Why aren't you wearing an N95 Mask?

N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?
Wearing a mask and no gloves is pointless
Shit, guys can't even wash their hands after using the restroom
Furthermore, the mexicans wipe their ass and leave the fucking toilet paper
on the fucking floor in the guys bathroom and the sanitary fixture in the woman's

Get sick and get it over with

Problem is some people don't get over it. They die.
All people die.

Yes we do. But that doesn't mean it's proper to make that more prevalent. Yes, numbers are not that shocking until you or one of your immediate family members are part of that statistic.
Almost every friend I have ever had has died young and bloody.

A virus with a survivability rate of over 99% doesn't scare me a damn bit.

I'm sure that's the case. But your situation is not the same as everybody. In my situation, I'm 60 years old, have several medical conditions that make me more vulnerable to death, and one of those medical conditions is number one for death in combination with the Wuhan virus. If not for that, I wouldn't be scared either.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?
Wearing a mask and no gloves is pointless
Shit, guys can't even wash their hands after using the restroom
Furthermore, the mexicans wipe their ass and leave the fucking toilet paper
on the fucking floor in the guys bathroom and the sanitary fixture in the woman's

Get sick and get it over with

Problem is some people don't get over it. They die.
All people die.

Yes we do. But that doesn't mean it's proper to make that more prevalent. Yes, numbers are not that shocking until you or one of your immediate family members are part of that statistic.
Almost every friend I have ever had has died young and bloody.

A virus with a survivability rate of over 99% doesn't scare me a damn bit.
That 99% goes down rapidly as you get older and as you acquire cardiovascular, pulmonary, and put on the pounds. Although it is certainly survivable, it can be a really rough road to recover. I know someone that had it and was in the hospital for nearly 3 weeks. She been out of hospial for 2 weeks and says she feels rotten. She is only 50 and no serious health problems.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?
Wearing a mask and no gloves is pointless
Shit, guys can't even wash their hands after using the restroom
Furthermore, the mexicans wipe their ass and leave the fucking toilet paper
on the fucking floor in the guys bathroom and the sanitary fixture in the woman's

Get sick and get it over with

Problem is some people don't get over it. They die.
All people die.

Yes we do. But that doesn't mean it's proper to make that more prevalent. Yes, numbers are not that shocking until you or one of your immediate family members are part of that statistic.

What's bothering me is that we're starting to get a lot really sick kids and the numbers or going up fast. So far no one knows what it is. The kids test positive covid 19 but have really usually scary symptoms.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

Because we can't make them fast enough.
We certainly could make them fast enough if as a nation we decided to do so. It's amazing what a nation can do when the people pull together to win the fight.

We're making them as fast as we can. In fact, Trump had to pressure 3-M to sell their masks more exclusively to the US than other nations.

We have over 340 million people here. Many other companies have given up their highest selling products to convert over to making PPE. However our care givers are first in line. After that, our first responders should be protected. Once we can accomplish that, then people like myself at high risk should be considered. But 340 million people using one mask a day is impossible to provide.

That's why we need more antibody testing if anything. It makes no sense to be giving no-risk people N-95 masks when they don't actually need them.
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N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?
Wearing a mask and no gloves is pointless
Shit, guys can't even wash their hands after using the restroom
Furthermore, the mexicans wipe their ass and leave the fucking toilet paper
on the fucking floor in the guys bathroom and the sanitary fixture in the woman's

Get sick and get it over with

Problem is some people don't get over it. They die.
All people die.

Yes we do. But that doesn't mean it's proper to make that more prevalent. Yes, numbers are not that shocking until you or one of your immediate family members are part of that statistic.

What's bothering me is that we're starting to get a lot really sick kids and the numbers or going up fast. So far no one knows what it is. The kids test positive covid 19 but have really usually scary symptoms.

Yet very few cases result in fatalities. It's the elderly and the sickly that are in more jeopardy.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

Because we can't make them fast enough.
We certainly could make them fast enough if as a nation we decided to do so. It's amazing what a nation can do when the people pull together to win the fight.

We're making them as fast as we can. In fact, Trump had to pressure 3-M to sell their masks more exclusively to the US than other nations.

We have over 340 million people here. Many other companies have given up their highest selling products to covert over to making PPE. However our care givers are first in line. After that, our first responders should be protected. Once we can accomplish that, then people like myself at high risk should be considered. But 340 million people using one mask a day is impossible to provide.

That's why we need more antibody testing if anything. It makes no sense to be giving no-risk people N-95 masks when they don't actually need them.
So was the industrial production during WWII. It makes sense if it stops the spread of the virus and allows the economy to return to normal. I don't know if the n-95 mask idea would work. I would just like some people in Washington to take a look at if they haven't already. People don't really have much incentive to wear the current mask that offer no protection.

I'm all for more testing provided we have enough people assigned to track contacts.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?
Let's see now, I've been to drugstores, medical supply stores and pharmacy sections of large chain stores. To date, no one has any type of mask, let alone the N95's. They all say, "sorry, we're out." So, I just keep my distance and go out only when needed.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?
Wearing a mask and no gloves is pointless
Shit, guys can't even wash their hands after using the restroom
Furthermore, the mexicans wipe their ass and leave the fucking toilet paper
on the fucking floor in the guys bathroom and the sanitary fixture in the woman's

Get sick and get it over with

Problem is some people don't get over it. They die.
All people die.

Yes we do. But that doesn't mean it's proper to make that more prevalent. Yes, numbers are not that shocking until you or one of your immediate family members are part of that statistic.

What's bothering me is that we're starting to get a lot really sick kids and the numbers or going up fast. So far no one knows what it is. The kids test positive covid 19 but have really usually scary symptoms.

Yet very few cases result in fatalities. It's the elderly and the sickly that are in more jeopardy.
That could change very fast with the new Covid 19 linked syndrome that seems to effect just kids. It's grown from 34 cases to 102 cases in two days and has spread from New York to at lease a dozens states. It reminds of Feb 27 when had only 60 cases in 3 states and no deaths. A month later we had 86.000 cases and 2200 deaths and it was in all states.
Good luck getting the Trumpsters to wear a mask in public. They follow Dear Leader's example, and he never wears a mask (at least, not when the cameras are on him). Nor does Pencey...so again, good luck getting any of them to do it, and without their cooperation, the whole idea is a flimsy house of cards!
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

you realize those masks are supposed to be one time use. Theyā€™re not supposed to be used over & over again. Theyā€™re being done so because of because of necessity.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?
Wearing a mask and no gloves is pointless
Shit, guys can't even wash their hands after using the restroom
Furthermore, the mexicans wipe their ass and leave the fucking toilet paper
on the fucking floor in the guys bathroom and the sanitary fixture in the woman's

Get sick and get it over with

Problem is some people don't get over it. They die.
All people die.

Yes we do. But that doesn't mean it's proper to make that more prevalent. Yes, numbers are not that shocking until you or one of your immediate family members are part of that statistic.
Almost every friend I have ever had has died young and bloody.

A virus with a survivability rate of over 99% doesn't scare me a damn bit.

I'm sure that's the case. But your situation is not the same as everybody. In my situation, I'm 60 years old, have several medical conditions that make me more vulnerable to death, and one of those medical conditions is number one for death in combination with the Wuhan virus. If not for that, I wouldn't be scared either.
You should stay inside then.
But your health is your responsibility, not the government's and sure as hell not mine.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?
Wearing a mask and no gloves is pointless
Shit, guys can't even wash their hands after using the restroom
Furthermore, the mexicans wipe their ass and leave the fucking toilet paper
on the fucking floor in the guys bathroom and the sanitary fixture in the woman's

Get sick and get it over with

Problem is some people don't get over it. They die.
All people die.

Yes we do. But that doesn't mean it's proper to make that more prevalent. Yes, numbers are not that shocking until you or one of your immediate family members are part of that statistic.

What's bothering me is that we're starting to get a lot really sick kids and the numbers or going up fast. So far no one knows what it is. The kids test positive covid 19 but have really usually scary symptoms.
I work in an ER and I haven't seen any of that.
These masks were never designed to be worn for many hours a day, it can even cause sickness because your breaths can accumulate bacteria and viruses from your body, right into the mask!

I haven't used them once, don't need them.
Folks, normally we assume the CDC is pretty useless but this seems logical. Here is what they say in regards to masks which is what Saint Fauci parroted a month or so ago, before the Deep State medical establishment/DNC/MSM fake news began insisting wearing a mask means you care about others. As I said many times, wear leather gloves during flu season when in public. Without gloves germs get under you fingernails and washing hands for 20 minutes will not get them out, and then when you pick your nose, you got it.

In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946ā€“July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks

Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure.

Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

Masks are useful when woodworking, cutting the lawn, and changing brake pad though.
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

Because we can't make them fast enough.
We certainly could make them fast enough if as a nation we decided to do so. It's amazing what a nation can do when the people pull together to win the fight.

We're making them as fast as we can. In fact, Trump had to pressure 3-M to sell their masks more exclusively to the US than other nations.

We have over 340 million people here. Many other companies have given up their highest selling products to convert over to making PPE. However our care givers are first in line. After that, our first responders should be protected. Once we can accomplish that, then people like myself at high risk should be considered. But 340 million people using one mask a day is impossible to provide.

That's why we need more antibody testing if anything. It makes no sense to be giving no-risk people N-95 masks when they don't actually need them.
No, what makes no sense is whatever this is circulating in our country
After that is how fucking unprepared and ill equipped our country is
under this joke of corrupted, embedded, so called leadership

Congress appropriates billions of dollars to foreign countries
and we have nurses wearing garbage bags in hospitals

Hundreds of millions of dollars given to WHO every fucking year
and they don't follow their own protocols for emerging outbreaks

Reassuring countries with outright lies and fucked up recommendations
No human to human transmission...why are there so many cases
of viral pneumonia of unknown cause...viruses jumping off snakes, no pangolin's,
no bats and infecting each person....GET THE FUCK SERIOUS...HELLO PEOPLE

Very unlikely to reach the U.S.

Masks aren't necessary, neither are travel restrictions
No need to disrupt economies...spending $200 million a year on travel themselves

Wash your hands

Where was the CDC...fucking sleeping

Just so happens the end of 19 and beginning of 20
there was the greatest exodus of CEO's

Just so happens the month Pelosi delayed sending Articles to Senate
worked out nicely now, didn't it

Just so happens the U.S. has more deaths than subpar countries
like Africa and Iran...more deaths than any country

Just so fucking happens Bill Gates held event 201 mere MONTHS
before a pandemic was sweeping the globe

Just so happens virus strains for flu shots were changed the last 2 seasons
and tweaked in 17 for the Northern Hemisphere



When God requires your soul that's it that's all

He is on the throne and in control Ray, He has determined your time
whether or not this virus plays a role is nor here nor there
We donā€™t even have enough N95 masks for healthcare workers, and I donā€™t know about the providing near complete protection, but I suppose it would make a difference if everyone had one. Itā€™s an idea.
I thought much the same, then I saw this article where 3M plans to manufacture more than a billion N95 masks by the end of the year. There are many other companies, both large and small that could manufacture N95 masks. It ain't rocket science, two pieces of canvas like material cut and sewed together with a piece of filter material between plus straps and you have mask. A one way value is added so the wearer does not have to breath the same air over and over. The CDC said the N95 masks are very efficient at stopping the virus but not perfect.

How 3M Plans to Make More Than a Billion Masks By End of Year
3M the same company that is being sued for defective combat earplugs ?
N95 masks provide near complete protection for the wearer and others. Suppose there were enough for everyone in the country, imagine how few cases there would be. Business and schools could open almost immediately with little danger to employees and customers or students and teachers. So why arenā€™t we doing it?

As it turns out, the cost of manufacturing an N95 mask is only about 58 cents. The CDC recommends masks are changed every 8 hours of use. It might be a lot less for non-healthcare employees. Assuming a mask could be made available for $1 each and all employers and schools were required to provide masks for employees and students, the cost would be about $15 a month for each full time employee or student. The general public would be required to wear N95 masks in public places with the federal government subsidizing the cost for low income families.

Although the cost is high, about 4 or 5 billion a month itā€™s a lot less than what the epidemic is costing the country, not to mention the loss of lives and the disruption to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. We could open up schools and business as soon as the masks were available and we probably could do away with most restrictions. If the program was successful, thereā€™s a good chance the virus could be almost eliminated within a few months. Sporting events and concerts and other mass gathering could continue. So why isn't it even being considered?

The people not wearing masks are the incredibly spoiled ones who don't have any objection to spreading a potentially fatal disease around society. They basically don't care if they cause the death of someone else.

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