Why be a liberal?

With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals.

Indeed they were. What passes today for liberalism under a purloined term is not.
Liberalism has not changed. You just misuse the term.

Actually progressives have stolen the term and tried to twist it to their interpretation. I am a classical liberal. I am not, and will never be, a progressive.
If you are a classic liberal then we have few issues beyond I don't live in, 1789.

Neither do I. However, classical liberal values are the best for the people and not for the government. We understand your an authoritarian. Authoritarianism is not "liberal", it is progressive.
I enforce the rules of - liberalism. That's authoritarian - in a way the Founders were. Gotta have some rules after all.
And, I have no problem with this. However, it seems that those very same people, when they come here, want my wife and daughter to dress as they do lest it offend their tender sensibilities. This is the USA. Thus, if they move here, they conform to OUR laws. Not theirs.
Notice that - they do.

Wrong. More and more they are demanding that I and mine must do what they wish. They are trying to make us conform to their ways. That's pure, unadulterated, bullshit.
That's horseshit (and be adult enough to know it).

It's already happening in the UK dude. Expect it to happen here quickly enough.

UK waterpark bans bikinis and orders visitors to wear 'Islamically appropriate' clothes
A BRITISH waterpark has sparked fury by banning bikinis and ordering visitors to cover up in "Islamically appropriate" clothing.

UK waterpark bans bikinis and orders visitors to wear 'Islamically appropriate' clothes
A private business - their call, right?

How long till that private business idea spreads to government? How long till the force of government is used to enforce those rules in the outside world? It's a very slippery slope. An authoritarian like you doesn't care, but I do. I wish to live in a country where EVERYONE is free to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else.
Indeed they were. What passes today for liberalism under a purloined term is not.
Liberalism has not changed. You just misuse the term.

Actually progressives have stolen the term and tried to twist it to their interpretation. I am a classical liberal. I am not, and will never be, a progressive.
If you are a classic liberal then we have few issues beyond I don't live in, 1789.

Neither do I. However, classical liberal values are the best for the people and not for the government. We understand your an authoritarian. Authoritarianism is not "liberal", it is progressive.
I enforce the rules of - liberalism. That's authoritarian - in a way the Founders were. Gotta have some rules after all.

The Founders would gut you people like fresh caught trout. You are the antithesis of liberalism.
Indeed they were. What passes today for liberalism under a purloined term is not.
Liberalism has not changed. You just misuse the term.

Actually progressives have stolen the term and tried to twist it to their interpretation. I am a classical liberal. I am not, and will never be, a progressive.
If you are a classic liberal then we have few issues beyond I don't live in, 1789.

Neither do I. However, classical liberal values are the best for the people and not for the government. We understand your an authoritarian. Authoritarianism is not "liberal", it is progressive.
I enforce the rules of - liberalism. That's authoritarian - in a way the Founders were. Gotta have some rules after all.

Really? You must have never read the Federalist Papers then. You're an amazingly ignorant person. I expect better from you, paint.
I really believe that if the Muslim religion wasn't associated with the terrorism, and the killings going on in the world, then NO ONE WOULD CARE LESS about what that women is wearing or what she is thinking. Sadly it's not the case though, and that's a DAM SHAME. People just can't help but to identify these people as being suspect while the fight against Terrorism is on going, and that is a tragedy. I personally want to accept anyone who comes here peacefully, lives here peacefully, and adds to the great creative cultural diversified nation in which we all live together in. I love diversity, and assimilation as a way to show loyalty to the nation in which one lives in here.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals.

Indeed they were. What passes today for liberalism under a purloined term is not.
Liberalism has not changed.

Indeed it has not. You people have merely pasted the term onto socialist totalitarianism.
Defend the burka? Go?

I don't care if they want to sew Pampers together to make a poofy toga. Just don't tell anyone else they must comply.

And no masks. Sorry.
What's wrong with a mask? Here's a Catholic one.
Liberalism has not changed. You just misuse the term.

Actually progressives have stolen the term and tried to twist it to their interpretation. I am a classical liberal. I am not, and will never be, a progressive.
If you are a classic liberal then we have few issues beyond I don't live in, 1789.

Neither do I. However, classical liberal values are the best for the people and not for the government. We understand your an authoritarian. Authoritarianism is not "liberal", it is progressive.
I enforce the rules of - liberalism. That's authoritarian - in a way the Founders were. Gotta have some rules after all.

Really? You must have never read the Federalist Papers then. You're an amazingly ignorant person. I expect better from you, paint.
Care to explain what I've said that isn't - liberalism?
Indeed they were. What passes today for liberalism under a purloined term is not.
Liberalism has not changed.

Indeed it has not. You people have merely pasted the term onto socialist totalitarianism.
Defend the burka? Go?

I don't care if they want to sew Pampers together to make a poofy toga. Just don't tell anyone else they must comply.

And no masks. Sorry.
What's wrong with a mask? Here's a Catholic one.

See their faces?
Liberalism has not changed.

Indeed it has not. You people have merely pasted the term onto socialist totalitarianism.
Defend the burka? Go?

I don't care if they want to sew Pampers together to make a poofy toga. Just don't tell anyone else they must comply.

And no masks. Sorry.
What's wrong with a mask? Here's a Catholic one.

See their faces?
Not really but no matter. Do you think the DMV would approve either way? They are obeying their God. You can do that here.
Indeed it has not. You people have merely pasted the term onto socialist totalitarianism.
Defend the burka? Go?

I don't care if they want to sew Pampers together to make a poofy toga. Just don't tell anyone else they must comply.

And no masks. Sorry.
What's wrong with a mask? Here's a Catholic one.

See their faces?
Not really but no matter. Do you think the DMV would approve either way? They are obeying their God. You can do that here.

The persistence of ignorance is strong in you. You can see their faces fine. In a full burka you see only the eyes.
Defend the burka? Go?

I don't care if they want to sew Pampers together to make a poofy toga. Just don't tell anyone else they must comply.

And no masks. Sorry.
What's wrong with a mask? Here's a Catholic one.

See their faces?
Not really but no matter. Do you think the DMV would approve either way? They are obeying their God. You can do that here.

The persistence of ignorance is strong in you. You can see their faces fine. In a full burka you see only the eyes.
So? What does it matter to you? You aren't a Muslim (or Jewish - some of them) woman? Mind your own business little fascist.

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