doesn't negatively impact them?
  6. "I believe in good affordable healthcare for everyone." So do I, which is why I think we should get the government out of the way, end the absurd practice of giving employers a tax benefit for insurance, and put that money in the hands of the people who actually use the insurance.
In other words, I am not a Democrat because I can think for myself.

By the way, the fact that I can think for myself also explains why I am not a Republican.
I am not a democrate beause I can read and reason. I will take care of my self and my family when you stay out of the way. Take the past school bus bullying incidence. When the parents have to start taking those kids to school because they haven't been taught how to behave on the bus the behavoir will change. Deomocrats believe, (note I did not same think) that this mystical they person will just solve the problems and no effort is required on theirs.
I am neither because both are corrupt... and generally, I loathe both parties almost equally... I tend to relate more to the GOP, but that does not mean I like the SOBs.
I can't speak for anyone else, but it comes down to because the arguments in this video are absurd.

Mom, Dad.... I'm a Democrat.... - YouTube

Another example of how dumbed-down our approach to politics has become. Just because you don’t think the government should force equality through affirmative action doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t believe in equality or fairness. Just because you see a need to reduce the budget for some social safety net programs (out of necessity), doesn’t mean that you’re overly excited about it and that you don’t care about the poor or helping those in need.

I’m so fed up with politics in this country.

We need to raise some smarter Americans who can turn off the reality television programming, strive for higher learning and achievement, and see through all this garbage.
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I can't speak for anyone else, but it comes down to because the arguments in this video are absurd.

Mom, Dad.... I'm a Democrat.... - YouTube

Another example of how dumbed-down our approach to politics has become. Just because you don’t think the government should force equality through affirmative action doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t believe in equality or fairness. Just because you see a need to reduce the budget for some social safety net programs (out of necessity), doesn’t mean that you’re overly excited about it and that you don’t care about the poor or helping those in need.

I’m so fed up with politics in this country.

We need to raise some smarter Americans who can turn off the reality television programming, strive for higher learning and achievement, and see through all this garbage.

Gov't controlled education makes good education impossible for the majority :(.
The joker in the video wants to use other people's money to achieve his worker's paradise. And the blatant attack on oil companies is pathetic. Since he would not raise taxes on companies he thinks are cool (Apple) but would raise taxes on Exxon, what he is calling for is damn near a bill of attainder.

As for the college loan interest rate increase, Democrats whined for the government to take it over, and now they are pissing and moaning that the government is raising their rates! What did you expect? Have you EVER heard of a government monopoly that got CHEAPER?

And now that the rate of defaults on student loans is CLIMBING, guess who eats those losses? The American taxpayer. Instead of the evil banks they took the loans away from.

You know what the market does when defaults climb? They adjust interest rates based on the actuarials to offset the risk, so those who are the risk pay for the risk.

If you don't raise the rates on those who are a default risk, then you have to take the cost of their defaults out of another pot of money. Like, say, the money for welfare mothers he cries about wanting to help.

But nooooo, let's make the OIL COMPANIES pay for our screwups!

The video is chock full of weakmindedness.

Why am I not a Democrat? Because I was not willing to undergo the surgery to remove seven pounds of my brain to be one.
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Another example of how dumbed-down our approach to politics has become. Just because you don’t think the government should force equality through affirmative action doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t believe in equality or fairness. Just because you see a need to reduce the budget for some social safety net programs (out of necessity), doesn’t mean that you’re overly excited about it and that you don’t care about the poor or helping those in need.

I’m so fed up with politics in this country.

We need to raise some smarter Americans who can turn off the reality television programming, strive for higher learning and achievement, and see through all this garbage

The right wing machine taps into the most uneducated and easily misled individuals among us. They can spread anything, no matter how misleading or downright lies they are, the obedient sheep eat it and and parrot it without question.

"All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. "

"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think. "

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. "

These quotes sum up the right wing machine and their puppets doesn't it?

These tactics are still in use to this day, and all the quotes are from the most notorious right winger of all time, Adolf Hitler.
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Another example of how dumbed-down our approach to politics has become. Just because you don’t think the government should force equality through affirmative action doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t believe in equality or fairness. Just because you see a need to reduce the budget for some social safety net programs (out of necessity), doesn’t mean that you’re overly excited about it and that you don’t care about the poor or helping those in need.

I’m so fed up with politics in this country.

We need to raise some smarter Americans who can turn off the reality television programming, strive for higher learning and achievement, and see through all this garbage

The right wing machine taps into the most uneducated and easily misled individuals among us. They can spread anything, no matter how misleading or downright lies they are, the obedient sheep eat it and and parrot it without question.

"All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. "

"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think. "

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. "

These quotes sum up the right wing machine and their puppets doesn't it?

These tactics are still in use to this day, and all the quotes are from the most notorious right winger of all time, Adolf Hitler.

Whenever someone makes use of Godwin's law, you know you're reading a quality post.

Well done sir/ma'am.
You either believe a ton of Pubcrappe see sig pp3, are a racist/hater, or just a mythologisst (they're for small gov't, family values, and are better at business and defense- despite all the evidence...).
Another example of how dumbed-down our approach to politics has become. Just because you don’t think the government should force equality through affirmative action doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t believe in equality or fairness. Just because you see a need to reduce the budget for some social safety net programs (out of necessity), doesn’t mean that you’re overly excited about it and that you don’t care about the poor or helping those in need.

I’m so fed up with politics in this country.

We need to raise some smarter Americans who can turn off the reality television programming, strive for higher learning and achievement, and see through all this garbage

The right wing machine taps into the most uneducated and easily misled individuals among us. They can spread anything, no matter how misleading or downright lies they are, the obedient sheep eat it and and parrot it without question.

"All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. "

"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think. "

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. "

These quotes sum up the right wing machine and their puppets doesn't it?

These tactics are still in use to this day, and all the quotes are from the most notorious right winger of all time, Adolf Hitler.

Oh yeah, a party that was anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist was right wing. Yeah, right.You do realize that they were the National Socialist German Workers' Party, don't you?
Two life-changes generally dissuade people from being democrats:

1) Growing up and realizing society isn't the land of OZ.
2) Success in business or career.

Having said that - I am not a Republican either...they are no more/less corrupt than the Democrats.
I am not a democrate beause I can read and reason. I will take care of my self and my family when you stay out of the way. Take the past school bus bullying incidence. When the parents have to start taking those kids to school because they haven't been taught how to behave on the bus the behavoir will change. Deomocrats believe, (note I did not same think) that this mystical they person will just solve the problems and no effort is required on theirs.

I'm not a republican because I'm not too lazy or dumb to make an effort to reread my own posts and user a spell checker before I hit submit.
Oh yeah, a party that was anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist was right wing. Yeah, right.You do realize that they were the National Socialist German Workers' Party, don't you?

I so enjoy watching rubes like you work so hard to prove that the guys who gassed six million jews, homosexuals, and mental defectives were liberals.

That way, when you are attacking homos and blacks you feel like you can't possibly be compared to Nazis.

I get it. It's very amusing.
I am not a democrate beause I can read and reason. I will take care of my self and my family when you stay out of the way. Take the past school bus bullying incidence. When the parents have to start taking those kids to school because they haven't been taught how to behave on the bus the behavoir will change. Deomocrats believe, (note I did not same think) that this mystical they person will just solve the problems and no effort is required on theirs.

I'm not a republican because I'm not too lazy or dumb to make an effort to reread my own posts and user a spell checker before I hit submit.

So you reread this post and thought "user a spell checker" was worded correctly?
I am not a democrate beause I can read and reason. I will take care of my self and my family when you stay out of the way. Take the past school bus bullying incidence. When the parents have to start taking those kids to school because they haven't been taught how to behave on the bus the behavoir will change. Deomocrats believe, (note I did not same think) that this mystical they person will just solve the problems and no effort is required on theirs.

I'm not a republican because I'm not too lazy or dumb to make an effort to reread my own posts and user a spell checker before I hit submit.

What is "user a spell checker"?
Oh yeah, a party that was anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist was right wing. Yeah, right.You do realize that they were the National Socialist German Workers' Party, don't you?

I so enjoy watching rubes like you work so hard to prove that the guys who gassed six million jews, homosexuals, and mental defectives were liberals.

That way, when you are attacking homos and blacks you feel like you can't possibly be compared to Nazis.

I get it. It's very amusing.

They were actually progressives.
I am not a democrate beause I can read and reason. I will take care of my self and my family when you stay out of the way. Take the past school bus bullying incidence. When the parents have to start taking those kids to school because they haven't been taught how to behave on the bus the behavoir will change. Deomocrats believe, (note I did not same think) that this mystical they person will just solve the problems and no effort is required on theirs.

I'm not a republican because I'm not too lazy or dumb to make an effort to reread my own posts and user a spell checker before I hit submit.

So you reread this post and thought "user a spell checker" was worded correctly?

I missed that.
I am not a democrate beause I can read and reason. I will take care of my self and my family when you stay out of the way. Take the past school bus bullying incidence. When the parents have to start taking those kids to school because they haven't been taught how to behave on the bus the behavoir will change. Deomocrats believe, (note I did not same think) that this mystical they person will just solve the problems and no effort is required on theirs.

I'm not a republican because I'm not too lazy or dumb to make an effort to reread my own posts and user a spell checker before I hit submit.

So you reread this post and thought "user a spell checker" was worded correctly?

haha, Damn...Foot in mouth. Well done.
I am not a democrate beause I can read and reason. I will take care of my self and my family when you stay out of the way. Take the past school bus bullying incidence. When the parents have to start taking those kids to school because they haven't been taught how to behave on the bus the behavoir will change. Deomocrats believe, (note I did not same think) that this mystical they person will just solve the problems and no effort is required on theirs.

I'm not a republican because I'm not too lazy or dumb to make an effort to reread my own posts and user a spell checker before I hit submit.

What is "user a spell checker"?

I guess I'm a republican deep down after all.

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