Why aren't you wearing an N95 Mask?

you got a problem with me not wearing a mask? tough shit. this is america, the birthplace of freedom!
Freedom does not include the right to make others sick.
Someone choosing not to wear a mask is not making you sick, and you know it. That's just an excuse you use to justify your shitty behavior to yourself.
This sort of "you not doing what I tell you = you endangering lives" bullshit is a good way for us to tell who the authoritarians are, so thanks for that. It's always good to know who all the shitty little backstabbers are.
When a lot of someones refuse to wear masks and following other rules, it will make people sick. And when the number of cases and death rates rise rapidly, the governors will shut down businesses.
Shouldn't you be on a ledge somewhere? Your fear is palpable! :rofl: Wear a mask fool!

Why don't you just sew these onto those masks you demand the rest of us wear?

N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I work in an ER in downtown Houston, I get exposed to shit all the time. Harden the fuck up.

Quit being a drama queen, will you?

You don't wear PPE? Right! Have someone let us know when you die so we can symbolically piss on your grave.
you got a problem with me not wearing a mask? tough shit. this is america, the birthplace of freedom!
Freedom does not include the right to make others sick.
Someone choosing not to wear a mask is not making you sick, and you know it. That's just an excuse you use to justify your shitty behavior to yourself.
This sort of "you not doing what I tell you = you endangering lives" bullshit is a good way for us to tell who the authoritarians are, so thanks for that. It's always good to know who all the shitty little backstabbers are.
When a lot of someones refuse to wear masks and following other rules, it will make people sick. And when the number of cases and death rates rise rapidly, the governors will shut down businesses.
All speculation. There is no data to support that prognostication. It is unscientific and hysterical. Those in power will always use fear to control the population.

All we have is speculation. My grandsons are 10 and 13 years old and has not been out in public since February. I would kind of like them to have a somewhat normal childhood, but if you morons spread the disease again, we will lockdown for months again.
Normal for what?
Not for a free country.....
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I work in an ER in downtown Houston, I get exposed to shit all the time. Harden the fuck up.

Quit being a drama queen, will you?

You don't wear PPE? Right! Have someone let us know when you die so we can symbolically piss on your grave.
Sure, when I am in close contact with someone who might be contagious, not when I'm going about my regular life.

Do you wear a condom at all times to keep from contracting an STD?

Get the fuck out of here with this hysterical bullshit......
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.

Why do you say they are one time use? Unless you snot all over them, should they disinfect themselves over time.

Because they were never designed for multiple reuse.
Why do you say that? I have one with filters that say they should be good for a minimum of 6 weeks with wear 24/7.

sure if you are using it to protect against dust. I’m talking about virus particles.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?
They lower your oxygen levels and if you wear them for an extended period can make you pass out. They can actually make you more susceptible to the virus over time.

Bullshit. Nothing to it but utter bullshit put out there by some quack who wanted to be on TV or see his name in print.
From health magazine.

“The N95 might be uncomfortable and restrictive to the point where it affects your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels...but you really shouldn’t be wearing that anyway.”
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.

Why do you say they are one time use? Unless you snot all over them, should they disinfect themselves over time.

Because they were never designed for multiple reuse.
Why do you say that? I have one with filters that say they should be good for a minimum of 6 weeks with wear 24/7.

sure if you are using it to protect against dust. I’m talking about virus particles.
Are the virus particles immortal?

The mask is designed for persons with compromised immune systems. I have a spare one from my grandson.
you got a problem with me not wearing a mask? tough shit. this is america, the birthplace of freedom!
Freedom does not include the right to make others sick.
Someone choosing not to wear a mask is not making you sick, and you know it. That's just an excuse you use to justify your shitty behavior to yourself.
This sort of "you not doing what I tell you = you endangering lives" bullshit is a good way for us to tell who the authoritarians are, so thanks for that. It's always good to know who all the shitty little backstabbers are.
When a lot of someones refuse to wear masks and following other rules, it will make people sick. And when the number of cases and death rates rise rapidly, the governors will shut down businesses.
All speculation. There is no data to support that prognostication. It is unscientific and hysterical. Those in power will always use fear to control the population.

All we have is speculation. My grandsons are 10 and 13 years old and has not been out in public since February. I would kind of like them to have a somewhat normal childhood, but if you morons spread the disease again, we will lockdown for months again.
Normal for what?
Not for a free country.....

Stupid fucker!
you got a problem with me not wearing a mask? tough shit. this is america, the birthplace of freedom!
Freedom does not include the right to make others sick.
Someone choosing not to wear a mask is not making you sick, and you know it. That's just an excuse you use to justify your shitty behavior to yourself.
This sort of "you not doing what I tell you = you endangering lives" bullshit is a good way for us to tell who the authoritarians are, so thanks for that. It's always good to know who all the shitty little backstabbers are.
When a lot of someones refuse to wear masks and following other rules, it will make people sick. And when the number of cases and death rates rise rapidly, the governors will shut down businesses.
All speculation. There is no data to support that prognostication. It is unscientific and hysterical. Those in power will always use fear to control the population.

All we have is speculation. My grandsons are 10 and 13 years old and has not been out in public since February. I would kind of like them to have a somewhat normal childhood, but if you morons spread the disease again, we will lockdown for months again.
Normal for what?
Not for a free country.....

Stupid fucker!

Your grandchildren should be ashamed of you for being such a weak, simpering, pussy.

Knock that shit off and start setting a proper example of a man, you wuss.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I work in an ER in downtown Houston, I get exposed to shit all the time. Harden the fuck up.

Quit being a drama queen, will you?

You don't wear PPE? Right! Have someone let us know when you die so we can symbolically piss on your grave.
The virus can also enter via your eyes. You planning on wearing goggles?
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I work in an ER in downtown Houston, I get exposed to shit all the time. Harden the fuck up.

Quit being a drama queen, will you?

You don't wear PPE? Right! Have someone let us know when you die so we can symbolically piss on your grave.
The virus can also enter via your eyes. You planning on wearing goggles?

Listen up for possible penetration, wearing a mask is to prevent you spreading it to others. Take a minute and let that sink in. unless you are crying on someone, who gives a shit? Sneezes and coughs are the main method of transmission. Most of the fucking morons in America are confused by the purpose of the masks. They will not keep you safe. whatever you may be carrying.They are used to protect others FROM you.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I absolutely HATE hospitals for that very reason. Why would I want to venture into a concentrated closed area of really sick people?
you got a problem with me not wearing a mask? tough shit. this is america, the birthplace of freedom!
Freedom does not include the right to make others sick.
Someone choosing not to wear a mask is not making you sick, and you know it. That's just an excuse you use to justify your shitty behavior to yourself.
This sort of "you not doing what I tell you = you endangering lives" bullshit is a good way for us to tell who the authoritarians are, so thanks for that. It's always good to know who all the shitty little backstabbers are.
When a lot of someones refuse to wear masks and following other rules, it will make people sick. And when the number of cases and death rates rise rapidly, the governors will shut down businesses.
All speculation. There is no data to support that prognostication. It is unscientific and hysterical. Those in power will always use fear to control the population.

All we have is speculation. My grandsons are 10 and 13 years old and has not been out in public since February. I would kind of like them to have a somewhat normal childhood, but if you morons spread the disease again, we will lockdown for months again.
Normal for what?
Not for a free country.....

Stupid fucker!

Your grandchildren should be ashamed of you for being such a weak, simpering, pussy.

Knock that shit off and start setting a proper example of a man, you wuss.

How do you figure that?

You need to go walk into a COVID-19 patients hospital room (which you cannot even get in) and go ahead and infect yourself. Maybe some you care about will be one of that small percentage that dies!

In other words, you stupid MFer, you should get what you deserve.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I work in an ER in downtown Houston, I get exposed to shit all the time. Harden the fuck up.

Quit being a drama queen, will you?

You don't wear PPE? Right! Have someone let us know when you die so we can symbolically piss on your grave.
The virus can also enter via your eyes. You planning on wearing goggles?

Listen up for possible penetration, wearing a mask is to prevent you spreading it to others. Take a minute and let that sink in. unless you are crying on someone, who gives a shit? Sneezes and coughs are the main method of transmission. Most of the fucking morons in America are confused by the purpose of the masks. They will not keep you safe. whatever you may be carrying.They are used to protect others FROM you.
Even healthcare workers don’t wear the N95 masks for long periods of time. They are particularly bad for people with respiratory issues.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I work in an ER in downtown Houston, I get exposed to shit all the time. Harden the fuck up.

Quit being a drama queen, will you?

You don't wear PPE? Right! Have someone let us know when you die so we can symbolically piss on your grave.
The virus can also enter via your eyes. You planning on wearing goggles?

Listen up for possible penetration, wearing a mask is to prevent you spreading it to others. Take a minute and let that sink in. unless you are crying on someone, who gives a shit? Sneezes and coughs are the main method of transmission. Most of the fucking morons in America are confused by the purpose of the masks. They will not keep you safe. whatever you may be carrying.They are used to protect others FROM you.
Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

You can stay your ass home if you want, no one is forcing you to interact with others, and frankly you don't seem to be the kind of person whose presence would be missed much anyway.

So get over yourself already, you fucking drama queen.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I absolutely HATE hospitals for that very reason. Why would I want to venture into a concentrated closed area of really sick people?
It is pretty bad as far as germs, but your immune system gets a hell of a workout, and gets strong as hell as a result.
you got a problem with me not wearing a mask? tough shit. this is america, the birthplace of freedom!
Freedom does not include the right to make others sick.
Someone choosing not to wear a mask is not making you sick, and you know it. That's just an excuse you use to justify your shitty behavior to yourself.
This sort of "you not doing what I tell you = you endangering lives" bullshit is a good way for us to tell who the authoritarians are, so thanks for that. It's always good to know who all the shitty little backstabbers are.
When a lot of someones refuse to wear masks and following other rules, it will make people sick. And when the number of cases and death rates rise rapidly, the governors will shut down businesses.
All speculation. There is no data to support that prognostication. It is unscientific and hysterical. Those in power will always use fear to control the population.

All we have is speculation. My grandsons are 10 and 13 years old and has not been out in public since February. I would kind of like them to have a somewhat normal childhood, but if you morons spread the disease again, we will lockdown for months again.
Normal for what?
Not for a free country.....

Stupid fucker!

Your grandchildren should be ashamed of you for being such a weak, simpering, pussy.

Knock that shit off and start setting a proper example of a man, you wuss.

How do you figure that?

You need to go walk into a COVID-19 patients hospital room (which you cannot even get in) and go ahead and infect yourself. Maybe some you care about will be one of that small percentage that dies!

In other words, you stupid MFer, you should get what you deserve.
You sound like a whiny, hysterical bitch.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I work in an ER in downtown Houston, I get exposed to shit all the time. Harden the fuck up.

Quit being a drama queen, will you?

You don't wear PPE? Right! Have someone let us know when you die so we can symbolically piss on your grave.
The virus can also enter via your eyes. You planning on wearing goggles?

Listen up for possible penetration, wearing a mask is to prevent you spreading it to others. Take a minute and let that sink in. unless you are crying on someone, who gives a shit? Sneezes and coughs are the main method of transmission. Most of the fucking morons in America are confused by the purpose of the masks. They will not keep you safe. whatever you may be carrying.They are used to protect others FROM you.
Even healthcare workers don’t wear the N95 masks for long periods of time. They are particularly bad for people with respiratory issues.

Bullshit. Where do you dig up this crock of crap? An N95 is easy to breathe through that those paper masks.

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