Why Biden's chances are excellent.....

or it could be youre pulling an alinsky and since you cant refute the message youre attacking the messenger,,,

that seems more likely,,,

Oh Nose!

All Trump has to do is put some Girl Scouts in the front row of the debate with Biden. Not that there will be a debate a with Biden

Do you REALLY want to go there, Frankie.???.......I feel a bit "dirty" just posting these pictures...Don't go there....


Trump's a very good father. I met him when he personally picked up his son Eric from the Hill School. He could have sent someone, but he went himself.
What a load of shit. You supposedly met him once and that means he is a great father?
Hitler treated his dog like gold - does that mean shit? No.
Any fucking moron can be nice sometimes.

But Trump openly wants to fuck his daughter. He said he would date her if he could.
He admitted to sexually assaulting LOTS of women.

He is a sick fuck - period.

And I GUARANTEE that more people agree with me then you on this.
or it could be youre pulling an alinsky and since you cant refute the message youre attacking the messenger,,,

that seems more likely,,,

Fine......Believe WHAT YOU WANT............when you're drowning, even a straw seems like a life-saver.
From the onset, let me state that I never liked Hillary's attitude of entitlement to occupy the oval office AND my dislike has grown because her attitude and campaign incompetence helped to place an incompetent demagogue and megalomaniac in power.

That stated, Biden stands an excellent chance to be our next president for the following reasons;

First, he is not Hillary

Second, his record in those few states that managed to get the electoral college to go for the current moron-in-chief, is a powerful one.....The meager 77,000 votes that Trump managed to get in such states as PA, MI and WI will no longer be in play for Trump.

Third, many voters who thought that Trump was an idiot BUT also disliked Hillary and chose to stay home in 2016, have had a rude awakening to what their apathy has wrought.....and they WILL vote next year.

Fourth, the 2018 mid-term election certainly showed us that as blacks and Hispanics voters witnesses the catastrophe of the Trump administration, they WILL be showing up at the polls....as they did last November.

Fifth, Biden is seen as the real adult and as the former trusted right-hand individual to the very popular presidency of Obama.......

BUT, the most important reason for someone like Biden to be nominated, is Trump himself....his record, his excesses, his incompetence and his record of hiring the most corrupt cabinet members and staff since the Grant administration.

The rest of the diverse and stellar cadre of democrat contenders will, most likely, be excellent prospects in Biden's future cabinet (especially folks like Sanders, Warren, Harris, Castro, Booker, et al.)

The dude is dumber than you and that's saying something.
All Trump has to do is put some Girl Scouts in the front row of the debate with Biden. Not that there will be a debate a with Biden

Do you REALLY want to go there, Frankie.???.......I feel a bit "dirty" just posting these pictures...Don't go there....


Trump's a very good father. I met him when he personally picked up his son Eric from the Hill School. He could have sent someone, but he went himself.
What a load of shit. You supposedly met him once and that means he is a great father?
Hitler treated his dog like gold - does that mean shit? No.
Any fucking moron can be nice sometimes.

But Trump openly wants to fuck his daughter. He said he would date her if he could.
He admitted to sexually assaulting LOTS of women.

He is a sick fuck - period.

And I GUARANTEE that more people agree with me then you on this.
The Secret Service is probably under 'secret' orders to let the president do whatever he wants.
" He can walk a tightrope over the Sea World shark tank for all we care. "
The dude is dumber than you and that's saying something.

If THAT is all you got........it may be time for you to go change your diaper..........Smarten up.

Its all that was warranted, gnatty. They giving you more time off at the ward? Seriously, he was blubbering words and couldn't even pronounce them without struggling. Something is wrong with the old loon.
All Trump has to do is put some Girl Scouts in the front row of the debate with Biden. Not that there will be a debate a with Biden

Do you REALLY want to go there, Frankie.???.......I feel a bit "dirty" just posting these pictures...Don't go there....


Trump's a very good father. I met him when he personally picked up his son Eric from the Hill School. He could have sent someone, but he went himself.
What a load of shit. You supposedly met him once and that means he is a great father?
Hitler treated his dog like gold - does that mean shit? No.
Any fucking moron can be nice sometimes.

But Trump openly wants to fuck his daughter. He said he would date her if he could.
He admitted to sexually assaulting LOTS of women.

He is a sick fuck - period.

And I GUARANTEE that more people agree with me then you on this.
All that time golfing at his private clubs

Never see him setting aside father and son time with Barron
All Trump has to do is put some Girl Scouts in the front row of the debate with Biden. Not that there will be a debate a with Biden

Do you REALLY want to go there, Frankie.???.......I feel a bit "dirty" just posting these pictures...Don't go there....


Trump's a very good father. I met him when he personally picked up his son Eric from the Hill School. He could have sent someone, but he went himself.
What a load of shit. You supposedly met him once and that means he is a great father?
Hitler treated his dog like gold - does that mean shit? No.
Any fucking moron can be nice sometimes.

But Trump openly wants to fuck his daughter. He said he would date her if he could.
He admitted to sexually assaulting LOTS of women.

He is a sick fuck - period.

And I GUARANTEE that more people agree with me then you on this.

Look at how his kids turned out. Hard working, responsible, good people. All of them, at least the ones we see. Eric, Don Jr, and Ivanka are well spoken, have a great work ethic, ambitious, well educated and intelligent. My point with my little anecdotal story was that he was ACTIVELY engaged in their upbringing when he could have had staff to do it for him.

Trump has his flaws, but he is a good father and great President.
All Trump has to do is put some Girl Scouts in the front row of the debate with Biden. Not that there will be a debate a with Biden

Do you REALLY want to go there, Frankie.???.......I feel a bit "dirty" just posting these pictures...Don't go there....


Trump's a very good father. I met him when he personally picked up his son Eric from the Hill School. He could have sent someone, but he went himself.
What a load of shit. You supposedly met him once and that means he is a great father?
Hitler treated his dog like gold - does that mean shit? No.
Any fucking moron can be nice sometimes.

But Trump openly wants to fuck his daughter. He said he would date her if he could.
He admitted to sexually assaulting LOTS of women.

He is a sick fuck - period.

And I GUARANTEE that more people agree with me then you on this.
The Secret Service is probably under 'secret' orders to let the president do whatever he wants.
" He can walk a tightrope over the Sea World shark tank for all we care. "
Like to see him try
The dude is dumber than you and that's saying something.

If THAT is all you got........it may be time for you to go change your diaper..........Smarten up.

Its all that was warranted, gnatty. They giving you more time off at the ward? Seriously, he was blubbering words and couldn't even pronounce them without struggling. Something is wrong with the old loon.

May not even make it to the convention.

The above idiot is a waste of cyberspace.........and even he probably knows it.

Its all they've got.

Good OP. Terrible error in not electing Hillary but yeah, Biden is a good bet.

(How you been?)

This country made the right decision when they tossed that crazy bitter lying hilary loon. I wouldnt expect you to see that because you're blind. You'll readily accept corruption.
Biden will never make it out of the primary? The social justice democrats will destroy him and force him out in disgrace. Republicans will watch.
Bidens been in office forever and has done soonest nothing.

What few things he's done he's having to apologize for.

This is the libs latest great hope. Of course they'll have to pair him with a half she male, transgender, half white, one fourth cherokee, lgbtq goat loving freak to appease their loonbats.

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