Zone1 Why Black Lives still Matter

What sets me off is a media controlled by the Democratic Party that selects stories designed to inflame their base. Evidence of that is the anger in this post from you. For every one of these Cop basher stories there are a thousand where Cops risk their lives to save people, many of them Blacks and other minorities. Do we ever see any of those stories? Rarely if ever.

But you CHOOSE to be triggered by the trigger bait. The result is a reinvigorated hatred for Cops and people like me who stand up for THE MAJORITY of good Cops. Of course their are bad Cops, but once again I remind you of the broad brush of the Left. I'm not triggered at all, I just point out the obvious and I have no ill feelings toward you either. Your behavior and knee jerk reactions are a product of years of conditioning.
Wow, two responses.

It's like the third or fourth time a thread on the topic has been created.

Though some have since been merged, people still keep trying to reframe their OP to get the same topical content to run abreast with the existing thread, except in the Race Relations sub-forum.

The last repost of the same topical content was also reposted here in the Race Relations section and got merged with the existing thread elsewhere on the board

But some seem to just want to keep trying to make everything a race issue alone. Ha...
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What sets me off is a media controlled by the Democratic Party that selects stories designed to inflame their base. Evidence of that is the anger in this post from you. For every one of these Cop basher stories there are a thousand where Cops risk their lives to save people, many of them Blacks and other minorities. Do we ever see any of those stories? Rarely if ever.

You CHOOSE to be triggered by the trigger bait. The result is a reinvigorated hatred for Cops and people like me who stand up for THE MAJORITY of good Cops. Of course their are bad Cops, but once again I remind you of the broad brush of the Left. I'm not triggered at all, I just point out the obvious and I have no ill feelings toward you either. Your behavior and knee jerk reactions are a product of years of conditioning.
So, you claim that a story about two black men being tortured by six thug cops, tazered 17 times, beaten, sexually abused and shot in the mouth should be ignored by the Democratic media because it irritates conservatives?
You’re deranged. You’ve set me up as a target for some reason. You’re even blaming me for apologizing when I made a mistake, and accusing me of making a false accusation and then hiding the apology.

I‘m not going to waste any more time on an angry, unreasonable, unfair person who is enjoying slapping around a Jewish woman. There’s no other explanation, given how you skip right over the ACTUAL racists on this forum.

Goodbye and good luck.
Nobody is deranged Lisa, well except, you know who. I've warned you REPEATEDLY about making false accusations against me and you're doing it again. I even told you when I would be free again to address your complaints but I guess you thought I was just being a liar as you called me earlier.

If you can't debate another person without needing to do it in a safe space where you can cry foul and run to the board moderators and say that someone said the "racist" word and hurt your feelings, then you're in for a rude awakening because the real world will not coddle you the way US Message has been doing.

Can you explain, using small words, how it is that I've set you up as a target? Because if you can't explain what you mean or how it's being done I think it's going to be a hard sale but I'm always willing to listen if it will help me learn about additional ways to ply my craft.

Also, just so you know, I'm going to ask some of the Jewish people I've worked with and trust the most to please explain to me what your problem is. If I can disclose any of their answers without violating their trust, I'm going to follow up on this comment and post what they have to tell me.
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

Fuck the South! Fuck'em up the ass! I am sick of these backwoods West Virginians shooting their racist mouths off!
Nobody is deranged Lisa, well except, you know who. I've warned you REPEATEDLY about making false accusations against me and you're doing it again. I even told you when I would be free again to address your complaints but I guess you thought I was just being a liar as you called me earlier.

If you can't debate another person without needing to do it in a safe space where you can cry foul and run to the board moderators and say that someone said the "racist" word and hurt your feelings, then you're in for a rude awakening because the real world will not coddle you the way US Message has been doing.

Can you explain, using small words, how it is that I've set you up as a target? Because if you can't explain what you mean or how it's being done I think it's going to be a hard sale but I'm always willing to listen if it will help me learn about additional ways to ply my craft.

Also, just so you know, I'm going to ask some of the Jewish people I've worked with and trust the most to please explain to me what your problem is. If I can disclose any of their answers without violating their trust, I'm going to follow up on this comment and post what they have to tell me.
As I said, goodbye and good luck.

I would never associate with someone so insulting and resentful, and who constantly attacks my very good character, IRL - and I see no need to subject myself to it here.

And as far as you telling your Jewish friends what I’ve said - and then reporting back to bitch slap me even more around here (talk about defamation!) , I’m sure you will misinterpret and restate my words - as you have repeatedly. It will be based on false statements. That is not keeping with zone 1 rules, and you will be reported for your target d attacks against me.
As I said, goodbye and good luck.

I would never associate with someone so insulting and resentful, and who constantly attacks my very good character, IRL - and I see no need to subject myself to it here.

And as far as you telling your Jewish friends what I’ve said - and then reporting back to bitch slap me even more around here (talk about defamation!) , I’m sure you will misinterpret and restate my words - as you have repeatedly. It will be based on false statements. That is not keeping with zone 1 rules, and you will be reported for your target d attacks against me.
Iggy - life is to short to to gives "people like her" any oxygen.
But you're completely comfortable straight up calling her a racist? Wow.
Thank you! She threatened me with a defamation suit (when everyone is anonymous anyway) because I called her a liar, and then she calls me a racist.

Maybe a year ago, she did the same thing. I called her angry. She came out of her corner completely enraged as to how I could dare call her that, while all the while continuing to call me a racist.

(And I never said anything racist. All I’ve ever pointed out is the new favoritism toward blacks and against whites, which is racist. But because I don’t support what has become pro-black racism, she calls me a racist!)
Iggy - life is to short to to gives "people like her" any oxygen.
Thank you again! As I told her, I would avoid someone like her IRL, and there’s no benefit to my lowering myself to engage with her here.

Appreciate your support.
What sets me off is a media controlled by the Democratic Party that selects stories designed to inflame their base. Evidence of that is the anger in this post from you. For every one of these Cop basher stories there are a thousand where Cops risk their lives to save people, many of them Blacks and other minorities. Do we ever see any of those stories? Rarely if ever.

You CHOOSE to be triggered by the trigger bait. The result is a reinvigorated hatred for Cops and people like me who stand up for THE MAJORITY of good Cops. Of course their are bad Cops, but once again I remind you of the broad brush of the Left. I'm not triggered at all, I just point out the obvious and I have no ill feelings toward you either. Your behavior and knee jerk reactions are a product of years of conditioning.
You're not using your words correctly. When someone is triggered they're responding to something, it's involuntary and not under their control sort of like those having PTSD.

Conditioning is repetitive learning, muscle memory is like that such as learning to put a round through the same spot over and over again on a paper target. Or salivating when a bell is rung like Pavlov's dog - this is you, you're the one slobbering.

You are the one that is stuck having to proclaim the same lie over and over again because while I don't claim to understand the inner workings of whites who consider themselves above hard core racists, not realizing that their world view still classifies them as racist, I do know this. You've only got one response, no matter the circumstances, no matter who is involved, where the event took place, it matters not to you because you will ALWAYS proclaim "not racism".

I, on the other hand am probably smarter than you and I say that only because I have the ability to demonstrate much more flexibility in my thinking, in the position I take on any issue, you know, stuff like that. More to the point, I can argue your position just as well as I can argue my own and probably better than you. That's because I constantly train and seek continued education.

Think about it, in the last couple of days, there were to separate stories about instances where a Black person had their rights violated and you didn't agree that race had anything to do with it and that the only role of these news article were to "inflame Black people into [MORE] hatred against whites, the police and some other entity]. This is your position and you don't give a damn that actual people are involved and were harmed, all you care about is the alleged backlash and PROCLAIMING TO THE WORLD - NOT RACISM.

You do that 9 times out of 10. I report and post on process being made in the justice system in terms of bringing forth charges, lawsuits, etc. which for the longest time Black people didn't have access to.

So, to recap, your instinctive behavior to DENY DENY DENY the existence of racism in any form in the United States in 2023 is conditioning (see Pavlov's dog again) especially when you consider that you only have one track and even when the circumstances changes you're unable to change as well.

What you are unable to see in my behavior doesn't come from conditioning other than my shooting. It's the result of education and training., it's not a reaction. It's mindful and intentional behavior with the intention of building the best database possible to help others, and not just Black people but my family, friends associates who are Black were very much at the forefront of my mind while crafting these tools I use for my work.

Lastly, the information is part of the work that I do, it's partially practice but it's mostly informative. Not for people like you of course, but anyone else who may need some information.

We're having a party on September 1st 2023 if all goes well because Phase One will have been put to bed.
Thank you! She threatened me with a defamation suit (when everyone is anonymous anyway) because I called her a liar, and then she calls me a racist.

Maybe a year ago, she did the same thing. I called her angry. She came out of her corner completely enraged as to how I could dare call her that, while all the while continuing to call me a racist.

(And I never said anything racist. All I’ve ever pointed out is the new favoritism toward blacks and against whites, which is racist. But because I don’t support what has become pro-black racism, she calls me a racist!)
Lisa over exaggerates everything lol. She gets angry because she complains about encountering too many Black people in the store windows when she goes to the mall. She lives in the greater metro DC area so I really don't understand why if she doesn't like seeing Black people she would be living near a place that was nicknamed "chocolate city" many decades ago.

Nonetheless if you point out to her that a white person complaining about seeing too many Black people in their environment has all the markings of a racist she gets angry and then starts bringing up the Jewish people, which is really a shame because the Jewish people I know and work with are some of the sweetest people ever. And then of course the fact that I "severely dislike" her specifically which I've told her plenty of times and that it has nothing to do with her being Jewish, she's a CR and everybody knows it, I'm sure even she does as well.
Lisa over exaggerates everything lol. She gets angry because she complains about encountering too many Black people in the store windows when she goes to the mall. She lives in the greater metro DC area so I really don't understand why if she doesn't like seeing Black people she would be living near a place that was nicknamed "chocolate city" many decades ago.

Nonetheless if you point out to her that a white person complaining about seeing too many Black people in their environment has all the markings of a racist she gets angry and then starts bringing up the Jewish people, which is really a shame because the Jewish people I know and work with are some of the sweetest people ever. And then of course the fact that I "severely dislike" her specifically which I've told her plenty of times and that it has nothing to do with her being Jewish, she's a CR and everybody knows it, I'm sure even she does as well.
Again, you change my words to make me appear racist - and then you have the nerve to threaten ME with a defamation suit.

And I have NO idea what a CR is.

Now go and target someone else.
You're not using your words correctly. When someone is triggered they're responding to something, it's involuntary and not under their control sort of like those having PTSD.

Conditioning is repetitive learning, muscle memory is like that such as learning to put a round through the same spot over and over again on a paper target. Or salivating when a bell is rung like Pavlov's dog - this is you, you're the one slobbering.

You are the one that is stuck having to proclaim the same lie over and over again because while I don't claim to understand the inner workings of whites who consider themselves above hard core racists, not realizing that their world view still classifies them as racist, I do know this. You've only got one response, no matter the circumstances, no matter who is involved, where the event took place, it matters not to you because you will ALWAYS proclaim "not racism".

I, on the other hand am probably smarter than you and I say that only because I have the ability to demonstrate much more flexibility in my thinking, in the position I take on any issue, you know, stuff like that. More to the point, I can argue your position just as well as I can argue my own and probably better than you. That's because I constantly train and seek continued education.

Think about it, in the last couple of days, there were to separate stories about instances where a Black person had their rights violated and you didn't agree that race had anything to do with it and that the only role of these news article were to "inflame Black people into [MORE] hatred against whites, the police and some other entity]. This is your position and you don't give a damn that actual people are involved and were harmed, all you care about is the alleged backlash and PROCLAIMING TO THE WORLD - NOT RACISM.

You do that 9 times out of 10. I report and post on process being made in the justice system in terms of bringing forth charges, lawsuits, etc. which for the longest time Black people didn't have access to.

So, to recap, your instinctive behavior to DENY DENY DENY the existence of racism in any form in the United States in 2023 is conditioning (see Pavlov's dog again) especially when you consider that you only have one track and even when the circumstances changes you're unable to change as well.

What you are unable to see in my behavior doesn't come from conditioning other than my shooting. It's the result of education and training., it's not a reaction. It's mindful and intentional behavior with the intention of building the best database possible to help others, and not just Black people but my family, friends associates who are Black were very much at the forefront of my mind while crafting these tools I use for my work.

Lastly, the information is part of the work that I do, it's partially practice but it's mostly informative. Not for people like you of course, but anyone else who may need some information.

We're having a party on September 1st 2023 if all goes well because Phase One will have been put to bed.
You can try to redefine language and reframe what I say, but it won't work. I made up the term "trigger bait" and it perfectly describes what it IS and what it DOES. It is a tool to enrage and divide and demonize. Analyze more, react less.
They should pay more attention to the black criminals preying on the black community. That group is much larger and far more dangerous to the minority communities than the small number of bad cops.
The cops can commit crimes and get away with it.

In 2020, blacks led in arrests in two categories in the Uniform Crime Report, murder and robbery. I am not going to pretend this is a good thing, but let’s look at the arrest categories whites led in: Rape, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Larceny-theft, Motor vehicle theft, Arson, Violent crime, Property crime, Other assaults, Forgery and counterfeiting, Fraud, Embezzlement, buying, receiving, and possessing stolen property, Vandalism, carrying, possessing, Weapons, Prostitution and commercialized vice, Sex offenses besides rape and prostitution, Drug abuse violations, Gambling, Offenses against the family and children, Driving under the influence, Liquor laws, Drunkenness, Disorderly conduct, Vagrancy, All other offenses (except traffic), Suspicion, Curfew and loitering law violations.

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

So shut up about what blacks need to do and worry about the bigger problem of whites preying on each other.

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