Why Barr believes that a president is ABOVE the LAW......

Barr had nothing to do with it. Mueller exonerated the President.

Another ILLITERATE Trump ass kisser who has NOT read a fucking single line of the report (hannity does all the reading for this idiot...LOL)
I love all the Chicken Barr memes. Seems they are making the rounds.

Why does a chicken cross the road? To avoid needing to testify.



How can you obstruct an investigation of a crime that did not occur?

Even a first year law student would tell you that you CAN obstruct an investigation of a "crime" or event that that did not occur.....Really, what the fuck makes you folks so damn stupid???...............Read up on it and do NOT rely on Fox to educate you.
First let me state that if one is to believe Barr's subjective view of the SUPREME PRESIDENCY.......that same one voter should also be concerned that ANY future president now has the same foundation to exert powers formerly restricted to the oval office...........Anyone reading the Constitution's Article I should be really concerned of Barr's wish for a more despotic presidential set of powers.

But, let us go back and see what Barr wrote in his June 2018 letter AUDITIONING to Trump (and Rosenstein) for the job of AG .....or, as we now must assume......the job of Trump's highest defense attorney........Barr wrote:

..........a president does NOT act "corruptly" simply by action on--------even terminating------a matter that relates to HIS own conduct......"

Any objective review of the above statement should tell anyone that Barr is labeling the president as judge and jury and exculpator of his OWN misconduct..........aka a DESPOT.....
Just another worthless leftist traitor hack thread. Nothing here folks.
First let me state that if one is to believe Barr's subjective view of the SUPREME PRESIDENCY.......that same one voter should also be concerned that ANY future president now has the same foundation to exert powers formerly restricted to the oval office...........Anyone reading the Constitution's Article I should be really concerned of Barr's wish for a more despotic presidential set of powers.

But, let us go back and see what Barr wrote in his June 2018 letter AUDITIONING to Trump (and Rosenstein) for the job of AG .....or, as we now must assume......the job of Trump's highest defense attorney........Barr wrote:

..........a president does NOT act "corruptly" simply by action on--------even terminating------a matter that relates to HIS own conduct......"

Any objective review of the above statement should tell anyone that Barr is labeling the president as judge and jury and exculpator of his OWN misconduct..........aka a DESPOT.....
The Constitution is the ultimately law.

Read it before you embarrass yourself further.
Barr knows that the president did not break the law, and he's not above the law.
The IG Horowitz report should give you proof that the Mueller investigation was a setup by the Obama admin, aka the biggest scandal in US history. You can put up 10 bullshit threads a day for another month or two, but when the perp walks start you might want to reconsider whose side to be on.
Another ILLITERATE Trump ass kisser who has NOT read a fucking single line of the report (hannity does all the reading for this idiot...LOL)
You're saying Trump obstructed his exoneration?


Run with that.
This is surreal. Facts just mean nothing to you people, do they? How can you obstruct an investigation of a crime that did not occur? Trump never ordered or asked anyone to lie to a federal investigator. He never destroyed documents. He never deleted thousands of e-mails or had his server wiped (much less while under subpoena). He never fired Mueller, although he could have done so if he had really wanted to do so. Again, do you really believe that if Mueller had believed he had even a halfway credible case for obstruction that he would not have said so?

This is how desperate libs have become. This is all they have and their fantasy has come to an end and now they're like rabid dogs, frothing for any tidbit that will never come.
This is how desperate libs have become. This is all they have and their fantasy has come to an end and now they're like rabid dogs, frothing for any tidbit that will never come.
Before long they'll try to convict a Trump WH cook of parking 69 minutes in a 1 hour parking space.
First let me state that if one is to believe Barr's subjective view of the SUPREME PRESIDENCY.......that same one voter should also be concerned that ANY future president now has the same foundation to exert powers formerly restricted to the oval office...........Anyone reading the Constitution's Article I should be really concerned of Barr's wish for a more despotic presidential set of powers.

But, let us go back and see what Barr wrote in his June 2018 letter AUDITIONING to Trump (and Rosenstein) for the job of AG .....or, as we now must assume......the job of Trump's highest defense attorney........Barr wrote:

..........a president does NOT act "corruptly" simply by action on--------even terminating------a matter that relates to HIS own conduct......"

Any objective review of the above statement should tell anyone that Barr is labeling the president as judge and jury and exculpator of his OWN misconduct..........aka a DESPOT.....
You're almost as hilarious as AOC. She just spouts random stupidity, but you have a real knack for substituting words and pretending things mean whatever you want them to mean. It's a useless talent, and you can't last much longer before your head explodes. But it's funny while it lasts!
The Constitution is the ultimately law.

Read it before you embarrass yourself further.[/QUOTE]

Fuckhead.......I'm pretty good on Constituional Law..........Soooooo, YOU read Article I of the Constitution.........or go cry to Hannity for some "guidance.".............

Don't breed more morons like you into this planet......PLEASE.
Barr obviously believes in Kings, and Queens and Guillotines

He is just protecting trump from the angry crowd
Mueller found Trump committed no crimes.

Obviously, a fuckhead like you has NOT READ EVEN ONE LINE of Mueller's report........But, find a grown up to read it to as a bed time story.....LMAO
First let me state that if one is to believe Barr's subjective view of the SUPREME PRESIDENCY.......that same one voter should also be concerned that ANY future president now has the same foundation to exert powers formerly restricted to the oval office...........Anyone reading the Constitution's Article I should be really concerned of Barr's wish for a more despotic presidential set of powers.

But, let us go back and see what Barr wrote in his June 2018 letter AUDITIONING to Trump (and Rosenstein) for the job of AG .....or, as we now must assume......the job of Trump's highest defense attorney........Barr wrote:

..........a president does NOT act "corruptly" simply by action on--------even terminating------a matter that relates to HIS own conduct......"

Any objective review of the above statement should tell anyone that Barr is labeling the president as judge and jury and exculpator of his OWN misconduct..........aka a DESPOT.....
You're almost as hilarious as AOC. She just spouts random stupidity, but you have a real knack for substituting words and pretending things mean whatever you want them to mean. It's a useless talent, and you can't last much longer before your head explodes. But it's funny while it lasts!

See, a poorly educated moron......like you.....cannot address the topic....So, given your half brained capacity, you come up with empty personal insults because...................well, because you ARE a poorly educated moron.
The IG Horowitz report should give you proof that the Mueller investigation was a setup by the Obama admin, aka the biggest scandal in US history. You can put up 10 bullshit threads a day for another month or two, but when the perp walks start you might want to reconsider whose side to be on.

Here, moron.........take a look at what Horowitz has found so far in 2019........Let us know what he's working on and about those "peper walks"..........LMAO

This is surreal. Facts just mean nothing to you people, do they? How can you obstruct an investigation of a crime that did not occur? Trump never ordered or asked anyone to lie to a federal investigator. He never destroyed documents. He never deleted thousands of e-mails or had his server wiped (much less while under subpoena). He never fired Mueller, although he could have done so if he had really wanted to do so. Again, do you really believe that if Mueller had believed he had even a halfway credible case for obstruction that he would not have said so?

This is how desperate libs have become. This is all they have and their fantasy has come to an end and now they're like rabid dogs, frothing for any tidbit that will never come.
All we have is trump and the ag treating our constitution like a piece of toilet paper ,,great going you repub fn traitors

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