Why Barr believes that a president is ABOVE the LAW......

This is surreal. Facts just mean nothing to you people, do they? How can you obstruct an investigation of a crime that did not occur? Trump never ordered or asked anyone to lie to a federal investigator. He never destroyed documents. He never deleted thousands of e-mails or had his server wiped (much less while under subpoena). He never fired Mueller, although he could have done so if he had really wanted to do so. Again, do you really believe that if Mueller had believed he had even a halfway credible case for obstruction that he would not have said so?

This is how desperate libs have become. This is all they have and their fantasy has come to an end and now they're like rabid dogs, frothing for any tidbit that will never come.
All we have is trump and the ag treating our constitution like a piece of toilet paper ,,great going you repub fn traitors

O used it as charmin.
This is surreal. Facts just mean nothing to you people, do they? How can you obstruct an investigation of a crime that did not occur? Trump never ordered or asked anyone to lie to a federal investigator. He never destroyed documents. He never deleted thousands of e-mails or had his server wiped (much less while under subpoena). He never fired Mueller, although he could have done so if he had really wanted to do so. Again, do you really believe that if Mueller had believed he had even a halfway credible case for obstruction that he would not have said so?

This is how desperate libs have become. This is all they have and their fantasy has come to an end and now they're like rabid dogs, frothing for any tidbit that will never come.
All we have is trump and the ag treating our constitution like a piece of toilet paper ,,great going you repub fn traitors
Quit pretending that yo GAF about the Constitution....You clearly do not.

Lets give you that Barr is a totalitarian ass hat that would not prosecute Trump under any circumstance whatsoever.

Still not really relevant - Muller had the opportunity and the power to suggest prosecution. He did not do so. Complaining about Barr is simply a way to distract from the actual findings. Congress has the report in hand, it is public for everyone to read. They either have the goods or not. CLEARLY they do not otherwise we would be talking about the impeachment proceedings.

Lets give you that Barr is a totalitarian ass hat that would not prosecute Trump under any circumstance whatsoever.

Still not really relevant - Muller had the opportunity and the power to suggest prosecution. He did not do so. Complaining about Barr is simply a way to distract from the actual findings. Congress has the report in hand, it is public for everyone to read. They either have the goods or not. CLEARLY they do not otherwise we would be talking about the impeachment proceedings.
They're desperate to smear him in advance of the investigation into the investigation.

Lets give you that Barr is a totalitarian ass hat that would not prosecute Trump under any circumstance whatsoever.

Still not really relevant - Muller had the opportunity and the power to suggest prosecution. He did not do so. Complaining about Barr is simply a way to distract from the actual findings. Congress has the report in hand, it is public for everyone to read. They either have the goods or not. CLEARLY they do not otherwise we would be talking about the impeachment proceedings.
They're desperate to smear him in advance of the investigation into the investigation.
Clearly Barr is a hack and evil because he is investigating the investigators.

He is also a hack and evil because he is NOT investigating the investigators.

Barr really should recuse himself then he should investigate the fact that Muller did not come up with the answer he was supposed to come up with.

I swear, congress has the most amazing doublethink abilities known to man.
The Constitution is the ultimately law.

Read it before you embarrass yourself further.[/QUOTE]

Fuckhead.......I'm pretty good on Constituional Law..........Soooooo, YOU read Article I of the Constitution.........or go cry to Hannity for some "guidance.".............

Don't breed more morons like you into this planet......PLEASE.
You really suck at understanding the Constitution, assuming you believe what you post.
Still not really relevant - Muller had the opportunity and the power to suggest prosecution. He did not do so

If morons......like you.......would ever READ something on your own, you'd see that in MUeller report he SPECIFICALLY states (actually from the VERY BEGINNING of his Volume 2) that he could not bring charges against the orange clown because of the existing DPJ policy.....Why is it so fucling difficult for you Trump ass kissers to understand THAT???

Mueller goes on outlining TEN violations (instances) by Trump in obstructing justice that were Trump a common slob, he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED.......
You really suck at understanding the Constitution, assuming you believe what you post.

Listen fuckhead.....you are really a waste of cyberspace.....

IF YOU HAVE an instance where I misinterpreted the Constitution, LIST IT RIGHT HERE.....

Otherwise go change your diaper and go to bed.

(How many low-life, ignorant,Trump ass kissers are on this forum???)..................LOL
Listen fuckhead.....you are really a waste of cyberspace.....

IF YOU HAVE an instance where I misinterpreted the Constitution, LIST IT RIGHT HERE.....

Otherwise go change your diaper and go to bed.

(How many low-life, ignorant,Trump ass kissers are on this forum???)..................LOL
Haters like you really are fun to watch when you squirm.

But seriously, get help with your TSS.

Meanwhile, Trump is MAGA, regardless of your objections.
Still not really relevant - Muller had the opportunity and the power to suggest prosecution. He did not do so

If morons......like you.......would ever READ something on your own, you'd see that in MUeller report he SPECIFICALLY states (actually from the VERY BEGINNING of his Volume 2) that he could not bring charges against the orange clown because of the existing DPJ policy.....Why is it so fucling difficult for you Trump ass kissers to understand THAT???

Mueller goes on outlining TEN violations (instances) by Trump in obstructing justice that were Trump a common slob, he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED.......
Well, that is what your masters have told you.

The reality is that Muller had the power (and the responsibility for that matter) to make a call. He flat out refused. He has not really outlined exactly why either. He also did not outline ten violations - he outlined ten POSSIBLE violations and then gave some reasoning behind why they might be.

In the end, the problem is and always has been CORRUPT intent - something that has not and was not established. Sorry the report did not do what you wanted it too but no one is going to go along with making shit up so that you can force this to be something that it is not.

In the end, Muller is a shithead. It was a colossally fucked up move to fail and make a decision. He complained about how his report is being portrayed. There was a simple fix for that - PORTRAY IT YOUR DAMN SELF WITH A PROPRIETORIAL DECISION. The rest of this shit is political fuckery.

Barr has also testified that Muller directly (or to use his word - emphatically) stated he did NOT base the failure to come to a conclusion on the 'DPJ' policy. We will have Muller's testimony on that shortly and you can bloviate should Muller make claim otherwise.

Finally -your partisan bullshit is showing again. Trump ass kisser - now that is rather funny. I guess you can find all those posts where I support Trump....

I would hold my breath but you will never deliver.
I love all the Chicken Barr memes. Seems they are making the rounds.

Why does a chicken cross the road? To avoid needing to testify.



Looks pretty typical of the wanna impeach trump acolytes. chicken@@@@
First let me state that if one is to believe Barr's subjective view of the SUPREME PRESIDENCY.......that same one voter should also be concerned that ANY future president now has the same foundation to exert powers formerly restricted to the oval office...........Anyone reading the Constitution's Article I should be really concerned of Barr's wish for a more despotic presidential set of powers.

But, let us go back and see what Barr wrote in his June 2018 letter AUDITIONING to Trump (and Rosenstein) for the job of AG .....or, as we now must assume......the job of Trump's highest defense attorney........Barr wrote:

..........a president does NOT act "corruptly" simply by action on--------even terminating------a matter that relates to HIS own conduct......"

Any objective review of the above statement should tell anyone that Barr is labeling the president as judge and jury and exculpator of his OWN misconduct..........aka a DESPOT.....

Mueller found Trump committed no crimes.

Obviously, a fuckhead like you has NOT READ EVEN ONE LINE of Mueller's report........But, find a grown up to read it to as a bed time story.....LMAO

Almost two years, 18 anti-Trump lawyers, and a multitude of investigators, and Mueller could not hang a single crime on Teflon Don. Massive failure, but don't give up, maybe the feds in NYC can get him. Want odds?
This is surreal. Facts just mean nothing to you people, do they? How can you obstruct an investigation of a crime that did not occur? Trump never ordered or asked anyone to lie to a federal investigator. He never destroyed documents. He never deleted thousands of e-mails or had his server wiped (much less while under subpoena). He never fired Mueller, although he could have done so if he had really wanted to do so. Again, do you really believe that if Mueller had believed he had even a halfway credible case for obstruction that he would not have said so?

This is how desperate libs have become. This is all they have and their fantasy has come to an end and now they're like rabid dogs, frothing for any tidbit that will never come.
All we have is trump and the ag treating our constitution like a piece of toilet paper ,,great going you repub fn traitors
Quit pretending that yo GAF about the Constitution....You clearly do not.

I GAF about the U.S. Constitution. I don't GAF about the Constitution you seem to cling to.
Still not really relevant - Muller had the opportunity and the power to suggest prosecution. He did not do so

If morons......like you.......would ever READ something on your own, you'd see that in MUeller report he SPECIFICALLY states (actually from the VERY BEGINNING of his Volume 2) that he could not bring charges against the orange clown because of the existing DPJ policy.....Why is it so fucling difficult for you Trump ass kissers to understand THAT???

Mueller goes on outlining TEN violations (instances) by Trump in obstructing justice that were Trump a common slob, he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED.......
Well, that is what your masters have told you.

The reality is that Muller had the power (and the responsibility for that matter) to make a call. He flat out refused. He has not really outlined exactly why either. He also did not outline ten violations - he outlined ten POSSIBLE violations and then gave some reasoning behind why they might be.

In the end, the problem is and always has been CORRUPT intent - something that has not and was not established. Sorry the report did not do what you wanted it too but no one is going to go along with making shit up so that you can force this to be something that it is not.

In the end, Muller is a shithead. It was a colossally fucked up move to fail and make a decision. He complained about how his report is being portrayed. There was a simple fix for that - PORTRAY IT YOUR DAMN SELF WITH A PROPRIETORIAL DECISION. The rest of this shit is political fuckery.

Barr has also testified that Muller directly (or to use his word - emphatically) stated he did NOT base the failure to come to a conclusion on the 'DPJ' policy. We will have Muller's testimony on that shortly and you can bloviate should Muller make claim otherwise.

Finally -your partisan bullshit is showing again. Trump ass kisser - now that is rather funny. I guess you can find all those posts where I support Trump....

I would hold my breath but you will never deliver.
Mueller didnt need to accuse the president of crimes because the report recounted the presidents criminal behavior.
First example is Trump asking Corey Lewandowski to get Sessions to unrecuse and limit the scope of special council investigation. This is direct obstruction of justice.
Another example is asking Don McGahn to fire Mueller.
The president is too stupid to know the base way to get rid of something is to ignore it.

In the United States, a special counsel (formerly called special prosecutor or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

The key word there is potentially.
Dont forget where the ruling on "individual 1" ocurred.
Barr had nothing to do with it. Mueller exonerated the President.
No Mueller did not exonerate the President. An exoneration would occur when there is a crime and a suspect is conclusively proven not to have comitted the crime. Here we have no crime so there is nothing to exonerate. The report states unequivocally that Russia attempted to and in some cases did interfere with the 2016 election. The report also states that no American was involved at any time. No crime by an American. Nothing to exonerate.
Still not really relevant - Muller had the opportunity and the power to suggest prosecution. He did not do so

If morons......like you.......would ever READ something on your own, you'd see that in MUeller report he SPECIFICALLY states (actually from the VERY BEGINNING of his Volume 2) that he could not bring charges against the orange clown because of the existing DPJ policy.....Why is it so fucling difficult for you Trump ass kissers to understand THAT???

Mueller goes on outlining TEN violations (instances) by Trump in obstructing justice that were Trump a common slob, he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED.......
Well, that is what your masters have told you.

The reality is that Muller had the power (and the responsibility for that matter) to make a call. He flat out refused. He has not really outlined exactly why either. He also did not outline ten violations - he outlined ten POSSIBLE violations and then gave some reasoning behind why they might be.

In the end, the problem is and always has been CORRUPT intent - something that has not and was not established. Sorry the report did not do what you wanted it too but no one is going to go along with making shit up so that you can force this to be something that it is not.

In the end, Muller is a shithead. It was a colossally fucked up move to fail and make a decision. He complained about how his report is being portrayed. There was a simple fix for that - PORTRAY IT YOUR DAMN SELF WITH A PROPRIETORIAL DECISION. The rest of this shit is political fuckery.

Barr has also testified that Muller directly (or to use his word - emphatically) stated he did NOT base the failure to come to a conclusion on the 'DPJ' policy. We will have Muller's testimony on that shortly and you can bloviate should Muller make claim otherwise.

Finally -your partisan bullshit is showing again. Trump ass kisser - now that is rather funny. I guess you can find all those posts where I support Trump....

I would hold my breath but you will never deliver.
Mueller didnt need to accuse the president of crimes because the report recounted the presidents criminal behavior.
First example is Trump asking Corey Lewandowski to get Sessions to unrecuse and limit the scope of special council investigation. This is direct obstruction of justice.
Another example is asking Don McGahn to fire Mueller.
The president is too stupid to know the base way to get rid of something is to ignore it.

In the United States, a special counsel (formerly called special prosecutor or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

The key word there is potentially.
Dont forget where the ruling on "individual 1" ocurred.
Yes he did. That is his purpose.
First let me state that if one is to believe Barr's subjective view of the SUPREME PRESIDENCY.......that same one voter should also be concerned that ANY future president now has the same foundation to exert powers formerly restricted to the oval office...........Anyone reading the Constitution's Article I should be really concerned of Barr's wish for a more despotic presidential set of powers.

But, let us go back and see what Barr wrote in his June 2018 letter AUDITIONING to Trump (and Rosenstein) for the job of AG .....or, as we now must assume......the job of Trump's highest defense attorney........Barr wrote:

..........a president does NOT act "corruptly" simply by action on--------even terminating------a matter that relates to HIS own conduct......"

Any objective review of the above statement should tell anyone that Barr is labeling the president as judge and jury and exculpator of his OWN misconduct..........aka a DESPOT.....
Here you go nate get it out of your system big boy you might be able to get a erection aga8n if you cry enough

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