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Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2022
The country was founded for white people, not blacks. The founding fathers made sure that blacks were second class citizens, not entitled to the same rights as whites. When the shackles of British rule were falling off the arms of white Americans, ending their enslavement, it was just the beginning of Black Americans'. So when a black person celebrates the fourth of July, they actually aren't celebrating their independence whatsoever, but literally their defeat and enslavement. Like I've said before, can you imagine white people happily celebrating the ISIS flag/holiday after Muslims conquered and enslaved white European/Europeans? Not a chance. Yet it is something specifically required of black Americans. Even on the most basic level, white people refuse to assimilate. If you look at South African whites, they have a victim mindset and refuse to pay homage to the rainbow nation, even if they were never enslaved nor genocided, like the American blacks were. They have a huge chip on their shoulder, create their own enclaves, maintain their Boer identity and language, and spit on the Black south African governance. I like it.

Black Americans should reject (white)American identity, symbols, and create our own separate national, ethnic identity in the same way. It is a proven fact that white Americans see themselves as the authentic Americans Nearly half of whites say a majority nonwhite population will weaken American culture Honestly, how couldn't they if this country was in fact created for them and solely them. If I go to Japan and call myself Japanese, while I can do that, It doesn't change the fact that Japanese identity isn't contingent on me as a foreigner. If all Japanese people were to disappear overnight, people would no longer see it as authentically Japanese. To that extent, we must create our own Black American identity and symbols, and eschew white identity symbols, that do nothing more than acquiesce to white supremacy and their own hegemony.

I recall back in my Conservative days I would cycle and do hill repeats around the city often. I had this American flag cycling shirt I got, and wore it during the fourth of July one time. I had white people constantly beeping at me and giving me props. Why? Well, because I'm black and I am shilling for their white American identity. People love tokens that will shill on behalf of their race. Happens on all sides, really. It's something that we as blacks must reject. I think if the country was more inclusive, people would all get behind one "American" identity", but that isn't the case and never will be. Our country is a racist one and was founded on racism. We must reject the white man's influence; We must create our own flag; We must create our own governance; our own national anthem; our own identity.
I'm fine with that, if you stop voting and segregate yourself away from our society. Oh, and no government benefits either.

Actually, I would be happy to support finding you land for your new nation. What continent would you like it on? Back to Mother Africa? Truthfully, I have no use for California any more. Would you like to have California?
I feel bad about separating Tomas Sowells from his hair. But, I think that if you can take a the rest of lefty blacks that agree with you, that it is a sacrifice that he would be happy making.

Is there any way I can get you to accept whites that agree with you politically and racially?

What about multi-ethnic lefties? YOu can have any political litmus test you want, but if a lefty who has significant hispanic or asian blood in him wants to join your wonderful workers utopia, would you be willing to take them too?
The country was founded for white people, not blacks. The founding fathers made sure that blacks were second class citizens, not entitled to the same rights as whites. When the shackles of British rule were falling off the arms of white Americans, ending their enslavement, it was just the beginning of Black Americans'. So when a black person celebrates the fourth of July, they actually aren't celebrating their independence whatsoever, but literally their defeat and enslavement. Like I've said before, can you imagine white people happily celebrating the ISIS flag/holiday after Muslims conquered and enslaved white European/Europeans? Not a chance. Yet it is something specifically required of black Americans. Even on the most basic level, white people refuse to assimilate. If you look at South African whites, they have a victim mindset and refuse to pay homage to the rainbow nation, even if they were never enslaved nor genocided, like the American blacks were. They have a huge chip on their shoulder, create their own enclaves, maintain their Boer identity and language, and spit on the Black south African governance. I like it.

Black Americans should reject (white)American identity, symbols, and create our own separate national, ethnic identity in the same way. It is a proven fact that white Americans see themselves as the authentic Americans Nearly half of whites say a majority nonwhite population will weaken American culture Honestly, how couldn't they if this country was in fact created for them and solely them. If I go to Japan and call myself Japanese, while I can do that, It doesn't change the fact that Japanese identity isn't contingent on me as a foreigner. If all Japanese people were to disappear overnight, people would no longer see it as authentically Japanese. To that extent, we must create our own Black American identity and symbols, and eschew white identity symbols, that do nothing more than acquiesce to white supremacy and their own hegemony.

I recall back in my Conservative days I would cycle and do hill repeats around the city often. I had this American flag cycling shirt I got, and wore it during the fourth of July one time. I had white people constantly beeping at me and giving me props. Why? Well, because I'm black and I am shilling for their white American identity. People love tokens that will shill on behalf of their race. Happens on all sides, really. It's something that we as blacks must reject. I think if the country was more inclusive, people would all get behind one "American" identity", but that isn't the case and never will be. Our country is a racist one and was founded on racism. We must reject the white man's influence; We must create our own flag; We must create our own governance; our own national anthem; our own identity.
And while you are at it, just purchase a ticket back to Africa where you belong if you dont like the perks of living in the United States, as we dont want whiney ass progressive pussies like you here in this country.

The country was founded for white people, not blacks. The founding fathers made sure that blacks were second class citizens, not entitled to the same rights as whites. When the shackles of British rule were falling off the arms of white Americans, ending their enslavement, it was just the beginning of Black Americans'. So when a black person celebrates the fourth of July, they actually aren't celebrating their independence whatsoever, but literally their defeat and enslavement. Like I've said before, can you imagine white people happily celebrating the ISIS flag/holiday after Muslims conquered and enslaved white European/Europeans? Not a chance. Yet it is something specifically required of black Americans. Even on the most basic level, white people refuse to assimilate. If you look at South African whites, they have a victim mindset and refuse to pay homage to the rainbow nation, even if they were never enslaved nor genocided, like the American blacks were. They have a huge chip on their shoulder, create their own enclaves, maintain their Boer identity and language, and spit on the Black south African governance. I like it.

Black Americans should reject (white)American identity, symbols, and create our own separate national, ethnic identity in the same way. It is a proven fact that white Americans see themselves as the authentic Americans Nearly half of whites say a majority nonwhite population will weaken American culture Honestly, how couldn't they if this country was in fact created for them and solely them. If I go to Japan and call myself Japanese, while I can do that, It doesn't change the fact that Japanese identity isn't contingent on me as a foreigner. If all Japanese people were to disappear overnight, people would no longer see it as authentically Japanese. To that extent, we must create our own Black American identity and symbols, and eschew white identity symbols, that do nothing more than acquiesce to white supremacy and their own hegemony.

I recall back in my Conservative days I would cycle and do hill repeats around the city often. I had this American flag cycling shirt I got, and wore it during the fourth of July one time. I had white people constantly beeping at me and giving me props. Why? Well, because I'm black and I am shilling for their white American identity. People love tokens that will shill on behalf of their race. Happens on all sides, really. It's something that we as blacks must reject. I think if the country was more inclusive, people would all get behind one "American" identity", but that isn't the case and never will be. Our country is a racist one and was founded on racism. We must reject the white man's influence; We must create our own flag; We must create our own governance; our own national anthem; our own identity.
If that is your belief that is your right and freedom to do so. Our Constitution allows for freedom to dissent.
We get it you hate this country. So because we had slavery like all of africa(every black society and nation in recorded history before Europeans abolished it) that we shouldn't be proud of who we are and should just abolish our nation RIGHT NOW! That is what you're saying to me. believe me when I tell you that you're a traitor for saying such things against the United states and you should give up your citizenship. You're not welcome.

We abolished slavery. I don't see anyone else of any other skin tone ever doing the same. What do they deserve to do to themselves? Cut their throats and bled out? Of course not as this is just your bigortry against whites and the nation that we built.
I totally agree. White Marxists convinced blacks that getting good grades, speaking good English, being a good citizen, getting married then having kids, and even being Christian was acting "white". And many blacks embraced this. They would be better off moving to another country, so the question remains why not fucking move lol. They seem incapable of assimilating culturally and value crime, drugs, death, dysfunction, and host of other ungodly behaviors.

Ironically non whites from all over the world move to the USA and don't have an issue. While it might take some time for them to be patriotic in any real sense, celebrate holidays, they seem to appreciate being here.
After the CW Vicksburg, MS did not celebrate the 4th till after the allied victory in 1945 and then did not celebrate it again till the Bicentennial in'76....Glad you blacks will carry on the tradition. ;)
I totally agree. White Marxists convinced blacks that getting good grades, speaking good English, being a good citizen, getting married then having kids, and even being Christian was acting "white". And many blacks embraced this. They would be better off moving to another country, so the question remains why not fucking move lol. They seem incapable of assimilating culturally and value crime, drugs, death, dysfunction, and host of other ungodly behaviors.

Ironically non whites from all over the world move to the USA and don't have an issue. While it might take some time for them to be patriotic in any real sense, celebrate holidays, they seem to appreciate being here.
Sadly, most nations that they'd wish to move to that has the quality of life or higher would reject them for their behavior also. No one wants their murder rate or a population of people that don't give a damn.
Sadly, most nations that they'd wish to move to that has the quality of life or higher would reject them for their behavior also. No one wants their murder rate or a population of people that don't give a damn.

Nonsense. We can make this work, very easily. I'm certainly willing to give it whatever effort is required.

Hey, Baja California. Warm, lovely beaches, sun...


And Mexico owes US, big time.
The country was founded for white people, not blacks. The founding fathers made sure that blacks were second class citizens, not entitled to the same rights as whites. When the shackles of British rule were falling off the arms of white Americans, ending their enslavement, it was just the beginning of Black Americans'. So when a black person celebrates the fourth of July, they actually aren't celebrating their independence whatsoever, but literally their defeat and enslavement. Like I've said before, can you imagine white people happily celebrating the ISIS flag/holiday after Muslims conquered and enslaved white European/Europeans? Not a chance. Yet it is something specifically required of black Americans. Even on the most basic level, white people refuse to assimilate. If you look at South African whites, they have a victim mindset and refuse to pay homage to the rainbow nation, even if they were never enslaved nor genocided, like the American blacks were. They have a huge chip on their shoulder, create their own enclaves, maintain their Boer identity and language, and spit on the Black south African governance. I like it.

Black Americans should reject (white)American identity, symbols, and create our own separate national, ethnic identity in the same way. It is a proven fact that white Americans see themselves as the authentic Americans Nearly half of whites say a majority nonwhite population will weaken American culture Honestly, how couldn't they if this country was in fact created for them and solely them. If I go to Japan and call myself Japanese, while I can do that, It doesn't change the fact that Japanese identity isn't contingent on me as a foreigner. If all Japanese people were to disappear overnight, people would no longer see it as authentically Japanese. To that extent, we must create our own Black American identity and symbols, and eschew white identity symbols, that do nothing more than acquiesce to white supremacy and their own hegemony.

I recall back in my Conservative days I would cycle and do hill repeats around the city often. I had this American flag cycling shirt I got, and wore it during the fourth of July one time. I had white people constantly beeping at me and giving me props. Why? Well, because I'm black and I am shilling for their white American identity. People love tokens that will shill on behalf of their race. Happens on all sides, really. It's something that we as blacks must reject. I think if the country was more inclusive, people would all get behind one "American" identity", but that isn't the case and never will be. Our country is a racist one and was founded on racism. We must reject the white man's influence; We must create our own flag; We must create our own governance; our own national anthem; our own identity.
Clearly you're one of the best examples of a hard-core racist black.

You need to take your black ass and your bigotry to some other country where they hate white people....because your kind of bigotry doesn't belong in America.
The US paid to send Blacks to Africa & set them up with $Billions in Liberia. If it's so bad here why do you stay here? Clearly because Liberia turned into a shithole & US Whites treat you better than Blacks.

My family came here in the 1900's escaping wars in Europe. Clearly this was long after Black slavery ended here in the US, but continues to this day in Africa.

Like most, we started here with nothing. Started very hard labor work as well diggers. Dug them by hand with a shovel & bucket. Saved to buy a mule to hoist dirt, tools & us up & down the wells. Saved to buy a Farm, worked hard labor, saved & expanded. Saved built houses.

All along my family built this place providing water, raising food, built homes & paying taxes to water, feed, house & educate Blacks who I have NEVER seen dig a well, work in a field or build a house. Black educators are blacks worst enemy, mostly teach hatred of Whites & destruction of society & infrastructure.

We built Pruitt–Igoe to house & educate Blacks, but the Blacks rapidly destroyed everything. You can't show any blacks in the USA doing hard work that isn't a staged photo-op. Most Blacks are to busy playing victims, slinging drugs, stealing, playing ball, singing, dancing & laughing to ever do hard work. I challenge you to show blacks working hard building anything useful.
The country was founded for white people, not blacks. The founding fathers made sure that blacks were second class citizens, not entitled to the same rights as whites. When the shackles of British rule were falling off the arms of white Americans, ending their enslavement, it was just the beginning of Black Americans'. So when a black person celebrates the fourth of July, they actually aren't celebrating their independence whatsoever, but literally their defeat and enslavement. Like I've said before, can you imagine white people happily celebrating the ISIS flag/holiday after Muslims conquered and enslaved white European/Europeans? Not a chance. Yet it is something specifically required of black Americans. Even on the most basic level, white people refuse to assimilate. If you look at South African whites, they have a victim mindset and refuse to pay homage to the rainbow nation, even if they were never enslaved nor genocided, like the American blacks were. They have a huge chip on their shoulder, create their own enclaves, maintain their Boer identity and language, and spit on the Black south African governance. I like it.

Black Americans should reject (white)American identity, symbols, and create our own separate national, ethnic identity in the same way. It is a proven fact that white Americans see themselves as the authentic Americans Nearly half of whites say a majority nonwhite population will weaken American culture Honestly, how couldn't they if this country was in fact created for them and solely them. If I go to Japan and call myself Japanese, while I can do that, It doesn't change the fact that Japanese identity isn't contingent on me as a foreigner. If all Japanese people were to disappear overnight, people would no longer see it as authentically Japanese. To that extent, we must create our own Black American identity and symbols, and eschew white identity symbols, that do nothing more than acquiesce to white supremacy and their own hegemony.

I recall back in my Conservative days I would cycle and do hill repeats around the city often. I had this American flag cycling shirt I got, and wore it during the fourth of July one time. I had white people constantly beeping at me and giving me props. Why? Well, because I'm black and I am shilling for their white American identity. People love tokens that will shill on behalf of their race. Happens on all sides, really. It's something that we as blacks must reject. I think if the country was more inclusive, people would all get behind one "American" identity", but that isn't the case and never will be. Our country is a racist one and was founded on racism. We must reject the white man's influence; We must create our own flag; We must create our own governance; our own national anthem; our own identity.
/——-/ Keep that hate alive to further divide and conquer America.
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