"Why Biden's documents mess could be one of the biggest political scandals in American history America's" Democrats want Biden out, but this? WOW!

You KNOW things are really bad for President Joe Biden when these folks are not walking but running away from him.

actually all democrats want to have Biden investigated ... the people you are showing here were ask by person from Fox noise... do you think Biden should be investagated they all said yes ... they all said this way he can show the voters he did nothing illegally ... something fox noise seems to have left out in their half truths they always show ... kind of mixed that one didn't you ...
thats from news max none of its factual kind of cute huh ... you post shit thats not true but whats new
Prove it.

Sorry, but Biden's and his lawyers' word means nothing to.me.
the lawyers were sent in to open them up they were all still sealed ... I don't care if you don't believe his lawyers ... it was his lawyers that you don't believe in that brought these classified documents attention to the DOJ ... not Biden ... not some reporter ... it was at bidden request to go and open up the ones at his home that Biden had in the GARRAGE ... THEY DID ... THEY FOUND MORE THERE AN DECIDED TO COME BACK THE NEX DAY TO LOOK AT THE BOXES HE HAD IN ANOTHER ROOM ... THIS IS ALL IN THE PRESS ( sorry about the caps ) accidentally hit the cap key ... if Biden lawyers never said anything about the documents we would be talking about this issue ... it show there ability to follow the law ...something trumps lawyers never did ... trumps lawyers were asked Are there any more classified documents ...they told the FBI there wasn't ... come to find out they had hundreds of classified documents ... they new trump would have a problem so they said nothing when asked ... unlike Bidden lawyers... so I don't give a shit if you don't believe his lawyers ... all I know unlike trumps lawyers, they came out to the DOJ and told them Biden had classified documents ... thats something you can't deny ...
Um, yeah... this reminds me of your endless pursuit of the Clintons, where after spending 70 million dollars, the only thing you could prove was that he lied about a blow job.

This has even less meat on the bones than that.
thats from news max none of its factual kind of cute huh ... you post shit thats not true but whats new

the lawyers were sent in to open them up they were all still sealed ... I don't care if you don't believe his lawyers ... it was his lawyers that you don't believe in that brought these classified documents attention to the DOJ ... not Biden ... not some reporter ... it was at bidden request to go and open up the ones at his home that Biden had in the GARRAGE ... THEY DID ... THEY FOUND MORE THERE AN DECIDED TO COME BACK THE NEX DAY TO LOOK AT THE BOXES HE HAD IN ANOTHER ROOM ... THIS IS ALL IN THE PRESS ( sorry about the caps ) accidentally hit the cap key ... if Biden lawyers never said anything about the documents we would be talking about this issue ... it show there ability to follow the law ...something trumps lawyers never did ... trumps lawyers were asked Are there any more classified documents ...they told the FBI there wasn't ... come to find out they had hundreds of classified documents ... they new trump would have a problem so they said nothing when asked ... unlike Bidden lawyers... so I don't give a shit if you don't believe his lawyers ... all I know unlike trumps lawyers, they came out to the DOJ and told them Biden had classified documents ... thats something you can't deny ...

Is any of that supposed to Excuse Biden for illegally taking TS/SCI classified documents, illegally and irresponsibly storing them in unsecure, unauthorized locations, having no Chain of Custody for any of it, having no control over any of it, failing to control access to the most sensitive classified information the US has, jeopardizing national security or the 2-tiered justice system that has been put on display?

"Why Biden's documents mess could be one of the biggest political scandals in American history America's" Democrats want Biden out, but this? WOW!​

Which "KAREN" was this from?
Carlson, Hannity, Jones or Trump?
Republicans, got their panties in a wad and salivating..........AGAIN.

You KNOW things are really bad for President Joe Biden when these folks are not walking but running away from him.

on your statement on bin laden gets what Biden actually said
This is misleading. Biden has offered multiple versions of the advice he provided to Obama regarding whether the then-president should move forward the 2011 mission that ultimately killed bin Laden.

In 2012, Biden revealed what he told Obama during a Situation Room meeting where top administration officials were going around the room offering their advice president should or shouldn’t move forward.

"He got to me. He said, 'Joe, what do you think?' And I said, 'You know, I didn't know we had so many economists around the table.' I said, 'We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is, don't go. We have to do two more things to see if he's there,'" Biden said, according to reports at the time.

Five months later, he told NBC News’ “Meet the Press” that he’d privately told Obama after that meeting had ended to, “Follow your instincts, Mr. President” and that Biden had “wanted him to take one more day to do one more test to see if he was there.”

He further leaned into that version in a 2015 interview, saying “that I thought he should go, but follow his own instincts.” Biden then contradicted his initial claims, saying, “imagine if I had said in front of everyone, 'Don't go,' or 'Go,' and his decision was a different decision. It undercuts that relationship.”

as you can see where he said don't go... that was a after thought where he had said don't go... he never said it ... it was a after thought in a interview to the press this happen after they had killed bin laden ... so what did you previous Fox News do ???? they printed his after thought... nothing that was ever said to Obama ... thats show you how much Fox News distorts lies to justify their news ... just to suck in morons like you to believe the dems Are the bad guys ... I just have shown you who the bad guys really are ... republicans, because they will believe anything with out doing any research ... thats what you republican do ...


"Why Biden's documents mess could be one of the biggest political scandals in American history America's" Democrats want Biden out, but this? WOW!​

Which "KAREN" was this from?
Carlson, Hannity, Jones or Trump?
Republicans, got their panties in a wad and salivating..........AGAIN.

I agree - your post is a 'Nothing-burger. It adds nothing to the thread.
you know I get so tired of posting all your stuff here as a lie ... now here's why I go and get and point out piece by piece to show where these accusations of yours come from .... the fact that you get your so-called information from a blogger or some conspiracy theorist ... so I go to several fact-checkers and all 4 of them say the same thing ...they tell you where your post came from ....they tell you that they are all a lie ... only to have you tell me that fact-checkers are liars ... the only reason you say this because time and time again they exposed your post as being a lie ... so when confronted with your lies do you try to prove my post to be wrong??? no, you do
not ... you and every one of you republicans start with the personal attacks...with phrases to make you feel better about your self to understand why I don't care what you have to say ... you either are posting childish pictures or my spelling or what ever childish thing you can find ... ...
Specifically, what did I post which was a lie?

Specifically, where did I attack you personally?

I post memes because they can say more in a picture than a 1,000 words. Where did I mention anything about your spelling? If so, so what?

I post sources and working links to the majority of my posts. You make statements that are your opinion and without any attending supporting information.

It does not matter one iota if the Top Secret documents were in a sealed box or sitting in a shopping cart. It was illegal for him to have stolen those documents. As Vice-President, Joe Biden had no authority, whatsoever to remove Top Secret documents from a SCIF to unsecured locations. Period.

IF you believe that a post of mine is a lie, simply post what you consider the truth along with your source and working link. Go for it!
like I said ya got nothing of value... its always a stupid childish remark ...or a phrase ...you wrote on your post ... you do really republicans are the most of all people arrested for sexual assault on an child don't you ??? republicans never look up anything ...

Translation: :dunno:

you do realize this came from newsman news company ...that has beeb caught lying over 70% OF THE NEWS DON'T YOU..... BAW HAHAHAHAHAHAH losers ....your source from newsman thats hysterical ... you republicans are more stupid then I thought ... if you can say more stupid ...
Now that you had your little tantrum.

Please show us all what facts I posted that are not true.

I find it funny that you all you can do is whine and call names. Grow up.

on your statement on bin laden gets what Biden actually said
This is misleading. Biden has offered multiple versions of the advice he provided to Obama regarding whether the then-president should move forward the 2011 mission that ultimately killed bin Laden.

In 2012, Biden revealed what he told Obama during a Situation Room meeting where top administration officials were going around the room offering their advice president should or shouldn’t move forward.

"He got to me. He said, 'Joe, what do you think?' And I said, 'You know, I didn't know we had so many economists around the table.' I said, 'We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is, don't go. We have to do two more things to see if he's there,'" Biden said, according to reports at the time.

Five months later, he told NBC News’ “Meet the Press” that he’d privately told Obama after that meeting had ended to, “Follow your instincts, Mr. President” and that Biden had “wanted him to take one more day to do one more test to see if he was there.”

He further leaned into that version in a 2015 interview, saying “that I thought he should go, but follow his own instincts.” Biden then contradicted his initial claims, saying, “imagine if I had said in front of everyone, 'Don't go,' or 'Go,' and his decision was a different decision. It undercuts that relationship.”

as you can see where he said don't go... that was a after thought where he had said don't go... he never said it ... it was a after thought in a interview to the press this happen after they had killed bin laden ... so what did you previous Fox News do ???? they printed his after thought... nothing that was ever said to Obama ... thats show you how much Fox News distorts lies to justify their news ... just to suck in morons like you to believe the dems Are the bad guys ... I just have shown you who the bad guys really are ... republicans, because they will believe anything with out doing any research ... thats what you republican do ...
What the heck are you babbling on about? Where did I say anything about Osama bin Laden and Vice President Joe Biden?
boy are the conspiracy theories running on overtime... these were boxes of documents that were brought to his business and to his home when he left office ... they were all sealed .... when discovered there were Classified documents unlike Trump Biden's lawyers turned them right in ... the lawyers were determining what paperwork Biden should toss or keep that's how they discovered these classified documents were in there ... as soon as they were found they turned them in and contacted the DOJ... to determine if Biden had done something illegal ...Meritt Garland then turned it over to a judge that was pick by trump to make sure that hee wasn't accused of doing favorites unlike what theorist is trying to do for you here ...

here's what trump has done ... the Doj contacted Trump about missing classified documents ... trump called them to come and get these documents ... his attorney at the time told us they have turned in all the documents ...trump got a subpoena ... he refused to answer the subpoena... trump was warned many times that he should give up those documents ... finally the DOJ was forced to get a warrant to get the classified documents he took... now they are trying to compare what trump has done verses, Biden ??? here's what's going to happen ... Biden isn't going to get charged with anything... and trump is going to jail for not turning over those classified almost 2 years ago ...
Yada, Yada, Yada, all this multi paragraph deflection is saying that if you're (Trump), commit a crime and deny it, you get vilified. If you commit a crime (Biden) and you ignore it, with the help of the MSM, DOJ and FBI, you go free. Far left Liberal thinkers are destroying this country. FJB
actually all democrats want to have Biden investigated ... the people you are showing here were ask by person from Fox noise... do you think Biden should be investagated they all said yes ... they all said this way he can show the voters he did nothing illegally ... something fox noise seems to have left out in their half truths they always show ... kind of mixed that one didn't you ...
haha, I believe this is a warning shot from DEMS too. However, it also shows that Biden is not going to lie down and play dead. He Knows he is their guy, and they (DEMS, MSM and Big tech) cannot "bad mouth" him. It will be very interesting for the next few months :)
haha, I believe this is a warning shot from DEMS too. However, it also shows that Biden is not going to lie down and play dead. He Knows he is their guy, and they (DEMS, MSM and Big tech) cannot "bad mouth" him. It will be very interesting for the next few months :)

D-Schiff and others are already breaking ranks and 'bad-mouthing' him.

With every Democrat, fake news media, and snowflake attempt to minimize this extremely serious scadal and the 2-tiered justice system on display the majority of Americans become more disgusted and outraged.

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