Why blacks don't like Ben Carson and don't vote Republican

Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

Bonnie and Clyde had a movie made after them too. I guess they were great examples for you whites to emulate and use as an example to live by.

Bonnie and Clyde are infamous bank robbers because of their success at evading the law, the sheer amount of money they stole, and the odd romance mixed up in all of that. By any accounts, Bonnie and Clyde were definitely successful bank robbers that are STILL idolized by criminals and the media to this day.

Yep they show us how the white culture celebrates a criminal subcuture. But since they were successful do you think they are great examples for all whites to emulate?
Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.
Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

Bonnie and Clyde had a movie made after them too. I guess they were great examples for you whites to emulate and use as an example to live by.
Bonnie and Clyde are infamous bank robbers because of their success at evading the law, the sheer amount of money they stole, and the odd romance mixed up in all of that. By any accounts, Bonnie and Clyde were definitely successful bank robbers that are STILL idolized by criminals and the media to this day.

Yep they show us how the white culture celebrates a criminal subcuture. But since they were successful do you think they are great examples for all whites to emulate?

You obviously have no grasp of the social or fiscal environment in those days and what made them famous.
Consider me, a lib
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.

Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.

Consider me, a lib
Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

Great observation and well said Sealybobo- The heavy water was carried by MLK and his ilk. They did not ask for special treatment or handouts. No, they had faith, that given equal access and opportunity African Americans could achieve. He acknowledged that some advantage would be necessary to begin the process.

In 1961, President John Kennedy issued executive order 10925, which created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and mandated that federally funded projects take "affirmative action" to insure that hiring and employment practices were free of racial bias.

The idea was hijacked by lesser men like Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright. Men who made them selves wealthy by telling blacks that they couldn't make it, and they were owed something more. How has that message helped African Americans over the last half century?

The reason I know you got those guys all wrong is because you probably think I too are telling blacks they can't make it and are owed something. No one is saying that. If that's how you hear what we are saying no wonder we are so far apart on reconciliation. Your opinion sounds more like a right wing talking point. Not designed to win over blacks because they know that's bullshit. It's to win over whites who might be convinced that is what guys like Wright want.

Pathetic. There is some truth to what you were saying but then at the end you went bat shit crazy talk.

Really, well some blacks agree with me. Being mired in white guilty can blur things, I understand.
Jesse Jackson – for blacks or himself?

Over coffee and Key-lime pie, I posed the following to a colleague: “Name 10 things Jesse Jackson has done to tangibly help the black people he claims to represent.” Two hours later, the question remained unanswered. It remained unanswered because Jackson has done nothing of consequence for anyone but himself and members of his family.

To who another dumb ass white racist like yourself?
Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.
Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

Bonnie and Clyde had a movie made after them too. I guess they were great examples for you whites to emulate and use as an example to live by.
Bonnie and Clyde are infamous bank robbers because of their success at evading the law, the sheer amount of money they stole, and the odd romance mixed up in all of that. By any accounts, Bonnie and Clyde were definitely successful bank robbers that are STILL idolized by criminals and the media to this day.

Yep they show us how the white culture celebrates a criminal subcuture. But since they were successful do you think they are great examples for all whites to emulate?

You obviously have no grasp of the social or fiscal environment in those days and what made them famous.

And I don't care. You don't get to live by one standard for whites and another one for blacks.
Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

Bonnie and Clyde had a movie made after them too. I guess they were great examples for you whites to emulate and use as an example to live by.
Bonnie and Clyde are infamous bank robbers because of their success at evading the law, the sheer amount of money they stole, and the odd romance mixed up in all of that. By any accounts, Bonnie and Clyde were definitely successful bank robbers that are STILL idolized by criminals and the media to this day.

Yep they show us how the white culture celebrates a criminal subcuture. But since they were successful do you think they are great examples for all whites to emulate?

You obviously have no grasp of the social or fiscal environment in those days and what made them famous.

And I don't care. You don't get to live by one standard for whites and another one for blacks.

So post some of those stories that have happened since the great depression.
You wont find any.
The only reason Bonnie and Clyde were admired is because the people liked the idea of the banks getting the shaft after they foreclosed on everyone's property.

Now days you wont find white people giving sympathy to criminals of any color.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah we know...he's an uncle tom.
God forbid you praise the success of a black man,that would make the rest of you look bad.

Nah this is not about success. Because Carson is a failure.

Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

Bonnie and Clyde had a movie made after them too. I guess they were great examples for you whites to emulate and use as an example to live by.

do we? We're afraid to get shot or go to jail.
Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah, he's just a big dum dum!

"Carson went from being a poor student to receiving academic honors and eventually attending medical school. As a doctor, he became director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital at age 33 and earned fame for his groundbreaking work separating conjoined twins. He retired from medicine in 2013, and two years later he entered politics, making a bid to become the Republican candidate for U.S. president. After struggling in the primary elections, Carson dropped out of the race in March 2016, and then became a vocal supporter of Republican nominee and former rival Donald Trump. After Trump was elected president, he nominated Carson to become the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. "

Obviously, he's dumber than the blacks that hate him. I mean, anybody can see that.

Ben Carson
Is that why he had a movie made after him?

I wonder if Cuba Gooding Jr. thought Carson was a "failure" when he shot that movie....

Bonnie and Clyde had a movie made after them too. I guess they were great examples for you whites to emulate and use as an example to live by.
Bonnie and Clyde are infamous bank robbers because of their success at evading the law, the sheer amount of money they stole, and the odd romance mixed up in all of that. By any accounts, Bonnie and Clyde were definitely successful bank robbers that are STILL idolized by criminals and the media to this day.

Yep they show us how the white culture celebrates a criminal subcuture. But since they were successful do you think they are great examples for all whites to emulate?

You obviously have no grasp of the social or fiscal environment in those days and what made them famous.

And I don't care. You don't get to live by one standard for whites and another one for blacks.
Are you accidentally being ironic?
Consider me, a lib
Black community leaders like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton have made themselves rich and powerful by promoting the idea that blacks can not compete because whitey won't let them. If this guy would examine what he says, he would have to wonder why the black community so overwhelmingly votes left? He says the blacks are voting left because of economic policy, absurd!

Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
Consider me, a lib
Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

Great observation and well said Sealybobo- The heavy water was carried by MLK and his ilk. They did not ask for special treatment or handouts. No, they had faith, that given equal access and opportunity African Americans could achieve. He acknowledged that some advantage would be necessary to begin the process.

In 1961, President John Kennedy issued executive order 10925, which created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and mandated that federally funded projects take "affirmative action" to insure that hiring and employment practices were free of racial bias.

The idea was hijacked by lesser men like Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright. Men who made them selves wealthy by telling blacks that they couldn't make it, and they were owed something more. How has that message helped African Americans over the last half century?

The reason I know you got those guys all wrong is because you probably think I too are telling blacks they can't make it and are owed something. No one is saying that. If that's how you hear what we are saying no wonder we are so far apart on reconciliation. Your opinion sounds more like a right wing talking point. Not designed to win over blacks because they know that's bullshit. It's to win over whites who might be convinced that is what guys like Wright want.

Pathetic. There is some truth to what you were saying but then at the end you went bat shit crazy talk.

Really, well some blacks agree with me. Being mired in white guilty can blur things, I understand.
Jesse Jackson – for blacks or himself?

Over coffee and Key-lime pie, I posed the following to a colleague: “Name 10 things Jesse Jackson has done to tangibly help the black people he claims to represent.” Two hours later, the question remained unanswered. It remained unanswered because Jackson has done nothing of consequence for anyone but himself and members of his family.

To who another dumb ass white racist like yourself?
Black Rachel on the bachelorette just picked almost all white guys. Lol.
Bankrupt - How Cronyism and Corruption Brought Down Detroit

Consider me, a lib
Not exactly. But this is what white race baiters tell other whites. I say what I do because It's the reason. You really don't know, you sit on your ass talking racist shit on the internet.
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
Consider me, a lib
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

Great observation and well said Sealybobo- The heavy water was carried by MLK and his ilk. They did not ask for special treatment or handouts. No, they had faith, that given equal access and opportunity African Americans could achieve. He acknowledged that some advantage would be necessary to begin the process.

In 1961, President John Kennedy issued executive order 10925, which created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and mandated that federally funded projects take "affirmative action" to insure that hiring and employment practices were free of racial bias.

The idea was hijacked by lesser men like Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright. Men who made them selves wealthy by telling blacks that they couldn't make it, and they were owed something more. How has that message helped African Americans over the last half century?

The reason I know you got those guys all wrong is because you probably think I too are telling blacks they can't make it and are owed something. No one is saying that. If that's how you hear what we are saying no wonder we are so far apart on reconciliation. Your opinion sounds more like a right wing talking point. Not designed to win over blacks because they know that's bullshit. It's to win over whites who might be convinced that is what guys like Wright want.

Pathetic. There is some truth to what you were saying but then at the end you went bat shit crazy talk.

Really, well some blacks agree with me. Being mired in white guilty can blur things, I understand.
Jesse Jackson – for blacks or himself?

Over coffee and Key-lime pie, I posed the following to a colleague: “Name 10 things Jesse Jackson has done to tangibly help the black people he claims to represent.” Two hours later, the question remained unanswered. It remained unanswered because Jackson has done nothing of consequence for anyone but himself and members of his family.

To who another dumb ass white racist like yourself?
Black Rachel on the bachelorette just picked almost all white guys. Lol.

Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah, he's just a big dum dum!

"Carson went from being a poor student to receiving academic honors and eventually attending medical school. As a doctor, he became director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital at age 33 and earned fame for his groundbreaking work separating conjoined twins. He retired from medicine in 2013, and two years later he entered politics, making a bid to become the Republican candidate for U.S. president. After struggling in the primary elections, Carson dropped out of the race in March 2016, and then became a vocal supporter of Republican nominee and former rival Donald Trump. After Trump was elected president, he nominated Carson to become the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. "

Obviously, he's dumber than the blacks that hate him. I mean, anybody can see that.

Ben Carson

The thing is that only you white racists like Carson.
Bonnie and Clyde had a movie made after them too. I guess they were great examples for you whites to emulate and use as an example to live by.
Bonnie and Clyde are infamous bank robbers because of their success at evading the law, the sheer amount of money they stole, and the odd romance mixed up in all of that. By any accounts, Bonnie and Clyde were definitely successful bank robbers that are STILL idolized by criminals and the media to this day.

Yep they show us how the white culture celebrates a criminal subcuture. But since they were successful do you think they are great examples for all whites to emulate?

You obviously have no grasp of the social or fiscal environment in those days and what made them famous.

And I don't care. You don't get to live by one standard for whites and another one for blacks.

So post some of those stories that have happened since the great depression.
You wont find any.
The only reason Bonnie and Clyde were admired is because the people liked the idea of the banks getting the shaft after they foreclosed on everyone's property.

Now days you wont find white people giving sympathy to criminals of any color.

I guess Gotti and all the white organized crime families did not happen after the depression. Nope the Godfather, Sopranos, Goodfellas. Vegas and the Golti reality TV show was before the depression. Or was that show called mob wives.

Yeah, that's the ticket.
Bonnie and Clyde are infamous bank robbers because of their success at evading the law, the sheer amount of money they stole, and the odd romance mixed up in all of that. By any accounts, Bonnie and Clyde were definitely successful bank robbers that are STILL idolized by criminals and the media to this day.

Yep they show us how the white culture celebrates a criminal subcuture. But since they were successful do you think they are great examples for all whites to emulate?

You obviously have no grasp of the social or fiscal environment in those days and what made them famous.

And I don't care. You don't get to live by one standard for whites and another one for blacks.

So post some of those stories that have happened since the great depression.
You wont find any.
The only reason Bonnie and Clyde were admired is because the people liked the idea of the banks getting the shaft after they foreclosed on everyone's property.

Now days you wont find white people giving sympathy to criminals of any color.

I guess Gotti and all the white organized crime families did not happen after the depression. Nope the Godfather, Sopranos, Goodfellas. Vegas and the Golti reality TV show was before the depression. Or was that show called mob wives.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Yet the American public didnt protect them.
Yep they show us how the white culture celebrates a criminal subcuture. But since they were successful do you think they are great examples for all whites to emulate?

You obviously have no grasp of the social or fiscal environment in those days and what made them famous.

And I don't care. You don't get to live by one standard for whites and another one for blacks.

So post some of those stories that have happened since the great depression.
You wont find any.
The only reason Bonnie and Clyde were admired is because the people liked the idea of the banks getting the shaft after they foreclosed on everyone's property.

Now days you wont find white people giving sympathy to criminals of any color.

I guess Gotti and all the white organized crime families did not happen after the depression. Nope the Godfather, Sopranos, Goodfellas. Vegas and the Golti reality TV show was before the depression. Or was that show called mob wives.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Yet the American public didnt protect them.

Whatever lie you need to tell yourself.
Consider me, a lib
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
Great observation and well said Sealybobo- The heavy water was carried by MLK and his ilk. They did not ask for special treatment or handouts. No, they had faith, that given equal access and opportunity African Americans could achieve. He acknowledged that some advantage would be necessary to begin the process.

In 1961, President John Kennedy issued executive order 10925, which created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and mandated that federally funded projects take "affirmative action" to insure that hiring and employment practices were free of racial bias.

The idea was hijacked by lesser men like Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright. Men who made them selves wealthy by telling blacks that they couldn't make it, and they were owed something more. How has that message helped African Americans over the last half century?

The reason I know you got those guys all wrong is because you probably think I too are telling blacks they can't make it and are owed something. No one is saying that. If that's how you hear what we are saying no wonder we are so far apart on reconciliation. Your opinion sounds more like a right wing talking point. Not designed to win over blacks because they know that's bullshit. It's to win over whites who might be convinced that is what guys like Wright want.

Pathetic. There is some truth to what you were saying but then at the end you went bat shit crazy talk.

Really, well some blacks agree with me. Being mired in white guilty can blur things, I understand.
Jesse Jackson – for blacks or himself?

Over coffee and Key-lime pie, I posed the following to a colleague: “Name 10 things Jesse Jackson has done to tangibly help the black people he claims to represent.” Two hours later, the question remained unanswered. It remained unanswered because Jackson has done nothing of consequence for anyone but himself and members of his family.

To who another dumb ass white racist like yourself?
Black Rachel on the bachelorette just picked almost all white guys. Lol.

Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah, he's just a big dum dum!

"Carson went from being a poor student to receiving academic honors and eventually attending medical school. As a doctor, he became director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital at age 33 and earned fame for his groundbreaking work separating conjoined twins. He retired from medicine in 2013, and two years later he entered politics, making a bid to become the Republican candidate for U.S. president. After struggling in the primary elections, Carson dropped out of the race in March 2016, and then became a vocal supporter of Republican nominee and former rival Donald Trump. After Trump was elected president, he nominated Carson to become the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. "

Obviously, he's dumber than the blacks that hate him. I mean, anybody can see that.

Ben Carson

The thing is that only you white racists like Carson.

Some would say you sound like a bitter black man who thinks Carson is a sellout Uncle Tom. Is that the price of achievement an accomplished black is subject to?
I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
The reason I know you got those guys all wrong is because you probably think I too are telling blacks they can't make it and are owed something. No one is saying that. If that's how you hear what we are saying no wonder we are so far apart on reconciliation. Your opinion sounds more like a right wing talking point. Not designed to win over blacks because they know that's bullshit. It's to win over whites who might be convinced that is what guys like Wright want.

Pathetic. There is some truth to what you were saying but then at the end you went bat shit crazy talk.

Really, well some blacks agree with me. Being mired in white guilty can blur things, I understand.
Jesse Jackson – for blacks or himself?

Over coffee and Key-lime pie, I posed the following to a colleague: “Name 10 things Jesse Jackson has done to tangibly help the black people he claims to represent.” Two hours later, the question remained unanswered. It remained unanswered because Jackson has done nothing of consequence for anyone but himself and members of his family.

To who another dumb ass white racist like yourself?
Black Rachel on the bachelorette just picked almost all white guys. Lol.

Now it's time for you whites here to learn another lesson. Blacks don't like Ben Carson. Why? Because he's stupid. Not because he's successful, but because he is stupid. We say he is a sellout. Not because he is successful, but because he throws blacks under the bus for his own financial gain.

But this guys says it better.

Yeah, he's just a big dum dum!

"Carson went from being a poor student to receiving academic honors and eventually attending medical school. As a doctor, he became director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital at age 33 and earned fame for his groundbreaking work separating conjoined twins. He retired from medicine in 2013, and two years later he entered politics, making a bid to become the Republican candidate for U.S. president. After struggling in the primary elections, Carson dropped out of the race in March 2016, and then became a vocal supporter of Republican nominee and former rival Donald Trump. After Trump was elected president, he nominated Carson to become the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. "

Obviously, he's dumber than the blacks that hate him. I mean, anybody can see that.

Ben Carson

The thing is that only you white racists like Carson.

Some would say you sound like a bitter black man who thinks Carson is a sellout Uncle Tom. Is that the price of achievement an accomplished black is subject to?

If he forgets where he came from yes.

No one hates him for being accomplished. We hate him for being a Republican.

We think rich white arrogant republicans are just as big of jerks as rich black Republicans. It's just that blacks should know better. It's like Bruce Jenner is a Republican. Really?
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Consider me, a lib
Consider me, the liberal white, the closest thing you will get to a impartial 3rd party. I know everything you say is accurate. But I'm telling you if you keep talking the way you do and keep raising bad citizens you are going to prolong equality.

We've come a long way since mlk but in a lot of ways Detroit is no better off than it was back then.

I don't need a third party to determine the accuracy he things I am talking about. You go back to your white community and stop raising racists. You are the liberal white these racist assholes think are the entire democratic party. You are just as much a no good racist piece of shit as these conservatives. We haven't come all that long of a way since MLK. I was alive during King and I live now. We can vote and we can use the same toilet, but the problem is the attitudes of a lot of whites have not changed all hat much. You are an example of that. I will say what I want. I do not have to adjust my language. In my experience whites who are truly interested in righting wrongs will join with me and others like me and those who aren't won't. I am not going to change what I say to concern myself with those who won't and I will not.

Don't tell me how to say shit. Just learn to listen. We've listened to whites for years. We listened to you white liberals tell us how to do things in the 60's when a lot of us were not educated and could not understand the process. This s 2017. I have a masters, so do many other blacks. lacks have PhD's and we do understand the process. So now its time for you to shut up and listen to the experts on the black community and what it needs. That's would be the black people who live there, not your ass. So then you can do that or you can get out of the way for those whites who can respect what we know and are willing to help us do what's needed.

You've seen what happened in Detroit. That's why things are about the same. There is a guy in Detroit named Boyd who has extensive writings about the problems Detroit faced and still faces which have hampered he black community. You ain't him, so maybe you read his books and learn something.
Great observation and well said Sealybobo- The heavy water was carried by MLK and his ilk. They did not ask for special treatment or handouts. No, they had faith, that given equal access and opportunity African Americans could achieve. He acknowledged that some advantage would be necessary to begin the process.

In 1961, President John Kennedy issued executive order 10925, which created the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and mandated that federally funded projects take "affirmative action" to insure that hiring and employment practices were free of racial bias.

The idea was hijacked by lesser men like Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright. Men who made them selves wealthy by telling blacks that they couldn't make it, and they were owed something more. How has that message helped African Americans over the last half century?

The reason I know you got those guys all wrong is because you probably think I too are telling blacks they can't make it and are owed something. No one is saying that. If that's how you hear what we are saying no wonder we are so far apart on reconciliation. Your opinion sounds more like a right wing talking point. Not designed to win over blacks because they know that's bullshit. It's to win over whites who might be convinced that is what guys like Wright want.

Pathetic. There is some truth to what you were saying but then at the end you went bat shit crazy talk.

Really, well some blacks agree with me. Being mired in white guilty can blur things, I understand.
Jesse Jackson – for blacks or himself?

Over coffee and Key-lime pie, I posed the following to a colleague: “Name 10 things Jesse Jackson has done to tangibly help the black people he claims to represent.” Two hours later, the question remained unanswered. It remained unanswered because Jackson has done nothing of consequence for anyone but himself and members of his family.

To who another dumb ass white racist like yourself?
Black Rachel on the bachelorette just picked almost all white guys. Lol.

Actually there's a lot more black guys left than I thought. I can't wait to see if she picks a white or black. Im betting white. Lol.

I hope you know that us liberal whites admit everything you say is true until you start getting defensive. You have to admit if you take any one person living in any hood in America. Seriously are you saying those people are living right? Then those documentaries where inner city kids are talking about the violence they've seen. You said it yourself they have PTSD. And you say they shouldn't get out? People are risking their lives to come to this country. Your people are already here. The black community is what you make of it. And if it sucks but you stay, that's on you

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