Why Barack Obama is the best president America has ever had.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Obama has never once made a wrong decision. He has yet to make one mistake while in office. Anything that has gone wrong is clearly someone else's fault, and just remember anything that goes wrong today, tomorrow or in the remaining days of Obama's term, it is obviously George W. Bush's fault.
Plus he won the Nobel peace prize without actually doing anything that's talent.

And he's by far the most transparent dictator.....I mean president ever, I mean all of us know exactly what is in his pending trade policy...right???
I heard a rumor he is going to get an Oak Leaf Cluster (2d award) for his Nobel prize.
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Obama has never once made a wrong decision. He has yet to make one mistake while in office. Anything that has gone wrong is clearly someone else's fault, and just remember anything that goes wrong today, tomorrow or in the remaining days of Obama's term, it is obviously George W. Bush's fault.

You forgot something, if anything goes wrong in his administration he is totally clueless until he hears about it on the news.
Obama has never once made a wrong decision. He has yet to make one mistake while in office. Anything that has gone wrong is clearly someone else's fault, and just remember anything that goes wrong today, tomorrow or in the remaining days of Obama's term, it is obviously George W. Bush's fault.

I disagree but you're welcome to your opinion.
I'm thoroughly enjoying my $2,500 per year in savings on my health insurance... Thank you Obama:thewave:
Obama has never once made a wrong decision. He has yet to make one mistake while in office. Anything that has gone wrong is clearly someone else's fault, and just remember anything that goes wrong today, tomorrow or in the remaining days of Obama's term, it is obviously George W. Bush's fault.
Goggle "obama admits he was wrong", and your theory gets busted.
Goggle "obama admits he was wrong", and your theory gets busted.

what is it Once? that's about all I've heard him admit he was not only wrong. BUT LIED about it... so he was forced to admit something
I enjoy watching the agony of the "right minded people" seeing Obama and Michelle enjoy their white house privileges for 8 years.

It's fun to watch the "right" "suffering" in pain for 8 years out of pure malicious hate towards Obama family.

Remember, the hate burns you inside. You suffer more than the target of your hate. Obama doesn't care how many people hate him. He's made for life.

While the right suffers and dies from lack of health care in their own states, the blue states are marching forward with more jobs, better education, higher quality of life.

I can't wait to watch the pain on the right's faces until 2024 when they will be living under a woman president for the first time. Keep up the hate, I find it quite entertaining.
Obama has never once made a wrong decision. He has yet to make one mistake while in office. Anything that has gone wrong is clearly someone else's fault, and just remember anything that goes wrong today, tomorrow or in the remaining days of Obama's term, it is obviously George W. Bush's fault.

He is also thinks he is the first Jewish President.
I enjoy watching the agony of the "right minded people" seeing Obama and Michelle enjoy their white house privileges for 8 years.

It's fun to watch the "right" "suffering" in pain for 8 years out of pure malicious hate towards Obama family.

Remember, the hate burns you inside. You suffer more than the target of your hate. Obama doesn't care how many people hate him. He's made for life.

While the right suffers and dies from lack of health care in their own states, the blue states are marching forward with more jobs, better education, higher quality of life.

I can't wait to watch the pain on the right's faces until 2024 when they will be living under a woman president for the first time. Keep up the hate, I find it quite entertaining.

Obama has never once made a wrong decision. He has yet to make one mistake while in office. Anything that has gone wrong is clearly someone else's fault, and just remember anything that goes wrong today, tomorrow or in the remaining days of Obama's term, it is obviously George W. Bush's fault.

I must respectfully disagree. Obama made ONE mistake: thinking that the knuckle-dragging mouth breathing Everyday Americans would properly appreciate His Awesomeness. But as his approval level is below 50%, clearly the Stupid American Voters are at fault for disappointing The Won.
I enjoy watching the agony of the "right minded people" seeing Obama and Michelle enjoy their white house privileges for 8 years.

It's fun to watch the "right" "suffering" in pain for 8 years out of pure malicious hate towards Obama family.

Remember, the hate burns you inside. You suffer more than the target of your hate. Obama doesn't care how many people hate him. He's made for life.

While the right suffers and dies from lack of health care in their own states, the blue states are marching forward with more jobs, better education, higher quality of life.

I can't wait to watch the pain on the right's faces until 2024 when they will be living under a woman president for the first time. Keep up the hate, I find it quite entertaining.

Comparison of Texas to New York.

State Gross Domestic Product

Real gross domestic product (GDP) in Texas grew by 3.7 percent in 2013 (the most recent year for which data are available), above the national average growth rate of 1.8 percent.
Since 2009, annual Texas GDP growth has averaged 4.4 percent, compared with a national average annual growth rate of 2.0 percent.


Home prices in Texas increased by 6.5 percent from the first quarter of 2014 to the first quarter of 2015. They are up 26.4 percent since their recent low in the first quarter of 2011.
In March 2015, builders in Texas broke ground on 153,000 new housing units (seasonally adjusted annual rate), bringing the average over the past 12 months to 163,397 units. That marks an increase of 16.5 percent from the average over the prior 12 months.


In Texas, goods exports totaled $21.4 billion in March and $270.4 billion over the past year, up 0.2 percent from the 12 months ending in March 2014 (inflation-adjusted).
Exports over the past 12 months are up 54.6 percent from their level in 2009 (inflation-adjusted).

State Gross Domestic Product

Real gross domestic product (GDP) in New York grew by 0.7 percent in 2013 (the most recent year for which data are available), below the national average growth rate of 1.8 percent.
Since 2009, annual New York GDP growth has averaged 1.6 percent, compared with a national average annual growth rate of 2.0 percent.


Home prices in New York increased by 2.8 percent from the first quarter of 2014 to the first quarter of 2015. They are up 7.4 percent since their recent low in the fourth quarter of 2011.
In March 2015, builders in New York broke ground on 46,290 new housing units (seasonally adjusted annual rate), bringing the average over the past 12 months to 34,024 units. That marks an increase of 5.7 percent from the average over the prior 12 months.


In New York, goods exports totaled $7.6 billion in March and $82.6 billion over the past year, up 4.2 percent from the 12 months ending in March 2014 (inflation-adjusted).
Exports over the past 12 months are up 34.2 percent from their level in 2009 (inflation-adjusted).

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