Why be a liberal?

I don't care if they want to sew Pampers together to make a poofy toga. Just don't tell anyone else they must comply.

And no masks. Sorry.
What's wrong with a mask? Here's a Catholic one.

See their faces?
Not really but no matter. Do you think the DMV would approve either way? They are obeying their God. You can do that here.

The persistence of ignorance is strong in you. You can see their faces fine. In a full burka you see only the eyes.
So? What does it matter to you? You aren't a Muslim (or Jewish - some of them) woman? Mind your own business little fascist.

With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Liberty means freedom. Liberalism is the antithesis to liberty. The founders broke away from that so you are badly confused. Liberals lie about everything to push their agendas including our history.
So the point of this thread is what iberals support swimming? Liberals support a woman wearing a bikini? I'm not liberal and I support both of these as well.
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With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Liberty means freedom. Liberalism is the antithesis to liberty. The founders broke away from that so you are badly confused. Liberals lie about everything to push their agendas including our history.

Be sure to specify modern "liberalism". Classical liberalism is quite the opposite.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Liberty means freedom. Liberalism is the antithesis to liberty. The founders broke away from that so you are badly confused. Liberals lie about everything to push their agendas including our history.

Be sure to specify modern "liberalism". Classical liberalism is quite the opposite.
The people who have taken over the Left are not liberals. They are intolerant, hateful, incurious, authoritarian elitists.

They are the people against whom REAL liberals FIGHT.
Watching the conservatives here live their lives on their knees, that only elicits sadness in us now. It's impossible to be angry at creatures who are so pitiful.

We've tried to save them, to make loyal Americans out of them again. It didn't work. They don't want to be saved. They've become addicted to licking the boots of their authoritarian masters. At this point, we have to cut them loose. Conservatives can't be helped until they want to be helped, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens.
Watching the conservatives here live their lives on their knees, that only elicits sadness in us now. It's impossible to be angry at creatures who are so pitiful.

We've tried to save them, to make loyal Americans out of them again. It didn't work. They don't want to be saved. They've become addicted to licking the boots of their authoritarian masters. At this point, we have to cut them loose. Conservatives can't be helped until they want to be helped, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens.
You're about as misguided as a human being can possibly be. You live on rock bottom.
Watching the conservatives here live their lives on their knees, that only elicits sadness in us now. It's impossible to be angry at creatures who are so pitiful.

We've tried to save them, to make loyal Americans out of them again. It didn't work. They don't want to be saved. They've become addicted to licking the boots of their authoritarian masters. At this point, we have to cut them loose. Conservatives can't be helped until they want to be helped, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens.
Blatant deflection noted.

How people like you can condone what is done to women and gays in the name of religion really is sad, and telling.

Ideology over everything.

The enemy of your "enemy" is NOT your friend.
I don't see a lot of other regressives defending the regressive who started this thread, do you?

He's even out there, compared to THEM.

Not many real liberals around, Mac in the middle.
I said "regressives", not liberals.

You are no liberal.
And how would you know that, Mac in the middle? I can defend free speech, religious liberty, gay marriage, etc. Can you? That is what it means to be - liberal.
Watching the conservatives here live their lives on their knees, that only elicits sadness in us now. It's impossible to be angry at creatures who are so pitiful.

We've tried to save them, to make loyal Americans out of them again. It didn't work. They don't want to be saved. They've become addicted to licking the boots of their authoritarian masters. At this point, we have to cut them loose. Conservatives can't be helped until they want to be helped, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens.
These are reactionaries - not conservatives. They give conservatives a bad name.
I don't see a lot of other regressives defending the regressive who started this thread, do you?

He's even out there, compared to THEM.

Not many real liberals around, Mac in the middle.

You're certainly not one. Or are you a "rationalist"?
I am as real as they get. Preach it from the steps of city hall, hold a Mass, hold a Black Mass, fight for your right to - speak your nonsense.
Be sure to specify modern "liberalism". Classical liberalism is quite the opposite.
Liberal is the term the leftist have hijacked. It wasn't my idea. Like gay, once the term becomes the norm it's in the language. Classical liberals are libertarian these days.
Ah, no. Those are selfish children but, you should no issues with women wearing the burka or the burkini then?
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With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Liberty means freedom. Liberalism is the antithesis to liberty. The founders broke away from that so you are badly confused. Liberals lie about everything to push their agendas including our history.
Liberalism is what grants to you - liberty.

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
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