Why Biden is in trouble.

As compared to what? How bad they felt 6 months ago?

Or even two months ago. We're in the midst of the biggest jump in consumer sentiment in the last 30-odd years.

Americans Are Suddenly Feeling Way Better About the Economy
Americans are rapidly becoming much more upbeat about the economy.

Consumer sentiment leapt 13% in the first half of January from December, the University of Michigan said Friday. That came on the heels of a sharp rise in December, causing the index to surge a combined 29% from November, the biggest two-month increase since 1991. The pickup in sentiment was broad-based, spanning consumers of different age, income, education and geography.

The recovery in sentiment “is likely to provide some positive momentum for the economy,” said Joanne Hsu, the Michigan survey’s director.
Now that we got you pussing out on your claims about me, lets address this one and see if you do the same...

Entertainment/Leisure spending is at an all time low.

Can you back this up? Can you offer any support at all for this claim?

This is you, defending the Biden admin. We don't need any links, the proof is right here in this thread,

You take a phrase someone uses, like 'all time low' and then use it to refute a negative about the Biden admin, just as you did here. Why? Why would you bother to pick out a detail like that to try to refute what he posted about the Biden admin? One can only come to the conclusion that it's diversionary, or you at least think it is. I've never seen you do this is any thread where a leftie, including yourself, has been proven wrong about stats or reports about Trump, not once. And yet you still insist you're an 'independent', and it's why you're laughed at and not taken seriously, You're a joke, 99% of any 'likes' you get on your posts are from leftists, but you can't figure out why? lol
And I have said 100 times at least that the mere fact we are stuck with Trump vs Biden II is a national embarrassment and a sure sign the country is on the downhill slide.

This mere fact was the final straw that got my wife and I looking to become Ex-pats when we retire in about 5 years.

Yet you defend the Biden admin every chance you get... and good riddance! :itsok:
Yeah cause a 55 year inflation record doesn't matter... :rolleyes:

And the CPI is in all time gains over the past 2 years. Highest gains in 80 years.

Guess what……COVID crippled supply lines and drove up prices around the world

The Ukraine war drove up prices for food and fuel around the world

But I guess that is Bidens fault
What the left does, and you can see it here, is simply insist on believing in alternate reality.
Entertainment/Leisure spending is at an all time low. Americans simply do not have any money left over.
It doesn't matter if you personally think Biden is responsible or not, the President always gets the blame. And that is what people are doing.
President Biden has the lowest approval rating than any Democrat President in history.
Even lower than Trump.
But the shrooms on this board refuse to even acknowledge there is a problem.

Half are so deep into the Democrat Media Bubble Cult that they simply don't understand how it could be true.

Half know, but don't care.
Their team above all.
Cult 45 likes to pretend this never happened.

Cult 46 is arguing prices aren't rocketing under tater and you say this????


If Trump was President, you'd suddenly realize that inflation finally slowing doesn't bring prices down, they just go up slower. If it were Trump, you'd also suddenly remember gas was $2 a gallon when he left office and you'd remember families could buy groceries for less than $50 a bag
Yep. The ports had no workers because they were locked out.

Democrats always "forget" these things when it suits them then suddenly remember when it suits them. Just another of their ENDLESS double standards
(1) Let's be kind toward President Biden.

(2) Chances are that he will be reelected.

(3) And -- sadly -- during his second term, he may have to resign and let the Honorable Kamala Harris become the 47th president of the United States of America.

(4) This country and the world are entering a very dangerous period in history.

(5) Hopefully, a President Harris will be advised by wise people who know how to handle the growing ethnic unpleasantness in this nation and the aggressive attitudes of China, Russia, and Iran.
(1) Let's be kind toward President Biden.

(2) Chances are that he will be reelected.

(3) And -- sadly -- during his second term, he may have to resign and let the Honorable Kamala Harris become the 47th president of the United States of America.

(4) This country and the world are entering a very dangerous period in history.

(5) Hopefully, a President Harris will be advised by wise people who know how to handle the growing ethnic unpleasantness in this nation and the aggressive attitudes of China, Russia, and Iran.

Democrats always "forget" these things when it suits them then suddenly remember when it suits them. Just another of their ENDLESS double standards
In a democrat controlled state, it was a nightmare. Stores were mandated to have one way aisles. The store put down foot decals indicating which way the aisle went. Go against the aisle designation and you were killing people. Nonsense piled onto insanity, all from democrats. Meanwhile, hair salons magically opened for democrats. Exclusive restaurants like French Laundry were quietly open for democrat clientele.

Democrats created a panic then made that panic as painful as possible. I will never forgive or forget.
Yep, just as Trump's re-election was troubled by COVID. Like HST said, the buck stops here, deservedly or not.
In a democrat controlled state, it was a nightmare. Stores were mandated to have one way aisles. The store put down foot decals indicating which way the aisle went. Go against the aisle designation and you were killing people. Nonsense piled onto insanity, all from democrats. Meanwhile, hair salons magically opened for democrats. Exclusive restaurants like French Laundry were quietly open for democrat clientele.

Democrats created a panic then made that panic as painful as possible. I will never forgive or forget.
I remember the Michigan governor throwing a fit because people bought other items besides groceries when they shopped and wanted to prohibit people from getting anything except food. She had people stay in place, yet she went to a pizzeria. It was the same in many areas, the rules for us and no rules for them.

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