Why aren't you wearing an N95 Mask?

N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why aren’t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month it’s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, there’s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. They’re not supposed to be used over & over again. They’re being done so because of because of necessity.
CDC recommends it be change every 8 hours, but that's in a hospital setting. When I calculated the number masks, I figured on a mask a day. That's why the numbers are so high. If the general public used them, most people would people would get more than a day's use because most people away from work, do not spend 8 hours a day in a public setting. There are some masks with changeable filters but I didn't look at those.
But a hospital setting is cleaner than being out and about. Wearing one outside of a hospital setting will cause it to be contaminated much faster as well as causing it to degrade faster.

Parachutes are extremely useful and save lives too..... in an extremely narrow set of circumstances.
Masks are the same way. If you think wearing one everywhere, all the time, is useful, then you're just not thinking.

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid? I would not go to the doctor or hospital with my wife because every time I did, I caught some dread disease in the waiting room!
I work in an ER in downtown Houston, I get exposed to shit all the time. Harden the fuck up.

Quit being a drama queen, will you?

You don't wear PPE? Right! Have someone let us know when you die so we can symbolically piss on your grave.
The virus can also enter via your eyes. You planning on wearing goggles?

Listen up for possible penetration, wearing a mask is to prevent you spreading it to others. Take a minute and let that sink in. unless you are crying on someone, who gives a shit? Sneezes and coughs are the main method of transmission. Most of the fucking morons in America are confused by the purpose of the masks. They will not keep you safe. whatever you may be carrying.They are used to protect others FROM you.
Even healthcare workers don’t wear the N95 masks for long periods of time. They are particularly bad for people with respiratory issues.

Bullshit. Where do you dig up this crock of crap? An N95 is easy to breathe through that those paper masks.
It depends on the mask. There's a number of different designs. I think the ones with an intake value are better. Most of the give away masks you see at hospitals and clinics are not very comfortable.
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.
According to the EPA, disinfectants only work while they are wet. Spraying the mask at the end of the day will kill as long as it's wet. What you have to remember is the disinfectant must remain in contact with the virus for a prescribed amount of time to be effective. Alcohol requires 30 seconds. Not sure what it is with lysol. A lot of paper based filter products become less effective when wet. Cloth masks should be washed in washing machine fairly often because the mask will collect a lot of dirt and dust particles.

Tightly woven cotton as in cotton sheets is a good material but you should use two pieces. None of these masks are going to stop all of the smallest particles which are less than 10 micrometers in size. However nothing is 100%. except staying home away from all people.

Last edited:
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.
Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

Really? So the person in front of you in the grocery store checkout line got your consent to be two feet away from you?
I was a mean, anti-social person before this, I don't get that close to people anyway.
The only way you have to worry about what I have is when your wife comes home from my place, but at least she'll be in a good mood.
You're welcome.

Family is a no no little man.

You go so far as call him a man?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.

They had the chance after all if the Fl Dept of health knew about it they had to have gotten their info from the Feds. BTW that letter said they had been monitoring it since end of November 2019.
We don’t even have enough N95 masks for healthcare workers, and I don’t know about the providing near complete protection, but I suppose it would make a difference if everyone had one. It’s an idea.
I thought much the same, then I saw this article where 3M plans to manufacture more than a billion N95 masks by the end of the year. There are many other companies, both large and small that could manufacture N95 masks. It ain't rocket science, two pieces of canvas like material cut and sewed together with a piece of filter material between plus straps and you have mask. A one way value is added so the wearer does not have to breath the same air over and over. The CDC said the N95 masks are very efficient at stopping the virus but not perfect.

How 3M Plans to Make More Than a Billion Masks By End of Year

The filters are the tricky thing to get the supply off...

Saying that wearing a PM2.5 mask is quite effective and (80% v 95%)... The big thing a mask does it reminds you not to touch your face... Even more than airbourne the way to get this is touch something and then wipe your face. We do that way more than we think.

Hand Hygiene & Hand sanitiser is is probably more important.
One study showed that students touch their face 26 times per hour and 44% of the time it involved contact with mucous membrane.
That's a lot of nose picking!
Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

Really? So the person in front of you in the grocery store checkout line got your consent to be two feet away from you?
I was a mean, anti-social person before this, I don't get that close to people anyway.
The only way you have to worry about what I have is when your wife comes home from my place, but at least she'll be in a good mood.
You're welcome.

Family is a no no little man.

You go so far as call him a man?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.

They had the chance after all if the Fl Dept of health knew about it they had to have gotten their info from the Feds. BTW that letter said they had been monitoring it since end of November 2019.
The CIA informed the White House in December as to seriousness of outbreak in China and the likelihood that it would spread outside of China. In early January, the National Security Advisor met with Trump about the danger the virus posed to the US. Rick Bright testified before congress that he informed the head of HHS in January of the shortage of masks. The Pandemic Response Committed formed by Trump at end January was charged with looking into mask shortages. Apparently Trump had decided that managing the pandemic in the US was the responsibility of the states so the federal government didn't order masks till late March. Too bad he didn't make this clear to the states back in January who were expecting help from FEMA and the CDC.
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Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

Really? So the person in front of you in the grocery store checkout line got your consent to be two feet away from you?
I was a mean, anti-social person before this, I don't get that close to people anyway.
The only way you have to worry about what I have is when your wife comes home from my place, but at least she'll be in a good mood.
You're welcome.

Family is a no no little man.

You go so far as call him a man?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.

They had the chance after all if the Fl Dept of health knew about it they had to have gotten their info from the Feds. BTW that letter said they had been monitoring it since end of November 2019.
The CIA informed the White House in December as to seriousness of outbreak in China and the likelihood that it would spread outside of China. In early January, the National Security Advisor met with Trump about the danger the virus posed to the US. Rick Bright testified before congress that he informed the head of HHS in January of the shortage of masks. The Pandemic Response Committed formed by Trump at end January was charged with looking into mask shortages. Apparently Trump had decided that managing the pandemic in the US was the responsibility of the states so the federal didn't order masks till late March. Too bad he didn't make this clear to the states back in January.

OK, now prove that Trump received that information. It was also contradicted by China's lies about the COVID-19.
It’s Not Health Vs. The Economy, It’s Actually Health Vs. Health
There can be no sustained recovery of the economy while the virus is out of control. To solve the economic problem we must solve the heath problem. Consumers are not going to return to normal activities while there are thousands of new deaths and tens of thousands of new cases daily.
It’s Not Health Vs. The Economy, It’s Actually Health Vs. Health
There can be no sustained recovery of the economy while the virus is out of control. To solve the economic problem we must solve the heath problem. Consumers are not going to return to normal activities while there are thousands of new deaths and tens of thousands of new cases daily.

I really don't care about NY, NJ, and PA who are still locked down yet their rates far exceed states who are not.
Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

Really? So the person in front of you in the grocery store checkout line got your consent to be two feet away from you?
I was a mean, anti-social person before this, I don't get that close to people anyway.
The only way you have to worry about what I have is when your wife comes home from my place, but at least she'll be in a good mood.
You're welcome.

Family is a no no little man.

You go so far as call him a man?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.

They had the chance after all if the Fl Dept of health knew about it they had to have gotten their info from the Feds. BTW that letter said they had been monitoring it since end of November 2019.
The CIA informed the White House in December as to seriousness of outbreak in China and the likelihood that it would spread outside of China. In early January, the National Security Advisor met with Trump about the danger the virus posed to the US. Rick Bright testified before congress that he informed the head of HHS in January of the shortage of masks. The Pandemic Response Committed formed by Trump at end January was charged with looking into mask shortages. Apparently Trump had decided that managing the pandemic in the US was the responsibility of the states so the federal didn't order masks till late March. Too bad he didn't make this clear to the states back in January.

OK, now prove that Trump received that information. It was also contradicted by China's lies about the COVID-19.
A president gets all the information he wants to receive. The president's staff determines what to bring to his attention based on his priorities. If Donald Trump had determine that the pandemic was a high priority item, you can bet his staff would keep him informed. However, we all know Trump wants plausible deniability. How many times have we heard him say about his people and administration issues, "Don't know who that is", "Never heard that", "Never seen that". It seems quite obvious that in January and February, the President wanted to distance himself from the epidemic, downplay it's seriousness, and even deny it exist. He was gambling on it just fading away. Too bad he lost.
Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

Really? So the person in front of you in the grocery store checkout line got your consent to be two feet away from you?
I was a mean, anti-social person before this, I don't get that close to people anyway.
The only way you have to worry about what I have is when your wife comes home from my place, but at least she'll be in a good mood.
You're welcome.

Family is a no no little man.

You go so far as call him a man?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.

They had the chance after all if the Fl Dept of health knew about it they had to have gotten their info from the Feds. BTW that letter said they had been monitoring it since end of November 2019.
The CIA informed the White House in December as to seriousness of outbreak in China and the likelihood that it would spread outside of China. In early January, the National Security Advisor met with Trump about the danger the virus posed to the US. Rick Bright testified before congress that he informed the head of HHS in January of the shortage of masks. The Pandemic Response Committed formed by Trump at end January was charged with looking into mask shortages. Apparently Trump had decided that managing the pandemic in the US was the responsibility of the states so the federal didn't order masks till late March. Too bad he didn't make this clear to the states back in January.

OK, now prove that Trump received that information. It was also contradicted by China's lies about the COVID-19.
A president gets all the information he wants to receive. The president's staff determines what to bring to his attention based on his priorities. If Donald Trump had determine that the pandemic was a high priority item, you can bet his staff would keep him informed. However, we all know Trump wants plausible deniability. How many times have we heard him say about his people and administration issues, "Don't know who that is", "Never heard that", "Never seen that". It seems quite obvious that in January and February, the President wanted to distance himself from the epidemic, downplay it's seriousness, and even deny it exist. He was gambling on it just fading away. Too bad he lost.
Hey Flopper, I have a newsflash for you. During that time period, Trump was facing an impeachment trial thanks to the libtards. Too bad you are a victim of TDS.
It’s Not Health Vs. The Economy, It’s Actually Health Vs. Health
There can be no sustained recovery of the economy while the virus is out of control. To solve the economic problem we must solve the heath problem. Consumers are not going to return to normal activities while there are thousands of new deaths and tens of thousands of new cases daily.

That's not going to fly, 98% survival there is no reason to destroy our economy. Damn you Lefty's are afraid of your own shadows.
Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

Really? So the person in front of you in the grocery store checkout line got your consent to be two feet away from you?
I was a mean, anti-social person before this, I don't get that close to people anyway.
The only way you have to worry about what I have is when your wife comes home from my place, but at least she'll be in a good mood.
You're welcome.

Family is a no no little man.

You go so far as call him a man?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.

They had the chance after all if the Fl Dept of health knew about it they had to have gotten their info from the Feds. BTW that letter said they had been monitoring it since end of November 2019.
The CIA informed the White House in December as to seriousness of outbreak in China and the likelihood that it would spread outside of China. In early January, the National Security Advisor met with Trump about the danger the virus posed to the US. Rick Bright testified before congress that he informed the head of HHS in January of the shortage of masks. The Pandemic Response Committed formed by Trump at end January was charged with looking into mask shortages. Apparently Trump had decided that managing the pandemic in the US was the responsibility of the states so the federal didn't order masks till late March. Too bad he didn't make this clear to the states back in January.

OK, now prove that Trump received that information. It was also contradicted by China's lies about the COVID-19.
A president gets all the information he wants to receive. The president's staff determines what to bring to his attention based on his priorities. If Donald Trump had determine that the pandemic was a high priority item, you can bet his staff would keep him informed. However, we all know Trump wants plausible deniability. How many times have we heard him say about his people and administration issues, "Don't know who that is", "Never heard that", "Never seen that". It seems quite obvious that in January and February, the President wanted to distance himself from the epidemic, downplay it's seriousness, and even deny it exist. He was gambling on it just fading away. Too bad he lost.

So what you're saying is that Trump did what Cuomo was doing, what Piglosi was doing, what DeBlazio was doing, what Fauci was doing. Did you know that during the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were trying to pass a bill to stop Trump from issuing travel bans? How serious were they taking it?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.

If not, I can always use the surgical masks as backup. Amazon delivered them to my house about 2 weeks ago.

I don't go out much, in fact as little as possible. But the chances of me actually coming in contact with a person with the virus is pretty slim. I'm very conscious of touching anything on my face until I get back in the car and sanitize my hands.
Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

Really? So the person in front of you in the grocery store checkout line got your consent to be two feet away from you?
I was a mean, anti-social person before this, I don't get that close to people anyway.
The only way you have to worry about what I have is when your wife comes home from my place, but at least she'll be in a good mood.
You're welcome.

Family is a no no little man.

You go so far as call him a man?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.

They had the chance after all if the Fl Dept of health knew about it they had to have gotten their info from the Feds. BTW that letter said they had been monitoring it since end of November 2019.
The CIA informed the White House in December as to seriousness of outbreak in China and the likelihood that it would spread outside of China. In early January, the National Security Advisor met with Trump about the danger the virus posed to the US. Rick Bright testified before congress that he informed the head of HHS in January of the shortage of masks. The Pandemic Response Committed formed by Trump at end January was charged with looking into mask shortages. Apparently Trump had decided that managing the pandemic in the US was the responsibility of the states so the federal didn't order masks till late March. Too bad he didn't make this clear to the states back in January.

OK, now prove that Trump received that information. It was also contradicted by China's lies about the COVID-19.
A president gets all the information he wants to receive. The president's staff determines what to bring to his attention based on his priorities. If Donald Trump had determine that the pandemic was a high priority item, you can bet his staff would keep him informed. However, we all know Trump wants plausible deniability. How many times have we heard him say about his people and administration issues, "Don't know who that is", "Never heard that", "Never seen that". It seems quite obvious that in January and February, the President wanted to distance himself from the epidemic, downplay it's seriousness, and even deny it exist. He was gambling on it just fading away. Too bad he lost.
Hey Flopper, I have a newsflash for you. During that time period, Trump was facing an impeachment trial thanks to the libtards. Too bad you are a victim of TDS.
Impeach ended in Feb, Trump was never required to attend in person or otherwise. Presidents are informed of anything of major concern daily. and have a huge staff too make that happen. no president is perfect, but that's just a cop out.
Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

Really? So the person in front of you in the grocery store checkout line got your consent to be two feet away from you?
I was a mean, anti-social person before this, I don't get that close to people anyway.
The only way you have to worry about what I have is when your wife comes home from my place, but at least she'll be in a good mood.
You're welcome.

Family is a no no little man.

You go so far as call him a man?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.

They had the chance after all if the Fl Dept of health knew about it they had to have gotten their info from the Feds. BTW that letter said they had been monitoring it since end of November 2019.
The CIA informed the White House in December as to seriousness of outbreak in China and the likelihood that it would spread outside of China. In early January, the National Security Advisor met with Trump about the danger the virus posed to the US. Rick Bright testified before congress that he informed the head of HHS in January of the shortage of masks. The Pandemic Response Committed formed by Trump at end January was charged with looking into mask shortages. Apparently Trump had decided that managing the pandemic in the US was the responsibility of the states so the federal didn't order masks till late March. Too bad he didn't make this clear to the states back in January.

OK, now prove that Trump received that information. It was also contradicted by China's lies about the COVID-19.
A president gets all the information he wants to receive. The president's staff determines what to bring to his attention based on his priorities. If Donald Trump had determine that the pandemic was a high priority item, you can bet his staff would keep him informed. However, we all know Trump wants plausible deniability. How many times have we heard him say about his people and administration issues, "Don't know who that is", "Never heard that", "Never seen that". It seems quite obvious that in January and February, the President wanted to distance himself from the epidemic, downplay it's seriousness, and even deny it exist. He was gambling on it just fading away. Too bad he lost.
Hey Flopper, I have a newsflash for you. During that time period, Trump was facing an impeachment trial thanks to the libtards. Too bad you are a victim of TDS.
Impeach ended in Feb, Trump was never required to attend in person or otherwise. Presidents are informed of anything of major concern daily. and have a huge staff too make that happen. no president is perfect, but that's just a cop out.
No, that is reality. The Chinese and WHO were lying about the COVID-19. Surely you remember that.
Everyone I get close enough to to infect, on the off chance I may have it, consented to me being that close to them.

Really? So the person in front of you in the grocery store checkout line got your consent to be two feet away from you?
I was a mean, anti-social person before this, I don't get that close to people anyway.
The only way you have to worry about what I have is when your wife comes home from my place, but at least she'll be in a good mood.
You're welcome.

Family is a no no little man.

You go so far as call him a man?
We were originally told to save PPE for healthcare.
The surgical clinic my wife works for is running short, so I see the use of N95 masks as unhelpful and selfish to our healthcare workers.
Anything less than a proper mask is useless and nothing but virtue signaling.

My niece made masks for everybody in the family. Of course, they are not N-95's. She told me not to worry as the fabric she created the masks from are pretty protective for myself and others. She suggested that if I wear it frequently, perhaps spray it with Lysol at the end of the day. Every other day use, if there is any Covid on it, it will die on it's own.

While she is only a waitress at a restaurant in Florida, she is also a college graduate with a biology degree, hoping for a break in a medical laboratory. I place my trust in her judgment and education her truck driver Uncle doesn't have.

I don't doubt your niece doesn't have a biology degree but I would ask her if she is sure about spraying the lysol into the mask. I had read in a science magazine you shouldn't do that but rather after wearing put it in sun for a few hours. I know where your located probably doesn't have the amount of daily sunlight we have in down here but ask her what she think's. I have N95 and regular surgical masks the surgical I throw away most of the time with one use but do put them in the sun for a few hours. The N95's I have I do find very restricted in my breathing but probably because I have copd. I only wear either or when I go into a store and will when I go to the doctor.

I'll ask her next time I see her, but her opinion is that if I only wear it every other day or so, no cleaning is required unless it's a personal desire. What I got off the internet is that the virus can last up to one day on paper and cloth products, but three days on plastic. Of course, as always, that is subject to change.

I don't wear the same one everyday and either place the one I took off in a paper bag or put it out in the sun for hours. I had bought my N95 at the end of January when I saw a letter from the Fl Dept of health to the Fl dept of Education. In early April when I saw things just might get out of hand ordered 50 of the surgical masks. I have thrown away about 10 of the surgical after wearing a couple times or if I went from one store to another. Maybe the lysol won't hurt you if you spray and then don't wear a few days.
Too bad the government didn't plan as well as you did.

They had the chance after all if the Fl Dept of health knew about it they had to have gotten their info from the Feds. BTW that letter said they had been monitoring it since end of November 2019.
The CIA informed the White House in December as to seriousness of outbreak in China and the likelihood that it would spread outside of China. In early January, the National Security Advisor met with Trump about the danger the virus posed to the US. Rick Bright testified before congress that he informed the head of HHS in January of the shortage of masks. The Pandemic Response Committed formed by Trump at end January was charged with looking into mask shortages. Apparently Trump had decided that managing the pandemic in the US was the responsibility of the states so the federal didn't order masks till late March. Too bad he didn't make this clear to the states back in January.

OK, now prove that Trump received that information. It was also contradicted by China's lies about the COVID-19.
A president gets all the information he wants to receive. The president's staff determines what to bring to his attention based on his priorities. If Donald Trump had determine that the pandemic was a high priority item, you can bet his staff would keep him informed. However, we all know Trump wants plausible deniability. How many times have we heard him say about his people and administration issues, "Don't know who that is", "Never heard that", "Never seen that". It seems quite obvious that in January and February, the President wanted to distance himself from the epidemic, downplay it's seriousness, and even deny it exist. He was gambling on it just fading away. Too bad he lost.

So what you're saying is that Trump did what Cuomo was doing, what Piglosi was doing, what DeBlazio was doing, what Fauci was doing. Did you know that during the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were trying to pass a bill to stop Trump from issuing travel bans? How serious were they taking it?
It's not the job of a governor nor Speaker of House to track a pandemic and create a national response. Despite what Trump might say, protecting the nation is his responsibility. Attempting to shift the blame for America's pitiful pandemic response to the democrats, Obama, the WHO, China, the governors, and our hospitals is not going to fly, no matter how many times Trump says it. The buck does stop with president.

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