Why Blacks Cannot Trust Trump, MAGA and Black Conservatives

Whites are enraged at the corrupt upper class globalist war-loving perverts. This is something white and black people can agree on.
We are less concerned with globalists and nore concerned about the damage NATIONALISTS continue doing to us and our community.
We are less concerned with globalists and nore concerned about the damage NATIONALISTS continue doing to us and our community.
What are they doing to you? Who’s holding up school choice? Demofks, globalists
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We are less concerned with globalists and nore concerned about the damage NATIONALISTS continue doing to us and our community.
Ally with the filthy rich degenerates rather than working class whites?

Working folk have little so if you defeat them you get little. The upper class owns a lot so if you defeat them you get a lot.

You want to fight over nickels and leave the billionaires in peace.
What are they doing to you? Who’s holding up school choice? Demofks, globalists
Give us options in education? Empower us?

No anything but that!

We want all decisions to be made by activists and self-serving bureaucrats and corrupt lying politicians and the billionaire campaign donors.
“Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats.” -Mike King

Trump and the MAGA movememt is fueled by the beief in aggrieved whitesness. Dr. Carol Anderson has called this phenomenon. She has accurately noted that acts of white racial violencce do just describe white rage. She states that white rage happens in the courts, the legislatures, city councils, and school boards. It’s not about a Klan rally. It’s about the passing of laws and policies. The rise of Donald Trump amd his cut like hold on a portion of the American population is based on white rage. In this video the individual speaks the truth about how Trump, MAGA, and so called black conservatives are working for the same thing, the maintenance of white male hegemony.

drinking early today eh ?
Byrd had long left the KKK when he died. So noone was standing at a KKK leaders funeral.

You can stop trying to gaslight mean by using the term victim mentality. The only people with that mentality are right wing whtes.

No victim here son. As you well know.
We are less concerned with globalists and nore concerned about the damage NATIONALISTS continue doing to us and our community.



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